Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace
Order Description
A two page paper describing a time when you experienced effective communication in a business environment.
Discuss at least three (3) reasons why you perceived the communication to be effective, and explain the resulting impact to the business.
Formatting requirements:
Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format.
Thursday, 5 November 2015
issue of female labor supply
issue of female labor supply
Order Description
Labour Economics 2015/16
Assignment 1
Please answer all questions separately.
Consider the issue of female labour supply.
a. Describe how the neoclassical model can explain the labour supply decision of women.
b. Discuss how welfare programmes, tax credits, and minimum wage regulations, may have an
impact on female labour supply.
c. Discuss trends and evidence for the UK (or for the US). Is there any policy that you would
recommend? Explain.
d. Presentation, referencing and self-assessment* [5%]
e. Please add an introduction and conclusions to your work [10%]
*Please list ONE strength and ONE weakness of your essay. This will be the starting point of the
feedback provided to you on your work.
General instructions about the assignment:
Presentation: Use word-processor or pdf.
Length: Between 4 and 6 A4 pages (i.e. Times New Roman, 11 or similar). Use the layout on this
document as a reference point. Pictures and tables are not included.
Marks’ allocation: as described
Use the question and sub-questions as your guide in deciding what to read. If the reading includes both papers and textbook chapters it is a good idea to read the textbook chapter first, then read the paper(s).
How does one read economics actively? Begin by reading through a paper fairly quickly, to get the general idea, and without taking notes. When you have finished a cursory reading of the text, you should re-read the paper carefully, taking notes, and trying to understand as much as you can. It is good to read a paper (and especially to re-read) with specific questions in mind:
Make sure you have a reference list and that all the relevant papers are included.
Labour Economics 2015/16
Assignment 1
Please answer all questions separately.
Consider the issue of female labour supply.
a. Describe how the neoclassical model can explain the labour supply decision of women. [20%]
b. Discuss how welfare programmes, tax credits, and minimum wage regulations, may have an impact on female labour supply. [30%]
c. Discuss trends and evidence for the UK (or for the US). Is there any policy that you would recommend? Explain. [35%]
d. Presentation, referencing and self-assessment* [5%]
e. Please add an introduction and conclusions to your work [10%]
*Please list ONE strength and ONE weakness of your essay. This will be the starting point of the feedback provided to you on your work.
General instructions about the assignment:
Presentation: Use word-processor or pdf.
Length: Between 4 and 6 A4 pages (i.e. Times New Roman, 11 or similar). Use the layout on this document as a reference point. Pictures and tables are not included.
Marks’ allocation: as described
Handing in you Assignment: Students should ‘post’ their completed coursework into the appropriately marked compartment of the Coursework Cabinet located outside the Student Office on Level 2 of the Murray Building by 3pm on Monday 9 November (week 7).
Please submit also a copy of your work on Blackboard by the same deadline (a link will be provided shortly).
Write your i.d. on your assignment.
NB: This assignment is worth 10% of the total module mark.
Order Description
Labour Economics 2015/16
Assignment 1
Please answer all questions separately.
Consider the issue of female labour supply.
a. Describe how the neoclassical model can explain the labour supply decision of women.
b. Discuss how welfare programmes, tax credits, and minimum wage regulations, may have an
impact on female labour supply.
c. Discuss trends and evidence for the UK (or for the US). Is there any policy that you would
recommend? Explain.
d. Presentation, referencing and self-assessment* [5%]
e. Please add an introduction and conclusions to your work [10%]
*Please list ONE strength and ONE weakness of your essay. This will be the starting point of the
feedback provided to you on your work.
General instructions about the assignment:
Presentation: Use word-processor or pdf.
Length: Between 4 and 6 A4 pages (i.e. Times New Roman, 11 or similar). Use the layout on this
document as a reference point. Pictures and tables are not included.
Marks’ allocation: as described
Use the question and sub-questions as your guide in deciding what to read. If the reading includes both papers and textbook chapters it is a good idea to read the textbook chapter first, then read the paper(s).
How does one read economics actively? Begin by reading through a paper fairly quickly, to get the general idea, and without taking notes. When you have finished a cursory reading of the text, you should re-read the paper carefully, taking notes, and trying to understand as much as you can. It is good to read a paper (and especially to re-read) with specific questions in mind:
Make sure you have a reference list and that all the relevant papers are included.
Labour Economics 2015/16
Assignment 1
Please answer all questions separately.
Consider the issue of female labour supply.
a. Describe how the neoclassical model can explain the labour supply decision of women. [20%]
b. Discuss how welfare programmes, tax credits, and minimum wage regulations, may have an impact on female labour supply. [30%]
c. Discuss trends and evidence for the UK (or for the US). Is there any policy that you would recommend? Explain. [35%]
d. Presentation, referencing and self-assessment* [5%]
e. Please add an introduction and conclusions to your work [10%]
*Please list ONE strength and ONE weakness of your essay. This will be the starting point of the feedback provided to you on your work.
General instructions about the assignment:
Presentation: Use word-processor or pdf.
Length: Between 4 and 6 A4 pages (i.e. Times New Roman, 11 or similar). Use the layout on this document as a reference point. Pictures and tables are not included.
Marks’ allocation: as described
Handing in you Assignment: Students should ‘post’ their completed coursework into the appropriately marked compartment of the Coursework Cabinet located outside the Student Office on Level 2 of the Murray Building by 3pm on Monday 9 November (week 7).
Please submit also a copy of your work on Blackboard by the same deadline (a link will be provided shortly).
Write your i.d. on your assignment.
NB: This assignment is worth 10% of the total module mark.
Write a response paper about "Into the woods(1987)"
Write a response paper about "Into the woods(1987)"
Order Description
Your essay must with following format: Paragraph 1: Introduction and Thesis Statement – This paragraph should tell me what your paper is about, what arguments you’re going to make, and how you’re going to make them. The Introduction must also include: the title of the musical (this need to be underlined or italicized), who wrote the music, who wrote lyrics, who wrote the libretto. Your thesis statement, in which you succinctly map-out your entire argument, should be the last sentence of this paragraph. If your paper is missing a clear thesis statement, then it is impossible for your reader to clearly follow the rest of the paper. Your thesis statement MUST do TWO things: 1) Choose a significant/central theme that you saw in this musical 2) Make a claim about that theme, which you will prove through the duration of your paper. What is this musical saying about that theme? For example, “love” is not a sufficient theme/thesis statement, but a stronger theme/thesis will make a claim that your paper will prove such as “XYZ musical represents that love does /does not conquer all obstacles.”
Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4: These paragraphs must begin with a clear topic sentence that guides the central idea/argument and connects back to the thesis statement. The body of the paragraph should include clear and specific examples that will prove your thesis statement. For each paragraph, choose a specific song, scene or moment that illustrates the theme you have chosen. Be as specific and detailed as possible in your examples to help prove your argument. Use quotes from song lyrics or dialogue to help bolster your argument. **Do not simply retell the plot (your reader already knows the plot). To avoid plot recap, make sure the details and the way you present the details are followed by analysis and always reconnect back to your thesis.
Paragraph 5: Conclusion – In your final paragraph, synthesize, without restating, the argument you have been working on throughout the paper in order to answer the question, “Is this theme still relevant today?” Consider other questions such as why do we care about this musical? Why is it an important part of the history of American Musical Theatre? Ultimately, you must answer the question “Is this theme still relevant today?” and support that claim with specific evidence
Order Description
Your essay must with following format: Paragraph 1: Introduction and Thesis Statement – This paragraph should tell me what your paper is about, what arguments you’re going to make, and how you’re going to make them. The Introduction must also include: the title of the musical (this need to be underlined or italicized), who wrote the music, who wrote lyrics, who wrote the libretto. Your thesis statement, in which you succinctly map-out your entire argument, should be the last sentence of this paragraph. If your paper is missing a clear thesis statement, then it is impossible for your reader to clearly follow the rest of the paper. Your thesis statement MUST do TWO things: 1) Choose a significant/central theme that you saw in this musical 2) Make a claim about that theme, which you will prove through the duration of your paper. What is this musical saying about that theme? For example, “love” is not a sufficient theme/thesis statement, but a stronger theme/thesis will make a claim that your paper will prove such as “XYZ musical represents that love does /does not conquer all obstacles.”
Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4: These paragraphs must begin with a clear topic sentence that guides the central idea/argument and connects back to the thesis statement. The body of the paragraph should include clear and specific examples that will prove your thesis statement. For each paragraph, choose a specific song, scene or moment that illustrates the theme you have chosen. Be as specific and detailed as possible in your examples to help prove your argument. Use quotes from song lyrics or dialogue to help bolster your argument. **Do not simply retell the plot (your reader already knows the plot). To avoid plot recap, make sure the details and the way you present the details are followed by analysis and always reconnect back to your thesis.
Paragraph 5: Conclusion – In your final paragraph, synthesize, without restating, the argument you have been working on throughout the paper in order to answer the question, “Is this theme still relevant today?” Consider other questions such as why do we care about this musical? Why is it an important part of the history of American Musical Theatre? Ultimately, you must answer the question “Is this theme still relevant today?” and support that claim with specific evidence
Order Description
Healthcare organizations accredited by the Joint Commission are required to conduct a root cause analysis (RCA) in response to any sentinel event such as the one described below. Once the cause is identified and a plan of action established, it is useful to conduct a failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to reduce the likelihood that a process would fail. As a member of the healthcare team in the hospital described in this scenario, you have been selected as a member of the team investigating the incident.
It is 3:30 p.m. on a Thursday and Mr. B, a 67-year-old patient, arrives at the six-room emergency department (ED) of a sixty-bed rural hospital. He has been brought to the hospital by his son and neighbor. At this time, Mr. B is moaning and complaining of severe pain to his (L) leg and hip area. He states he lost his balance and fell after tripping over his dog.
Mr. B was admitted to the triage room where his vital signs were B/P 120/80, HR-88 (regular), T-98.6, R-32, and his weight was recorded at 175 pounds. Mr. B. states that he has no known allergies and no previous falls. He states, “My hip area and leg hurt really bad. I have never had anything like this before.” Patient rates pain at ten out of ten on the numerical verbal pain scale. He appears to be in moderate distress. His (L) leg appears shortened with swelling (edema in the calf), ecchymosis, and limited range of motion (ROM). Mr. B’s leg is stabilized and then he is further evaluated and discharged from triage to the emergency department (ED) patient room. He is admitted by Nurse J. The admitting nurse finds that Mr. B has a history of impaired glucose tolerance and prostate cancer. At Mr. B’s last visit with his primary care physician, laboratory data revealed elevated cholesterol and lipids. Mr. B’s current medications are atorvastatin and oxycodone for chronic back pain. After the nurse completes Mr. B’s assessment, Nurse J informs the ED physician of admission findings and the ED physician proceeds to examine Mr. B.
Staffing on this day consists of two nurses (one RN and one LPN), one secretary, and one emergency department physician. Respiratory therapy is in-house and available as needed. At the time of Mr. B’s arrival, the ED staff is caring for two other patients. One patient is a 43-year-old female complaining of a throbbing headache. The patient rates current pain at four out of ten on numerical verbal pain scale. The patient states that she has a history of migraines. She received treatment, remains stable, and discharge is pending. The second patient is an eight-year-old boy being evaluated for possible appendicitis. Laboratory results are pending for this patient. Both of these patients were examined, evaluated, and cared for by the ED physician and are awaiting further treatment or orders.
After evaluation of Mr. B, Dr. T, the ED physician, writes the order for Nurse J to administer diazepam 5 mg IVP to Mr. B. The medication diazepam is administered IVP at 4:05 p.m. After five minutes, the diazepam appears to have had no effect on Mr. B, and Dr. T instructs Nurse J to administer hydromorphone 2 mg IVP. The medication (hydromorphone) is administered IVP at 4:15 p.m. After five minutes, Dr. T is still not satisfied with the level of sedation Mr. B has achieved and instructs Nurse J to administer another 2 mg of hydromorphone IVP and an additional 5 mg of diazepam IVP. The physician’s goal is for the patient to achieve skeletal muscle relaxation from the diazepam, which will aid in the manual manipulation, relocation, and alignment of Mr. B’s hip. The hydromorphone IVP was administered to achieve pain control and sedation. After reviewing the patient’s medical history, Dr. T notes that the patient’s weight and current regular use of oxycodone appear to be making it more difficult to sedate Mr. B.
Finally at 4:25, the patient appears to be sedated and the successful reduction of his (L) hip takes place. The patient appears to have tolerated the procedure and remains sedated. He is not currently on any supplemental oxygen. The procedure concludes at 4:30 p.m. and Mr. B is resting without indications of discomfort and distress. At this time, the ED receives an emergency dispatch call alerting the emergency department that the emergency rescue unit paramedics are en route with a 75-year-old patient in acute respiratory distress. Nurse J places Mr. B on an automatic blood pressure machine programmed to monitor his B/P every five minutes and a pulse oximeter. At this time Nurse J leaves his room. The nurse allows Mr. B’s son to sit with him as he is being monitored via the blood pressure monitor. At 4:35, Mr. B’s B/P is 110/62 and his O2 sat is 92%. He remains without supplemental oxygen and his ECG and respirations are not monitored.
Nurse J and the LPN on duty have received the emergency transport patient. They are also in the process of discharging the other two patients. Meanwhile, the ED lobby has become congested with new incoming patients. At this time, Mr. B’s O2 saturation alarm is heard and shows “low O2 saturation” (currently showing a sat of 85%). The LPN enters Mr. B’s room briefly and resets the alarm and repeats the B/P reading.
Nurse J is now fully engaged with the emergency care of the respiratory distress patient, which includes assessments, evaluation, and the ordering respiratory treatments, CXR, labs, etc.
At 4:43, Mr. B’s son comes out of the room and informs the nurse that the “monitor is alarming.” When Nurse J enters the room, the blood pressure machine shows Mr. B’s B/P reading is 58/30 and the O2 sat is 79%. The patient is not breathing and no palpable pulse can be detected.
A STAT CODE is called and the son is escorted to the waiting room. The code team arrives and begins resuscitative efforts. When connected to the cardiac monitor, Mr. B is found to be in ventricular fibrillation. CPR begins immediately by the RN, and Mr. B is intubated. He is defibrillated and reversal agents, IV fluids, and vasopressors are administered. After 30 minutes of interventions, the ECG returns to a normal sinus rhythm with a pulse and a B/P of 110/70. The patient is not breathing on his own and is fully dependent on the ventilator. The patient’s pupils are fixed and dilated. He has no spontaneous movements and does not respond to noxious stimuli. Air transport is called and, upon the family’s wishes, the patient is transferred to a tertiary facility for advanced care.
Seven days later, the receiving hospital informed the rural hospital that EEG’s had determined brain death in Mr. B. The family had requested life-support be removed, and Mr. B subsequently died.
Additional information: The hospital where Mr. B. was originally seen and treated had a moderate sedation/analgesia (“conscious sedation”) policy that requires that the patient remains on continuous B/P, ECG, and pulse oximeter throughout the procedure and until the patient meets specific discharge criteria (i.e., fully awake, VSS, no N/V, and able to void). All practitioners who perform moderate sedation must first successfully complete the hospital’s moderate sedation training module. The training module includes drug selection as well as acceptable dose ranges. Additional (backup) staff was available on the day of the incident. Nurse J had completed the moderate sedation module. Nurse J had current ACLS certification and was an experienced critical care nurse. Nurse J’s prior annual clinical evaluations by the manager demonstrated that the nurse was “meeting requirements.” Nurse J did not have a history of negligent patient care. Sufficient equipment was available and in working order in the ED on this day.
A. Complete a root cause analysis (RCA) that takes into consideration causative factors, errors, and/or hazards that led to the sentinel event (this patient’s outcome).
B. Discuss a process improvement plan that would decrease the likelihood of a reoccurrence of the outcome of the scenario.
1. Discuss a change theory that could be used to implement the process improvement plan developed in B.
C. Use a failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to project the likelihood that the process improvement plan you suggest would not fail.
1. Identify the members of the interdisciplinary team who will be included in the FMEA.
2. Discuss steps for preparing for the FMEA.
3. Apply the three steps of the FMEA (severity, occurrence, and detection) to the process improvement plan created in part B.
4. Explain how you would test the interventions from the process improvement plan from part B to improve care in a similar situation.
Note:You are not expected to carry out the full FMEA, but you should explain each step, and how you would apply it to your process improvement plan.
D. Discuss how the professional nurse may function as a leader in promoting quality care and influencing quality improvement activities.
E. When you use sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, provide acknowledgement of source information for any content that is quoted, paraphrased or summarized. Acknowledgement of source information includes in-text citation noting specifically where in the submission the source is used and a corresponding reference, which includes:
• Author
• Date
• Title
• Location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, or website URL)
Order Description
Healthcare organizations accredited by the Joint Commission are required to conduct a root cause analysis (RCA) in response to any sentinel event such as the one described below. Once the cause is identified and a plan of action established, it is useful to conduct a failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to reduce the likelihood that a process would fail. As a member of the healthcare team in the hospital described in this scenario, you have been selected as a member of the team investigating the incident.
It is 3:30 p.m. on a Thursday and Mr. B, a 67-year-old patient, arrives at the six-room emergency department (ED) of a sixty-bed rural hospital. He has been brought to the hospital by his son and neighbor. At this time, Mr. B is moaning and complaining of severe pain to his (L) leg and hip area. He states he lost his balance and fell after tripping over his dog.
Mr. B was admitted to the triage room where his vital signs were B/P 120/80, HR-88 (regular), T-98.6, R-32, and his weight was recorded at 175 pounds. Mr. B. states that he has no known allergies and no previous falls. He states, “My hip area and leg hurt really bad. I have never had anything like this before.” Patient rates pain at ten out of ten on the numerical verbal pain scale. He appears to be in moderate distress. His (L) leg appears shortened with swelling (edema in the calf), ecchymosis, and limited range of motion (ROM). Mr. B’s leg is stabilized and then he is further evaluated and discharged from triage to the emergency department (ED) patient room. He is admitted by Nurse J. The admitting nurse finds that Mr. B has a history of impaired glucose tolerance and prostate cancer. At Mr. B’s last visit with his primary care physician, laboratory data revealed elevated cholesterol and lipids. Mr. B’s current medications are atorvastatin and oxycodone for chronic back pain. After the nurse completes Mr. B’s assessment, Nurse J informs the ED physician of admission findings and the ED physician proceeds to examine Mr. B.
Staffing on this day consists of two nurses (one RN and one LPN), one secretary, and one emergency department physician. Respiratory therapy is in-house and available as needed. At the time of Mr. B’s arrival, the ED staff is caring for two other patients. One patient is a 43-year-old female complaining of a throbbing headache. The patient rates current pain at four out of ten on numerical verbal pain scale. The patient states that she has a history of migraines. She received treatment, remains stable, and discharge is pending. The second patient is an eight-year-old boy being evaluated for possible appendicitis. Laboratory results are pending for this patient. Both of these patients were examined, evaluated, and cared for by the ED physician and are awaiting further treatment or orders.
After evaluation of Mr. B, Dr. T, the ED physician, writes the order for Nurse J to administer diazepam 5 mg IVP to Mr. B. The medication diazepam is administered IVP at 4:05 p.m. After five minutes, the diazepam appears to have had no effect on Mr. B, and Dr. T instructs Nurse J to administer hydromorphone 2 mg IVP. The medication (hydromorphone) is administered IVP at 4:15 p.m. After five minutes, Dr. T is still not satisfied with the level of sedation Mr. B has achieved and instructs Nurse J to administer another 2 mg of hydromorphone IVP and an additional 5 mg of diazepam IVP. The physician’s goal is for the patient to achieve skeletal muscle relaxation from the diazepam, which will aid in the manual manipulation, relocation, and alignment of Mr. B’s hip. The hydromorphone IVP was administered to achieve pain control and sedation. After reviewing the patient’s medical history, Dr. T notes that the patient’s weight and current regular use of oxycodone appear to be making it more difficult to sedate Mr. B.
Finally at 4:25, the patient appears to be sedated and the successful reduction of his (L) hip takes place. The patient appears to have tolerated the procedure and remains sedated. He is not currently on any supplemental oxygen. The procedure concludes at 4:30 p.m. and Mr. B is resting without indications of discomfort and distress. At this time, the ED receives an emergency dispatch call alerting the emergency department that the emergency rescue unit paramedics are en route with a 75-year-old patient in acute respiratory distress. Nurse J places Mr. B on an automatic blood pressure machine programmed to monitor his B/P every five minutes and a pulse oximeter. At this time Nurse J leaves his room. The nurse allows Mr. B’s son to sit with him as he is being monitored via the blood pressure monitor. At 4:35, Mr. B’s B/P is 110/62 and his O2 sat is 92%. He remains without supplemental oxygen and his ECG and respirations are not monitored.
Nurse J and the LPN on duty have received the emergency transport patient. They are also in the process of discharging the other two patients. Meanwhile, the ED lobby has become congested with new incoming patients. At this time, Mr. B’s O2 saturation alarm is heard and shows “low O2 saturation” (currently showing a sat of 85%). The LPN enters Mr. B’s room briefly and resets the alarm and repeats the B/P reading.
Nurse J is now fully engaged with the emergency care of the respiratory distress patient, which includes assessments, evaluation, and the ordering respiratory treatments, CXR, labs, etc.
At 4:43, Mr. B’s son comes out of the room and informs the nurse that the “monitor is alarming.” When Nurse J enters the room, the blood pressure machine shows Mr. B’s B/P reading is 58/30 and the O2 sat is 79%. The patient is not breathing and no palpable pulse can be detected.
A STAT CODE is called and the son is escorted to the waiting room. The code team arrives and begins resuscitative efforts. When connected to the cardiac monitor, Mr. B is found to be in ventricular fibrillation. CPR begins immediately by the RN, and Mr. B is intubated. He is defibrillated and reversal agents, IV fluids, and vasopressors are administered. After 30 minutes of interventions, the ECG returns to a normal sinus rhythm with a pulse and a B/P of 110/70. The patient is not breathing on his own and is fully dependent on the ventilator. The patient’s pupils are fixed and dilated. He has no spontaneous movements and does not respond to noxious stimuli. Air transport is called and, upon the family’s wishes, the patient is transferred to a tertiary facility for advanced care.
Seven days later, the receiving hospital informed the rural hospital that EEG’s had determined brain death in Mr. B. The family had requested life-support be removed, and Mr. B subsequently died.
Additional information: The hospital where Mr. B. was originally seen and treated had a moderate sedation/analgesia (“conscious sedation”) policy that requires that the patient remains on continuous B/P, ECG, and pulse oximeter throughout the procedure and until the patient meets specific discharge criteria (i.e., fully awake, VSS, no N/V, and able to void). All practitioners who perform moderate sedation must first successfully complete the hospital’s moderate sedation training module. The training module includes drug selection as well as acceptable dose ranges. Additional (backup) staff was available on the day of the incident. Nurse J had completed the moderate sedation module. Nurse J had current ACLS certification and was an experienced critical care nurse. Nurse J’s prior annual clinical evaluations by the manager demonstrated that the nurse was “meeting requirements.” Nurse J did not have a history of negligent patient care. Sufficient equipment was available and in working order in the ED on this day.
A. Complete a root cause analysis (RCA) that takes into consideration causative factors, errors, and/or hazards that led to the sentinel event (this patient’s outcome).
B. Discuss a process improvement plan that would decrease the likelihood of a reoccurrence of the outcome of the scenario.
1. Discuss a change theory that could be used to implement the process improvement plan developed in B.
C. Use a failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to project the likelihood that the process improvement plan you suggest would not fail.
1. Identify the members of the interdisciplinary team who will be included in the FMEA.
2. Discuss steps for preparing for the FMEA.
3. Apply the three steps of the FMEA (severity, occurrence, and detection) to the process improvement plan created in part B.
4. Explain how you would test the interventions from the process improvement plan from part B to improve care in a similar situation.
Note:You are not expected to carry out the full FMEA, but you should explain each step, and how you would apply it to your process improvement plan.
D. Discuss how the professional nurse may function as a leader in promoting quality care and influencing quality improvement activities.
E. When you use sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, provide acknowledgement of source information for any content that is quoted, paraphrased or summarized. Acknowledgement of source information includes in-text citation noting specifically where in the submission the source is used and a corresponding reference, which includes:
• Author
• Date
• Title
• Location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, or website URL)
Quality-Management Viewpoint
Quality-Management Viewpoint
Order Description
Write a 350- to 700-word paper summarizing the basics of that viewpoint including highlighting at least one of the key figures related to that viewpoint
View Point Paper
Behavioral Viewpoint: Behaviorism, Human Relations, & Behavioral Science To understand how people are motivated to achieve, what can I learn from the behavioral viewpoint? THE BIG PICTURE The second of the three historical management perspectives was the behavioral viewpoint, which emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement. The behavioral viewpoint developed over three phases: (1) Early behaviorism was pioneered by Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, and Elton Mayo. (2) The human relations movement was pioneered by Abraham Maslow (who proposed a hierarchy of needs) and Douglas McGregor (who proposed a Theory X and Theory Y view to explain managers? attitudes toward workers). (3) The behavioral science approach relied on scientific research for developing theories about behavior useful to managers.
The behavioral viewpoint emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement. The behavioral viewpoint developed over three phases: (1) early behaviorism, (2) the human relations movement, and (3) behavioral science.
Early Behaviorism: Pioneered by Munsterberg, Follett, & Mayo
The three people who pioneered behavioral theory were Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, and Elton Mayo.
Hugo Munsterberg & the First Application of Psychology to Industry Called ?the father of industrial psychology,? German-born Hugo Munsterberg had a PhD in psychology and a medical degree and joined the faculty at Harvard University in 1892. Munsterberg suggested that psychologists could contribute to industry in three ways. They could:
1. Study jobs and determine which people are best suited to specific jobs.
2. Identify the psychological conditions under which employees do their best work.
3. Devise management strategies to influence employees to follow management?s interests.
Why Munsterberg Is Important: His ideas led to the field of industrial psychology, the study of human behavior in workplaces, which is still taught in colleges today.
Mary Parker Follett & Power Sharing among Employees & Managers A Massachusetts social worker and social philosopher, Mary Parker Follett was lauded on her death in 1933 as ?one of the most important women America has yet produced in the fields of civics and sociology.? Instead of following the usual hierarchical arrangement of managers as order givers and employees as order takers, Follett thought organizations should become more democratic, with managers and employees working cooperatively.
Page 50The following ideas were among her most important:
1. Organizations should be operated as ?communities,? with managers and subordinates working together in harmony.
2. Conflicts should be resolved by having managers and workers talk over differences and find solutions that would satisfy both parties?a process she called integration.
3. The work process should be under the control of workers with the relevant knowledge, rather than of managers, who should act as facilitators.
Why Follett Is Important: With these and other ideas, Follett anticipated some of today?s concepts of ?self-managed teams,? ?worker empowerment,? and ?interdepartmental teams??that is, members of different departments working together on joint projects.
Elton Mayo & the Supposed ?Hawthorne Effect? Do you think workers would be more productive if they thought they were receiving special attention? This was the conclusion drawn by a Harvard research group in the late 1920s. Conducted by Elton Mayo and his associates at Western Electric?s Hawthorne (Chicago) plant, what came to be called the Hawthorne studies began with an investigation into whether workplace lighting level affected worker productivity. (This was the type of study that Taylor or the Gilbreths might have done.) In later experiments, other variables were altered, such as wage levels, rest periods, and length of workday. Worker performance varied but tended to increase over time, leading Mayo and his colleagues to hypothesize what came to be known as the Hawthorne effect?namely, that employees worked harder if they received added attention, if they thought that managers cared about their welfare and that supervisors paid special attention to them. However, later investigators found flaws in the studies, such as variations in ventilation and lighting or inadequate follow-through, that were overlooked by the original researchers. Critics also point out that it?s doubtful that workers improved their productivity merely on the basis of receiving more attention rather than because of a particular instructional method or social innovation.15 Why the Hawthorne Studies Are Important: Ultimately, the Hawthorne studies were faulted for being poorly designed and not having enough empirical data to support the conclusions. Nevertheless, they succeeded in drawing attention to the importance of ?social man? (social beings) and how managers using good human relations could improve worker productivity. This in turn led to the so-called human relations movement in the 1950s and 1960s.
Order Description
Write a 350- to 700-word paper summarizing the basics of that viewpoint including highlighting at least one of the key figures related to that viewpoint
View Point Paper
Behavioral Viewpoint: Behaviorism, Human Relations, & Behavioral Science To understand how people are motivated to achieve, what can I learn from the behavioral viewpoint? THE BIG PICTURE The second of the three historical management perspectives was the behavioral viewpoint, which emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement. The behavioral viewpoint developed over three phases: (1) Early behaviorism was pioneered by Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, and Elton Mayo. (2) The human relations movement was pioneered by Abraham Maslow (who proposed a hierarchy of needs) and Douglas McGregor (who proposed a Theory X and Theory Y view to explain managers? attitudes toward workers). (3) The behavioral science approach relied on scientific research for developing theories about behavior useful to managers.
The behavioral viewpoint emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement. The behavioral viewpoint developed over three phases: (1) early behaviorism, (2) the human relations movement, and (3) behavioral science.
Early Behaviorism: Pioneered by Munsterberg, Follett, & Mayo
The three people who pioneered behavioral theory were Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, and Elton Mayo.
Hugo Munsterberg & the First Application of Psychology to Industry Called ?the father of industrial psychology,? German-born Hugo Munsterberg had a PhD in psychology and a medical degree and joined the faculty at Harvard University in 1892. Munsterberg suggested that psychologists could contribute to industry in three ways. They could:
1. Study jobs and determine which people are best suited to specific jobs.
2. Identify the psychological conditions under which employees do their best work.
3. Devise management strategies to influence employees to follow management?s interests.
Why Munsterberg Is Important: His ideas led to the field of industrial psychology, the study of human behavior in workplaces, which is still taught in colleges today.
Mary Parker Follett & Power Sharing among Employees & Managers A Massachusetts social worker and social philosopher, Mary Parker Follett was lauded on her death in 1933 as ?one of the most important women America has yet produced in the fields of civics and sociology.? Instead of following the usual hierarchical arrangement of managers as order givers and employees as order takers, Follett thought organizations should become more democratic, with managers and employees working cooperatively.
Page 50The following ideas were among her most important:
1. Organizations should be operated as ?communities,? with managers and subordinates working together in harmony.
2. Conflicts should be resolved by having managers and workers talk over differences and find solutions that would satisfy both parties?a process she called integration.
3. The work process should be under the control of workers with the relevant knowledge, rather than of managers, who should act as facilitators.
Why Follett Is Important: With these and other ideas, Follett anticipated some of today?s concepts of ?self-managed teams,? ?worker empowerment,? and ?interdepartmental teams??that is, members of different departments working together on joint projects.
Elton Mayo & the Supposed ?Hawthorne Effect? Do you think workers would be more productive if they thought they were receiving special attention? This was the conclusion drawn by a Harvard research group in the late 1920s. Conducted by Elton Mayo and his associates at Western Electric?s Hawthorne (Chicago) plant, what came to be called the Hawthorne studies began with an investigation into whether workplace lighting level affected worker productivity. (This was the type of study that Taylor or the Gilbreths might have done.) In later experiments, other variables were altered, such as wage levels, rest periods, and length of workday. Worker performance varied but tended to increase over time, leading Mayo and his colleagues to hypothesize what came to be known as the Hawthorne effect?namely, that employees worked harder if they received added attention, if they thought that managers cared about their welfare and that supervisors paid special attention to them. However, later investigators found flaws in the studies, such as variations in ventilation and lighting or inadequate follow-through, that were overlooked by the original researchers. Critics also point out that it?s doubtful that workers improved their productivity merely on the basis of receiving more attention rather than because of a particular instructional method or social innovation.15 Why the Hawthorne Studies Are Important: Ultimately, the Hawthorne studies were faulted for being poorly designed and not having enough empirical data to support the conclusions. Nevertheless, they succeeded in drawing attention to the importance of ?social man? (social beings) and how managers using good human relations could improve worker productivity. This in turn led to the so-called human relations movement in the 1950s and 1960s.
Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management
Order Description
1. How would you oversee the design (or redesign) of a benefits program in a large organization?
2. What issues would you consider?
(1 page minimum)
(1 source from a peer reviewed journal)
Order Description
1. How would you oversee the design (or redesign) of a benefits program in a large organization?
2. What issues would you consider?
(1 page minimum)
(1 source from a peer reviewed journal)
Principle of Supervision
Principle of Supervision
Order Description
Part 1 (1 page)
You are Bob Felker, the area supervisor in the chapter's You Make the Call.
1. Using your imagination and motivation theories, recommend three ideas that Bob can use to make the associates or Sandwich Artists a little bit better.
2. How does commitment to being the best ?Sandwich Artist?? influence employee performance?
3. Would you like to work for the owner Mark and Jake? Why? Why not?
Part 2 (1 page):
Why do perceptions of employees vary?
Identify two or three factors that might account for the differences.
What three tips would you give to managers?
Order Description
Part 1 (1 page)
You are Bob Felker, the area supervisor in the chapter's You Make the Call.
1. Using your imagination and motivation theories, recommend three ideas that Bob can use to make the associates or Sandwich Artists a little bit better.
2. How does commitment to being the best ?Sandwich Artist?? influence employee performance?
3. Would you like to work for the owner Mark and Jake? Why? Why not?
Part 2 (1 page):
Why do perceptions of employees vary?
Identify two or three factors that might account for the differences.
What three tips would you give to managers?
Curriculum Based Assessment
Curriculum Based Assessment
Order Description
Authentic Assessment Curriculum Based Assessment (150 total points)
Students will develop and describe Curriculum Based assessments. These are all student-centered and developed for the individual student in order to link the IEP to daily instruction targeting individual needs. Authentic assessments allow for frequent individual monitoring for progress to determine needs for instruction. Utilizing the collaborative approach to determine assessment needs increases parent, teacher and student participation in the assessment process.
Select primary area of “focus” to assess with the focus student social skills; behavioral concerns– other areas may be addressed as necessary. The assessments are worth 50 points each for a total of 150 points.
Develop and Administer
1) Curriculum Based
The student will submit the assessment developed and results of the selected authentic assessments with a brief (one to two paragraph) analysis of each assessment administered to the “Administered Assessments” module. (50 points each). Assignments that are missing the summary/analysis are subject to loss of points.
Order Description
Authentic Assessment Curriculum Based Assessment (150 total points)
Students will develop and describe Curriculum Based assessments. These are all student-centered and developed for the individual student in order to link the IEP to daily instruction targeting individual needs. Authentic assessments allow for frequent individual monitoring for progress to determine needs for instruction. Utilizing the collaborative approach to determine assessment needs increases parent, teacher and student participation in the assessment process.
Select primary area of “focus” to assess with the focus student social skills; behavioral concerns– other areas may be addressed as necessary. The assessments are worth 50 points each for a total of 150 points.
Develop and Administer
1) Curriculum Based
The student will submit the assessment developed and results of the selected authentic assessments with a brief (one to two paragraph) analysis of each assessment administered to the “Administered Assessments” module. (50 points each). Assignments that are missing the summary/analysis are subject to loss of points.
Animal Luxury Resort
Animal Luxury Resort
Paper details:
The project in hand is a solution-based project that requires you as a group to be involved
in organizational activities in order to come up with a genuine business idea that will solve
customers’ needs. As a group, you are supposed to use the knowledge and the concepts
gained throughout the course as well as adding your previous understanding of other
fields such as HRM, Marketing, Finance, and Operational Management. The
recommendations and solutions should be feasible and realistic. They should be built
upon factual data from the industry, the general environment and other sources (journal
databases, Internet sources, stock exchange commission, etc.) Recommendations and
Solutions derived from the group should be provided with a solid implementation plan.
) Deliverable One: (up to 2250 words)
1. Description of your project plan, tasks involved in the project, distribution of roles
and deliverables among your team members, and expected outcome.
2. Synopsis of the company which needs to include: 1) Name and the brand of the
company, 2) general business overview of the company, 3) vision and mission
statement, 4) Products and Services, 5) Stakeholders, 6) identification of the
industry and market and customers (who, what, and how), and 7) future goals.
Business Idea
3. Based on the situation analysis of their company, students will be able to find the
business idea they want to explore. The business idea should take into
consideration all business processes such as Marketing Plan, Human Resource
Management Plan, Operational Plan and Financial Plan.
Environmental Analysis
External Environment Analysis
4. Analyze the external environment of the selected industry, and market/segment
based on chapter two of your text book 1
. The analysis will use scanning,
monitoring, forecasting, and assessing. This to include the following:
4.1Description and analysis of the opportunities and threats in the industry in
general and to your company in particular: Market size and Trends; Market
profitability; Segmentation and Target Customer Profile; and Online markets.
4.2Description and analysis of the general environment with its most 3 influential
components (out of the 7 components).
4.3 Description and analysis of the industry environment using the five forces
model of competition. Here you need to address all the components of the five
1 Volberda, H. W; Morgan, R. E; Reinmoeller, P.; Hitt, M. A.; Ireland, R. D. and Hoskisson, R. E. 2011. Strategic
Management – Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts and Cases. Cengage Learning EMEA; pp.47-92
5 AUM Academic Projects Academic Year: 2015-2016
4.4Description and analysis of the competitor environment. Here you need to
compare your company with one other company in the same industry/market.
Internal Environment Analysis
5. Describe the internal environment of the selected industry, and market/segment
based on chapter three of your text book2
5.1Description and analysis of the resources of the company.
5.2Description and analysis of the capabilities of the company.
5.3Use the “four criteria of sustainable competitive advantage” to identify, define,
and analyze the core competencies of your company.
5.4Use the “value chain analysis” to identify, define, and analyze the core
competencies of your company.
5.5Based on your analysis of items 5.1 – 5.4: Develop a table to summarize the
1) list the strengths of your company, 2) the weaknesses of your company, 3)
identify whether your company lack any resources, capabilities, or
competencies required for the company competitive advantage; and 4) what
are the actions to be done in order to address the deficiencies of item 5.5.3, if
5.6Preliminary identification and definition of competitive advantage of the
company. (Note that this question will be revised after identifying the business
B) Deliverable Two - Individual: (up to 2000 words)
Business-Level Strategy
6. Here, your team needs to show the analysis leading to the formulation of a
business strategy for your company, and defining such business strategy as based
on mainly chapter five of your textbook3
6.1Select a business-level strategy(s) for your company (refer to figure 5.1 of your
textbook, page 173). You need to prove your choice of the business-level
strategy relative to each competitive force in Porter’s five forces model and
how this strategy is implemented to achieve above average returns.
2 Volberda, H. W; Morgan, R. E; Reinmoeller, P.; Hitt, M. A.; Ireland, R. D. and Hoskisson, R. E. 2011. Strategic
Management – Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts and Cases. Cengage Learning EMEA; pp.93-130
3 Volberda, H. W; Morgan, R. E; Reinmoeller, P.; Hitt, M. A.; Ireland, R. D. and Hoskisson, R. E. 2011. Strategic
Management – Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts and Cases. Cengage Learning EMEA; pp.164-201
6 AUM Academic Projects Academic Year: 2015-2016
6.2Mention the competitive risks associated with selected business strategy.
Corporate-Level Strategy
7. Here, your team needs to show the analysis leading to the formulation of a
corporate strategy in terms of product/service diversification in your company, and
defining such a corporate strategy as based on chapters seven, eight and nine of
your textbook (mainly chapter 7) 4
7.1Analyze and identify the level of diversification of the company (refer to figure
7.1 page 243). You need to elaborate on the description of your diversification
7.2Discuss and identify the reasons for diversification by the company (refer to
table 7.1 page 245).
C) Deliverable Three: Recommendations, Solutions,
Implementation and Final Report (up to 5500 words)
8. Here, your team needs to develop sound implementation plan to the business idea.
For this purpose, students are expected to depart from the analyses made in
previous deliverables. For instance: “we recommend a merger or acquisition
activity for the company in Kuwait or globally.”
8.1Propose a detailed implementation plan of the recommendations and solutions.
The implementation plan needs to address the following business processes
of the target company:
8.2.1. Marketing Plan: situation analysis; opportunities analysis; targeting and
positioning process; marketing strategy for products and services; pricing;
distribution; promotional mix; marketing budget.
8.2.2. Human Resource Management: Organizational Structure; Job analysis;
Recruitment plan; Training and Development; Selection; Performance
management and compensation.
8.2.3. Operational Plan: Resources and production (material sourcing and
suppliers, facilities and equipment, operations.
8.2.4. Financial Plan: Financial statements; Financial analysis
Note: The emphasis in the implementation process should focus on the business process
related to the problem stated. However, all the other plans have to be submitted.
4 Volberda, H. W; Morgan, R. E; Reinmoeller, P.; Hitt, M. A.; Ireland, R. D. and Hoskisson, R. E. 2011. Strategic
Management – Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts and Cases. Cengage Learning EMEA; pp.239-275
7 AUM Academic Projects Academic Year: 2015-2016
Final Report
The final report should include the following elements:
1. Cover sheet
2. Table of contents
3. List of figures and tables
4. Executive summary
5. Business Idea and Company Synopsis
6. Environmental Analysis: External and Internal
7. Business-level and Corporate-level Strategies
8. Recommendations and Solutions
9. Implementation Plan
Paper details:
The project in hand is a solution-based project that requires you as a group to be involved
in organizational activities in order to come up with a genuine business idea that will solve
customers’ needs. As a group, you are supposed to use the knowledge and the concepts
gained throughout the course as well as adding your previous understanding of other
fields such as HRM, Marketing, Finance, and Operational Management. The
recommendations and solutions should be feasible and realistic. They should be built
upon factual data from the industry, the general environment and other sources (journal
databases, Internet sources, stock exchange commission, etc.) Recommendations and
Solutions derived from the group should be provided with a solid implementation plan.
) Deliverable One: (up to 2250 words)
1. Description of your project plan, tasks involved in the project, distribution of roles
and deliverables among your team members, and expected outcome.
2. Synopsis of the company which needs to include: 1) Name and the brand of the
company, 2) general business overview of the company, 3) vision and mission
statement, 4) Products and Services, 5) Stakeholders, 6) identification of the
industry and market and customers (who, what, and how), and 7) future goals.
Business Idea
3. Based on the situation analysis of their company, students will be able to find the
business idea they want to explore. The business idea should take into
consideration all business processes such as Marketing Plan, Human Resource
Management Plan, Operational Plan and Financial Plan.
Environmental Analysis
External Environment Analysis
4. Analyze the external environment of the selected industry, and market/segment
based on chapter two of your text book 1
. The analysis will use scanning,
monitoring, forecasting, and assessing. This to include the following:
4.1Description and analysis of the opportunities and threats in the industry in
general and to your company in particular: Market size and Trends; Market
profitability; Segmentation and Target Customer Profile; and Online markets.
4.2Description and analysis of the general environment with its most 3 influential
components (out of the 7 components).
4.3 Description and analysis of the industry environment using the five forces
model of competition. Here you need to address all the components of the five
1 Volberda, H. W; Morgan, R. E; Reinmoeller, P.; Hitt, M. A.; Ireland, R. D. and Hoskisson, R. E. 2011. Strategic
Management – Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts and Cases. Cengage Learning EMEA; pp.47-92
5 AUM Academic Projects Academic Year: 2015-2016
4.4Description and analysis of the competitor environment. Here you need to
compare your company with one other company in the same industry/market.
Internal Environment Analysis
5. Describe the internal environment of the selected industry, and market/segment
based on chapter three of your text book2
5.1Description and analysis of the resources of the company.
5.2Description and analysis of the capabilities of the company.
5.3Use the “four criteria of sustainable competitive advantage” to identify, define,
and analyze the core competencies of your company.
5.4Use the “value chain analysis” to identify, define, and analyze the core
competencies of your company.
5.5Based on your analysis of items 5.1 – 5.4: Develop a table to summarize the
1) list the strengths of your company, 2) the weaknesses of your company, 3)
identify whether your company lack any resources, capabilities, or
competencies required for the company competitive advantage; and 4) what
are the actions to be done in order to address the deficiencies of item 5.5.3, if
5.6Preliminary identification and definition of competitive advantage of the
company. (Note that this question will be revised after identifying the business
B) Deliverable Two - Individual: (up to 2000 words)
Business-Level Strategy
6. Here, your team needs to show the analysis leading to the formulation of a
business strategy for your company, and defining such business strategy as based
on mainly chapter five of your textbook3
6.1Select a business-level strategy(s) for your company (refer to figure 5.1 of your
textbook, page 173). You need to prove your choice of the business-level
strategy relative to each competitive force in Porter’s five forces model and
how this strategy is implemented to achieve above average returns.
2 Volberda, H. W; Morgan, R. E; Reinmoeller, P.; Hitt, M. A.; Ireland, R. D. and Hoskisson, R. E. 2011. Strategic
Management – Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts and Cases. Cengage Learning EMEA; pp.93-130
3 Volberda, H. W; Morgan, R. E; Reinmoeller, P.; Hitt, M. A.; Ireland, R. D. and Hoskisson, R. E. 2011. Strategic
Management – Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts and Cases. Cengage Learning EMEA; pp.164-201
6 AUM Academic Projects Academic Year: 2015-2016
6.2Mention the competitive risks associated with selected business strategy.
Corporate-Level Strategy
7. Here, your team needs to show the analysis leading to the formulation of a
corporate strategy in terms of product/service diversification in your company, and
defining such a corporate strategy as based on chapters seven, eight and nine of
your textbook (mainly chapter 7) 4
7.1Analyze and identify the level of diversification of the company (refer to figure
7.1 page 243). You need to elaborate on the description of your diversification
7.2Discuss and identify the reasons for diversification by the company (refer to
table 7.1 page 245).
C) Deliverable Three: Recommendations, Solutions,
Implementation and Final Report (up to 5500 words)
8. Here, your team needs to develop sound implementation plan to the business idea.
For this purpose, students are expected to depart from the analyses made in
previous deliverables. For instance: “we recommend a merger or acquisition
activity for the company in Kuwait or globally.”
8.1Propose a detailed implementation plan of the recommendations and solutions.
The implementation plan needs to address the following business processes
of the target company:
8.2.1. Marketing Plan: situation analysis; opportunities analysis; targeting and
positioning process; marketing strategy for products and services; pricing;
distribution; promotional mix; marketing budget.
8.2.2. Human Resource Management: Organizational Structure; Job analysis;
Recruitment plan; Training and Development; Selection; Performance
management and compensation.
8.2.3. Operational Plan: Resources and production (material sourcing and
suppliers, facilities and equipment, operations.
8.2.4. Financial Plan: Financial statements; Financial analysis
Note: The emphasis in the implementation process should focus on the business process
related to the problem stated. However, all the other plans have to be submitted.
4 Volberda, H. W; Morgan, R. E; Reinmoeller, P.; Hitt, M. A.; Ireland, R. D. and Hoskisson, R. E. 2011. Strategic
Management – Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts and Cases. Cengage Learning EMEA; pp.239-275
7 AUM Academic Projects Academic Year: 2015-2016
Final Report
The final report should include the following elements:
1. Cover sheet
2. Table of contents
3. List of figures and tables
4. Executive summary
5. Business Idea and Company Synopsis
6. Environmental Analysis: External and Internal
7. Business-level and Corporate-level Strategies
8. Recommendations and Solutions
9. Implementation Plan
Impact of technology on American students
Impact of technology on American students
Order Description
Write a 5-7 page paper explaining how technology can be overused and has resulted in the dumbing down of the American student.
Order Description
Write a 5-7 page paper explaining how technology can be overused and has resulted in the dumbing down of the American student.
‘Research indicates that electoral systems based on proportionality are more likely to return a greater number of female Members of Parliament than the present first past the post used in the UK. Why is this?’
‘Research indicates that electoral systems based on proportionality are more likely to return a greater number of female Members of Parliament than the present first past the post used in the UK. Why is this?’
Order Description
The aim of this exercise is to gain practice in the use of data, the different ways in which it can be presented and used to support an argument.
Use the following websites for the data to be used in making your charts and supporting your argument in the second part of this assessment.: for data on women in the House of Commons since 1918. for election results to the House of Commons since 1945.
Using Excel, you are to produce tables containing the data used to make the charts. The tables and charts should then be copied and pasted into a word file, which will also contain the second part of this assessment.
1. Two line graphs, each one on a separate sheet, one showing the percentage of the vote cast for the three main political parties and the other, number of seats won by the Conservative, Labour and Liberal – Liberal Democratic parties in general elections since 1945.
2. A block graph showing the total number of women MPs elected at each general election since 1945.
Each chart should be presented on a separate sheet, the data tables should be separate from the charts. See the examples given on the following pages.
Having gathered and processed your data, and making use of your visit to the library and the research you did, you should write a short essay of 500 words in response to the following;
‘Research indicates that electoral systems based on proportionality are more likely to return a greater number of female Members of Parliament than the present first past the post used in the UK. Why is this?’
include a bibliography.
Order Description
The aim of this exercise is to gain practice in the use of data, the different ways in which it can be presented and used to support an argument.
Use the following websites for the data to be used in making your charts and supporting your argument in the second part of this assessment.: for data on women in the House of Commons since 1918. for election results to the House of Commons since 1945.
Using Excel, you are to produce tables containing the data used to make the charts. The tables and charts should then be copied and pasted into a word file, which will also contain the second part of this assessment.
1. Two line graphs, each one on a separate sheet, one showing the percentage of the vote cast for the three main political parties and the other, number of seats won by the Conservative, Labour and Liberal – Liberal Democratic parties in general elections since 1945.
2. A block graph showing the total number of women MPs elected at each general election since 1945.
Each chart should be presented on a separate sheet, the data tables should be separate from the charts. See the examples given on the following pages.
Having gathered and processed your data, and making use of your visit to the library and the research you did, you should write a short essay of 500 words in response to the following;
‘Research indicates that electoral systems based on proportionality are more likely to return a greater number of female Members of Parliament than the present first past the post used in the UK. Why is this?’
include a bibliography.
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Art Movements
Art Movements
Order Description
Write a short summary for each reading I am attaching. by the name of "koolhass-Coney Island.pdf", "white cube reading.pdf", "Krauss - Sculpture in the Expanded Field.pdf", "Senie Baboons Pet Rocks and Bomb Threats.pdf", "Senie_Richard-Serra-Tilted-Arc.pdf" and "One_Place_After-MKwon-October.pdf".Take maximum one page for each.
Order Description
Write a short summary for each reading I am attaching. by the name of "koolhass-Coney Island.pdf", "white cube reading.pdf", "Krauss - Sculpture in the Expanded Field.pdf", "Senie Baboons Pet Rocks and Bomb Threats.pdf", "Senie_Richard-Serra-Tilted-Arc.pdf" and "One_Place_After-MKwon-October.pdf".Take maximum one page for each.
Mini CA Analysis
Mini CA Analysis
Project description
An analysis of Data A (or Data A and transcript) using CA concepts.
The goal of this essay is to demonstrate an intensive, micro-focused, conversational approach to the structures of interaction.
2-3 pages (double spaced, not counting transcript excerpts or reference page)
Using Data A (or Data A and transcript)
Using 2-3 excerpts of at least three turns but no more than half a page single spaced transcript
Audio transcripts must include detailed notation
Citing at least the textbook, a CA-specific text, and a relevant CA article (list references at the end)
APAPreview the documentView in a new window and Transcription GuidePreview the documentView in a new window format (step 3) required
Introduction (1 paragraph)
clearly introduce and state the focus of the paper, including the data and method you are using
Data and Methods (1 paragraph)
describe the data (A, or A and transcript) and the method (CA)
Analysis (1-2 pages)
apply CA concepts to excerpts of data
use line numbers every time you refer to something in the data
pay attention to minute specifics and all the little things you have notations for on the transcript
keep claims focused on the structure and actions in the conversation--do not link to context unless you are talking about the discourse context (what people said before in the transcript) or if you can prove it with the transcript
Conclusion (1 paragraph)
wrap up the paper
References (3+ sources)
our textbook should be cited in the paper and listed in references
also site a "CA-specific text," meaning any source that further defines and describes CA
also a "relevant CA article," meaning a research article that uses the CA method and has a conceptual or topical relation to your paper
This paper will be graded generously. Rubric coming soon.
You can find sources for
conversation analysis online, and use concepts from chapter 6 of the book
(which are conversation analysis concepts).
Reading link ""
Project description
An analysis of Data A (or Data A and transcript) using CA concepts.
The goal of this essay is to demonstrate an intensive, micro-focused, conversational approach to the structures of interaction.
2-3 pages (double spaced, not counting transcript excerpts or reference page)
Using Data A (or Data A and transcript)
Using 2-3 excerpts of at least three turns but no more than half a page single spaced transcript
Audio transcripts must include detailed notation
Citing at least the textbook, a CA-specific text, and a relevant CA article (list references at the end)
APAPreview the documentView in a new window and Transcription GuidePreview the documentView in a new window format (step 3) required
Introduction (1 paragraph)
clearly introduce and state the focus of the paper, including the data and method you are using
Data and Methods (1 paragraph)
describe the data (A, or A and transcript) and the method (CA)
Analysis (1-2 pages)
apply CA concepts to excerpts of data
use line numbers every time you refer to something in the data
pay attention to minute specifics and all the little things you have notations for on the transcript
keep claims focused on the structure and actions in the conversation--do not link to context unless you are talking about the discourse context (what people said before in the transcript) or if you can prove it with the transcript
Conclusion (1 paragraph)
wrap up the paper
References (3+ sources)
our textbook should be cited in the paper and listed in references
also site a "CA-specific text," meaning any source that further defines and describes CA
also a "relevant CA article," meaning a research article that uses the CA method and has a conceptual or topical relation to your paper
This paper will be graded generously. Rubric coming soon.
You can find sources for
conversation analysis online, and use concepts from chapter 6 of the book
(which are conversation analysis concepts).
Reading link ""
Tracking Tectonic Plates
Tracking Tectonic Plates
Project Introduction and Pre-lab Assignment
Introduction to the project
The theory of plate tectonic posits that the earth’s lithospheric plates are moving. How do we know plates are moving, how can we track their positions in the past, and how can we predict their positions in the future? For this lab, you will be assigned a particular plate boundary to investigate and will track it through time using two independent methods.
For Part A of this lab, you will investigate your plate boundary using methods which give long term average rates of plate movement over millions of years.
For Part B, you will be investigate your plate using high-precision GPS measurements taken over the last decade or so.
You will prepare a written report on your plate boundary (guidelines later on in the handout).
Before we start, set up Google Earth
We will be using Google Earth as a geographical platform for this lab. You may use the lab computers, of course, but you will find it convenient to bring and use your own computer for the independent investigation portion of the Lab 4 exercise. To set up your computer:
Download (for free) and install Google Earth from
You will need the following six files loaded onto Google Earth:
class example.kmz
GPS stations
Down load these files from Blackboard or from the K-drive of your lab computer.
Once the files are in Google Earth, move them from “Temporary Places” to “My Places.” They will now be available every time you open Google Earth on this particular computer.
You now have an interactive view of the earth, with plate boundaries noted as well as the locations of over 900 GPS (Global Positioning System) stations.
You might take some time to explore the earth with Google Earth. For instance, try typing your home address into the Search/Fly_to window and click the magnifying glass.
Set up the class example:
As a class example, we will examine 4 stations in southern California: two on the southwest side of the San Andreas fault and thus on the Pacific plate (CDGM and CHIL), and two on the northeast side (CHMS and RSTP) and thus on the N. American plate.
Un-click all of the files except class example.kmz and plates.kml .
Double-click on class example.kmz to automatically “fly” to the area in question.
Use ruler, protractor and calculator as necessary for the following exercises.
1. The azimuth convention of denoting direction For this convention, “due north is designated as 0°, (and) 90° points to the east, 180° points to the south, 270° points to the west, and 360° points, once again, to the north...If you think of your location as lying at the center of a circle, the direction (azimuth) to any feature can simply be described by its angle of arc in degrees…Azimuth can be measured directly off a map using a protractor, or calculated using simple trigonometric relations.
1a. Use Google Earth, Google Maps, consult a road map of the area, or examine the map posted on the door of the lab room. If you traveled along Route 1 from the Penns Neck Circle (intersection with Washington Rd) to I-295, along what azimuth would you be heading? _____________
1b. How about on the way back? _____________
2. While warming up for their famous race, the hare started at point A, hopped 50 meters due north, and then 30 meters due west to end up at point B. The tortoise also started at point A but plodded along a straight line to point B. How far did the tortoise travel and what was his azimuth of travel? Show your work clearly.
3. For the actual race, the tortoise and the hare started together and traveled in the same direction. The tortoise plodded along at 2 cm / sec while the hare hopped at 15 cm/sec. How far apart were they after 1 second? After 10 seconds? At what rate was the distance between them increasing?
Tracking Tectonic Plates
lab handout
The theory of plate tectonic posits that the earth’s lithospheric plates are moving. How do we know plates are moving, how can we track their positions in the past, and how can we predict their positions in the future? For this lab, you will be assigned a particular plate boundary to investigate and will track it through time using two independent methods.
For Part A of this lab, you will investigate your plate boundary using methods which give long term average rates of plate movement over millions of years. You will first apply these methods to a class example, and then to your own plate boundary.
For Part B, you will be investigate your plate using high-precision GPS measurements taken over the last decade or so. You will first apply these methods to a class example, and then to your own plate boundary.
You will prepare a written report (guidelines later on in the lab handout) for submission to your la instructor.
Part A. Tracking plates by measuring long-term average motions over millions of years
Reconstructions of the earth’s tectonic plate locations through time are available at, among others:
On what are these reconstructions and animations based?
1. Following your lab instructors instructions, complete and/or review these exercises which demonstrate how plate motions can be traced over many millions of years. The exercises include:
o Investigating rates of sea-floor spreading at spreading ridges
o The Hawaiian- Emperor Volcanic Chain
2. There are many other examples of how geologic data can be used to determine long-term average rates of plate motions.
Using this data, geologists have developed the global models which generally assume that plate interiors are stable and all of the motion occurs along infinitesimally thin plate boundaries. There are a number of “plate Motion Calculators” that give access to a number of these models in order to calculate the relative and absolute plate motion direction and speed at any point on the earth. We will use one developed by K. Tamaki and K. Okino of Tokyo University:
2a. Start working on the class example by going to the attached spreadsheet and listing the latitude and longitude of each station. There are two ways to do this with Google Earth:
o (Recommended) Right click on each station location, then click on “directions from here” or “directions to here.” A box will open with decimal degrees for latitude and longitude.
? Northern latitudes are positive, southern latitudes are negative.
? Eastern latitudes are positive, western latitudes are negative.
o (Another way) As you move the cursor around, Google Earth gives you the latitude and longitude of the location of the cursor. You could take these values, which are given in deg min sec, and then translate them to decimal degrees.
2b. An abundance of geologic and seismic data indicate that the San Andreas fault is a right-lateral strike-slip fault. On each of the two photos attached to this handout, put two small arrows (about 1 cm in length) on either side of the fault in order to indicate this sense of motion.
2c. On the spreadsheet, indicate the plate (P=Pacific, NA=North American) for each station.
2d. Use the Plate Motion Calculator to determine the long term “NUVEL” model long-term motion for each of the 4 stations and enter the values on the spreadsheet. Use the following parameters:
o From the drop-down Model menu, choose HS3-NUVEL-1A (this gives absolute plate motion, relative to the hotspot frame of reference.)
o For Moving Plate, choose the plate that the station is on (either Pacific or North American).
o For Fixed Plate, choose anything; this is not used in the HS3-NUVEL-1A model.
o Input the latitude and longitude from the spreadsheet.
o On the spreadsheet, record the velocity and azimuth (compass direction) for each station.
2e. On Map A: Long-Term Motion, plot a vector (arrow) that shows the magnitude and direction of long-term plate movement for each station. Use a scale of 20mm/yr = 1 cm.
2f. How are the long-term motions of the North American stations similar to the those of the Pacific stations?
2g. How are the long-term motions of the North American stations different from those of the Pacific stations?
2h. Does this analysis confirm or contradict the observation of right-lateral motion along the San Andreas fault? Explain.
Part B. Tracking plates over the short-term using GPS data
3. The plate motion calculator gives long-term plate motions over millions of years. Another way to track plates is by using the Global Positioning System (GPS), yes, the same system used by increasingly affordable hand-held receivers and included in many new cars. The GPS used for this method is much more precise that the one used by your car, but it works basically in the same way. After reviewing the basics of GPS, your lab instructor will give you the time series plot for one of the stations used for the class example. There is a Blackboard link to the site from which you can get plots for all the GPS stations under Labs/Other files for Lab 4, otherwise type it in manually. Bookmark the site for future reference.
Parts of the time series:
• The x- axis is time in decimal years.
• The y-axis is the station’s position resolved into three perpendicular components: latitude (north-south component), longitude (east-west component) and elevation (vertical component).
• Each data “point” is actually a vertical line representing the error of that particular measurement.
• Gaps in times-series data are due to things like snow, power-loss, communication failure, and human or animal vandalism.
3a. Station you are assigned _____ Over what time period was data collected? _______________
3b. What does the slope of a line on a distance vs. time graph represent? What does its steepness correspond to?
3c. For your station, add the latitude and longitude velocity component vectors together and determine the magnitude and azimuth of the resultant velocity. Record the values on the spreadsheet.
3d. Copy the data for the other stations and add them to the spreadsheet.
3e. On Map B: Short-Term Motion, plot a vector (arrow) that shows the magnitude and direction of short-term plate movement for each station. Use a scale of 20mm/yr = 1 cm.
4. How are the Map B short-term motions similar to the long –term motions from Map A?
5. How are the Map B short-term motions different from the long –term motions from Map A?
6. Does this analysis further confirm or contradict the existence of right-lateral motion along the San Andreas fault? Explain.
Independent Project: Analyzing a Plate Boundary
Circle which of the following projects you have been assigned:
? Northern part of the San Andreas fault (boundary between North American and Pacific plates)
? Boundary between the African and South American plates (across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
? Boundary between the Pacific and Nazca plates (across the East Pacific Rise)
? Eurasian-Philippine-Pacific plate boundaries
? Boundary between the Nazca and South American plates
Our model of plate motions proposes that plate interiors do not deform and that all the action happens at plate boundaries. Before you start your analysis, use a few sentences to state a hypothesis about the following:
What do you predict should happen over time to the positions of stations within your plate or across your plate boundary?
You will now investigate the short-term and long-term motions of stations in your area of interest and prepare a written report. Use at least 6 stations, carefully chosen to appropriately characterize your boundary. Guidelines for the report are listed on the following page. You will also need the following:
Blank spreadsheets for collecting your data.
These are available in class for you to enter data by hand, and also as an EXCEL spreadsheet on Blackboard under Labs, if you want to use and print out an electronic version.
Two Google Earth images for plotting your velocity vectors
Use one for plotting long-term motions (from the Plate Motion Calculator) and the other for plotting short-term motions (GPS time series). Clearly label which is which. Black-and-white copies are available in class, and you can also access the color versions posted as jpeg files on Blackboard under labs.
Components of your report:
Descriptive title, your name, date and lab instructor’s name
Introduction/Hypothesis (1 paragraph)
Our model of plate motions proposes that plate interiors do not deform and that all the action happens at plate boundaries. Explain the plate boundary setting of your project and hypothesize about what should happen over time to the positions of stations across your plate boundary.
Methods (about ½ page)
Briefly describe the principles behind the two methods used for this investigation.
Do not present any prose for your Results section. Instead, your results will consist of
? A spreadsheet filled out with data for the stations you investigated.
? Map A showing short term velocity vectors for your stations
? Map B showing long term velocity vectors for your stations
Discussion and Conclusions
Prepare a 1-2 page well-written, well-organized, succinct discussion of your results. Some guidelines and points to consider are listed below – note that this is not a comprehensive list and all points may not be applicable to your particular project.
? Focus on your plate boundary(ies); do not discuss the whole theory of plate tectonics!
? Confer with your classmates and lab instructor as much as you like, but the end result is your own.
? Do not recount all of the data from your Results section – after all, these are all presented in your spreadsheet and maps, so refer to them instead. You might, however, calculate averages of some of your data to discuss in this section.
? Do both methods consistently show station motions in the same directions?
? Compare the magnitudes of the long term and short term rates? Do they agree? If they differ, is the short term rate faster of slower than the long term rate?
? How do your results agree with your hypothesis from the Introduction/hypothesis section?
? Consider the quality of the data from the short-term plots. Does this affect your conclusions?
? How well do your results fit with the plate tectonic assumption of stable plate interiors and active plate boundaries? What could account for discrepancies?
? Are plate velocities constant with time?
? Are your data consistent with the presence or absence of earthquakes in your area of interest?
Project Introduction and Pre-lab Assignment
Introduction to the project
The theory of plate tectonic posits that the earth’s lithospheric plates are moving. How do we know plates are moving, how can we track their positions in the past, and how can we predict their positions in the future? For this lab, you will be assigned a particular plate boundary to investigate and will track it through time using two independent methods.
For Part A of this lab, you will investigate your plate boundary using methods which give long term average rates of plate movement over millions of years.
For Part B, you will be investigate your plate using high-precision GPS measurements taken over the last decade or so.
You will prepare a written report on your plate boundary (guidelines later on in the handout).
Before we start, set up Google Earth
We will be using Google Earth as a geographical platform for this lab. You may use the lab computers, of course, but you will find it convenient to bring and use your own computer for the independent investigation portion of the Lab 4 exercise. To set up your computer:
Download (for free) and install Google Earth from
You will need the following six files loaded onto Google Earth:
class example.kmz
GPS stations
Down load these files from Blackboard or from the K-drive of your lab computer.
Once the files are in Google Earth, move them from “Temporary Places” to “My Places.” They will now be available every time you open Google Earth on this particular computer.
You now have an interactive view of the earth, with plate boundaries noted as well as the locations of over 900 GPS (Global Positioning System) stations.
You might take some time to explore the earth with Google Earth. For instance, try typing your home address into the Search/Fly_to window and click the magnifying glass.
Set up the class example:
As a class example, we will examine 4 stations in southern California: two on the southwest side of the San Andreas fault and thus on the Pacific plate (CDGM and CHIL), and two on the northeast side (CHMS and RSTP) and thus on the N. American plate.
Un-click all of the files except class example.kmz and plates.kml .
Double-click on class example.kmz to automatically “fly” to the area in question.
Use ruler, protractor and calculator as necessary for the following exercises.
1. The azimuth convention of denoting direction For this convention, “due north is designated as 0°, (and) 90° points to the east, 180° points to the south, 270° points to the west, and 360° points, once again, to the north...If you think of your location as lying at the center of a circle, the direction (azimuth) to any feature can simply be described by its angle of arc in degrees…Azimuth can be measured directly off a map using a protractor, or calculated using simple trigonometric relations.
1a. Use Google Earth, Google Maps, consult a road map of the area, or examine the map posted on the door of the lab room. If you traveled along Route 1 from the Penns Neck Circle (intersection with Washington Rd) to I-295, along what azimuth would you be heading? _____________
1b. How about on the way back? _____________
2. While warming up for their famous race, the hare started at point A, hopped 50 meters due north, and then 30 meters due west to end up at point B. The tortoise also started at point A but plodded along a straight line to point B. How far did the tortoise travel and what was his azimuth of travel? Show your work clearly.
3. For the actual race, the tortoise and the hare started together and traveled in the same direction. The tortoise plodded along at 2 cm / sec while the hare hopped at 15 cm/sec. How far apart were they after 1 second? After 10 seconds? At what rate was the distance between them increasing?
Tracking Tectonic Plates
lab handout
The theory of plate tectonic posits that the earth’s lithospheric plates are moving. How do we know plates are moving, how can we track their positions in the past, and how can we predict their positions in the future? For this lab, you will be assigned a particular plate boundary to investigate and will track it through time using two independent methods.
For Part A of this lab, you will investigate your plate boundary using methods which give long term average rates of plate movement over millions of years. You will first apply these methods to a class example, and then to your own plate boundary.
For Part B, you will be investigate your plate using high-precision GPS measurements taken over the last decade or so. You will first apply these methods to a class example, and then to your own plate boundary.
You will prepare a written report (guidelines later on in the lab handout) for submission to your la instructor.
Part A. Tracking plates by measuring long-term average motions over millions of years
Reconstructions of the earth’s tectonic plate locations through time are available at, among others:
On what are these reconstructions and animations based?
1. Following your lab instructors instructions, complete and/or review these exercises which demonstrate how plate motions can be traced over many millions of years. The exercises include:
o Investigating rates of sea-floor spreading at spreading ridges
o The Hawaiian- Emperor Volcanic Chain
2. There are many other examples of how geologic data can be used to determine long-term average rates of plate motions.
Using this data, geologists have developed the global models which generally assume that plate interiors are stable and all of the motion occurs along infinitesimally thin plate boundaries. There are a number of “plate Motion Calculators” that give access to a number of these models in order to calculate the relative and absolute plate motion direction and speed at any point on the earth. We will use one developed by K. Tamaki and K. Okino of Tokyo University:
2a. Start working on the class example by going to the attached spreadsheet and listing the latitude and longitude of each station. There are two ways to do this with Google Earth:
o (Recommended) Right click on each station location, then click on “directions from here” or “directions to here.” A box will open with decimal degrees for latitude and longitude.
? Northern latitudes are positive, southern latitudes are negative.
? Eastern latitudes are positive, western latitudes are negative.
o (Another way) As you move the cursor around, Google Earth gives you the latitude and longitude of the location of the cursor. You could take these values, which are given in deg min sec, and then translate them to decimal degrees.
2b. An abundance of geologic and seismic data indicate that the San Andreas fault is a right-lateral strike-slip fault. On each of the two photos attached to this handout, put two small arrows (about 1 cm in length) on either side of the fault in order to indicate this sense of motion.
2c. On the spreadsheet, indicate the plate (P=Pacific, NA=North American) for each station.
2d. Use the Plate Motion Calculator to determine the long term “NUVEL” model long-term motion for each of the 4 stations and enter the values on the spreadsheet. Use the following parameters:
o From the drop-down Model menu, choose HS3-NUVEL-1A (this gives absolute plate motion, relative to the hotspot frame of reference.)
o For Moving Plate, choose the plate that the station is on (either Pacific or North American).
o For Fixed Plate, choose anything; this is not used in the HS3-NUVEL-1A model.
o Input the latitude and longitude from the spreadsheet.
o On the spreadsheet, record the velocity and azimuth (compass direction) for each station.
2e. On Map A: Long-Term Motion, plot a vector (arrow) that shows the magnitude and direction of long-term plate movement for each station. Use a scale of 20mm/yr = 1 cm.
2f. How are the long-term motions of the North American stations similar to the those of the Pacific stations?
2g. How are the long-term motions of the North American stations different from those of the Pacific stations?
2h. Does this analysis confirm or contradict the observation of right-lateral motion along the San Andreas fault? Explain.
Part B. Tracking plates over the short-term using GPS data
3. The plate motion calculator gives long-term plate motions over millions of years. Another way to track plates is by using the Global Positioning System (GPS), yes, the same system used by increasingly affordable hand-held receivers and included in many new cars. The GPS used for this method is much more precise that the one used by your car, but it works basically in the same way. After reviewing the basics of GPS, your lab instructor will give you the time series plot for one of the stations used for the class example. There is a Blackboard link to the site from which you can get plots for all the GPS stations under Labs/Other files for Lab 4, otherwise type it in manually. Bookmark the site for future reference.
Parts of the time series:
• The x- axis is time in decimal years.
• The y-axis is the station’s position resolved into three perpendicular components: latitude (north-south component), longitude (east-west component) and elevation (vertical component).
• Each data “point” is actually a vertical line representing the error of that particular measurement.
• Gaps in times-series data are due to things like snow, power-loss, communication failure, and human or animal vandalism.
3a. Station you are assigned _____ Over what time period was data collected? _______________
3b. What does the slope of a line on a distance vs. time graph represent? What does its steepness correspond to?
3c. For your station, add the latitude and longitude velocity component vectors together and determine the magnitude and azimuth of the resultant velocity. Record the values on the spreadsheet.
3d. Copy the data for the other stations and add them to the spreadsheet.
3e. On Map B: Short-Term Motion, plot a vector (arrow) that shows the magnitude and direction of short-term plate movement for each station. Use a scale of 20mm/yr = 1 cm.
4. How are the Map B short-term motions similar to the long –term motions from Map A?
5. How are the Map B short-term motions different from the long –term motions from Map A?
6. Does this analysis further confirm or contradict the existence of right-lateral motion along the San Andreas fault? Explain.
Independent Project: Analyzing a Plate Boundary
Circle which of the following projects you have been assigned:
? Northern part of the San Andreas fault (boundary between North American and Pacific plates)
? Boundary between the African and South American plates (across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
? Boundary between the Pacific and Nazca plates (across the East Pacific Rise)
? Eurasian-Philippine-Pacific plate boundaries
? Boundary between the Nazca and South American plates
Our model of plate motions proposes that plate interiors do not deform and that all the action happens at plate boundaries. Before you start your analysis, use a few sentences to state a hypothesis about the following:
What do you predict should happen over time to the positions of stations within your plate or across your plate boundary?
You will now investigate the short-term and long-term motions of stations in your area of interest and prepare a written report. Use at least 6 stations, carefully chosen to appropriately characterize your boundary. Guidelines for the report are listed on the following page. You will also need the following:
Blank spreadsheets for collecting your data.
These are available in class for you to enter data by hand, and also as an EXCEL spreadsheet on Blackboard under Labs, if you want to use and print out an electronic version.
Two Google Earth images for plotting your velocity vectors
Use one for plotting long-term motions (from the Plate Motion Calculator) and the other for plotting short-term motions (GPS time series). Clearly label which is which. Black-and-white copies are available in class, and you can also access the color versions posted as jpeg files on Blackboard under labs.
Components of your report:
Descriptive title, your name, date and lab instructor’s name
Introduction/Hypothesis (1 paragraph)
Our model of plate motions proposes that plate interiors do not deform and that all the action happens at plate boundaries. Explain the plate boundary setting of your project and hypothesize about what should happen over time to the positions of stations across your plate boundary.
Methods (about ½ page)
Briefly describe the principles behind the two methods used for this investigation.
Do not present any prose for your Results section. Instead, your results will consist of
? A spreadsheet filled out with data for the stations you investigated.
? Map A showing short term velocity vectors for your stations
? Map B showing long term velocity vectors for your stations
Discussion and Conclusions
Prepare a 1-2 page well-written, well-organized, succinct discussion of your results. Some guidelines and points to consider are listed below – note that this is not a comprehensive list and all points may not be applicable to your particular project.
? Focus on your plate boundary(ies); do not discuss the whole theory of plate tectonics!
? Confer with your classmates and lab instructor as much as you like, but the end result is your own.
? Do not recount all of the data from your Results section – after all, these are all presented in your spreadsheet and maps, so refer to them instead. You might, however, calculate averages of some of your data to discuss in this section.
? Do both methods consistently show station motions in the same directions?
? Compare the magnitudes of the long term and short term rates? Do they agree? If they differ, is the short term rate faster of slower than the long term rate?
? How do your results agree with your hypothesis from the Introduction/hypothesis section?
? Consider the quality of the data from the short-term plots. Does this affect your conclusions?
? How well do your results fit with the plate tectonic assumption of stable plate interiors and active plate boundaries? What could account for discrepancies?
? Are plate velocities constant with time?
? Are your data consistent with the presence or absence of earthquakes in your area of interest?
assessment will be
based on the following key points, which
your reports.
: must include brief statements on the
Topic investigated and its significance in chemical
What you have learned from the lab
theory and the
of the topic investigated
chemical engineering
Drawing showing layout of
Brief description indicating any special features, capacities, range, make
Experimental Procedure and
Description of procedure, indicating measurements
Observations made during investigation, making note of any
encountered which may have affected
Results and
Tabulate all results/measurements obtained during
Discussion of
Discuss al results, making sure you address each objective in the light of your experiments. For each
objective explain the
underlying theory or the expectat
ions of established literature.
Discuss any
discrepancies between your results and theory, indicating
that should have
investigated and its significance in chemical engineering and/or
results and discussions,
indicating whether your coriclusion agrees with theory
assessment will be
based on the following key points, which
your reports.
: must include brief statements on the
Topic investigated and its significance in chemical
What you have learned from the lab
theory and the
of the topic investigated
chemical engineering
Drawing showing layout of
Brief description indicating any special features, capacities, range, make
Experimental Procedure and
Description of procedure, indicating measurements
Observations made during investigation, making note of any
encountered which may have affected
Results and
Tabulate all results/measurements obtained during
Discussion of
Discuss al results, making sure you address each objective in the light of your experiments. For each
objective explain the
underlying theory or the expectat
ions of established literature.
Discuss any
discrepancies between your results and theory, indicating
that should have
investigated and its significance in chemical engineering and/or
results and discussions,
indicating whether your coriclusion agrees with theory
Has British intelligence adequately adapted to the changing post-Cold War intelligence environment?
Has British intelligence adequately adapted to the changing post-Cold War intelligence environment?
Order Description
Essay should be up to 3,000 words in length, including footnotes and appendices, but excluding bibliography. Consult and engage with at least 15-20 sources
Chicago style for referencing! Thank you!
Order Description
Essay should be up to 3,000 words in length, including footnotes and appendices, but excluding bibliography. Consult and engage with at least 15-20 sources
Chicago style for referencing! Thank you!
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Order Description
Human Resource Management, there are three following questions:
1. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the approach to downsizing at John Crane Flexibox. (800 words, at least 6 references)
2. To what extent is Christine Williamson making an effective contribution to the strategic management of HRM at the company? (850 words, and at least 6 references).
3. Answer one question among the following (question 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3):
(Q3, 850 words, with at least 6 references).
3.1. What advice would you give to Christine Williamson on introducing a system of line manager led employee team briefing at the company.
3.2. What are the arguments for and against switching to the outsourcing of service provision in respect of maintenance and vehicle hire at John Crane Flexibox.?
3.3. What recommendations would you make to Christine Williamson to continue to develop the human resources after the survivors’ interim appraisal?
The answers should take the form of a properly structured short essay, and pls clearly show the title of each question.
Order Description
Human Resource Management, there are three following questions:
1. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the approach to downsizing at John Crane Flexibox. (800 words, at least 6 references)
2. To what extent is Christine Williamson making an effective contribution to the strategic management of HRM at the company? (850 words, and at least 6 references).
3. Answer one question among the following (question 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3):
(Q3, 850 words, with at least 6 references).
3.1. What advice would you give to Christine Williamson on introducing a system of line manager led employee team briefing at the company.
3.2. What are the arguments for and against switching to the outsourcing of service provision in respect of maintenance and vehicle hire at John Crane Flexibox.?
3.3. What recommendations would you make to Christine Williamson to continue to develop the human resources after the survivors’ interim appraisal?
The answers should take the form of a properly structured short essay, and pls clearly show the title of each question.
Order Description
Business Overview
1.1 Executive summary
Market Research
2.1 Industry awareness
2.2 Market segmentation - customers
2.3 Evidence of customer demand
2.4 Competitors analysis.
2.5 SWOT analysis
Market Plan
3.1 Price
3.2 Promotion
Legal Matters
4.1 Intellectual Property
4.2 Other
Financial Plan
5.1 Start up costs
5.2 Copyrights
5.3 Break-even Analysis
5.4 Cashflow forecast
5.5 Profit and loss forecast
5.6 Costs(Staffing, Management and technology etc.
5.7 Possibility of fundraising
Order Description
Business Overview
1.1 Executive summary
Market Research
2.1 Industry awareness
2.2 Market segmentation - customers
2.3 Evidence of customer demand
2.4 Competitors analysis.
2.5 SWOT analysis
Market Plan
3.1 Price
3.2 Promotion
Legal Matters
4.1 Intellectual Property
4.2 Other
Financial Plan
5.1 Start up costs
5.2 Copyrights
5.3 Break-even Analysis
5.4 Cashflow forecast
5.5 Profit and loss forecast
5.6 Costs(Staffing, Management and technology etc.
5.7 Possibility of fundraising
HR Managing the Employment Cycle
Title:HR Managing the Employment Cycle
Order Description
Concerned about the human resource issues within the company, Michael and Peter have hired an external HR Consultant (You) to prepare a report for presentation to the board.
Your task is to write a report in which you analyse the case study and offer suggestions on how to improve the business from an HR planning perspective to help move RS Electronics into greater profitability, as the basis for Michael and Peter to complete the sale of the company.
All academic source references must be shown throughout your report in order to achieve a pass grade.
The problem is a business one…. Use HR as a tool to resolve it!
Learning outcome:
examine the component parts of effectively managing the employment cycle within an organisational context.
To identify and discuss solutions to encountered HR problems in organisations with a practical deliverable focus.
RS Electronics
RS Electronics is a company based in the West Midlands which produces electrical components and systems for a range of industrial appliances. It was started in 1982 by Michael Richards and Peter Stewart, who used their redundancy money to set up their own business. Emphasising high quality and rapid customer service, the company grew quickly and achieved healthy profitability. ‘RS means service and reliability’ has always been the core communication.
The company has continued to invest in technology to maintain competitiveness, but despite occasional discussions about moving to new premises, the directors have consistently decided to remain in their existing industrial unit. This has resulted in a poor layout and hence increasingly tight and unpleasant working conditions for many of its 652 employees. Costs have risen, productivity levels have fallen and employee motivation levels have suffered. Critically, the financial crisis of 2008-2011, combined with increased competition from more nimble competitors, has meant that the company is now barely breaking even.
The management at both senior and junior levels have good technical skills and problem solving capability, but typically lack people management skills and are unwilling delegators. Recruitment and selection is thus based upon technical expertise to the neglect of ability to effectively manage staff. Whilst the company has a policy of equal opportunities, in practice recruitment tends to favour men, as there is a need for new staff to fit in with the culture; women, therefore, are typically found in administrative jobs. The company is structured on functional lines, incorporating finance, marketing, production, purchasing and human resources departments. However, the HR department is considered low in status and is conceived in support terms, being responsible for low level tasks such as the pay roll, staff records, monitoring sickness absence and job advertisements. HR is the only department not represented at board level. Moreover, each department looks after its own needs; hence, finance does not perceive any obligation to understand the needs of marketing and vice-versa.
As noted above, the working conditions at RS have deteriorated as competition has intensified. While the company aims to recruit and retain high quality staff, salaries have not kept pace with the industry average and indeed have now seemingly fallen below the local average in the West Midlands. There is also some resentment as marketing staff are believed to earn higher salaries for undertaking easier and more glamorous work. The company has maintained its traditional shift pattern for production staff, operating two shifts: 0600-1400 and 1400-2200. Whilst there are stipulated breaks, many employees work through the shift taking an occasional five minute pause because ‘it is the way it is round here’. Equally, no attention is afforded to work-life balance issues. It is no surprise, therefore, that minor accidents are increasingly common, reflecting additionally the cramped working conditions. How long will it be before a serious accident occurs? There is currently no formal health and safety policy and procedures, and the skills of the designated health and safety staff can only be described as basic. The consequence of all of this is that labour absence rates are increasing, particularly in the factory, where labour turnover reached 17% last year; indeed, labour turnover in the company generally is increasing. While relationships between management and staff on a personal level remain good, the atmosphere in the organisation as a whole is tense.
Michael and Peter are now approaching retirement and would like to sell the company, but the problems detailed above suggest that they would have difficulties in satisfactorily achieving this aim. The other senior managers are also ageing and most of the key staff have served many years with the company; many of these, too, will be retiring over the next few years. There is a distinct lack of able and energetic younger staff that could move into senior positions. Career development has not been a priority. This is further manifested in the lack of training and development in the company: Michael and Peter have long held the view that on-the-job training to do the job that an individual is designated to do is sufficient. Overall, there has never been any attempt to undertake human resource planning.
Order Description
Concerned about the human resource issues within the company, Michael and Peter have hired an external HR Consultant (You) to prepare a report for presentation to the board.
Your task is to write a report in which you analyse the case study and offer suggestions on how to improve the business from an HR planning perspective to help move RS Electronics into greater profitability, as the basis for Michael and Peter to complete the sale of the company.
All academic source references must be shown throughout your report in order to achieve a pass grade.
The problem is a business one…. Use HR as a tool to resolve it!
Learning outcome:
examine the component parts of effectively managing the employment cycle within an organisational context.
To identify and discuss solutions to encountered HR problems in organisations with a practical deliverable focus.
RS Electronics
RS Electronics is a company based in the West Midlands which produces electrical components and systems for a range of industrial appliances. It was started in 1982 by Michael Richards and Peter Stewart, who used their redundancy money to set up their own business. Emphasising high quality and rapid customer service, the company grew quickly and achieved healthy profitability. ‘RS means service and reliability’ has always been the core communication.
The company has continued to invest in technology to maintain competitiveness, but despite occasional discussions about moving to new premises, the directors have consistently decided to remain in their existing industrial unit. This has resulted in a poor layout and hence increasingly tight and unpleasant working conditions for many of its 652 employees. Costs have risen, productivity levels have fallen and employee motivation levels have suffered. Critically, the financial crisis of 2008-2011, combined with increased competition from more nimble competitors, has meant that the company is now barely breaking even.
The management at both senior and junior levels have good technical skills and problem solving capability, but typically lack people management skills and are unwilling delegators. Recruitment and selection is thus based upon technical expertise to the neglect of ability to effectively manage staff. Whilst the company has a policy of equal opportunities, in practice recruitment tends to favour men, as there is a need for new staff to fit in with the culture; women, therefore, are typically found in administrative jobs. The company is structured on functional lines, incorporating finance, marketing, production, purchasing and human resources departments. However, the HR department is considered low in status and is conceived in support terms, being responsible for low level tasks such as the pay roll, staff records, monitoring sickness absence and job advertisements. HR is the only department not represented at board level. Moreover, each department looks after its own needs; hence, finance does not perceive any obligation to understand the needs of marketing and vice-versa.
As noted above, the working conditions at RS have deteriorated as competition has intensified. While the company aims to recruit and retain high quality staff, salaries have not kept pace with the industry average and indeed have now seemingly fallen below the local average in the West Midlands. There is also some resentment as marketing staff are believed to earn higher salaries for undertaking easier and more glamorous work. The company has maintained its traditional shift pattern for production staff, operating two shifts: 0600-1400 and 1400-2200. Whilst there are stipulated breaks, many employees work through the shift taking an occasional five minute pause because ‘it is the way it is round here’. Equally, no attention is afforded to work-life balance issues. It is no surprise, therefore, that minor accidents are increasingly common, reflecting additionally the cramped working conditions. How long will it be before a serious accident occurs? There is currently no formal health and safety policy and procedures, and the skills of the designated health and safety staff can only be described as basic. The consequence of all of this is that labour absence rates are increasing, particularly in the factory, where labour turnover reached 17% last year; indeed, labour turnover in the company generally is increasing. While relationships between management and staff on a personal level remain good, the atmosphere in the organisation as a whole is tense.
Michael and Peter are now approaching retirement and would like to sell the company, but the problems detailed above suggest that they would have difficulties in satisfactorily achieving this aim. The other senior managers are also ageing and most of the key staff have served many years with the company; many of these, too, will be retiring over the next few years. There is a distinct lack of able and energetic younger staff that could move into senior positions. Career development has not been a priority. This is further manifested in the lack of training and development in the company: Michael and Peter have long held the view that on-the-job training to do the job that an individual is designated to do is sufficient. Overall, there has never been any attempt to undertake human resource planning.
Organisational Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour
Order Description
Critically analyse whether organizational culture can be managed and consider the advantages and disadvantages associated with building strong cultures.
Your answer should include discussion of theory and examples covered in weeks 1-5 of this module.
Order Description
Critically analyse whether organizational culture can be managed and consider the advantages and disadvantages associated with building strong cultures.
Your answer should include discussion of theory and examples covered in weeks 1-5 of this module.
Layoff/Severance Scenario
Layoff/Severance Scenario
After eight years as a marketing assistant for the New York office of a large French bank, Sarah Schiffler was told that her job, in a non-revenue producing department was being eliminated. Her choices: She could either be laid off (with eight months severance pay) or stay on and train for the position of credit analyst, a career route she had turned down in the past. Nervous about making mortgage payments on her new condo, Sarah agreed to stay, but after six months of feeling miserable in her new position, she quit.
Please answer the following:
? Was her separation from the bank voluntary or involuntary?
? Can you think of situations in which a voluntary separation is really an involuntary separation? What are the managerial implications of such situations?
? Did seniority play a role in this layoff?
? Imagine you are an Human Resource Manager to the organization involved in this situation. The organization wants to be responsive and fair. What do you recommend?
? As foundation for a policy statement, please provide a brief rationale for why a policy is important and relevant in this situation.
Source: Gomez-Mejia, L.R., Balkin, D.B., & Cardy, R.L. (2007). Managing Human Resources (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
After eight years as a marketing assistant for the New York office of a large French bank, Sarah Schiffler was told that her job, in a non-revenue producing department was being eliminated. Her choices: She could either be laid off (with eight months severance pay) or stay on and train for the position of credit analyst, a career route she had turned down in the past. Nervous about making mortgage payments on her new condo, Sarah agreed to stay, but after six months of feeling miserable in her new position, she quit.
Please answer the following:
? Was her separation from the bank voluntary or involuntary?
? Can you think of situations in which a voluntary separation is really an involuntary separation? What are the managerial implications of such situations?
? Did seniority play a role in this layoff?
? Imagine you are an Human Resource Manager to the organization involved in this situation. The organization wants to be responsive and fair. What do you recommend?
? As foundation for a policy statement, please provide a brief rationale for why a policy is important and relevant in this situation.
Source: Gomez-Mejia, L.R., Balkin, D.B., & Cardy, R.L. (2007). Managing Human Resources (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Strategies for People Management
Strategies for People Management
Order Description
The asignment should answer the following clearly with the use of harvad referencing/ theories/ differenct concepts with critical thinking responses.
-As organisations employ people on different types of contracts, are there implications for the psychological contract of workers? What should organisations be doing to ensure they have sustainable, engaged and productive workforces?
Learning outcome throughout assignment should be:
-Describe and discuss the key activities associated with developing people during the employment cycle, identifying strengths and limitations according to context.
-Identify and discuss how organisations engage with employees from strategic, practical and behavioural perspectives.
Order Description
The asignment should answer the following clearly with the use of harvad referencing/ theories/ differenct concepts with critical thinking responses.
-As organisations employ people on different types of contracts, are there implications for the psychological contract of workers? What should organisations be doing to ensure they have sustainable, engaged and productive workforces?
Learning outcome throughout assignment should be:
-Describe and discuss the key activities associated with developing people during the employment cycle, identifying strengths and limitations according to context.
-Identify and discuss how organisations engage with employees from strategic, practical and behavioural perspectives.
Sustainable human resources management
Sustainable human resources management
Order Description
Identify and explain the concepts of leading and managing others in respect of current and key theories of leadership and management.
Analyse complex situations through the synthesis of ideas taken from a range of sources and to diagnose problems,& devise solutions to a range of contemporary HR issues.
The question is:
“As the language of sustainable development enters the business mainstream, the responsibility for managing social and environmental issues is slowly shifting from the corporate fringe to an important business function”.
Do you agree with all, or part, of this statement? Be careful to address all of the different concepts in your report..
Can you use the following books please and reference using these books and journals please:
“As the language of sustainable development enters the business mainstream, the responsibility for managing social and environmental issues is slowly shifting from the corporate fringe to an important business function”.
Do you agree with all, or part, of this statement? Be careful to address all of the different concepts in your report..
The following information is important when:
• Preparing for your assessment
• Checking your work before you submit it
• Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.
Assessment Criteria
The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assessment task are indicated on page 1. The precise criteria against which your work will be marked is as follows:
• Using information: Identify and use relevant academic literature to support analysis and to inform discussion of theories and concepts
• Analysis: Use of argument, models, evidence and techniques in the development of theory and practice
• Critical thinking: Objectively assess the relative contribution of different analytical approaches and theoretical perspectives.
• Presentation: Clarity of portfolio presentation, using appropriate English, with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, with appropriately referenced sources using the Harvard Referencing Methodology
Performance descriptors
Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the above criteria. The descriptors indicate the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicated.
Level 6
Work will often demonstrate some of the following features
The work varies from very good (70-79%), excellent (80-89%) to outstanding (in excess of 90%). Very good, possibly outstanding or exceptional level of analysis, showing deep critical engagement with a comprehensive range of contextual material. Demonstration of independent thought resulting in creative responses to the assignment brief and some telling insights. Clear evidence of understanding of current scholarship and research based on an extensive range of relevant sources. Clarity of structure demonstrating complete focus of argument. Little or no obvious errors in referencing or grammar or syntax. Mature links made between relevant ideas, theories and practice.
Clear links between theory and practice. Good coverage of assignment issues. Full understanding of core issues. Evidenced level of understanding of appropriate theory and concepts. Some small repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate
Identifies main issues and relevant theory. Coverage of most of assignment issues. Competent application of relevant theory and states obvious links to practice. Some repeated errors in grammar or syntax possibly failure to apply Harvard referencing standard correctly in places.
Makes few links between theory and practice. Answers question in a very basic way. Describes relevant theory accurately, and some relevant ideas offered. Possibly failure to apply Harvard referencing standard correctly. Limited coherence of structure.
Some learning outcomes and / or assessment criteria not met. Inadequate content with issues not addressed; insufficient evidence of understanding of relevant theory and concepts and only partial understanding shown. Very limited application of theory. Use of extensive quoted passages is evident. Evidence of sufficient grasp of learning outcomes to suggest that the student will be able to retrieve the module on resubmission.
No learning outcomes fully met. No demonstration of adequate knowledge or understanding of key concepts or theories. There is no recognition of the complexity of the subject. Little attempt to engage with assignment brief and has not met learning outcomes. Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.
To help you further (reading):
GUIDED READING: You should read the core texts thoroughly –
Ehnert, I. (2009) Sustainable Human Resource Management. A conceptual and exploratory analysis. New York, Springer. (This book is very expensive, hence copies in the Learning Centre)
Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhard & Wright (2012) Human Resource Management. Gaining a Competitive Advantage. Global edition. New York. McGraw Hill.
In addition these texts are particularly relevant.
Blowfield M & Murray A. (2014) Corporate Responsibilty. 3rd Ed. Oxford. OUP.
MacLoad, D. and Clarke, N. (2009), Engaging for Success: Enhancing Performance Through Employee Engagement, Crown Copyright, Dept for Business Innovation and Skills (BIR), London
Martell, L. (2010) The Sociology of Globalisation. Cambridge: Polity.
Pilbeam, S and Corbridge, M. (2010) People Resourcing and Talent Management: HRM in Practice. 4th ed. Harlow FT Prentice Hall
Storey, J. (2007) HRM, A Critical Text. London. Thomson
Thiele, L. (2013) Sustainability. Cambridge. Polity
Order Description
Identify and explain the concepts of leading and managing others in respect of current and key theories of leadership and management.
Analyse complex situations through the synthesis of ideas taken from a range of sources and to diagnose problems,& devise solutions to a range of contemporary HR issues.
The question is:
“As the language of sustainable development enters the business mainstream, the responsibility for managing social and environmental issues is slowly shifting from the corporate fringe to an important business function”.
Do you agree with all, or part, of this statement? Be careful to address all of the different concepts in your report..
Can you use the following books please and reference using these books and journals please:
“As the language of sustainable development enters the business mainstream, the responsibility for managing social and environmental issues is slowly shifting from the corporate fringe to an important business function”.
Do you agree with all, or part, of this statement? Be careful to address all of the different concepts in your report..
The following information is important when:
• Preparing for your assessment
• Checking your work before you submit it
• Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.
Assessment Criteria
The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assessment task are indicated on page 1. The precise criteria against which your work will be marked is as follows:
• Using information: Identify and use relevant academic literature to support analysis and to inform discussion of theories and concepts
• Analysis: Use of argument, models, evidence and techniques in the development of theory and practice
• Critical thinking: Objectively assess the relative contribution of different analytical approaches and theoretical perspectives.
• Presentation: Clarity of portfolio presentation, using appropriate English, with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, with appropriately referenced sources using the Harvard Referencing Methodology
Performance descriptors
Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the above criteria. The descriptors indicate the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicated.
Level 6
Work will often demonstrate some of the following features
The work varies from very good (70-79%), excellent (80-89%) to outstanding (in excess of 90%). Very good, possibly outstanding or exceptional level of analysis, showing deep critical engagement with a comprehensive range of contextual material. Demonstration of independent thought resulting in creative responses to the assignment brief and some telling insights. Clear evidence of understanding of current scholarship and research based on an extensive range of relevant sources. Clarity of structure demonstrating complete focus of argument. Little or no obvious errors in referencing or grammar or syntax. Mature links made between relevant ideas, theories and practice.
Clear links between theory and practice. Good coverage of assignment issues. Full understanding of core issues. Evidenced level of understanding of appropriate theory and concepts. Some small repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate
Identifies main issues and relevant theory. Coverage of most of assignment issues. Competent application of relevant theory and states obvious links to practice. Some repeated errors in grammar or syntax possibly failure to apply Harvard referencing standard correctly in places.
Makes few links between theory and practice. Answers question in a very basic way. Describes relevant theory accurately, and some relevant ideas offered. Possibly failure to apply Harvard referencing standard correctly. Limited coherence of structure.
Some learning outcomes and / or assessment criteria not met. Inadequate content with issues not addressed; insufficient evidence of understanding of relevant theory and concepts and only partial understanding shown. Very limited application of theory. Use of extensive quoted passages is evident. Evidence of sufficient grasp of learning outcomes to suggest that the student will be able to retrieve the module on resubmission.
No learning outcomes fully met. No demonstration of adequate knowledge or understanding of key concepts or theories. There is no recognition of the complexity of the subject. Little attempt to engage with assignment brief and has not met learning outcomes. Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.
To help you further (reading):
GUIDED READING: You should read the core texts thoroughly –
Ehnert, I. (2009) Sustainable Human Resource Management. A conceptual and exploratory analysis. New York, Springer. (This book is very expensive, hence copies in the Learning Centre)
Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhard & Wright (2012) Human Resource Management. Gaining a Competitive Advantage. Global edition. New York. McGraw Hill.
In addition these texts are particularly relevant.
Blowfield M & Murray A. (2014) Corporate Responsibilty. 3rd Ed. Oxford. OUP.
MacLoad, D. and Clarke, N. (2009), Engaging for Success: Enhancing Performance Through Employee Engagement, Crown Copyright, Dept for Business Innovation and Skills (BIR), London
Martell, L. (2010) The Sociology of Globalisation. Cambridge: Polity.
Pilbeam, S and Corbridge, M. (2010) People Resourcing and Talent Management: HRM in Practice. 4th ed. Harlow FT Prentice Hall
Storey, J. (2007) HRM, A Critical Text. London. Thomson
Thiele, L. (2013) Sustainability. Cambridge. Polity
Pop culture is a reflection of social change, not a cause of social change:John Podhoretz. Discuss this question, using one of the following time periods as a case study to demonstrate your argument:1920s,1950s, 2000s (up to 2010)
Pop culture is a reflection of social change, not a cause of social change:John Podhoretz. Discuss this question, using one of the following time periods as a case study to demonstrate your argument:1920s,1950s, 2000s (up to 2010)
Order Description
A reference list must be provided and must include at least 10 references.At least 6 of your references must be sources other than websites.You must adhere to the AIM Style Guide to ensure your assignments are correctly referenced (citations and bibliography) Assesments Criteria: Format consistent with AIM style guide 15%, Language Mechanics20%, Answers the question, achieves word count25%, Remains focused on topic 15%, Develops ideas 15%, Appropriate number and quality of sources 10%
Order Description
A reference list must be provided and must include at least 10 references.At least 6 of your references must be sources other than websites.You must adhere to the AIM Style Guide to ensure your assignments are correctly referenced (citations and bibliography) Assesments Criteria: Format consistent with AIM style guide 15%, Language Mechanics20%, Answers the question, achieves word count25%, Remains focused on topic 15%, Develops ideas 15%, Appropriate number and quality of sources 10%
health promotion
health promotion
Order Description
Each week students need to construct a 2-3 paragraph (or 200-250 word) response to the question on the basis of the lecture content (do not reference the lecture but you may cite references used in the lecture), readings from your readings list and wider readings. Hence each week students should have a draft response to one exam question. These answers can be polished and improved on all semester until submission time.
1 _ thinking of the motorway song- identify 3 factors in ' development' that could have a negative impact on an individual health?
2_ you have been hired to develop an evaluation plan for the health promotion project tracksafe. what are some key question you would need to ask and explore? what key sources (data, literature etc. ) would you need to find?
3_ identify and briefly discuss three political skillsstrategies that HP professionals need to be aware of and make use of ( for good)
4_ briefly (in 2-3 paragraphs all up ) present two health promotion research projects which use different methodological approaches ?
Order Description
Each week students need to construct a 2-3 paragraph (or 200-250 word) response to the question on the basis of the lecture content (do not reference the lecture but you may cite references used in the lecture), readings from your readings list and wider readings. Hence each week students should have a draft response to one exam question. These answers can be polished and improved on all semester until submission time.
1 _ thinking of the motorway song- identify 3 factors in ' development' that could have a negative impact on an individual health?
2_ you have been hired to develop an evaluation plan for the health promotion project tracksafe. what are some key question you would need to ask and explore? what key sources (data, literature etc. ) would you need to find?
3_ identify and briefly discuss three political skillsstrategies that HP professionals need to be aware of and make use of ( for good)
4_ briefly (in 2-3 paragraphs all up ) present two health promotion research projects which use different methodological approaches ?
In patients whom contracted Hepatitis C from sharing needles or other equipment to inject drugs via blood who use tripple antibiotic therapy when compared with standard mono therapy alone lead to less detected serologic tests of the more chronic form of t
In patients whom contracted Hepatitis C from sharing needles or other equipment to inject drugs via blood who use tripple antibiotic therapy when compared with standard mono therapy alone lead to less detected serologic tests of the more chronic form of t
Order Description
Step 3 ? Based on the articles in the annotated bibliography and any other articles retrieved students will write a narrative review of their research topic. This review must follow AMA format. Due November 13th.
( recently a friend of mine used your site to do her entire paper. I am giving you the 2nd part of the paper to do. I need my paper to be an A plus paper!! NO PLAGIARISM ALOLOWED! THE PAPER MUST FOLLOW AMA FORMAT!!!
20% - Clarity of the question and search strategy.
20% - Adherence to AMA style.
20% - Relevance of the articles selected for the bibliography and review (based on date and type).
10% - Clarity of the writing, and lack of mistakes in grammar, punctuation and usage in the narrative review
30% - The critical thinking and analysis exhibited in the review paper.
5% of the grade will be deducted for any part of the assignment handed in late.
Order Description
Step 3 ? Based on the articles in the annotated bibliography and any other articles retrieved students will write a narrative review of their research topic. This review must follow AMA format. Due November 13th.
( recently a friend of mine used your site to do her entire paper. I am giving you the 2nd part of the paper to do. I need my paper to be an A plus paper!! NO PLAGIARISM ALOLOWED! THE PAPER MUST FOLLOW AMA FORMAT!!!
20% - Clarity of the question and search strategy.
20% - Adherence to AMA style.
20% - Relevance of the articles selected for the bibliography and review (based on date and type).
10% - Clarity of the writing, and lack of mistakes in grammar, punctuation and usage in the narrative review
30% - The critical thinking and analysis exhibited in the review paper.
5% of the grade will be deducted for any part of the assignment handed in late.
Reflective report
Reflective report
The clinical reflective report should be a report demonstrating consistent reflection on experiences and learning throughout the clinical placement. You are required to comment and reflect upon 1 experience or behaviour gained/observed during your clinical replacement. You are to describe the event and then reflect upon the behaviours of staff, along with your own performance and interaction(s) a word limit of 1000 words and references must be APA style.
, you are required to draw on experience gained in your clinical placement, as well as from contemporary literature/research. You are to select an examination that has required adaptive technique and that YOU have been involved with during your clinical block. You are required to use imaging evidence (similar images maybe used from reputable/valid referenced sources if your images are unavailable
In regard to the examination selected,
(i) discuss how the diagnostic examination has contributed to the overall management of that patient, and how YOU, the beginning practitioner, have effectively optimised image quality for this examination, and
(ii) reflect upon the examination and discuss what you would ‘do differently’ or ‘adapt’ should a similar examination be undertaken in future clinical placements; do you need to learn more, or gain higher level of skills in any areas in order to perform this role for example. Explain in detail
( my placement was 5 weeks, first week in operating theatre and second in general x-ray then emergency department and some days in CT scan and angio and MRI. I had experience in operating theatre ( bronchoscopy, ERCP and lab chole ) in general x-ray ( over weight patient, infection patient) emergency( trauma patient) )
Reflection Related to own skills and ability, with full reflection.
The clinical reflective report should be a report demonstrating consistent reflection on experiences and learning throughout the clinical placement. You are required to comment and reflect upon 1 experience or behaviour gained/observed during your clinical replacement. You are to describe the event and then reflect upon the behaviours of staff, along with your own performance and interaction(s) a word limit of 1000 words and references must be APA style.
, you are required to draw on experience gained in your clinical placement, as well as from contemporary literature/research. You are to select an examination that has required adaptive technique and that YOU have been involved with during your clinical block. You are required to use imaging evidence (similar images maybe used from reputable/valid referenced sources if your images are unavailable
In regard to the examination selected,
(i) discuss how the diagnostic examination has contributed to the overall management of that patient, and how YOU, the beginning practitioner, have effectively optimised image quality for this examination, and
(ii) reflect upon the examination and discuss what you would ‘do differently’ or ‘adapt’ should a similar examination be undertaken in future clinical placements; do you need to learn more, or gain higher level of skills in any areas in order to perform this role for example. Explain in detail
( my placement was 5 weeks, first week in operating theatre and second in general x-ray then emergency department and some days in CT scan and angio and MRI. I had experience in operating theatre ( bronchoscopy, ERCP and lab chole ) in general x-ray ( over weight patient, infection patient) emergency( trauma patient) )
Reflection Related to own skills and ability, with full reflection.
Social Computing
Social Computing
In this activity we want you to choose one of the social networks below and investigate the technologies that are needed to make it work. Then we want you to find software components that could be assembled together to build a similar service. These could be Open Source or commercial software. Finally we want you to find social media monitoring software such as shown in the lecture. Find at least 3 tools and spend some time deciding which one would be most useful to a brand.
The whole activity should take around 2 hours.
1. Which service have you chosen for this activity?
• Facebook
• Twitter
• Quora
• Instagram
• Tinder
2. List 10 specific pieces of functionality that are delivered by the service. Focus on breaking the service down into functional components such as profiles, search, galleries etc.
3. List 8-10 different technologies that are used to deliver this service adding a brief description of what this does for the service.
Think about the software technologies that make up the service such as web servers, databases, search, pattern matching etc. This is harder than it looks but essential to part 5.
4. Discuss the technical challenges of building a similar service yourself based on hosting technologies you have explored in previous activities. What pieces of the jigsaw are missing? List 3 different specific technical issues you can see.
5. List the open source or commercial software components (including URLs) that you have found that would allow you to recreate the core functionality of your chosen network.
6. List at least 3 free monitoring/analytics tools that you would recommend to a company to help them manage their social media activities. We looked at in the lecture. Find
3 more and decide which of them you would recommend to a company to get maximum value out of their social channels.
7. Which of the above measurement tools you would recommend and why?
In this activity we want you to choose one of the social networks below and investigate the technologies that are needed to make it work. Then we want you to find software components that could be assembled together to build a similar service. These could be Open Source or commercial software. Finally we want you to find social media monitoring software such as shown in the lecture. Find at least 3 tools and spend some time deciding which one would be most useful to a brand.
The whole activity should take around 2 hours.
1. Which service have you chosen for this activity?
• Quora
• Tinder
2. List 10 specific pieces of functionality that are delivered by the service. Focus on breaking the service down into functional components such as profiles, search, galleries etc.
3. List 8-10 different technologies that are used to deliver this service adding a brief description of what this does for the service.
Think about the software technologies that make up the service such as web servers, databases, search, pattern matching etc. This is harder than it looks but essential to part 5.
4. Discuss the technical challenges of building a similar service yourself based on hosting technologies you have explored in previous activities. What pieces of the jigsaw are missing? List 3 different specific technical issues you can see.
5. List the open source or commercial software components (including URLs) that you have found that would allow you to recreate the core functionality of your chosen network.
6. List at least 3 free monitoring/analytics tools that you would recommend to a company to help them manage their social media activities. We looked at in the lecture. Find
3 more and decide which of them you would recommend to a company to get maximum value out of their social channels.
7. Which of the above measurement tools you would recommend and why?
Public Economics Taxation
Public Economics Taxation
If the utility function is: Consumption Function:
U(c, `) = c ? ` 1-? . Y = (l + k) ah 1-a ,
Labor Supply:
Demand for a commodity x is D(q) with a decreases in q = p + t
Supply for commodity x is S(p) with an increases in p
Equilibrium is satisfied under the condition: Q = S(p) = D(p + t)
Begin from t = 0 and S(p) = D(p). So as to characterize dp/dt: the result of a tax increase on price, which regulates the load of tax:
Adjust dt to causes change in dp so that equilibrium holds:
S(p + dp) = D(p + dp + dt) ?
S(p) + S’(p)dp = D(p) + D’(p)(dp + dt) ?
S’(p)dp = D’(p)(dp + dt) ?
dp /dt = D’(p) /S’(p) – D’(p)
Therefore with the derivation above:
c ? ` 1-? = v(l + k) ah 1-a
If the utility function is: Consumption Function:
U(c, `) = c ? ` 1-? . Y = (l + k) ah 1-a ,
Labor Supply:
Demand for a commodity x is D(q) with a decreases in q = p + t
Supply for commodity x is S(p) with an increases in p
Equilibrium is satisfied under the condition: Q = S(p) = D(p + t)
Begin from t = 0 and S(p) = D(p). So as to characterize dp/dt: the result of a tax increase on price, which regulates the load of tax:
Adjust dt to causes change in dp so that equilibrium holds:
S(p + dp) = D(p + dp + dt) ?
S(p) + S’(p)dp = D(p) + D’(p)(dp + dt) ?
S’(p)dp = D’(p)(dp + dt) ?
dp /dt = D’(p) /S’(p) – D’(p)
Therefore with the derivation above:
c ? ` 1-? = v(l + k) ah 1-a
What is the major trauma incident and care in Saudi Arabia
What is the major trauma incident and care in Saudi Arabia
do a Research method assignment in the topic of (Trauma Incident and Care in Saudi Arabia)
The assignment should be 3000 words (plus or minus 300 words). Word length excludes references.
You have to avoid any plagiarism
The main assignment for this module is a research proposal, on similar lines to those you would expect to prepare for a bid for funding. The assignment provides an opportunity set out your plans for any subsequent thesis or dissertation. It must comprise the sections:
1. Abstract. This should summarise the whole proposal and should not exceed 150 words.
2. Research topic. This should set out the topic for the proposed research, and justifies why you have chosen to study it. You are strongly advised to select a topic for this assignment that will also be the subject for your dissertation.
3. Review of previous research. This should include a comprehensive review of current knowledge relating to the research topic, based on the most recent research in peer-reviewed journals. You are strongly advised to use systematic review techniques.
4. Research question. This should comprise a single question which the proposed research will answer through the systematic collection and analysis of data.
5. Research design. This should set out the most appropriate research design for answering the research question. You are strongly advised to discuss the appropriateness of alternative research designs and justify the research design you have chosen in preference to others.
6. Population and sample. The should describe the population and sample(s) for the study, discuss alternative sampling methods, and justify the method for selecting the sample(s) in the proposed research. You are strongly advised to justify the size of the proposed sample(s).
7. Research instruments. This should review alternative means of collecting data, assess their validity and reliability, and define the means of collecting information to be used in the proposed research.
8. Procedures. This should describe the procedures for contacting subjects and carrying out the research.
9. Ethics. This should discuss the ethical issues involved in the research, and issues relating to gaining consent.
10. Impact. This should describe the probable impact of the research on health and clinical practice.
do a Research method assignment in the topic of (Trauma Incident and Care in Saudi Arabia)
The assignment should be 3000 words (plus or minus 300 words). Word length excludes references.
You have to avoid any plagiarism
The main assignment for this module is a research proposal, on similar lines to those you would expect to prepare for a bid for funding. The assignment provides an opportunity set out your plans for any subsequent thesis or dissertation. It must comprise the sections:
1. Abstract. This should summarise the whole proposal and should not exceed 150 words.
2. Research topic. This should set out the topic for the proposed research, and justifies why you have chosen to study it. You are strongly advised to select a topic for this assignment that will also be the subject for your dissertation.
3. Review of previous research. This should include a comprehensive review of current knowledge relating to the research topic, based on the most recent research in peer-reviewed journals. You are strongly advised to use systematic review techniques.
4. Research question. This should comprise a single question which the proposed research will answer through the systematic collection and analysis of data.
5. Research design. This should set out the most appropriate research design for answering the research question. You are strongly advised to discuss the appropriateness of alternative research designs and justify the research design you have chosen in preference to others.
6. Population and sample. The should describe the population and sample(s) for the study, discuss alternative sampling methods, and justify the method for selecting the sample(s) in the proposed research. You are strongly advised to justify the size of the proposed sample(s).
7. Research instruments. This should review alternative means of collecting data, assess their validity and reliability, and define the means of collecting information to be used in the proposed research.
8. Procedures. This should describe the procedures for contacting subjects and carrying out the research.
9. Ethics. This should discuss the ethical issues involved in the research, and issues relating to gaining consent.
10. Impact. This should describe the probable impact of the research on health and clinical practice.
BKEY501: Business Research and Professional Practice
BKEY501: Business Research and Professional Practice
Coursework 1- Weight: 30%
Researched Literature Review
Word count: 1500 (max) words
Submission: to Turnitin on Blackboard
Thursday, 12 November 2015, no later than 1.00 p.m.
This assignment requires you to research the current literature relating to the topic
The impact of extra curricular activities on the employment opportunities of graduates?
The aim of the assignment is to give you the opportunity to demonstrate your research skills and your ability to identify and critically evaluate your findings. Your research provides the evidence to support your critical analysis on the topic and your sources must be relevant, current and reliable.
It is important that you access a range of literature, including academic sources such as journal articles, quality press and relevant websites in the field.
Once you have carried out your research of the literature, you need to bring your materials together and use them to help you present a review of the impact of extra curricular activities on graduate employment in your discipline.
All your sources must be referenced using the Harvard Referencing System, both in the text (author and date) and in more detail in the Reference List.
You should use the detailed marking scheme provided to help you understand what is required and where the marks are allocated.
Core textbook Research methods for business students - Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill 2016
A critical review of literature available- 100%
o Analysis of labour market (20%)
o Analysis of labour market in general
o Analysis of Graduate labour market
o Analysis of extra-curricular activities in relation to employment (30%)
o Analysis of extra Curriculum activities
o Impact of extra-curriculum activities on employment
o Literature review to support the analysis (50%)
o Sources used
o Referencing
o Coherence of literature review
Assessment Criteria:
Work will be marked according to the general criteria listed below.
Level of Achievement
Overall clarity, focus on the requirement, and coherence
Extensive use of pertinent reference material, correctly referenced
Critical and comparative use of relevant concepts and theories and the contextualisation of theory where appropriate
Clear evidence of independent thinking based on analytical material, yielding novel insights supported by appropriate evidence and pertinent theory
Very well written, with clear and lucid discussion of even the most complex concepts
Free from grammar/spelling errors
Overall clarity, focus on the requirement, and coherence
Selective use of reference material, correctly referenced
Critical and comparative use of relevant concepts and theories
Clear evidence of independent thinking based on analytical material
Very well written
Free from grammar/spelling errors
Focus on the requirement, clarity
Correctly referenced research material
Identification and grasp of appropriate concepts and theories
Where appropriate, the ability to apply theories
Well written
Very few grammar/spelling errors
Mostly focused on the requirement, reasonable structure and coherence
Some use of reference material, adequate referencing
Evidence of identification of some of the issues, mixture of descriptive and analytical material, some substantiation of ideas and opinions
Reasonably well written
Grammar/spelling errors do not significantly impede readability
Partly focused on the question, evidence of attempt at structure, little coherence
Little use of reference material or inadequate referencing
Little evidence of identification of the issues, descriptive rather than analytical, ideas presented as unsubstantiated opinions
Not terribly well written
Grammar/spelling errors sometimes impede readability
A demonstrable lack of structure, textual reference or analysis
Poorly written
Grammar/spelling errors make it (very) difficult to comprehend the text
Submission of Coursework
Unless explicitly stated otherwise in writing by the module leader, all coursework on this module is submitted via Blackboard only. It will automatically be scanned through a text matching system (designed to check for possible plagiarism).
• DO NOT attach a CA1 form or any other form of cover sheet;
• YOU MUST include your name and student ID on the first page of your assignment.
To submit your assignment:
• Log on to Blackboard at;
• Go to the relevant module Blackboard site;
• Click on the ‘Submit Coursework’ link in the navigation menu on the left-hand side, as advised by the module teaching team;
• Click on the link for the relevant assignment;
• Follow the instructions.
You will be given details by the module teaching team about how and when you will receive your marks and feedback on your work.
It is a requirement that you submit your work in this way. All coursework must be submitted by 1pm (13.00) on the due date.
If you are unable to submit your work electronically, please make sure you submit a hard copy of your work to the Coursework Lobby in the Registry.
If you submit your coursework late but within 24 hours or one working day of the specified deadline, 10% of the overall marks available for that element of assessment will be deducted, as a penalty for late submission, except for work which is marked in the range 40 – 49%, in which case the mark will be capped at the pass mark (40%).
If you submit your coursework more than 24 hours or more than one working day after the specified deadline you will be given a mark of zero for the work in question.
The University’s mitigating circumstances procedures relating to the non-submission or late submission of coursework apply to all coursework.
Coursework 1- Weight: 30%
Researched Literature Review
Word count: 1500 (max) words
Submission: to Turnitin on Blackboard
Thursday, 12 November 2015, no later than 1.00 p.m.
This assignment requires you to research the current literature relating to the topic
The impact of extra curricular activities on the employment opportunities of graduates?
The aim of the assignment is to give you the opportunity to demonstrate your research skills and your ability to identify and critically evaluate your findings. Your research provides the evidence to support your critical analysis on the topic and your sources must be relevant, current and reliable.
It is important that you access a range of literature, including academic sources such as journal articles, quality press and relevant websites in the field.
Once you have carried out your research of the literature, you need to bring your materials together and use them to help you present a review of the impact of extra curricular activities on graduate employment in your discipline.
All your sources must be referenced using the Harvard Referencing System, both in the text (author and date) and in more detail in the Reference List.
You should use the detailed marking scheme provided to help you understand what is required and where the marks are allocated.
Core textbook Research methods for business students - Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill 2016
A critical review of literature available- 100%
o Analysis of labour market (20%)
o Analysis of labour market in general
o Analysis of Graduate labour market
o Analysis of extra-curricular activities in relation to employment (30%)
o Analysis of extra Curriculum activities
o Impact of extra-curriculum activities on employment
o Literature review to support the analysis (50%)
o Sources used
o Referencing
o Coherence of literature review
Assessment Criteria:
Work will be marked according to the general criteria listed below.
Level of Achievement
Overall clarity, focus on the requirement, and coherence
Extensive use of pertinent reference material, correctly referenced
Critical and comparative use of relevant concepts and theories and the contextualisation of theory where appropriate
Clear evidence of independent thinking based on analytical material, yielding novel insights supported by appropriate evidence and pertinent theory
Very well written, with clear and lucid discussion of even the most complex concepts
Free from grammar/spelling errors
Overall clarity, focus on the requirement, and coherence
Selective use of reference material, correctly referenced
Critical and comparative use of relevant concepts and theories
Clear evidence of independent thinking based on analytical material
Very well written
Free from grammar/spelling errors
Focus on the requirement, clarity
Correctly referenced research material
Identification and grasp of appropriate concepts and theories
Where appropriate, the ability to apply theories
Well written
Very few grammar/spelling errors
Mostly focused on the requirement, reasonable structure and coherence
Some use of reference material, adequate referencing
Evidence of identification of some of the issues, mixture of descriptive and analytical material, some substantiation of ideas and opinions
Reasonably well written
Grammar/spelling errors do not significantly impede readability
Partly focused on the question, evidence of attempt at structure, little coherence
Little use of reference material or inadequate referencing
Little evidence of identification of the issues, descriptive rather than analytical, ideas presented as unsubstantiated opinions
Not terribly well written
Grammar/spelling errors sometimes impede readability
A demonstrable lack of structure, textual reference or analysis
Poorly written
Grammar/spelling errors make it (very) difficult to comprehend the text
Submission of Coursework
Unless explicitly stated otherwise in writing by the module leader, all coursework on this module is submitted via Blackboard only. It will automatically be scanned through a text matching system (designed to check for possible plagiarism).
• DO NOT attach a CA1 form or any other form of cover sheet;
• YOU MUST include your name and student ID on the first page of your assignment.
To submit your assignment:
• Log on to Blackboard at;
• Go to the relevant module Blackboard site;
• Click on the ‘Submit Coursework’ link in the navigation menu on the left-hand side, as advised by the module teaching team;
• Click on the link for the relevant assignment;
• Follow the instructions.
You will be given details by the module teaching team about how and when you will receive your marks and feedback on your work.
It is a requirement that you submit your work in this way. All coursework must be submitted by 1pm (13.00) on the due date.
If you are unable to submit your work electronically, please make sure you submit a hard copy of your work to the Coursework Lobby in the Registry.
If you submit your coursework late but within 24 hours or one working day of the specified deadline, 10% of the overall marks available for that element of assessment will be deducted, as a penalty for late submission, except for work which is marked in the range 40 – 49%, in which case the mark will be capped at the pass mark (40%).
If you submit your coursework more than 24 hours or more than one working day after the specified deadline you will be given a mark of zero for the work in question.
The University’s mitigating circumstances procedures relating to the non-submission or late submission of coursework apply to all coursework.
International Business Environment
International Business Environment
You are required to write a report on the following:
Cornbinia is an imaginary middle income developing country with a population of some 50 million. It has traditionally depended on primary exports and suffers from volatile commodity prices. The towns in Corbinia are growing fast and it is 55% urban but much of the population works in the informal sector. The new government has promised to be less corrupt and more efficient as well as to develop a programme of development which will lead to visible improvements for the majority of the population.
The IMF/World Bank(WB) is arguing that the government can best achieve this by following its advice. But others are saying this has not worked in the past. Joseph Stiglitz has recently visited to talk about alternative policies.
The government asks you to prepare a background paper on the advantages and dangers of a more interventionist approach to development and the types of things that might be done to help Cornbinia develop.
You are required to write a report on the following:
Cornbinia is an imaginary middle income developing country with a population of some 50 million. It has traditionally depended on primary exports and suffers from volatile commodity prices. The towns in Corbinia are growing fast and it is 55% urban but much of the population works in the informal sector. The new government has promised to be less corrupt and more efficient as well as to develop a programme of development which will lead to visible improvements for the majority of the population.
The IMF/World Bank(WB) is arguing that the government can best achieve this by following its advice. But others are saying this has not worked in the past. Joseph Stiglitz has recently visited to talk about alternative policies.
The government asks you to prepare a background paper on the advantages and dangers of a more interventionist approach to development and the types of things that might be done to help Cornbinia develop.
Age of Journalism
Age of Journalism
Write two pages, double spaced without using any personal pronouns. Any personal pronoun used will count as two errors.
The subject matter is to analyse and discuss why we are, or are not, in the golden age of journalism.
Write two pages, double spaced without using any personal pronouns. Any personal pronoun used will count as two errors.
The subject matter is to analyse and discuss why we are, or are not, in the golden age of journalism.
An essay is a genre of writing built on argument.
An essay is a genre of writing built on argument.
In this essay, you must frame an original argument, engaging materials in the unit from your particular point of view.
Also, the idea of originality in essay writing does not refer to ideas that have never been considered.
Rather ,essays provide you with an opportunity to develop your own arguments, to read primary and secondary materials in critical ways, and to engage in your own analysis of texts in building your argument.
However, while all essays are in this sense ‘original’ works, the research component refers to your ability to engage with the source materials we’ve
discussed in this subject.
Your engagement with source material will help to broaden your understanding of topics covered, and enrich your approach to analysis and argument. Scholarly materials enable you to ask more incisive questions about texts and contexts; they enable you to reflect on your own position, testing its validity; and perhaps most importantly, they enable you to support your claims with evidence.
This is the basis of all research: an original position taken (argument) supported by research within the field.
You must using required readings(Bordwell D. & Thompson K. (2013). Film Art: An Introduction (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill), as well as some additional reading.
*Must read this book ‘Film Art: An Introduction’ for this essay. Eg. In text reference required this book.
Q. Essay Topic : This is research essay. Film positions its spectator; indeed, we could say that film is one of the profound vehicles for ideology of the twentieth century. Do you agree? This essay must be based on a book from (Bordwell D. & Thompson K. (2013). Film Art: An Introduction (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill) and two additional readings which are scholarly materials.
Offer an analysis of film ‘Children of Men’ and/or ‘Marie Antoinette’ and/or ‘Casablanca’. Choose Two Films please.
Words limit 2000words
How to write well in this Essay
What is a thesis statement?
A thesis statement:
tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under
is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest
of the paper.
directly answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or
subject, not the subject itself. The subject, or topic, of an essay might be World War II or
Moby Dick; a thesis must then offer a way to understand the war or the novel.
makes a claim that others might dispute.
is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your argument
to the reader. The rest of the paper, the body of the essay, gathers and organizes evidence
that will persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation.
If your assignment asks you to take a position or develop a claim about a subject, you may
need to convey that position or claim in a thesis statement near the beginning of your draft.
The assignment may not explicitly state that you need a thesis statement because your
Like 93 people like this.
instructor may assume you will include one. When in doubt, ask your instructor if the
assignment requires a thesis statement. When an assignment asks you to analyze, to interpret,
to compare and contrast, to demonstrate cause and effect, or to take a stand on an issue, it is
likely that you are being asked to develop a thesis and to support it persuasively. (Check out
our handout on understanding assignments for more information.)
How do I get a thesis?
A thesis is the result of a lengthy thinking process. Formulating a thesis is not the first thing
you do after reading an essay assignment. Before you develop an argument on any topic, you
have to collect and organize evidence, look for possible relationships between known facts
(such as surprising contrasts or similarities), and think about the significance of these
relationships. Once you do this thinking, you will probably have a “working thesis,” a basic or
main idea, an argument that you think you can support with evidence but that may need
adjustment along the way.
Writers use all kinds of techniques to stimulate their thinking and to help them clarify
relationships or comprehend the broader significance of a topic and arrive at a thesis
statement. For more ideas on how to get started, see our handout on brainstorming.
How do I know if my thesis is strong?
If there’s time, run it by your instructor or make an appointment at the Writing Center to get
some feedback. Even if you do not have time to get advice elsewhere, you can do some thesis
evaluation of your own. When reviewing your first draft and its working thesis, ask yourself the
Do I answer the question? Re-reading the question prompt after constructing a working
thesis can help you fix an argument that misses the focus of the question.
Have I taken a position that others might challenge or oppose?If your thesis simply
states facts that no one would, or even could, disagree with, it’s possible that you are
simply providing a summary, rather than making an argument.
Is my thesis statement specific enough?
Thesis statements that are too vague often do not have a strong argument. If your thesis
contains words like “good” or “successful,” see if you could be more specific: why is something
“good”; what specifically makes something “successful”?
Does my thesis pass the “So what?” test? If a reader’s first response is, “So what?” then
you need to clarify, to forge a relationship, or to connect to a larger issue.
Does my essay support my thesis specifically and without wandering? If your thesis and the
body of your essay do not seem to go together, one of them has to change. It’s o.k. to
change your working thesis to reflect things you have figured out in the course of writing
your paper. Remember, always reassess and revise your writing as necessary.
Does my thesis pass the “how and why?” test? If a reader’s first response is “how?” or
“why?” your thesis may be too open-ended and lack guidance for the reader. See what you
can add to give the reader a better take on your position right from the beginning.
In this essay, you must frame an original argument, engaging materials in the unit from your particular point of view.
Also, the idea of originality in essay writing does not refer to ideas that have never been considered.
Rather ,essays provide you with an opportunity to develop your own arguments, to read primary and secondary materials in critical ways, and to engage in your own analysis of texts in building your argument.
However, while all essays are in this sense ‘original’ works, the research component refers to your ability to engage with the source materials we’ve
discussed in this subject.
Your engagement with source material will help to broaden your understanding of topics covered, and enrich your approach to analysis and argument. Scholarly materials enable you to ask more incisive questions about texts and contexts; they enable you to reflect on your own position, testing its validity; and perhaps most importantly, they enable you to support your claims with evidence.
This is the basis of all research: an original position taken (argument) supported by research within the field.
You must using required readings(Bordwell D. & Thompson K. (2013). Film Art: An Introduction (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill), as well as some additional reading.
*Must read this book ‘Film Art: An Introduction’ for this essay. Eg. In text reference required this book.
Q. Essay Topic : This is research essay. Film positions its spectator; indeed, we could say that film is one of the profound vehicles for ideology of the twentieth century. Do you agree? This essay must be based on a book from (Bordwell D. & Thompson K. (2013). Film Art: An Introduction (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill) and two additional readings which are scholarly materials.
Offer an analysis of film ‘Children of Men’ and/or ‘Marie Antoinette’ and/or ‘Casablanca’. Choose Two Films please.
Words limit 2000words
How to write well in this Essay
What is a thesis statement?
A thesis statement:
tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under
is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest
of the paper.
directly answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or
subject, not the subject itself. The subject, or topic, of an essay might be World War II or
Moby Dick; a thesis must then offer a way to understand the war or the novel.
makes a claim that others might dispute.
is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your argument
to the reader. The rest of the paper, the body of the essay, gathers and organizes evidence
that will persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation.
If your assignment asks you to take a position or develop a claim about a subject, you may
need to convey that position or claim in a thesis statement near the beginning of your draft.
The assignment may not explicitly state that you need a thesis statement because your
Like 93 people like this.
instructor may assume you will include one. When in doubt, ask your instructor if the
assignment requires a thesis statement. When an assignment asks you to analyze, to interpret,
to compare and contrast, to demonstrate cause and effect, or to take a stand on an issue, it is
likely that you are being asked to develop a thesis and to support it persuasively. (Check out
our handout on understanding assignments for more information.)
How do I get a thesis?
A thesis is the result of a lengthy thinking process. Formulating a thesis is not the first thing
you do after reading an essay assignment. Before you develop an argument on any topic, you
have to collect and organize evidence, look for possible relationships between known facts
(such as surprising contrasts or similarities), and think about the significance of these
relationships. Once you do this thinking, you will probably have a “working thesis,” a basic or
main idea, an argument that you think you can support with evidence but that may need
adjustment along the way.
Writers use all kinds of techniques to stimulate their thinking and to help them clarify
relationships or comprehend the broader significance of a topic and arrive at a thesis
statement. For more ideas on how to get started, see our handout on brainstorming.
How do I know if my thesis is strong?
If there’s time, run it by your instructor or make an appointment at the Writing Center to get
some feedback. Even if you do not have time to get advice elsewhere, you can do some thesis
evaluation of your own. When reviewing your first draft and its working thesis, ask yourself the
Do I answer the question? Re-reading the question prompt after constructing a working
thesis can help you fix an argument that misses the focus of the question.
Have I taken a position that others might challenge or oppose?If your thesis simply
states facts that no one would, or even could, disagree with, it’s possible that you are
simply providing a summary, rather than making an argument.
Is my thesis statement specific enough?
Thesis statements that are too vague often do not have a strong argument. If your thesis
contains words like “good” or “successful,” see if you could be more specific: why is something
“good”; what specifically makes something “successful”?
Does my thesis pass the “So what?” test? If a reader’s first response is, “So what?” then
you need to clarify, to forge a relationship, or to connect to a larger issue.
Does my essay support my thesis specifically and without wandering? If your thesis and the
body of your essay do not seem to go together, one of them has to change. It’s o.k. to
change your working thesis to reflect things you have figured out in the course of writing
your paper. Remember, always reassess and revise your writing as necessary.
Does my thesis pass the “how and why?” test? If a reader’s first response is “how?” or
“why?” your thesis may be too open-ended and lack guidance for the reader. See what you
can add to give the reader a better take on your position right from the beginning.
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One of the distinguishing features in the earlier films is the presence of video cameras and their low-resolution images that contrast with film images that seem more stable and permanent
The goal of the project is to have you research a movie of your choice (cannot be a film shown in class whic...
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this is a case study on financial accounting. attached are two files. one is the questions that are to be answered and the other document is...