Friday, 28 March 2014

Correctional Education Programs are not an effective form of prisoner rehabilitation

You will be required to write one “Term Paper” in the form of a Reaction Paper this semester. Reaction Papers are very similar to an argument Paper, but in addition to arguing for one position or another, you must “respond” to a statement on a particular issue and then argue that position effectively and supported by evidence while also acknowledging and discussing the opposing viewpoint. Please see the corresponding Grading Rubric and document including “how to” tips, along with a sample reaction paper for additional suggestions on how to write a strong paper. These are located for you on Canvas in the “Modules” section of the course site.
You may choose one of the following issues to respond to in your paper:

1. Correctional Education Programs are not an effective form of prisoner rehabilitation.

2. We should discontinue funding Sex Offender Treatment Programs.

3. The Privatization of Prisons is a good move for the American Correctional System.

4. The use of Inmate Re-Entry programs are an effective means of reducing recidivism.

5. As taxpaying citizens, we should not really concern ourselves with the issue of the Aging Prison Population.
• This paper should be a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 7 pages in length.
• You should also include a title page and reference page; these are not to be counted in the length requirement.
• The paper should be typed, double-spaced, and contain 1-inch margins on all sides. Use double spacing.
• You should use a minimum of two scholarly sources to support your reactions. You may utilize more, of course. You may also use your textbook; however, this does not count toward your minimum number of scholarly sources.
o If you have questions about what constitutes a “scholarly” source, please contact me in advance so that you do not lose points for inappropriate or unacceptable sources.
• Papers should be typed in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format only.

Tips on What NOT to do:
• Do not wait too long to start writing. Remember that reading and understanding information about the issue is only the first steps toward putting the paper together.
• Do not write an autobiographical essay. Reaction/response papers are not about how you feel—even how you feel about the issue. They are not simply a venue for you to say whether you like or dislike the issue or topic at hand.
• Do not just summarize the issue. You are supposed to be reacting or responding to them, not simply regurgitating what the issue is about. If there is no analysis involved, then you have not responded; only regurgitated.
• If there are things about the issue you have chosen that you don’t understand, do not try to gloss over them. Try to find out more about what the issue involves. Google the issue; quickly skim other sources. Ask questions of your instructor. If you still cannot make sense of an argument or debate surrounding an issue, then it may be the case that the argument does not in fact make sense. If that’s indeed the case, point it out in your paper.

From what point of view is Poe’s story told

“Girl “

Answer the following questions about this story

- From what point of view is Poe’s story told? Why is this point of view particularly effective for “The Tell-Tale heart”?

- Point to details in the story that identify its speaker as an unreliable narrator.
- What do we know about the old man in the story? What motivates the narrator to kill him?

- In spite lf all his precautions, the narrator does not commit the perfect crime. What trips him up?

- How do you account for the police officers’ chatting calmly with the murderer instead of reacting to the sound that stirs the murderer into a frenzy?

- Is this really a story? Of so, why do you say so?

- Of not a story, what is it?

In your opinion is it the responsibility of the government at the state, federal and national levels or the parents to ensure that children in America receives a good quality education, so they can be productive, instead of counter-productive members of society

EVERY YEAR, CLOSE TO ONE-THIRD OF EIGHTEEN YEAR OLDS do not finish high school. The dropout rates for minority students, students from low-income families, and disabled students are even higher. This is not just a problem affecting certain individuals and schools; it is a community-wide problem that affects everyone. High school dropouts commit about 75 percent of crimes in the United States and are much more likely to be on public assistance than those who complete high school. The cost to the public for these crime and welfare benefits is close to $200 billion annually. Dropouts earn only about 60 percent of what high school graduates earn and only about 40 percent of the income of college degree holders – resulting in about $50 billon dollars in lost state and federal tax revenues each year. Dropouts are much more likely to have health problems than non-dropouts. A 1% increase in high school completion rate would save the United States $1.4 billion annually in health care costs.

Here's the Discussion Question along with the Video:

Discussion Question: In your opinion is it the responsibility of the government at the state, federal and national levels or the parents to ensure that children in America receives a good quality education, so they can be productive, instead of counter-productive members of society? Or should the blame for this colossus failure be shared among the two groups? Why or Why Not?

Note: If the link does not launch right away, please copy the address into an internet browser window.

Monday, 24 March 2014

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009) and its effect on American Indians

Your task is to research federal legislation that has had significant political, economic and/or social impact on Indian communities. You will familiarize yourself with the history and philosophical underpinning of the legislation and be able to articulate implications for tribes, as well as provide insight to lessons learned for future policy development.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009)

5 Primary Sources please - all internet based please

I. Summary: Give a summary of the legislation. Offer a preview of the analysis and insight you intend to explore.
II. Background: Provide a history of the legislation. Trace the evolution of the measure as it goes from idea to bill to law. What was the core issue? Who were the policymakers involved? How were tribes included in the crafting of the bill? When was it passed?
III. Rationale: What is the philosophical underpinning of this legislation? What are the goals and intentions of the policymakers who crafted the bill? What are the expected outcomes?
IV. Results: Discuss the impact that the legislation has/had on individual tribal members, Indian communities and/or Indian government. Include at least 1 example. If there were subsequent amendments, provisions or changes to the initial legislation, discuss them in this section.
V. Implications: Offer your analysis of what is interesting, important, damaging and/or helpful about this legislation. Discuss why you chose this measure as one with profound impact on Indian Country. What lessons can be learned from this situation for future federal Indian policymaking decisions?

prepare advisory note to magager for any firm analysing how the firm creates economic value for one of the product it produces.

prepare advisory note to magager for any firm analysing how the firm creates economic value for one of the product it produces.

Paper instructions:
Prepare advisory note to managers of any chosen context firm analysing how the firm creates economic value for one of the products it produces.
Outline a strategy by which the firm can seek competitive advantage amongst its competitors?

Zimbabwe Country report


Internal Environment analysis
External environment analysis

The main purpose of this exercise is to gain insights into the country to help discover new venture opportunities and to understand entrepreneurial activity in that country. Students will:Assess entrepreneurship in a foreign country. the economy, the culture and the way of life in that country.
As a team, you will identify and analyze information relating specifically to starting a business in this country. Consider how particular factors may explain entrepreneurial activity in this country relative to others and discuss. Explain what the economy is like, discuss the history of the country, per capita analysis, poverty, currency, language, religion, government structure, trade agreements, major imports/exports, etc. Describe what life is like for people living in the country. Draw conclusions about key issues and considerations when starting a business in this country. Explain what problems or concerns you have for people residing in the region. Show various pictures pertaining to your area to give a visual image of the country.

You should also address the following questions:
What are the most unique characteristics of this country relative to entrepreneurship (cultural, political, economic, and business dimensions)?
What can explain entrepreneurial practices and outcomes?
What conclusions can you draw about the environment for entrepreneurship in this country?
How easy/hard is it to start a business in the country?
Success or failure factors for entrepreneurs (obstacles)?
What is the culture like? Customs, norms, values, beliefs, language, per-capita income, unemployment rates?
How does this impact entrepreneurship opportunity?

Provide a brief history on the country.

One of the distinguishing features in the earlier films is the presence of video cameras and their low-resolution images that contrast with film images that seem more stable and permanent

  The goal of the project is to have you research a movie of your choice (cannot be a film shown in class whic...