CAREER CONNECTION: Leadership and Your
Order Description
Write a 1,050- to 1,400 word paper in which you address the following:
•From the leadership theories discussed in Chapter 14 of your text, identify one theory that appeals to you the most.
•Discuss how you would practice this leadership style in your current work environment.
•If you are not currently employed, discuss how you would practice this style of leadership in a future job you might like to hold.
•Identify 1 article on leadership from Harvard Business Review and discuss how you might incorporate this.
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Strategy and Planning Paper
Strategy and Planning Paper
Order Description
Review Figure 5.3 in the textbook.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following:
•Explain why the 3 types of goals are important to the strategy of an organization.
•Explain why the different types of planning are important to the strategy of an organization.
•Examine the elements or factors involved in creating an effective strategy for an organization.
Order Description
Review Figure 5.3 in the textbook.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following:
•Explain why the 3 types of goals are important to the strategy of an organization.
•Explain why the different types of planning are important to the strategy of an organization.
•Examine the elements or factors involved in creating an effective strategy for an organization.
The emphasis of the project portfolio and project management in general is not on the technology or actual application
The emphasis of the project portfolio and project management in general is not on the technology or actual application
Order Description
The actual nature or application field of the project is up to you. The "project” can be real, from work, from home, from the literature or history, fictitious but realistic, etc. The emphasis of the project portfolio and project management in general is not on the technology or actual application. That said, whatever you feel comfortable with and you feel will meet all the aspects you'll have to document. A simple or small project could be tougher to document in the end vs. a large scale project and of course vice-versa. As an aside it can be a finished project, in-progress project or yet to start project. Finished projects have the advantage that you know the history already.
Kerzner’s (2013) Project Management Case Studies book discusses many actual completed projects. But you should be able to find many project’s discussed on the web. You could go to the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) website and look for various project examples and projects of the year examples. Also, somewhere in your state probably several, there are PMI local chapters. You could check them out too for info; they should have their own websites. You could also see what projects are or have been completed by your local or state government. The information should be available to you as a resident.
A completed or existing project, independent of whether you were or were not involved may be better if you have access to the necessary information and documentation (you can within reason guesstimate some things as necessary if not available).
The important thing is to select a project for which you will be able to document the nine required areas:
•Project charter (optional, but highly recommended)
•Project scope
•Project schedule
•Project budget
•Project milestones & deliverables
•Quality management plan
•Staffing management plan
•Communication management plan
•Change management plan
•Risk management plan & accompanying risk register
•Other items of value
Order Description
The actual nature or application field of the project is up to you. The "project” can be real, from work, from home, from the literature or history, fictitious but realistic, etc. The emphasis of the project portfolio and project management in general is not on the technology or actual application. That said, whatever you feel comfortable with and you feel will meet all the aspects you'll have to document. A simple or small project could be tougher to document in the end vs. a large scale project and of course vice-versa. As an aside it can be a finished project, in-progress project or yet to start project. Finished projects have the advantage that you know the history already.
Kerzner’s (2013) Project Management Case Studies book discusses many actual completed projects. But you should be able to find many project’s discussed on the web. You could go to the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) website and look for various project examples and projects of the year examples. Also, somewhere in your state probably several, there are PMI local chapters. You could check them out too for info; they should have their own websites. You could also see what projects are or have been completed by your local or state government. The information should be available to you as a resident.
A completed or existing project, independent of whether you were or were not involved may be better if you have access to the necessary information and documentation (you can within reason guesstimate some things as necessary if not available).
The important thing is to select a project for which you will be able to document the nine required areas:
•Project charter (optional, but highly recommended)
•Project scope
•Project schedule
•Project budget
•Project milestones & deliverables
•Quality management plan
•Staffing management plan
•Communication management plan
•Change management plan
•Risk management plan & accompanying risk register
•Other items of value
Paper details:
Paper details:
African Economics Development Course Work: Foreign Aid in Gabon
African Economics Development Course Work: Foreign Aid in Gabon
Order Description
In this assignment you need to find economic data and draw some graphs regarding the foreign aid of the African Country: Gabon. Detailed explanation is explained below and I will attach them as well. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me!
Data source:1- foreign aid disbursements: and 2-World Bank databank
A-How much foreign aid has your country received since 1960?
Using the data source from the OECD which track foreign aid (official development assistance) by donor country and international organization, draw 4 graphs,one for each of the following:
1-Aid received from All donors
2-Aid received from former colonial power
3-Aid received from United States
4-Aid received from Multilateral agencies
B-For the year 2014 (or most recent year), who are the top 4 donors to your country? what are the top 4 recipients sectors?
Present this information in a table or chart with aid disbursement amounts
C-Aid and GDP per capita
Combining OECD aid data, with information from the World Bank data bank, please show the relationship between GPD per capita growth and Aid Received from All donors since 1960.(look at attachment for sample graphs)
Order Description
In this assignment you need to find economic data and draw some graphs regarding the foreign aid of the African Country: Gabon. Detailed explanation is explained below and I will attach them as well. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me!
Data source:1- foreign aid disbursements: and 2-World Bank databank
A-How much foreign aid has your country received since 1960?
Using the data source from the OECD which track foreign aid (official development assistance) by donor country and international organization, draw 4 graphs,one for each of the following:
1-Aid received from All donors
2-Aid received from former colonial power
3-Aid received from United States
4-Aid received from Multilateral agencies
B-For the year 2014 (or most recent year), who are the top 4 donors to your country? what are the top 4 recipients sectors?
Present this information in a table or chart with aid disbursement amounts
C-Aid and GDP per capita
Combining OECD aid data, with information from the World Bank data bank, please show the relationship between GPD per capita growth and Aid Received from All donors since 1960.(look at attachment for sample graphs)
Perspectives in criminology
Perspectives in criminology
Order Description
RESEARCH Exercise (1,000 Words)
40% A1 Due BEFORE Friday 08 April, 2016, 5:00 PM
Select one of the following recent crime issues and answer the related question.
1. Alcoholrelated violence and one-punch killings
• How can public debate and political action relating to these offences be seen as related to neoliberal ideology? Discuss in relation to concepts of risk and responsibilisation.
2. International people smuggling
• How can this issue be seen as related to processes of globalisation? Discuss in relation to permeability of national borders and contemporary anxieties about national identity.
References / Readings:
• Please note that for this assignment you are required to cite at least 6 academic references. Note: Wikipedia, lecture notes and media articles are NOT academic references. If you do use media articles, these will be considered in addition to your required references.
• Students are strongly encouraged to extend their research to additional readings. Please visit the library website for literacy resources.
• Assessment guidance will be provided in tutorials.
Assignment needs to;
1. Ability to address essay question
2. Clarity and sophistication of argument
3. Evidence of having read and understood relevant literature
4. Evidence of critical thinking and engagement with theory
5. Ability to write clearly and reference appropriately
• Apply a critical understanding of the recent perspectives in criminology to related debates about power and exclusion;
• Demonstrate knowledge of white collar, corporate/transnational, state crime and crimes against nature/the environment;
Style & Presentation – Some Dos and Don’ts
• You need to relate your essay to the specific topic provided in this Guide. You cannot create your own topic. It is essential that you read the instructions for your assignment.
• You are expected to have basic knowledge about how to do academic research (both online and in the Library). If you would like help, or are unsure about how to research academic material, please ask either your unit coordinator or tutor for help. If you do require help, please ensure that you that approach your teaching staff well before the assignment due date.
• Wikipedia is not an academic source!
• Make sure you follow the Harvard referencing style guide from the UWS Library website.
• Preparation is key to good writing. The more time you spend mapping out your assignment, the more likely it is that you will produce a coherent and convincing argument.
• Your essay should be 1.5 or double spaced.
• Your assignment should be sufficiently titled so as to indicate the question you have selected.
• Your reference list must be included at the end of your essay. Failure to include a reference list can result in an automatic failure and can constitute serious academic misconduct.
• Avoid overly long sentences and. Simple is better.
• You need to read your essay prior to submission. If it doesn’t make sense to you, it won’t make sense to your marker either.
• Make sure all your references are fully and properly acknowledged (including page numbers for direct quotations).
1. Week 1: Introduction to Perspectives in Criminology
• Garland, D 2001, 'The new culture of crime control', in The culture of control: crime and social order in contemporary society, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 167-92.
• Garland, D & Sparks, R 2000, 'Criminology, social theory and the challenge of our times', in Criminology and social theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-22.
2. Week 2: Globalisation and the Changing Nature of Crime
• Aas, F 2007, ‘Crime, fear and social exclusion in the global village’, in Globalization and crime, Sage, London, pp. 1-26.
• Gillespie, W 2006, 'Capitalist world-economy, globalization, and violence: implications for criminology and social justice', International Criminal Justice Review, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 20-44.
3. Week 3: Neoliberalism, Responsibilisation and Shifting Forms of Crime Prevention
• Muncie, J 2005, 'The globalization of crime control - the case of youth and juvenile justice: neo-liberalism, policy convergence and international conventions', Theoretical Criminology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 35-64.
• O’Malley, P 2008, ‘Neo-liberalism and risk in criminology’, in T Anthony & C Cunneen (eds), The critical criminology companion, Hawkins Press, Sydney, pp. 55-67.
4. Week 4: Sovereignty, Transnational Crime and the Impact of its Counter-measures
• McCulloch, J 2007, ‘Transnational crime as productive fiction’, Social Justice, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 19-32.
• Pickering, S 2004, 'The production of sovereignty and the rise of transversal policing: people-smuggling and federal policing', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 362-79.
5. Week 5: Law and Order Trends
• Brown, D & Hogg, R 1996, 'Law and order commonsense', Current Issues in Criminal Justice, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 175-91.
• Kraska, PB 2007, 'Militarization and policing - its relevance to 21st century police', Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 501-13.
6. Week 6: Corporate Crime and Crimes Against the Environment.
• Friedrichs, DO 2007, 'White-collar crime in a postmodern, globalized world', in H Pontell & G Geis (eds), International handbook of white-collar and corporate crime, Springer, New York, pp. 163-84.
• White, R 2005, ’Environmental crime in global context: exploring the theoretical and emprical complexities’, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 271-85
7. Week 7: Crime, Space and Social Exclusion
• Martin, G 2011, 'Showcasing security: the politics of policing space at the 2007 Sydney APEC meeting', Policing and Society, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 27-48.
• Young, J 1999, 'From inclusive to exclusive society', in The exclusive society: social exclusion, crime and difference in late modernity, Sage, London, pp. 1-30.
Order Description
RESEARCH Exercise (1,000 Words)
40% A1 Due BEFORE Friday 08 April, 2016, 5:00 PM
Select one of the following recent crime issues and answer the related question.
1. Alcoholrelated violence and one-punch killings
• How can public debate and political action relating to these offences be seen as related to neoliberal ideology? Discuss in relation to concepts of risk and responsibilisation.
2. International people smuggling
• How can this issue be seen as related to processes of globalisation? Discuss in relation to permeability of national borders and contemporary anxieties about national identity.
References / Readings:
• Please note that for this assignment you are required to cite at least 6 academic references. Note: Wikipedia, lecture notes and media articles are NOT academic references. If you do use media articles, these will be considered in addition to your required references.
• Students are strongly encouraged to extend their research to additional readings. Please visit the library website for literacy resources.
• Assessment guidance will be provided in tutorials.
Assignment needs to;
1. Ability to address essay question
2. Clarity and sophistication of argument
3. Evidence of having read and understood relevant literature
4. Evidence of critical thinking and engagement with theory
5. Ability to write clearly and reference appropriately
• Apply a critical understanding of the recent perspectives in criminology to related debates about power and exclusion;
• Demonstrate knowledge of white collar, corporate/transnational, state crime and crimes against nature/the environment;
Style & Presentation – Some Dos and Don’ts
• You need to relate your essay to the specific topic provided in this Guide. You cannot create your own topic. It is essential that you read the instructions for your assignment.
• You are expected to have basic knowledge about how to do academic research (both online and in the Library). If you would like help, or are unsure about how to research academic material, please ask either your unit coordinator or tutor for help. If you do require help, please ensure that you that approach your teaching staff well before the assignment due date.
• Wikipedia is not an academic source!
• Make sure you follow the Harvard referencing style guide from the UWS Library website.
• Preparation is key to good writing. The more time you spend mapping out your assignment, the more likely it is that you will produce a coherent and convincing argument.
• Your essay should be 1.5 or double spaced.
• Your assignment should be sufficiently titled so as to indicate the question you have selected.
• Your reference list must be included at the end of your essay. Failure to include a reference list can result in an automatic failure and can constitute serious academic misconduct.
• Avoid overly long sentences and. Simple is better.
• You need to read your essay prior to submission. If it doesn’t make sense to you, it won’t make sense to your marker either.
• Make sure all your references are fully and properly acknowledged (including page numbers for direct quotations).
1. Week 1: Introduction to Perspectives in Criminology
• Garland, D 2001, 'The new culture of crime control', in The culture of control: crime and social order in contemporary society, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 167-92.
• Garland, D & Sparks, R 2000, 'Criminology, social theory and the challenge of our times', in Criminology and social theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-22.
2. Week 2: Globalisation and the Changing Nature of Crime
• Aas, F 2007, ‘Crime, fear and social exclusion in the global village’, in Globalization and crime, Sage, London, pp. 1-26.
• Gillespie, W 2006, 'Capitalist world-economy, globalization, and violence: implications for criminology and social justice', International Criminal Justice Review, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 20-44.
3. Week 3: Neoliberalism, Responsibilisation and Shifting Forms of Crime Prevention
• Muncie, J 2005, 'The globalization of crime control - the case of youth and juvenile justice: neo-liberalism, policy convergence and international conventions', Theoretical Criminology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 35-64.
• O’Malley, P 2008, ‘Neo-liberalism and risk in criminology’, in T Anthony & C Cunneen (eds), The critical criminology companion, Hawkins Press, Sydney, pp. 55-67.
4. Week 4: Sovereignty, Transnational Crime and the Impact of its Counter-measures
• McCulloch, J 2007, ‘Transnational crime as productive fiction’, Social Justice, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 19-32.
• Pickering, S 2004, 'The production of sovereignty and the rise of transversal policing: people-smuggling and federal policing', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 362-79.
5. Week 5: Law and Order Trends
• Brown, D & Hogg, R 1996, 'Law and order commonsense', Current Issues in Criminal Justice, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 175-91.
• Kraska, PB 2007, 'Militarization and policing - its relevance to 21st century police', Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 501-13.
6. Week 6: Corporate Crime and Crimes Against the Environment.
• Friedrichs, DO 2007, 'White-collar crime in a postmodern, globalized world', in H Pontell & G Geis (eds), International handbook of white-collar and corporate crime, Springer, New York, pp. 163-84.
• White, R 2005, ’Environmental crime in global context: exploring the theoretical and emprical complexities’, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 271-85
7. Week 7: Crime, Space and Social Exclusion
• Martin, G 2011, 'Showcasing security: the politics of policing space at the 2007 Sydney APEC meeting', Policing and Society, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 27-48.
• Young, J 1999, 'From inclusive to exclusive society', in The exclusive society: social exclusion, crime and difference in late modernity, Sage, London, pp. 1-30.
Order Description
The assignment involves the recording of your experiences with a service provider. While virtually any service provider is fine; students are not permitted to do any service provided by the University, or any service that maybe objectionable, unethical or illegal.
The assignment requires you to observe the physical environment, process and people, and identify your cognitive, affective, and behavioural responses. Demonstrate your understanding of the new 3 Ps of services marketing by exploring what you think, feel or do in response to these three service stimuli. There should be evidence of direct cause and effect relationships in the explanation. Relevant course concepts and models should be investigated and interpreted within this scenario to make analytical conclusions regarding service quality. You should construct original exhibits to support or demonstrate the analytical conclusions. I'll upload lecture slides in the attachment later.
Papers will be 4 single-spaced pages with a 12-point font. Any number of exhibits maybe added and should be referenced in the pages and with a cover page that has a title identifying the service, cover page isn't included in the four pages.
Order Description
The assignment involves the recording of your experiences with a service provider. While virtually any service provider is fine; students are not permitted to do any service provided by the University, or any service that maybe objectionable, unethical or illegal.
The assignment requires you to observe the physical environment, process and people, and identify your cognitive, affective, and behavioural responses. Demonstrate your understanding of the new 3 Ps of services marketing by exploring what you think, feel or do in response to these three service stimuli. There should be evidence of direct cause and effect relationships in the explanation. Relevant course concepts and models should be investigated and interpreted within this scenario to make analytical conclusions regarding service quality. You should construct original exhibits to support or demonstrate the analytical conclusions. I'll upload lecture slides in the attachment later.
Papers will be 4 single-spaced pages with a 12-point font. Any number of exhibits maybe added and should be referenced in the pages and with a cover page that has a title identifying the service, cover page isn't included in the four pages.
BOOK REVIEW FOR- The Presidents and the Prime Ministers: Washington and Ottawa Face to Face: The Myth of Bilateral Bliss, 1867-1982 by Lawrence Martin
BOOK REVIEW FOR- The Presidents and the Prime Ministers: Washington and Ottawa Face to Face: The Myth of Bilateral Bliss, 1867-1982 by Lawrence Martin
Order Description
BOOK REVIEW FOR- The Presidents and the Prime Ministers: Washington and Ottawa Face to Face: The Myth of Bilateral Bliss, 1867-1982 by Lawrence Martin
1. A short description of the author-where he lives, his profession where he went to college and anything else that may help in knowing his biases. (The chairman of a political party in writing a history of the party is probably going to be biased in favor of the party.) Does the author exhibit any biases in the work? If so, how?
2. How do you like the author’s style? Does he use short, choppy sentences that become deadly dull? Or does the work consist of long convoluted sentences with flowery phrases many of which must be reread to be understood? Some authors should have their works patented as a cure for insomnia!
3. Is the work valid? Does the author present an accurate and reliable account of the subject? Are footnotes/endnotes used? Do the footnotes/endnotes help? Is there a bibliography? If technical terms are used, are they explained?
4. Write a brief summary. In not more than two typed pages, state what the work is about. Do not give a chapter by chapter account of the book. Your summary should be written so that the person reading the summary would know whether or not he would like to read the work.
5. What have other reviewers said about this book? Do you agree with them or not? State your reasons. Be certain to document your sources.
6. What is your assessment of the work? This is the most important part of your review. Did the book help you in understanding the subject or further your understanding of some aspect of this course? Would you recommend this book to a friend?
Order Description
BOOK REVIEW FOR- The Presidents and the Prime Ministers: Washington and Ottawa Face to Face: The Myth of Bilateral Bliss, 1867-1982 by Lawrence Martin
1. A short description of the author-where he lives, his profession where he went to college and anything else that may help in knowing his biases. (The chairman of a political party in writing a history of the party is probably going to be biased in favor of the party.) Does the author exhibit any biases in the work? If so, how?
2. How do you like the author’s style? Does he use short, choppy sentences that become deadly dull? Or does the work consist of long convoluted sentences with flowery phrases many of which must be reread to be understood? Some authors should have their works patented as a cure for insomnia!
3. Is the work valid? Does the author present an accurate and reliable account of the subject? Are footnotes/endnotes used? Do the footnotes/endnotes help? Is there a bibliography? If technical terms are used, are they explained?
4. Write a brief summary. In not more than two typed pages, state what the work is about. Do not give a chapter by chapter account of the book. Your summary should be written so that the person reading the summary would know whether or not he would like to read the work.
5. What have other reviewers said about this book? Do you agree with them or not? State your reasons. Be certain to document your sources.
6. What is your assessment of the work? This is the most important part of your review. Did the book help you in understanding the subject or further your understanding of some aspect of this course? Would you recommend this book to a friend?
only the outline and sources:1.6. What does Soviet rock culture of the 1980s demonstrate about the spirit of the time?
only the outline and sources:1.6. What does Soviet rock culture of the 1980s demonstrate about the spirit of the time?
Develop an essay outline that includes:
2.1. Thesis statement in the form of an answer to the research question.
2.2. Topic sentence 1 that supports your thesis statement.
2.3. Topic sentence 2 that supports your thesis statement.
2.4. Topic sentence 3 that supports your thesis statement.
2.5. Tentative Bibliography page in MLA style with at least 3 scholarly sources used in your paper.
3. Your grade will be calculated as following:
3.1. Thesis statement: The thesis statement is arguable, specific and clear and answers the research question.
3.2. Topic sentence 1: Topic sentence 1 is arguable, clear and is in support of the thesis statement.
3.3. Topic sentence 2: Topic sentence 2 is arguable, clear and is in support of the thesis statement.
3.4. Topic sentence 3: Topic sentence 3 is arguable, clear and is in support of the thesis statement.
3.5. Bibliography: The sources provided are scholarly and relevant to the author’s thesis.
How does soviet rock music and lyrics demonstrate the soviet union spirit ? three points. introduction thesis, topic sentence for point one,point two ,point three.bibligraphy
Develop an essay outline that includes:
2.1. Thesis statement in the form of an answer to the research question.
2.2. Topic sentence 1 that supports your thesis statement.
2.3. Topic sentence 2 that supports your thesis statement.
2.4. Topic sentence 3 that supports your thesis statement.
2.5. Tentative Bibliography page in MLA style with at least 3 scholarly sources used in your paper.
3. Your grade will be calculated as following:
3.1. Thesis statement: The thesis statement is arguable, specific and clear and answers the research question.
3.2. Topic sentence 1: Topic sentence 1 is arguable, clear and is in support of the thesis statement.
3.3. Topic sentence 2: Topic sentence 2 is arguable, clear and is in support of the thesis statement.
3.4. Topic sentence 3: Topic sentence 3 is arguable, clear and is in support of the thesis statement.
3.5. Bibliography: The sources provided are scholarly and relevant to the author’s thesis.
How does soviet rock music and lyrics demonstrate the soviet union spirit ? three points. introduction thesis, topic sentence for point one,point two ,point three.bibligraphy
BOOK REVIEW FOR- The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn by Alison Weir
BOOK REVIEW FOR- The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn by Alison Weir
Order Description
BOOK REVIEW FOR- The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn by Alison Weir
1. A short description of the author-where he lives, his profession where he went to college and anything else that may help in knowing his biases. (The chairman of a political party in writing a history of the party is probably going to be biased in favor of the party.) Does the author exhibit any biases in the work? If so, how?
2. How do you like the author’s style? Does he use short, choppy sentences that become deadly dull? Or does the work consist of long convoluted sentences with flowery phrases many of which must be reread to be understood? Some authors should have their works patented as a cure for insomnia!
3. Is the work valid? Does the author present an accurate and reliable account of the subject? Are footnotes/endnotes used? Do the footnotes/endnotes help? Is there a bibliography? If technical terms are used, are they explained?
4. Write a brief summary. In not more than two typed pages, state what the work is about. Do not give a chapter by chapter account of the book. Your summary should be written so that the person reading the summary would know whether or not he would like to read the work.
5. What have other reviewers said about this book? Do you agree with them or not? State your reasons. Be certain to document your sources.
6. What is your assessment of the work? This is the most important part of your review. Did the book help you in understanding the subject or further your understanding of some aspect of this course? Would you recommend this book to a friend?
Order Description
BOOK REVIEW FOR- The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn by Alison Weir
1. A short description of the author-where he lives, his profession where he went to college and anything else that may help in knowing his biases. (The chairman of a political party in writing a history of the party is probably going to be biased in favor of the party.) Does the author exhibit any biases in the work? If so, how?
2. How do you like the author’s style? Does he use short, choppy sentences that become deadly dull? Or does the work consist of long convoluted sentences with flowery phrases many of which must be reread to be understood? Some authors should have their works patented as a cure for insomnia!
3. Is the work valid? Does the author present an accurate and reliable account of the subject? Are footnotes/endnotes used? Do the footnotes/endnotes help? Is there a bibliography? If technical terms are used, are they explained?
4. Write a brief summary. In not more than two typed pages, state what the work is about. Do not give a chapter by chapter account of the book. Your summary should be written so that the person reading the summary would know whether or not he would like to read the work.
5. What have other reviewers said about this book? Do you agree with them or not? State your reasons. Be certain to document your sources.
6. What is your assessment of the work? This is the most important part of your review. Did the book help you in understanding the subject or further your understanding of some aspect of this course? Would you recommend this book to a friend?
Surrounding circumstances of soilders going AWOL
Surrounding circumstances of soilders going AWOL
Order Description
12pt times new roman one inch margins
The assignment is to pose a interesting question at issue about what you see as the truth of the novel, 'The Yellow Birds' by Kevin Powers. The essay indentifying and arguing what 'Truth' about the war powers is concerned with sharing to his audience.
Ch. 3 March 2005 Kaiserslautern, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
Here's what the paper should flow with coherence to the subject of AWOL
How many soilders have gone AWOL since the start of the Iraqi war and what were the surrounding circumstances for there walking away, what kind of lifestyle are they living now for example the consequences and family and job life. Also include things like resistance to the war family issues sucide.
A historical context of AWOL in American Wars as well.
Eddie Slouik story of being shot by a firing squad for going AWOL
Make it flow with coherence to this subject area
Order Description
12pt times new roman one inch margins
The assignment is to pose a interesting question at issue about what you see as the truth of the novel, 'The Yellow Birds' by Kevin Powers. The essay indentifying and arguing what 'Truth' about the war powers is concerned with sharing to his audience.
Ch. 3 March 2005 Kaiserslautern, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
Here's what the paper should flow with coherence to the subject of AWOL
How many soilders have gone AWOL since the start of the Iraqi war and what were the surrounding circumstances for there walking away, what kind of lifestyle are they living now for example the consequences and family and job life. Also include things like resistance to the war family issues sucide.
A historical context of AWOL in American Wars as well.
Eddie Slouik story of being shot by a firing squad for going AWOL
Make it flow with coherence to this subject area
Has capital punishment improved crime in America and should it be brought to the UK?
Has capital punishment improved crime in America and should it be brought to the UK?
Order Description
The dissertation will be conducted from secondary research on capital punishment and will include the UK as a whole and 2/3 states in america preferably california and texas and other states which haeva death row prison. the dissertation will be made up of 3 chapters which will ultimately be:
firstly- the first chapter will be about capital punishment with
-brief history from the 20th and 21st century from the UK and USA
-types of crime in America which hold death penalty sentences and the legal framework(laws) around the death penalty in both USA and UK
-Most importantly crime statistics in those 2/3 states which is for and against the death penalty compared to the UKs crime stats as this is directly linked to the question.
Second chapter- will be ultimately for the death penalty and all points which are in favour of the death penalty being brought to the UK.-points such as deterrence and deterring factors with proof of deterrence. also their needs to be arguments for the death penalty from scholars in the law and criminology field which support the death penalty.death row?
third chapter- points against the death penalty being brought to the UK- such as Human rights and how it is violated, alternatives to capital punishment the cost of capital punishment vs imprisonment. death row?
Abolition and death row can be mentioned aswell
An introduction and methodology is needed before the three chapters and conclusion and reference list after however the synopsis and acknowledgments will not be needed.
I have added what I think needs to be included but I know there is much more and I will leave that with the professionals such as yourself.
Order Description
The dissertation will be conducted from secondary research on capital punishment and will include the UK as a whole and 2/3 states in america preferably california and texas and other states which haeva death row prison. the dissertation will be made up of 3 chapters which will ultimately be:
firstly- the first chapter will be about capital punishment with
-brief history from the 20th and 21st century from the UK and USA
-types of crime in America which hold death penalty sentences and the legal framework(laws) around the death penalty in both USA and UK
-Most importantly crime statistics in those 2/3 states which is for and against the death penalty compared to the UKs crime stats as this is directly linked to the question.
Second chapter- will be ultimately for the death penalty and all points which are in favour of the death penalty being brought to the UK.-points such as deterrence and deterring factors with proof of deterrence. also their needs to be arguments for the death penalty from scholars in the law and criminology field which support the death penalty.death row?
third chapter- points against the death penalty being brought to the UK- such as Human rights and how it is violated, alternatives to capital punishment the cost of capital punishment vs imprisonment. death row?
Abolition and death row can be mentioned aswell
An introduction and methodology is needed before the three chapters and conclusion and reference list after however the synopsis and acknowledgments will not be needed.
I have added what I think needs to be included but I know there is much more and I will leave that with the professionals such as yourself.
Drug Control
Drug Control
Order Description
The only source that is allowed to be used is a book:
Drug Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Introduction By Howard Abadinsky ISBN# 9781285070278
Questions that need to be answered are:
1. What is the drug use continuum and how can it help understand patterns of drug use?
2. Explain the effects and dangers of alcohol
3. Discuss the relationship between stress and addiction.
4. Discuss the effects and grey market strategies of "bath salts".
5. Why is it important to understand the concept of mental illness in relation to substance abuse?
Order Description
The only source that is allowed to be used is a book:
Drug Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Introduction By Howard Abadinsky ISBN# 9781285070278
Questions that need to be answered are:
1. What is the drug use continuum and how can it help understand patterns of drug use?
2. Explain the effects and dangers of alcohol
3. Discuss the relationship between stress and addiction.
4. Discuss the effects and grey market strategies of "bath salts".
5. Why is it important to understand the concept of mental illness in relation to substance abuse?
War on Drugs
War on Drugs
Order Description
The War on Drugs is extraordinarily expensive and has little effect on the inflow of illicit drugs. Drug-related corruption is rampant, simply because the huge sums of tainted money are too enticing. The consuming public seems determined to have their drugs, whether or not the government thinks they should. All of these factors seem to be a replication of the social conditions that existed at the height of the temperance movement of the 1800's and early 1900's. That failure of social policy let to Prohibition, against which those who wanted their liquor simply rebelled until the government finally capitulated and repealed Prohibition.
Discuss whether or not the same social conditions exist today regarding the use of drugs. Do you believe that the futility of trying to stop a determined consuming public and the diversion of monumental amounts of public funds from other essential programs (education and health care) mandate governmental capitulation yet again, this time in the form of the legalization of drug use. Please use research to support your opinion and remember to cite your research.
Two videos that may be used for this discussion could be:
Romulus police corruption charges
Duration: (2:19)
User: wxyztvdetroit - Added: 9/27/11
YouTube URL:
Former Romulus Police Chief sentenced for role in corruption scandal
Duration: (2:37)
User: wxyztvdetroit - Added: 10/17/14
YouTube URL:
Order Description
The War on Drugs is extraordinarily expensive and has little effect on the inflow of illicit drugs. Drug-related corruption is rampant, simply because the huge sums of tainted money are too enticing. The consuming public seems determined to have their drugs, whether or not the government thinks they should. All of these factors seem to be a replication of the social conditions that existed at the height of the temperance movement of the 1800's and early 1900's. That failure of social policy let to Prohibition, against which those who wanted their liquor simply rebelled until the government finally capitulated and repealed Prohibition.
Discuss whether or not the same social conditions exist today regarding the use of drugs. Do you believe that the futility of trying to stop a determined consuming public and the diversion of monumental amounts of public funds from other essential programs (education and health care) mandate governmental capitulation yet again, this time in the form of the legalization of drug use. Please use research to support your opinion and remember to cite your research.
Two videos that may be used for this discussion could be:
Romulus police corruption charges
Duration: (2:19)
User: wxyztvdetroit - Added: 9/27/11
YouTube URL:
Former Romulus Police Chief sentenced for role in corruption scandal
Duration: (2:37)
User: wxyztvdetroit - Added: 10/17/14
YouTube URL:
Write at least a one-page response (may be longer) to answer the following questions.
Write at least a one-page response (may be longer) to answer the following questions.
Order Description
Intelligence and how it is measured is a controversial topic and is subject to ongoing debate. The following article examines the evolving concept of intelligence:
Write at least a one-page response (may be longer) to answer the following questions.
After reading the article, what are your thoughts on intelligence tests? Are we able to accurately capture intelligence without bias? How would you define bias in the context of intelligence? Support your answer with scholarly support (i.e., textbook or research article from the library).
Your response should be in APA format (at least one page, typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman.
Order Description
Intelligence and how it is measured is a controversial topic and is subject to ongoing debate. The following article examines the evolving concept of intelligence:
Write at least a one-page response (may be longer) to answer the following questions.
After reading the article, what are your thoughts on intelligence tests? Are we able to accurately capture intelligence without bias? How would you define bias in the context of intelligence? Support your answer with scholarly support (i.e., textbook or research article from the library).
Your response should be in APA format (at least one page, typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman.
Whether or not to grant bail in Texas
Whether or not to grant bail in Texas
Order Description
The topic of my paper is "Whether or not to grant bail in the State of Texas." I just want you to list the reasons why bail would be denied and the consequences that could occur afterwards and talk about it. I will attach more information as soon as possible with the specific paper guidelines. This is just informing you of what to come.
Order Description
The topic of my paper is "Whether or not to grant bail in the State of Texas." I just want you to list the reasons why bail would be denied and the consequences that could occur afterwards and talk about it. I will attach more information as soon as possible with the specific paper guidelines. This is just informing you of what to come.
the effect of stereotype boost on E.Q tests
the effect of stereotype boost on E.Q tests
Since it is commonly believe that women are more emotionally intelligent than men , we created a fake stereotype boost that " favors males' emotional intelligence(E.Q) over females' " to see if this fake stereotype boost would change participants' performance (scores) when taking an E.Q test.
We used a valid E.Q test from the scientific literature but on top of the test we used two different headings:
1) with the fake stereotype boost that favors males' E.Q and
2) without the stereotype boost (neutral heading)
we gave the E.Q tests to women and men.
half of women received the E.Q tests with the stereotype boost,
and the other half without it.
the same was done with males participants
their scores were compered. we did not find any significant difference.
we run a 2 x 2 factorial design
IV level 1 = male
IV level 1 = female
IV level 2 = stereotype boost
IV level 2 = non-stereotype boost
class hypothesis = it would be a significant interaction between gender and stereotype boost
Since it is commonly believe that women are more emotionally intelligent than men , we created a fake stereotype boost that " favors males' emotional intelligence(E.Q) over females' " to see if this fake stereotype boost would change participants' performance (scores) when taking an E.Q test.
We used a valid E.Q test from the scientific literature but on top of the test we used two different headings:
1) with the fake stereotype boost that favors males' E.Q and
2) without the stereotype boost (neutral heading)
we gave the E.Q tests to women and men.
half of women received the E.Q tests with the stereotype boost,
and the other half without it.
the same was done with males participants
their scores were compered. we did not find any significant difference.
we run a 2 x 2 factorial design
IV level 1 = male
IV level 1 = female
IV level 2 = stereotype boost
IV level 2 = non-stereotype boost
class hypothesis = it would be a significant interaction between gender and stereotype boost
Experimental Learning Assignment
Experimental Learning Assignment
Order Description
This is for my Diversity Class. It is a interview research paper. I need to attach my specifications and what I had already began with the approval of my teacher. I don't see where I can attach this.
I also need a reference page
One one of the pages that I send you for my resources you do not have to use. If you find a more reputable one please use it.
This will be returned in a plagiarized site at my university that looks for any plagiarism from the internet. So make sure that everything is sited correctly without any plagiarism.
Order Description
This is for my Diversity Class. It is a interview research paper. I need to attach my specifications and what I had already began with the approval of my teacher. I don't see where I can attach this.
I also need a reference page
One one of the pages that I send you for my resources you do not have to use. If you find a more reputable one please use it.
This will be returned in a plagiarized site at my university that looks for any plagiarism from the internet. So make sure that everything is sited correctly without any plagiarism.
Plan a series of actions and follow these through
Plan a series of actions and follow these through
Order Description
Your task is to present a 1200 word report in which you define Personal Development Planning, and
select three areas of development which you then have to discuss in greater detail.
There will be three parts to this – an introduction (150 words approximately), a main body (900
words approximately) and a conclusion (150 words approximately).
You should follow the structure outlined below:
(a) Introduction- Define Personal Development Planning (150 words)
This should include at least one academic source.
(b) Main body- Choose three of the following topics and explain why they are an important part
of students’ Personal Development Planning – drawing on appropriate sources (900 words)
1. Understanding Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism
2. Computer Literacy
3. Communication Skills
4. Leadership Skills
5. Being able to write in an Academic and Critical manner
6. Group Work
7. Using Social Media to create a Professional Brand
(c) Conclusion - explain briefly how PDP at GSM London helps students in both the short and
long term in their studies and their overall personal development (150 words).
Order Description
Your task is to present a 1200 word report in which you define Personal Development Planning, and
select three areas of development which you then have to discuss in greater detail.
There will be three parts to this – an introduction (150 words approximately), a main body (900
words approximately) and a conclusion (150 words approximately).
You should follow the structure outlined below:
(a) Introduction- Define Personal Development Planning (150 words)
This should include at least one academic source.
(b) Main body- Choose three of the following topics and explain why they are an important part
of students’ Personal Development Planning – drawing on appropriate sources (900 words)
1. Understanding Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism
2. Computer Literacy
3. Communication Skills
4. Leadership Skills
5. Being able to write in an Academic and Critical manner
6. Group Work
7. Using Social Media to create a Professional Brand
(c) Conclusion - explain briefly how PDP at GSM London helps students in both the short and
long term in their studies and their overall personal development (150 words).
Order Description
In the Philosophy of Ethics: Abortion
You must cite a FOUR references. I do not require you to use a formal citation system. It is enough just to place your citation at the end of your paper. If you quote/use a BOOK cite Title, Author, date of publication, and page numbers referenced; if a MAGAZINE cite Magazine name, Title of Article, Author, date of issue; if an internet WEBSITE, type the web address, and title of article you are using.
FORMAT: double spaced between lines, Font – 12
Order Description
In the Philosophy of Ethics: Abortion
You must cite a FOUR references. I do not require you to use a formal citation system. It is enough just to place your citation at the end of your paper. If you quote/use a BOOK cite Title, Author, date of publication, and page numbers referenced; if a MAGAZINE cite Magazine name, Title of Article, Author, date of issue; if an internet WEBSITE, type the web address, and title of article you are using.
FORMAT: double spaced between lines, Font – 12
Neutrality and Professionalism in Public service interpreting
Neutrality and Professionalism in Public service interpreting
Order Description
Write a critical essay (2,500 words) on a topic of your choice in the field of Public Service interpreting. For example, (Neutrality and Professionalism in Public service interpreting). Discuss how neutrality, as a “code of conduct” for the interpreter, affects the performance and professionalism appealed. Can the interpreter be neutral all the time? Is neutrality prerequisite to professionalism?. Discuss this in a context or a situation, for example, interpreting in asylum cases or any other cases you may find useful. (It is good idea to focus on the immigration and refugees coming from Arab world to Europe seeking for asylum).
Another choice is “professionalization and ethics in PSI”.
If you have another topic that you find more interesting, let me know.
The essay writing conventions must be applied (introduction, main body (subheadings) and, conclusion.
Order Description
Write a critical essay (2,500 words) on a topic of your choice in the field of Public Service interpreting. For example, (Neutrality and Professionalism in Public service interpreting). Discuss how neutrality, as a “code of conduct” for the interpreter, affects the performance and professionalism appealed. Can the interpreter be neutral all the time? Is neutrality prerequisite to professionalism?. Discuss this in a context or a situation, for example, interpreting in asylum cases or any other cases you may find useful. (It is good idea to focus on the immigration and refugees coming from Arab world to Europe seeking for asylum).
Another choice is “professionalization and ethics in PSI”.
If you have another topic that you find more interesting, let me know.
The essay writing conventions must be applied (introduction, main body (subheadings) and, conclusion.
Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes
Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes
Order Description
I need three things done:
1. Introduction Breakdown
2. Outline
3. Whole Essay/Speech
This is a Persuasive Speech:
1. First is the Introduction Breakdown. This is the example of how it has to be done:
Attention Getter: As of August 16th 2012, according to the Gallup research organization, America's rating of the job being done by Congress has tied the all-time low of only 10%. It has never in the history of Gallup been lower than what it is right now.
Statement of Central Idea: Today, I will persuade the audience that politicians would be better policy-makers if Congress imposed term limits on them.
Preview of Main Points: I will explain to the audience how, for many politicians, Congress is a lifelong career. Therefore, they must focus on how to stay in office rather than focus on what is best for the people and our country. I will also show that, since Congress is based on a seniority system, the politicians with enough influence to make significant changes have become disconnected from the very people they are supposed to be representing. And finally, I will explain how we as a country can fix this problem.
2. I need an outline. I will upload the example.
3. I need it all put together. It is a persuasive speech and has to be 3:00 min long +/- :30.
A minimum of three current, authored/titled sources are required for all speeches and should be cited in APA citation format on the last page of your outline (*see text for bibliographic form). All speech topics require research from formal sources. Your presentation must reflect this research through citations (oral footnotes) of your supporting material(s).
All sources must be cited in 3 different places:
1. Verbally in oral footnotes as you actually deliver your speech.
2. Written in in-text citations in the text of your outline. In-text citations should follow the guidelines found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition).
3. Written in a references list immediately following your outline. The citations in your references list should follow the guidelines found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition).
***I have to use at least 3 sources and they include:
Order Description
I need three things done:
1. Introduction Breakdown
2. Outline
3. Whole Essay/Speech
This is a Persuasive Speech:
1. First is the Introduction Breakdown. This is the example of how it has to be done:
Attention Getter: As of August 16th 2012, according to the Gallup research organization, America's rating of the job being done by Congress has tied the all-time low of only 10%. It has never in the history of Gallup been lower than what it is right now.
Statement of Central Idea: Today, I will persuade the audience that politicians would be better policy-makers if Congress imposed term limits on them.
Preview of Main Points: I will explain to the audience how, for many politicians, Congress is a lifelong career. Therefore, they must focus on how to stay in office rather than focus on what is best for the people and our country. I will also show that, since Congress is based on a seniority system, the politicians with enough influence to make significant changes have become disconnected from the very people they are supposed to be representing. And finally, I will explain how we as a country can fix this problem.
2. I need an outline. I will upload the example.
3. I need it all put together. It is a persuasive speech and has to be 3:00 min long +/- :30.
A minimum of three current, authored/titled sources are required for all speeches and should be cited in APA citation format on the last page of your outline (*see text for bibliographic form). All speech topics require research from formal sources. Your presentation must reflect this research through citations (oral footnotes) of your supporting material(s).
All sources must be cited in 3 different places:
1. Verbally in oral footnotes as you actually deliver your speech.
2. Written in in-text citations in the text of your outline. In-text citations should follow the guidelines found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition).
3. Written in a references list immediately following your outline. The citations in your references list should follow the guidelines found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition).
***I have to use at least 3 sources and they include:
Education Leadership (Fictional Practicum)
Education Leadership (Fictional Practicum)
Order Description
Overall, the writer will produce a well written term paper that answers all the required questions in the task (attachment provided). It's most important to follow the task directions sent to you for this assignment to be approved by Task Stream without any plagiarism of course. I am not concerned with how many sources you created because this assignment is related to a fictional practicum. My school is named Galena Interior Learning Academy located in Alaska. We are a boarding school for grades 9-12 native students. I did complete the on-site practicum, but have no time for doing the hard copy work with my job and studies. I can be contacted anytime for questions or concerns with the project. Thanks, SL
Order Description
Overall, the writer will produce a well written term paper that answers all the required questions in the task (attachment provided). It's most important to follow the task directions sent to you for this assignment to be approved by Task Stream without any plagiarism of course. I am not concerned with how many sources you created because this assignment is related to a fictional practicum. My school is named Galena Interior Learning Academy located in Alaska. We are a boarding school for grades 9-12 native students. I did complete the on-site practicum, but have no time for doing the hard copy work with my job and studies. I can be contacted anytime for questions or concerns with the project. Thanks, SL
Research methodology
Research methodology
Order Description
Research methodology can help to define the activities of research, how to proceed with the research, how to measure progress and how to determine success. In this paper you will evaluate existing methodologies and explore the methodology that you will use for your dissertation.
Your dissertation topic is:
“Maximizing local procurement to promote peace with communities in a remote area and create a new economic zone in a third world country”
Thus, identify two or three journal articles that address research problems similar to the problem you have chosen, and evaluate the methodology used to conduct the research. With these thoughts in mind:
• How has your problem or question been studied in the past?
• What methodology would be most useful in addressing your research problem or question?
• Defend your choice of methodology. Discuss whether you would use a research design and approach similar to those you reviewed, or approach your problem differently and why.
Compulsory reference
Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. & Jackson, P. (2012) Management research. 4th ed. London: SAGE Publications.
Order Description
Research methodology can help to define the activities of research, how to proceed with the research, how to measure progress and how to determine success. In this paper you will evaluate existing methodologies and explore the methodology that you will use for your dissertation.
Your dissertation topic is:
“Maximizing local procurement to promote peace with communities in a remote area and create a new economic zone in a third world country”
Thus, identify two or three journal articles that address research problems similar to the problem you have chosen, and evaluate the methodology used to conduct the research. With these thoughts in mind:
• How has your problem or question been studied in the past?
• What methodology would be most useful in addressing your research problem or question?
• Defend your choice of methodology. Discuss whether you would use a research design and approach similar to those you reviewed, or approach your problem differently and why.
Compulsory reference
Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. & Jackson, P. (2012) Management research. 4th ed. London: SAGE Publications.
Cardorespiratory Physiology
Cardorespiratory Physiology
Order Description
Brief reviews for each topic should consist of:
APA in-text citations and appropriate bibliography.
Title Page
Introduction to the topic
Brief background and findings of previous literature.
Results of current literature (focus on the articles assigned to the class).
Discussion of the results including how and why they differ.
Conclusions of what is currently accepted based on this literature and include your ideas for future research and what you think should be accepted.
Complete bibliography including the articles assigned and other supporting literature.
Students must demonstrate critical thinking and appropriate interpretation of the data and research presented in the articles. Direct quotes are acceptable but should be limited and should only be used to support a conclusion drawn from your own opinion.
Each brief review article should not exceed 8 pages and should be formatted following APA standard guidelines (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman).
Order Description
Brief reviews for each topic should consist of:
APA in-text citations and appropriate bibliography.
Title Page
Introduction to the topic
Brief background and findings of previous literature.
Results of current literature (focus on the articles assigned to the class).
Discussion of the results including how and why they differ.
Conclusions of what is currently accepted based on this literature and include your ideas for future research and what you think should be accepted.
Complete bibliography including the articles assigned and other supporting literature.
Students must demonstrate critical thinking and appropriate interpretation of the data and research presented in the articles. Direct quotes are acceptable but should be limited and should only be used to support a conclusion drawn from your own opinion.
Each brief review article should not exceed 8 pages and should be formatted following APA standard guidelines (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman).
Primate fossils and primate evolutionary pathways
Primate fossils and primate evolutionary pathways
Order Description
PART A: identifying Primate Fossils
1. Classify the following sample primate fossils below as: Adapoid, Omomyoid, New World Monkey, Old World Monkey, Hominoid (Ape-like), Hominid. This is a "hypothetical fossil" and not a fossil already mentioned in your text.
2. Could this hypothetical fossil represent any type of possible transitional fossil? Explain your answer.
A. A quadrupedal fossil found in Montana about the size of hamster with a 2143 dentition pattern
B. A bipedal fossil found in Africa with a Y-5 cusp pattern.
C. A quadrupedal fossil found in Asia with no tail and a 2123 dentition pattern.
D. A quadrupedal fossil found in Northern Africa with a 2133 dentition pattern.
E. A quadrupedal fossil with 1133 dentition found in Europe
PART B: Diagraming Fossil Primates (Use similar methods to last weeks diagrams to submit)
Choose EITHER the Traditional Tree and the Cladogram to illustrate the evolutionary pathway of non-human primate fossils. Please include the following in your diagram:
1. Adapids
2. Omomyids
3. Aegyptopithecus
4. Apidium
5. Victoriapithecus
6. Branisella
7. Saadanius
8. Proconsul
9. Sivapithecus
8. Ouranopithecus
9. Modern Lemurs (Give Example)
10 Modern Tarsiers (Give Example)
11. Modern New World Monkeys (Give Example)
12 Modern Old world Monkeys (Give Example)
13. Modern Orangutans
14. Modern Chimpanzees
15. Modern Gorillas
* If you are creating a traditional tree remember to include the time periods in your diagram.
* If you are creating a cladogram remember to include identifying characteristics of your sister groups (such as dentition or locomotion).
Please cite at least 3 references or sources in APA format at the bottom of the page.
Order Description
PART A: identifying Primate Fossils
1. Classify the following sample primate fossils below as: Adapoid, Omomyoid, New World Monkey, Old World Monkey, Hominoid (Ape-like), Hominid. This is a "hypothetical fossil" and not a fossil already mentioned in your text.
2. Could this hypothetical fossil represent any type of possible transitional fossil? Explain your answer.
A. A quadrupedal fossil found in Montana about the size of hamster with a 2143 dentition pattern
B. A bipedal fossil found in Africa with a Y-5 cusp pattern.
C. A quadrupedal fossil found in Asia with no tail and a 2123 dentition pattern.
D. A quadrupedal fossil found in Northern Africa with a 2133 dentition pattern.
E. A quadrupedal fossil with 1133 dentition found in Europe
PART B: Diagraming Fossil Primates (Use similar methods to last weeks diagrams to submit)
Choose EITHER the Traditional Tree and the Cladogram to illustrate the evolutionary pathway of non-human primate fossils. Please include the following in your diagram:
1. Adapids
2. Omomyids
3. Aegyptopithecus
4. Apidium
5. Victoriapithecus
6. Branisella
7. Saadanius
8. Proconsul
9. Sivapithecus
8. Ouranopithecus
9. Modern Lemurs (Give Example)
10 Modern Tarsiers (Give Example)
11. Modern New World Monkeys (Give Example)
12 Modern Old world Monkeys (Give Example)
13. Modern Orangutans
14. Modern Chimpanzees
15. Modern Gorillas
* If you are creating a traditional tree remember to include the time periods in your diagram.
* If you are creating a cladogram remember to include identifying characteristics of your sister groups (such as dentition or locomotion).
Please cite at least 3 references or sources in APA format at the bottom of the page.
Romance Novel Book Paper
Romance Novel Book Paper
Order Description
Romance Novel: Nora Roberts' Key of Light. ISBN 9780515136289
Text Book: THINK MARRIAGES & FAMILIES Kunz 2013, ISBN 978-0-205-18261-9
Directions for the book club paper: After reading the assigned romance novel, students will need to choose 5 concepts (bolded terms or theories) from their textbooks and relate those concepts to what they've read in the romance novel. For example, a student could relate traditional masculinity, gender norms, Sternberg's theory of love, gender differences in love, and the eros style of love to the romance novel.
In order to earn top points, students must first clearly identify the concept they will be discussing, then define it (this should be cited), and then finally apply how that concept is present in the romance novel. For example, if you chose traditional masculinity, you would list and define how your textbook defines traditional masculinity (and cite the textbook!). Then, you would describe how the character in the book displays the characteristics of masculinity in his actions, behaviors, and/or looks. You may also include ways the character does not display traditional masculinity. Be sure to provide clear and specific examples to strengthen your paper.
Order Description
Romance Novel: Nora Roberts' Key of Light. ISBN 9780515136289
Text Book: THINK MARRIAGES & FAMILIES Kunz 2013, ISBN 978-0-205-18261-9
Directions for the book club paper: After reading the assigned romance novel, students will need to choose 5 concepts (bolded terms or theories) from their textbooks and relate those concepts to what they've read in the romance novel. For example, a student could relate traditional masculinity, gender norms, Sternberg's theory of love, gender differences in love, and the eros style of love to the romance novel.
In order to earn top points, students must first clearly identify the concept they will be discussing, then define it (this should be cited), and then finally apply how that concept is present in the romance novel. For example, if you chose traditional masculinity, you would list and define how your textbook defines traditional masculinity (and cite the textbook!). Then, you would describe how the character in the book displays the characteristics of masculinity in his actions, behaviors, and/or looks. You may also include ways the character does not display traditional masculinity. Be sure to provide clear and specific examples to strengthen your paper.
Education Leadership (Fictional Practicum)
Education Leadership (Fictional Practicum)
Order Description
Fictional term paper about a practicum completed at Galena Interior Learning Academy in Alaska. We are a 9-12 boarding school for native students. I completed the practicum, but have no time to do the hard copy work with my job. Please follow the task instructions 100% or they will send it back for corrections. It will require a draft evaluation form or observation protocol I do not care, which one is selected. Again I have included attachments for the assignment. Contact me with any questions or concerns no problem. Thanks, SL
Order Description
Fictional term paper about a practicum completed at Galena Interior Learning Academy in Alaska. We are a 9-12 boarding school for native students. I completed the practicum, but have no time to do the hard copy work with my job. Please follow the task instructions 100% or they will send it back for corrections. It will require a draft evaluation form or observation protocol I do not care, which one is selected. Again I have included attachments for the assignment. Contact me with any questions or concerns no problem. Thanks, SL
Special Population Interview
Special Population Interview
Order Description
Dominant Culture: African American
Prepare interview questions that ensure that your interviewee covers the following topics:
The interviewees view of the dominant culture, including strengths and weaknesses
The interviewees experience with prejudice and what has he or she done to manage it
What information the interviewee thinks would be important for a human services worker to know about their special population
What services would be helpful to the interviewees special population in todays society and in the future
How language has affected the interviewee and his or her connection to their culture
If the interviewee has experienced discrimination and, if so, how it has affected them physically or mentally
Create a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that provides an overview of the interviewee and a summary of his or her responses to the topics covered in the interview.
Must include detailed speaker notesSpecial Population Interview
Order Description
Dominant Culture: African American
Prepare interview questions that ensure that your interviewee covers the following topics:
The interviewees view of the dominant culture, including strengths and weaknesses
The interviewees experience with prejudice and what has he or she done to manage it
What information the interviewee thinks would be important for a human services worker to know about their special population
What services would be helpful to the interviewees special population in todays society and in the future
How language has affected the interviewee and his or her connection to their culture
If the interviewee has experienced discrimination and, if so, how it has affected them physically or mentally
Create a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that provides an overview of the interviewee and a summary of his or her responses to the topics covered in the interview.
Must include detailed speaker notesSpecial Population Interview
Effectiveness of advertising creativity and solving customer's problem to loyalty in airline industry in between British airways and Turkish airlines
Effectiveness of advertising creativity and solving customer's problem to loyalty in airline industry in between British airways and Turkish airlines
Order Description
Comparing effectiveness of advertising creativity and solving customer's problem to loyalty in airline industry in between British airways and Turkish airlines with using marketing communication and creativity and problem solving methots .
Order Description
Comparing effectiveness of advertising creativity and solving customer's problem to loyalty in airline industry in between British airways and Turkish airlines with using marketing communication and creativity and problem solving methots .
public adminstration or disaster study
public adminstration or disaster study
want professional writer who can make analyses for Emergency Plan...
want him to see the uploaded files ( instructions and Emergency plan of Toronto city, and then decide if he can do this assignment professionally....
3- the main source for this project is the emergency plan...
will choose "11" pages the length of paper , but the writer can exceed this number by letting me know to order more pages because I want professional work.
Instruction you must follow :
? The copy of Emergency plan that I upload, you should use it as an attachment to an OVERVIEW you will complete relative to the jurisdiction, its EM plan, description of the jurisdiction (read this to mean provide a description of the entity – population served, type of organization, etc.), evaluation of the plan (strengths, weaknesses, areas it could be improved and how, risk identification, planning, response, recovery, continuity of government), and recommendations on how it could be done better, if it can, including identifying benchmarks you would recommend to evaluate the EM plan.
? you should at the end include a SUMMARY of the project review.
? tables, if any, must be set up according to APA standards
? The paper will have a cover page that will include: title of your paper, your name, course title and number, the professor’s name, and date of submission (do not use running headers)
? The paper will have page numbers, not on the cover page, starting at page 2
? The paper will be set up APA style, especially when you include a reference page
? 1” margins
? Double-spaced
10-font, Arial
want professional writer who can make analyses for Emergency Plan...
want him to see the uploaded files ( instructions and Emergency plan of Toronto city, and then decide if he can do this assignment professionally....
3- the main source for this project is the emergency plan...
will choose "11" pages the length of paper , but the writer can exceed this number by letting me know to order more pages because I want professional work.
Instruction you must follow :
? The copy of Emergency plan that I upload, you should use it as an attachment to an OVERVIEW you will complete relative to the jurisdiction, its EM plan, description of the jurisdiction (read this to mean provide a description of the entity – population served, type of organization, etc.), evaluation of the plan (strengths, weaknesses, areas it could be improved and how, risk identification, planning, response, recovery, continuity of government), and recommendations on how it could be done better, if it can, including identifying benchmarks you would recommend to evaluate the EM plan.
? you should at the end include a SUMMARY of the project review.
? tables, if any, must be set up according to APA standards
? The paper will have a cover page that will include: title of your paper, your name, course title and number, the professor’s name, and date of submission (do not use running headers)
? The paper will have page numbers, not on the cover page, starting at page 2
? The paper will be set up APA style, especially when you include a reference page
? 1” margins
? Double-spaced
10-font, Arial
Choose a search tool; for example, Summon, Westlaw or Lexis. Using your search tool, find two substantive journal articles on a legal topic. Identify the issues.
Choose a legal topic. Choose a search tool; for example, Summon, Westlaw or Lexis. Using your search tool, find two substantive journal articles on a legal topic. Identify the issues. Analyse and e
It has to be a REPORT
Choose a legal topic. Choose a search tool; for example, Summon, Westlaw or Lexis. Using your search tool, find two substantive journal articles on a legal topic. Identify the issues. Analyse and evaluate the treatment of the topic.
1000 words long
It has to be two SUBSTANTIVE JOURNAL ARTICLES on only one topic
Contents need to be there
It has to be OSCOLA referencing
It has to be a REPORT
Choose a legal topic. Choose a search tool; for example, Summon, Westlaw or Lexis. Using your search tool, find two substantive journal articles on a legal topic. Identify the issues. Analyse and evaluate the treatment of the topic.
1000 words long
It has to be two SUBSTANTIVE JOURNAL ARTICLES on only one topic
Contents need to be there
It has to be OSCOLA referencing
Story of Stuff
Story of Stuff
Discuss the " Extraction" process of the Real Human hair extensions and wigs.
Answer the following questions in the discussion
• What natural resources are used?
• Where do they come from?
• Are they toxic?
Discuss the key ethical marketing issues
Refer for example to "The High end Remy Hair" Brand.
=> References that can be found online if possible
Discuss the " Extraction" process of the Real Human hair extensions and wigs.
Answer the following questions in the discussion
• What natural resources are used?
• Where do they come from?
• Are they toxic?
Discuss the key ethical marketing issues
Refer for example to "The High end Remy Hair" Brand.
=> References that can be found online if possible
Write a journal about the 3 chapters of the book
Write a journal about the 3 chapters of the book
Order Description
You will read & briefly outline for chapter 5,28,36 from The Right Thing to Do book. Analyze and review them critically. Focus on the aspect's of a theoretical framework and the ethical reasoning (PRINCIPLES).also write a commentary( philosophicalthoughts and understanding) for each chapter.the book author is James Rachel and Stuart Rachel 7th edition.
Order Description
You will read & briefly outline for chapter 5,28,36 from The Right Thing to Do book. Analyze and review them critically. Focus on the aspect's of a theoretical framework and the ethical reasoning (PRINCIPLES).also write a commentary( philosophicalthoughts and understanding) for each chapter.the book author is James Rachel and Stuart Rachel 7th edition.
Order Description
Please thoroughly discuss the topic below. Please see all the attached reading article required to give you an insight on the topic. You can also make use of the link below to answer the questions in this discussion board.
Over the past several modules of study, we have discussed the practice of both nursing past and nursing future. Within module eleven, historical practices of nursing were reviewed, and you were asked to identify contributions of past nurses who greatly impacted our profession. Within module twelve, the future of nursing practice was presented and the impact of future nursing practice upon the education necessary to prepare future nurses was reviewed. Within modules nine and twelve, the future of nursing education was discussed. Now that you have been provided with a plethora of information about nursing practice and education (both past and future), I want you to take a few minutes and THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX. It is now your turn to create YOUR IDEAL future for nursing. Please highlight each point first, then write your discussion about it.
Describe what this will look like:
1. policy
2. roles (practice)
3. education
4. structure
5. anything and everything you desire. Write your thoughts and ideas for the future of nursing here. GO CRAZY!
IOM The future of nursing (infograph - see attached)
- It may be easier to view from the website:
Internet Resources
.From National League for Nursing: The Future of Nursing Education: Ten Trends to Watch
Nursing Careers to think about for the future:
Order Description
Please thoroughly discuss the topic below. Please see all the attached reading article required to give you an insight on the topic. You can also make use of the link below to answer the questions in this discussion board.
Over the past several modules of study, we have discussed the practice of both nursing past and nursing future. Within module eleven, historical practices of nursing were reviewed, and you were asked to identify contributions of past nurses who greatly impacted our profession. Within module twelve, the future of nursing practice was presented and the impact of future nursing practice upon the education necessary to prepare future nurses was reviewed. Within modules nine and twelve, the future of nursing education was discussed. Now that you have been provided with a plethora of information about nursing practice and education (both past and future), I want you to take a few minutes and THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX. It is now your turn to create YOUR IDEAL future for nursing. Please highlight each point first, then write your discussion about it.
Describe what this will look like:
1. policy
2. roles (practice)
3. education
4. structure
5. anything and everything you desire. Write your thoughts and ideas for the future of nursing here. GO CRAZY!
IOM The future of nursing (infograph - see attached)
- It may be easier to view from the website:
Internet Resources
.From National League for Nursing: The Future of Nursing Education: Ten Trends to Watch
Nursing Careers to think about for the future:
Placing Electronic records at the centre of care
Placing Electronic records at the centre of care
Order Description
Some say that wider access to and control of their own records will empower patients to become more active in managing their own health problems. Others say that such access and control may lead to wider health inequalities between the IT-aware and those lacking computer and internet skills. With reference to the literature in this area, discuss the issues around encouraging patients to take a more active role in managing their own clinical records and say which of these views you agree with and why.
This paper is focussed only within the NHS in the UK
The paper should encompass the following learning objectives into the body of the paper seamlessly:
• Describe the key historical developments in healthcare record keeping
• Understand why health care systems are moving towards electronic records
• Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of both traditional paper-based and modern electronic health records.
• Describe and critique the electronic health record programme in selected health care systems
• Discuss the structure of typical electronic health records.
• Develop a critical understanding of data security, integrity and confidentiality in electronic records
Secondary referencing to be used only
Lists with no purpose at graduate level should not be included
The following list of journals sources may be of good use, these may be used for referencing. If they are not used peer reviewed journals from the UK of newer than 2005 are only to be used.
Øvretveit J, Scott T, Rundall TG, Shortell S, Brommels M, (2007) Implementation of Electronic Medical Records in Hospitals: Two Case Studies Health Policy 84(2): 181–190.
Øvretveit J, Scott T, Rundall TG, Shortell S, Brommels M. (2007) Improving Quality Through Effective Implementation of Information Technology in Healthcare International Journal for Quality in Health Care 19(5): 259–266.
Sachs M (2005) Transforming the health system from the inside out, Frontiers of Health Services Management, 22(2): 3-12 [Describes what an information-enabled health system might look like in ten to twenty years i.e. now!]
Sidorov J, (2006) It Ain’t Necessarily So: The Electronic Health Record and the Unlikely Prospect of reducing Health care Costs Health Affairs 25(4): 1079-1085
Department of Health (2006) Records Management: Code of Practice. Parts 1 and 2:
NHS Summary Care Records
Scott T, Rundall T, Vogt T, Hsu J (2007) Implementing an Electronic Record System Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing
Brennan S (2005) The NHS IT Project: the biggest computer programme in the world - ever! Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing
Thompson D, Wright K (2003) Developing a Unified-Patient Record a practical guide Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing
The paper requested is a critical paper – it should demonstrate an opinion but should be fully supported at the correct level
this is a uk english paper
Order Description
Some say that wider access to and control of their own records will empower patients to become more active in managing their own health problems. Others say that such access and control may lead to wider health inequalities between the IT-aware and those lacking computer and internet skills. With reference to the literature in this area, discuss the issues around encouraging patients to take a more active role in managing their own clinical records and say which of these views you agree with and why.
This paper is focussed only within the NHS in the UK
The paper should encompass the following learning objectives into the body of the paper seamlessly:
• Describe the key historical developments in healthcare record keeping
• Understand why health care systems are moving towards electronic records
• Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of both traditional paper-based and modern electronic health records.
• Describe and critique the electronic health record programme in selected health care systems
• Discuss the structure of typical electronic health records.
• Develop a critical understanding of data security, integrity and confidentiality in electronic records
Secondary referencing to be used only
Lists with no purpose at graduate level should not be included
The following list of journals sources may be of good use, these may be used for referencing. If they are not used peer reviewed journals from the UK of newer than 2005 are only to be used.
Øvretveit J, Scott T, Rundall TG, Shortell S, Brommels M, (2007) Implementation of Electronic Medical Records in Hospitals: Two Case Studies Health Policy 84(2): 181–190.
Øvretveit J, Scott T, Rundall TG, Shortell S, Brommels M. (2007) Improving Quality Through Effective Implementation of Information Technology in Healthcare International Journal for Quality in Health Care 19(5): 259–266.
Sachs M (2005) Transforming the health system from the inside out, Frontiers of Health Services Management, 22(2): 3-12 [Describes what an information-enabled health system might look like in ten to twenty years i.e. now!]
Sidorov J, (2006) It Ain’t Necessarily So: The Electronic Health Record and the Unlikely Prospect of reducing Health care Costs Health Affairs 25(4): 1079-1085
Department of Health (2006) Records Management: Code of Practice. Parts 1 and 2:
NHS Summary Care Records
Scott T, Rundall T, Vogt T, Hsu J (2007) Implementing an Electronic Record System Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing
Brennan S (2005) The NHS IT Project: the biggest computer programme in the world - ever! Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing
Thompson D, Wright K (2003) Developing a Unified-Patient Record a practical guide Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing
The paper requested is a critical paper – it should demonstrate an opinion but should be fully supported at the correct level
this is a uk english paper
4th amendment-Criminal Investigation
4th amendment-Criminal Investigation
Order Description
Project 1
For the purposes of this project, imagine you are an Information Security (InfoSec) Specialist, an employee of the Makestuff Company, assigned to the company’s Incident Response Team.
In this case, you have been notified by Mr. Hirum Andfirum, Human Resources Director for the Makestuff Company, that the company has just terminated Mr. Got Yourprop, a former engineer in the company’s New Products Division, for cause.
Mr. Andfirum tells you that at Mr. Yourprop’s exit interview earlier that day, the terminated employee made several statements to the effect of “it is okay because I have a new job already and they were VERY happy to have me come from Makestuff, with ALL I have to offer.”
Mr. Yourprop’s statements made Mr. Andfirum fear he might be taking Makestuff’s intellectual property with him to his new employer (undoubtedly a Makestuff competitor). In particular, Mr. Andfirum is worried about the loss of the source code for “Product X,” which the company is counting on to earn millions in revenue over the next three years.
Mr. Andfirum provides you a copy of the source code to use in your investigation. Lastly, Mr. Andfirum tells you to remember that the Company wants to retain the option to refer the investigation to law enforcement in the future, so anything you do should be with thought about later potential admissibility in court.
The 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” While the 4th Amendment is most commonly interpreted to only affect/restrict governmental power (e.g., law enforcement), the fact that a formal criminal investigation is a possibility (and the Company has no desire to be named in a civil lawsuit) means you must consider its effect your actions.
With the above scenario in mind, thoroughly answer the following questions (in paragraph format, properly citing outside research, where appropriate).
1. Can you (or Mr. Yourprop’s supervisor) search Yourprop’s personal vehicle currently parked in the Company parking lot for digital evidence? Support your answer.
2. If evidence of this theft of intellectual property can be found, Makestuff Company may seek to pursue criminal prosecution. Can Mr. Yourprop’s supervisor direct local police investigators to search his personal vehicle which is parked on the Company parking lot? Support your answer.
3. Can (or Mr. Yourprop’s supervisor) search Yourprop’s assigned locker in the Company’s on-site gym for digital evidence? Support your answer.
4. Can (or Mr. Yourprop’s supervisor) use a master key to search Yourprop’s locked desk after he has left the premises for digital evidence? Support your answer.
5. There is a page in the Company’s “Employee Handbook” that states that anything brought onto the Company’s property, including the employees themselves, is subject to random search for items belonging to the Company. There is a space for the employee to acknowledge receipt of this notice. Mr. Yourprop has a copy of the handbook but never signed the page. Does that matter? Explain.
6. Makestuff Company uses a security checkpoint at the entrance to the building. A sign adjacent to the checkpoint states that the purpose of the checkpoint is for security staff to check for weapons or other materials that may be detrimental to the working environment or employee safety. Screening is casual and usually consists of verification of an employee’s Company ID card. Can security staff at this checkpoint be directed to open Mr. Yourprop’s briefcase and seize any potential digital evidence? Support your answer.
Project Requirements:
• Each questions should be answered with a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs, so do your research, be specific, be detailed, and demonstrate your knowledge;
• Answers to the above questions should be submitted in a single document (.DOC/.DOCX, .RTF, or .PDF), with answers separated so as to make it clear which question is being answered;
• The submission should have a cover page, including course number, course title, title of paper, student’s name, date of submission, and submit to the assignments folder;
• Format: 12-point font, double-space, one-inch margins;
• It is mandatory that you do some research, and utilize outside resources! References page: APA citation style (see for help).
Order Description
Project 1
For the purposes of this project, imagine you are an Information Security (InfoSec) Specialist, an employee of the Makestuff Company, assigned to the company’s Incident Response Team.
In this case, you have been notified by Mr. Hirum Andfirum, Human Resources Director for the Makestuff Company, that the company has just terminated Mr. Got Yourprop, a former engineer in the company’s New Products Division, for cause.
Mr. Andfirum tells you that at Mr. Yourprop’s exit interview earlier that day, the terminated employee made several statements to the effect of “it is okay because I have a new job already and they were VERY happy to have me come from Makestuff, with ALL I have to offer.”
Mr. Yourprop’s statements made Mr. Andfirum fear he might be taking Makestuff’s intellectual property with him to his new employer (undoubtedly a Makestuff competitor). In particular, Mr. Andfirum is worried about the loss of the source code for “Product X,” which the company is counting on to earn millions in revenue over the next three years.
Mr. Andfirum provides you a copy of the source code to use in your investigation. Lastly, Mr. Andfirum tells you to remember that the Company wants to retain the option to refer the investigation to law enforcement in the future, so anything you do should be with thought about later potential admissibility in court.
The 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” While the 4th Amendment is most commonly interpreted to only affect/restrict governmental power (e.g., law enforcement), the fact that a formal criminal investigation is a possibility (and the Company has no desire to be named in a civil lawsuit) means you must consider its effect your actions.
With the above scenario in mind, thoroughly answer the following questions (in paragraph format, properly citing outside research, where appropriate).
1. Can you (or Mr. Yourprop’s supervisor) search Yourprop’s personal vehicle currently parked in the Company parking lot for digital evidence? Support your answer.
2. If evidence of this theft of intellectual property can be found, Makestuff Company may seek to pursue criminal prosecution. Can Mr. Yourprop’s supervisor direct local police investigators to search his personal vehicle which is parked on the Company parking lot? Support your answer.
3. Can (or Mr. Yourprop’s supervisor) search Yourprop’s assigned locker in the Company’s on-site gym for digital evidence? Support your answer.
4. Can (or Mr. Yourprop’s supervisor) use a master key to search Yourprop’s locked desk after he has left the premises for digital evidence? Support your answer.
5. There is a page in the Company’s “Employee Handbook” that states that anything brought onto the Company’s property, including the employees themselves, is subject to random search for items belonging to the Company. There is a space for the employee to acknowledge receipt of this notice. Mr. Yourprop has a copy of the handbook but never signed the page. Does that matter? Explain.
6. Makestuff Company uses a security checkpoint at the entrance to the building. A sign adjacent to the checkpoint states that the purpose of the checkpoint is for security staff to check for weapons or other materials that may be detrimental to the working environment or employee safety. Screening is casual and usually consists of verification of an employee’s Company ID card. Can security staff at this checkpoint be directed to open Mr. Yourprop’s briefcase and seize any potential digital evidence? Support your answer.
Project Requirements:
• Each questions should be answered with a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs, so do your research, be specific, be detailed, and demonstrate your knowledge;
• Answers to the above questions should be submitted in a single document (.DOC/.DOCX, .RTF, or .PDF), with answers separated so as to make it clear which question is being answered;
• The submission should have a cover page, including course number, course title, title of paper, student’s name, date of submission, and submit to the assignments folder;
• Format: 12-point font, double-space, one-inch margins;
• It is mandatory that you do some research, and utilize outside resources! References page: APA citation style (see for help).
Topic: OELG
Order Description
a report for the Board of Directors of Xenta covering the following:
1) A PEST evaluation which chooses a key issue (for the UK) for OELG from each of the 4 elements. These points need to be supported with research and not just your opinion and should focus on issues facing businesses in this industry.
2) Undertake a SWOT analysis for OLEG - These points need to be supported with research and not just your opinion. If you identify things from the case study, state and justify why these are a strength, weakness, opportunity or threat.
3) Using Ansoff’s matrix, highlight at least TWO strategies OLEG should consider and assess the value of each. Which one should they choose if they cannot do both and why? Again this should be supported.
no more than 1500 words.
Order Description
a report for the Board of Directors of Xenta covering the following:
1) A PEST evaluation which chooses a key issue (for the UK) for OELG from each of the 4 elements. These points need to be supported with research and not just your opinion and should focus on issues facing businesses in this industry.
2) Undertake a SWOT analysis for OLEG - These points need to be supported with research and not just your opinion. If you identify things from the case study, state and justify why these are a strength, weakness, opportunity or threat.
3) Using Ansoff’s matrix, highlight at least TWO strategies OLEG should consider and assess the value of each. Which one should they choose if they cannot do both and why? Again this should be supported.
no more than 1500 words.
film worksheet
Topic: film worksheet
Order Description
Just write paragraphs in the file I uploaded, no need to have another file. And each question has its requirements and words limits. Some are 200 words or less and some are 100 words or less. So the total will be around 1100 words. If you have any question just email me.
Order Description
Just write paragraphs in the file I uploaded, no need to have another file. And each question has its requirements and words limits. Some are 200 words or less and some are 100 words or less. So the total will be around 1100 words. If you have any question just email me.
Research Theory 2016 week 5 Assignment
Research Theory 2016 week 5 Assignment
Order Description
Protecting Human Research Participants
Submit: Certificate of Completion for Protecting Human Research Participants course.
This week, you will submit a copy of your Certificate of Completion to your Instructor.
The assignment:
Complete the NIH Office of Extramural Research online training course, Protecting Human Research Participants.
A link to access your Certificate of Completion will be available on the Main Menu after you have successfully completed the course, including all quizzes.
Retrieve your certificate and copy and paste it into a Word document.
Submit a copy of your Certificate of Completion by Day 7.
Order Description
Protecting Human Research Participants
Submit: Certificate of Completion for Protecting Human Research Participants course.
This week, you will submit a copy of your Certificate of Completion to your Instructor.
The assignment:
Complete the NIH Office of Extramural Research online training course, Protecting Human Research Participants.
A link to access your Certificate of Completion will be available on the Main Menu after you have successfully completed the course, including all quizzes.
Retrieve your certificate and copy and paste it into a Word document.
Submit a copy of your Certificate of Completion by Day 7.
A Sustainable Business Scenario in 2060 for Shipping in Greece
A Sustainable Business Scenario in 2060 for Shipping in Greece
Order Description
A Sustainable Business Scenario in 2060 for shipping in Greece,
Please follow the Assessment guide i have attached.
And also include in the work environmental issues, change in weather conditions in the future and new regulation that might apply until 2060 or new types of vessels that could be introduced.
Everything that you will need is in guideline document.
Order Description
A Sustainable Business Scenario in 2060 for shipping in Greece,
Please follow the Assessment guide i have attached.
And also include in the work environmental issues, change in weather conditions in the future and new regulation that might apply until 2060 or new types of vessels that could be introduced.
Everything that you will need is in guideline document.
Procurement and Contract Negotiation
Procurement and Contract Negotiation
Order Description
Question: Why do professional procurement personnel need to have knowledge of contract law and negotiation?
• 2000 words
• Chicago 15th or 16th referencing with page numbers. Font size 12, 2.5 cm margins on all sides, 1.5 line spacing.
• 15 references from peer reviewed journals. (maximum 5 book citations).
• You should demonstrate a mature level of post-graduate writing.
• Procurement and contract negotiation concepts and approaches learnt in this unit must be linked to this assignment.
• Writing skills will be assessed. This includes introduction, body, conclusion, high level of critical analysis and discussion of academic journal articles
• A professional level of presentation is expected.
Please make sure that the paragraphs are linked to each other, because my lecturer is strict on this.
Order Description
Question: Why do professional procurement personnel need to have knowledge of contract law and negotiation?
• 2000 words
• Chicago 15th or 16th referencing with page numbers. Font size 12, 2.5 cm margins on all sides, 1.5 line spacing.
• 15 references from peer reviewed journals. (maximum 5 book citations).
• You should demonstrate a mature level of post-graduate writing.
• Procurement and contract negotiation concepts and approaches learnt in this unit must be linked to this assignment.
• Writing skills will be assessed. This includes introduction, body, conclusion, high level of critical analysis and discussion of academic journal articles
• A professional level of presentation is expected.
Please make sure that the paragraphs are linked to each other, because my lecturer is strict on this.
assessment/test in Saudi Arabia
assessment/test in Saudi Arabia
Order Description
Mathematics assessment/test 7th grade in Saudi Arabia content areas to categorize the type of assessments administered in this area. Include classroom, benchmark/interim, building level, state, and national assessments. Indicate what the purpose of the assessment is, the type of assessment, and how the results were used. This should be a chart and a brief 3-page narrative explaining your school district model. Include headings in your submission of this assignment per the rubric: Assessment Audit Chart;
Narrative: Purpose of Assessment; Assessment Types; Assessment Results/Usage;
Summary of Assessment Audit Use.
* i will attach word fail
first: ***complete chart and follow heading and my note to write essay
** you can use references from Saudi Arabia or U.S.A
*** we do not have state test you use local test
*** note from 7 action
*** please follow word Fail I will attech
*** in conclusion write opinion as collaboration teacher test, communication parents with school.
Order Description
Mathematics assessment/test 7th grade in Saudi Arabia content areas to categorize the type of assessments administered in this area. Include classroom, benchmark/interim, building level, state, and national assessments. Indicate what the purpose of the assessment is, the type of assessment, and how the results were used. This should be a chart and a brief 3-page narrative explaining your school district model. Include headings in your submission of this assignment per the rubric: Assessment Audit Chart;
Narrative: Purpose of Assessment; Assessment Types; Assessment Results/Usage;
Summary of Assessment Audit Use.
* i will attach word fail
first: ***complete chart and follow heading and my note to write essay
** you can use references from Saudi Arabia or U.S.A
*** we do not have state test you use local test
*** note from 7 action
*** please follow word Fail I will attech
*** in conclusion write opinion as collaboration teacher test, communication parents with school.
Sampling and Measurement
Sampling and Measurement
Order Description
Sampling and Measurement
When researchers conduct a quantitative research study, they must ensure that the instruments and sample population they use mesh well with the study' s goals and objectives so that they will produce valid and reliable results.
To prepare for this Discussion, review the Learning Resources while considering the following:
•What makes a research study valid and reliable?
•What issues related to sampling (e.g., size and selection of sample data) do researchers need to keep in mind? What are the limitations of sampling in conducting research?
•What considerations need to be taken into account regarding measurement?
Then, with these thoughts in mind, critique the articles "Assessing the Performance of Freestanding Hospitals" and "A National Study of Efficiency for Dialysis Centers" in this week's Learning Resources. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each of the studies?
By Day 4, post a comprehensive response to the following: •Describe the strengths and weaknesses of each of the studies described in the articles, as well as the sample design(s). Be sure that your analysis takes into account sampling and measurement.
•Propose potential remedies to address the weaknesses of each study.
Order Description
Sampling and Measurement
When researchers conduct a quantitative research study, they must ensure that the instruments and sample population they use mesh well with the study' s goals and objectives so that they will produce valid and reliable results.
To prepare for this Discussion, review the Learning Resources while considering the following:
•What makes a research study valid and reliable?
•What issues related to sampling (e.g., size and selection of sample data) do researchers need to keep in mind? What are the limitations of sampling in conducting research?
•What considerations need to be taken into account regarding measurement?
Then, with these thoughts in mind, critique the articles "Assessing the Performance of Freestanding Hospitals" and "A National Study of Efficiency for Dialysis Centers" in this week's Learning Resources. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each of the studies?
By Day 4, post a comprehensive response to the following: •Describe the strengths and weaknesses of each of the studies described in the articles, as well as the sample design(s). Be sure that your analysis takes into account sampling and measurement.
•Propose potential remedies to address the weaknesses of each study.
Order Description
Please answer the following question . This is not an essay just a discussion no NEED REFERENCE. I will upload the readings required for this question and my friend’s answers so you know how I want it like. PLEASE DO NOT COPY THE WORK just style of writing, “ I want the style of writing easy, as if your talking( not complex).
1)Does ethics depend on the existence of God? If human beings were not created by God, what would render actions good or bad? Would human beings have any absolute dignity (which they otherwise possess as creatures of God) that would place certain requirements on how we treat one another? Without God, would we have any obligation to treat others with respect? If so, what would such an obligation be based upon? Would there be any absolute moral obligations? If there are no absolute moral obligations, is there such a thing as “ethics”?
Order Description
Please answer the following question . This is not an essay just a discussion no NEED REFERENCE. I will upload the readings required for this question and my friend’s answers so you know how I want it like. PLEASE DO NOT COPY THE WORK just style of writing, “ I want the style of writing easy, as if your talking( not complex).
1)Does ethics depend on the existence of God? If human beings were not created by God, what would render actions good or bad? Would human beings have any absolute dignity (which they otherwise possess as creatures of God) that would place certain requirements on how we treat one another? Without God, would we have any obligation to treat others with respect? If so, what would such an obligation be based upon? Would there be any absolute moral obligations? If there are no absolute moral obligations, is there such a thing as “ethics”?
PUP 465 - Assignment 6 ( Mohammed )
PUP 465 - Assignment 6 ( Mohammed )
This assignment will be checked using anti-plagiarism software and returned to your instructor with an originality report. Explore the transect website and the photo collection at Pick one city/town and look at the progression of images from T-3 to T-6. Paste the images in a document and provide a 2-3 sentence caption for each image to verbally characterize the progression from rural to urban. Identify what you believe to be the main similarities or differences among these T-zones in your examples
This assignment will be checked using anti-plagiarism software and returned to your instructor with an originality report. Explore the transect website and the photo collection at Pick one city/town and look at the progression of images from T-3 to T-6. Paste the images in a document and provide a 2-3 sentence caption for each image to verbally characterize the progression from rural to urban. Identify what you believe to be the main similarities or differences among these T-zones in your examples
Advertising Critique
Advertising Critique
Order Description
Number of sources/references 4 or more
Unit name: Marketing Communication
Advertising Critique
Presentation and Summary report
Topic: A bad ad using new media
A BAD advertisement guided by the theme allocated to you today
• Introduce the background of this advertisement (date publish, place, info about company, target audience , main markets …etc
• Analyze why it is bad with application of relevant theory/concept
Presentation (20%)
• 5 minutes MAX
• 4-5 PowerPoint slides MAX
Summary report (10%)
• 2 pages MAX (12 font, 1.5 line spacing) , using single space, Times New Roman and font size 12. This assignment will be assessed on a combined base of presentation (20%) and summary report (10%).
This assignment is based on individual work. It brings real-life experiences to the learning about creative evaluation of advertisements, aiming to develop students’ critical, analytical and integrative thinking. Students are expected to develop logical and convincing arguments in regards to what are specific qualities that make this advertisement a good/bad one. Relevant theories/concepts in Marketing Communications may be applied as appropriate frameworks and perspectives in the discussion. The presentation should be max. 4 minutes long, assisted by Powerpoint slides. Given the time limit, no more than 8 slides are recommended as manageable for the presentation.
This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
- An understanding of the elements of contemporary marketing communications, including the decisions, the strategies, the tools and the trends
- An ability to effectively communicate each component of the marketing communications campaign in both oral and written forms
Prescribed Textbook is important to help you:
Ang, Lawrence (2014), Principles of Integrated Marketing Communications,
Cambridge University Press
This presentation relating to order No.81619200 essay - Advertising Critique - please let one write write them both.
combo order: ppt 5 slides. essay: 2 pages.
Order Description
Number of sources/references 4 or more
Unit name: Marketing Communication
Advertising Critique
Presentation and Summary report
Topic: A bad ad using new media
A BAD advertisement guided by the theme allocated to you today
• Introduce the background of this advertisement (date publish, place, info about company, target audience , main markets …etc
• Analyze why it is bad with application of relevant theory/concept
Presentation (20%)
• 5 minutes MAX
• 4-5 PowerPoint slides MAX
Summary report (10%)
• 2 pages MAX (12 font, 1.5 line spacing) , using single space, Times New Roman and font size 12. This assignment will be assessed on a combined base of presentation (20%) and summary report (10%).
This assignment is based on individual work. It brings real-life experiences to the learning about creative evaluation of advertisements, aiming to develop students’ critical, analytical and integrative thinking. Students are expected to develop logical and convincing arguments in regards to what are specific qualities that make this advertisement a good/bad one. Relevant theories/concepts in Marketing Communications may be applied as appropriate frameworks and perspectives in the discussion. The presentation should be max. 4 minutes long, assisted by Powerpoint slides. Given the time limit, no more than 8 slides are recommended as manageable for the presentation.
This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
- An understanding of the elements of contemporary marketing communications, including the decisions, the strategies, the tools and the trends
- An ability to effectively communicate each component of the marketing communications campaign in both oral and written forms
Prescribed Textbook is important to help you:
Ang, Lawrence (2014), Principles of Integrated Marketing Communications,
Cambridge University Press
This presentation relating to order No.81619200 essay - Advertising Critique - please let one write write them both.
combo order: ppt 5 slides. essay: 2 pages.
religious terrorism
religious terrorism
want you to write a four page paper relating 3 criminal justice theories to a research paper you wrote before. I will upload the paper and the instructions.
the theories are
A. Differential Association -- Sutherland theory
B. Social Bonding Theory – Hirschi theory
C. Labeling – Becker Theory
Making sense of biological, psychological, and sociological explanations of deviance
1. Biological explanations Focus on genetic factors e.g., including intelligence, “XYY” theory, and body type Evaluation has shown that none of these particular theories have held up well, but we can’t totally rule them out. Lombroso (1911) proposed the first biological explanation of deviance – he looked at cranial sizes and body types. 2. Psychological explanations Focus on personality disorders, such as deviating personalities and specific negative childhood experiences no particular personalities are invariably linked with deviance 3. Sociological explanations Focus on factors outside the individual Deviance is different from culture to culture Sociologists look for social factors, such as social class, that may explain why certain people break norms. Organization: I. Symbolic Interactionist Theories: 1. Differential Association – Sutherland 2. Social Bonding Theory – Hirschi 3. Labeling – Becker 4. Techniques of Neutralization – Sykes and Matza II. Functionalist Theories: 1. White Collar Crime 2. Strain Theories: a) Merton – American Dream; b) Cohen – status and acceptance; c) Cloward & Ohlin – differential opportunity III. Conflict Theories General I. The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Theories A. Differential Association -- Sutherland People who associate with criminal peers are more likely to become involved in criminal behavior because they see the behavior as acceptable, e.g. kids who hang out with delinquent kids get so used to delinquency that they think it is OK. Remember disproportionate “association” with delinquent peers causes delinquency. B. Social Bonding Theory – Hirschi Hirschi is interested in why people conform to societies norms Bonding to society prevents delinquency When bonds are broken or weak, the individual deviates There are four types of social bonds: 1) attachments (refers to how much the individual cares about what others think), 2) involvement in society (engrossment in conventional activities means little time and energy for delinquency), 3) commitment to goals (stronger the commitment to goals the less likely the chances of delinquency since delinquency is at odds with the conventional goals), and 4) believing in the rules of society (once an individual has been socialized into a common belief system they are less likely to deviate). C. Labeling – Becker – once labeled a criminal by the system, that label follows the individual through society and they are stigmatized for life. No matter what they do, they are still “criminal.” Eventually this person may have little choice but to re-offend. D. Techniques of Neutralization: Sykes and Matza: “excuse theory” Justifications and excuses for committing delinquent acts which are essentially in appropriate extensions of commonly accepted rationalizations found in the general culture. These are: denial of responsibility: e.g. the action was an accident denial of injury: focuses on the harm done regardless of laws broken, e.g., no one got hurt denial of the victim: e.g. self-defense or retaliation, absence of a victim condemnation of the condemners: the youth turns the tables on those condemning their behavior by saying that they are no better, e.g., cops are racist, picking on me, etc. appeal to higher loyalties: youth adhere to the beliefs of one group because there are greater rewards and more loyalty to that group. II. The Functionalist Perspective theories: focus on groups in society that work together to form a whole. Durkheim was the first sociologist to propose that crime is a completely normal part of society because it helps society function (even though crime is a dysfunction) According to Durkheim: deviance has three functions Sets moral boundaries and norms Promotes social unity: the punishment brings out a feeling of “we” because as a society “we” will not tolerate this behavior Deviance promotes social conge: groups have to get together and decide what is acceptable and what is not. White Collar Crime: Sutherland
First described by Sutherland as a violation of the criminal law by a person of the upper-socioeconomic class, committed during his or her occupational activities. Examples are insider trading, embezzlement, false advertising, fraud, price-fixing, etc. Computers have made this type of crime more accessible.
Strain Theories: there are a whole slew of strain theories – most of them written in response to Merton’s theory, which is known as “classical strain theory.” Strain is a simpler word for “anomie.” As a group, these theories were written largely with juvenile delinquency in mind. They see crime and deviance as a normal response to abnormal conditions in society.
Merton – strain results from an end-means disjunction because not all people have the means to achieve the American Dream – which he saw as the universal goal of our society. People could respond to strain in any of five ways: conformity – non-deviant – the most common response – acceptance of the way things are. People continue to strive for success within the means available to them. Innovation – most common deviant mode – subscribe to the goals but use illegitimate ways to achieve them e.g. drug dealers. Rebellion: another deviant mode – reject the system altogether and replace it with a new one e.g. religious cult groups, gangs Retreatism: deviant escapist response: a person gives up both the goals and the means e.g. alcoholic, druggie, etc. Ritualism: non-deviant – give up the goals and focus on acting in a socially acceptable fashion. 2) Albert Cohen: (1955) wrote the book “Delinquent Boys.” He says the source of strain is not the American dream, but rather the failure to gain status and acceptance from peers e.g. why kids join gangs. Still a relevant theory for today, except that it does not address female gangs – often the reasons a female has for joining a gang is different, e.g., escaping sexual abuse, etc. 3) Cloward & Ohlin: differential opportunity Not everyone has opportunities to commit delinquent acts. Youths form different types of subcultures. 1. delinquent criminal subcultures: organized youth gangs with a focus on income producing offenses; 2. conflict subcultures: gangs focused on turf battles; 3. retreatist gangs with a focus on consumption of drugs and alcohol. 4) Robert Agnew (1992): general strain theory Agnew expanded Robert Merton’s theory by including additional sources of strain. According to Agnew (1992), strain results from three different sources: Blocked opportunity (see Merton) Exposure to noxious stimuli Removal of positively valued stimuli One of the important intervening variables for Agnew is response to strain with Anger. III. Conflict Perspective on deviance: The purpose of social control is to maintain power for an elite group. In the US, this group consists of mainly wealthy, white men who work behind the scenes to control government. They even control official deviance – societies official statistics on crime. Hagan’s Power Control Theory (1988) Structural Criminology Traditional theories take into account relational power dynamics, but they fail to capture the dynamics of power in the measures. The central focus of power control-theory is on the gender patterns of delinquency. Hagan (1988) indicates that “the class structure of the family plays a significant role in explaining the social distribution of delinquent behavior through the social reproduction of gender roles” (p. 146). -Delinquency is influenced by the family structure and how free children are to engage in delinquency. -Patriarchy ? males create and maintain relationships that allow them to control others (this extends beyond a work place setting and influences family relationships). -In patriarchal families, males are generally employed outside the home and the female/mother is delegated the job of controlling the children. Daughters are typically controlled more than sons in patriarchal families. -Patriarchy has survived and been maintained through the development of industrial capitalist societies. ? fosters gendered patterns of delinquency ? boys are more likely than girls to be delinquent. -The emergence of women in the labor force changed the previously well-defined gender schemas. ? As women become more involved in the labor force, daughters will be treated more equally to sons. As daughters are treated more equally to sons, gendered patterns in delinquency will decrease. -Current examinations of Hagan’s (1988) power-control theory have incorporated fear of victimization and rates of victimization into the power-control theory.
-Young men are more likely to be victimized than young women, although the social expectations are the opposite of this reality. -Young women are less likely than men to be victimized, but they are more likely to be fearful of victimization. -Young men are less fearful of victimization than women. -Fear of victimization and perceptions of victimization also influences family dynamics related to power and control. -Fear of victimization also influences likelihood of risk taking behavior.
want you to write a four page paper relating 3 criminal justice theories to a research paper you wrote before. I will upload the paper and the instructions.
the theories are
A. Differential Association -- Sutherland theory
B. Social Bonding Theory – Hirschi theory
C. Labeling – Becker Theory
Making sense of biological, psychological, and sociological explanations of deviance
1. Biological explanations Focus on genetic factors e.g., including intelligence, “XYY” theory, and body type Evaluation has shown that none of these particular theories have held up well, but we can’t totally rule them out. Lombroso (1911) proposed the first biological explanation of deviance – he looked at cranial sizes and body types. 2. Psychological explanations Focus on personality disorders, such as deviating personalities and specific negative childhood experiences no particular personalities are invariably linked with deviance 3. Sociological explanations Focus on factors outside the individual Deviance is different from culture to culture Sociologists look for social factors, such as social class, that may explain why certain people break norms. Organization: I. Symbolic Interactionist Theories: 1. Differential Association – Sutherland 2. Social Bonding Theory – Hirschi 3. Labeling – Becker 4. Techniques of Neutralization – Sykes and Matza II. Functionalist Theories: 1. White Collar Crime 2. Strain Theories: a) Merton – American Dream; b) Cohen – status and acceptance; c) Cloward & Ohlin – differential opportunity III. Conflict Theories General I. The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Theories A. Differential Association -- Sutherland People who associate with criminal peers are more likely to become involved in criminal behavior because they see the behavior as acceptable, e.g. kids who hang out with delinquent kids get so used to delinquency that they think it is OK. Remember disproportionate “association” with delinquent peers causes delinquency. B. Social Bonding Theory – Hirschi Hirschi is interested in why people conform to societies norms Bonding to society prevents delinquency When bonds are broken or weak, the individual deviates There are four types of social bonds: 1) attachments (refers to how much the individual cares about what others think), 2) involvement in society (engrossment in conventional activities means little time and energy for delinquency), 3) commitment to goals (stronger the commitment to goals the less likely the chances of delinquency since delinquency is at odds with the conventional goals), and 4) believing in the rules of society (once an individual has been socialized into a common belief system they are less likely to deviate). C. Labeling – Becker – once labeled a criminal by the system, that label follows the individual through society and they are stigmatized for life. No matter what they do, they are still “criminal.” Eventually this person may have little choice but to re-offend. D. Techniques of Neutralization: Sykes and Matza: “excuse theory” Justifications and excuses for committing delinquent acts which are essentially in appropriate extensions of commonly accepted rationalizations found in the general culture. These are: denial of responsibility: e.g. the action was an accident denial of injury: focuses on the harm done regardless of laws broken, e.g., no one got hurt denial of the victim: e.g. self-defense or retaliation, absence of a victim condemnation of the condemners: the youth turns the tables on those condemning their behavior by saying that they are no better, e.g., cops are racist, picking on me, etc. appeal to higher loyalties: youth adhere to the beliefs of one group because there are greater rewards and more loyalty to that group. II. The Functionalist Perspective theories: focus on groups in society that work together to form a whole. Durkheim was the first sociologist to propose that crime is a completely normal part of society because it helps society function (even though crime is a dysfunction) According to Durkheim: deviance has three functions Sets moral boundaries and norms Promotes social unity: the punishment brings out a feeling of “we” because as a society “we” will not tolerate this behavior Deviance promotes social conge: groups have to get together and decide what is acceptable and what is not. White Collar Crime: Sutherland
First described by Sutherland as a violation of the criminal law by a person of the upper-socioeconomic class, committed during his or her occupational activities. Examples are insider trading, embezzlement, false advertising, fraud, price-fixing, etc. Computers have made this type of crime more accessible.
Strain Theories: there are a whole slew of strain theories – most of them written in response to Merton’s theory, which is known as “classical strain theory.” Strain is a simpler word for “anomie.” As a group, these theories were written largely with juvenile delinquency in mind. They see crime and deviance as a normal response to abnormal conditions in society.
Merton – strain results from an end-means disjunction because not all people have the means to achieve the American Dream – which he saw as the universal goal of our society. People could respond to strain in any of five ways: conformity – non-deviant – the most common response – acceptance of the way things are. People continue to strive for success within the means available to them. Innovation – most common deviant mode – subscribe to the goals but use illegitimate ways to achieve them e.g. drug dealers. Rebellion: another deviant mode – reject the system altogether and replace it with a new one e.g. religious cult groups, gangs Retreatism: deviant escapist response: a person gives up both the goals and the means e.g. alcoholic, druggie, etc. Ritualism: non-deviant – give up the goals and focus on acting in a socially acceptable fashion. 2) Albert Cohen: (1955) wrote the book “Delinquent Boys.” He says the source of strain is not the American dream, but rather the failure to gain status and acceptance from peers e.g. why kids join gangs. Still a relevant theory for today, except that it does not address female gangs – often the reasons a female has for joining a gang is different, e.g., escaping sexual abuse, etc. 3) Cloward & Ohlin: differential opportunity Not everyone has opportunities to commit delinquent acts. Youths form different types of subcultures. 1. delinquent criminal subcultures: organized youth gangs with a focus on income producing offenses; 2. conflict subcultures: gangs focused on turf battles; 3. retreatist gangs with a focus on consumption of drugs and alcohol. 4) Robert Agnew (1992): general strain theory Agnew expanded Robert Merton’s theory by including additional sources of strain. According to Agnew (1992), strain results from three different sources: Blocked opportunity (see Merton) Exposure to noxious stimuli Removal of positively valued stimuli One of the important intervening variables for Agnew is response to strain with Anger. III. Conflict Perspective on deviance: The purpose of social control is to maintain power for an elite group. In the US, this group consists of mainly wealthy, white men who work behind the scenes to control government. They even control official deviance – societies official statistics on crime. Hagan’s Power Control Theory (1988) Structural Criminology Traditional theories take into account relational power dynamics, but they fail to capture the dynamics of power in the measures. The central focus of power control-theory is on the gender patterns of delinquency. Hagan (1988) indicates that “the class structure of the family plays a significant role in explaining the social distribution of delinquent behavior through the social reproduction of gender roles” (p. 146). -Delinquency is influenced by the family structure and how free children are to engage in delinquency. -Patriarchy ? males create and maintain relationships that allow them to control others (this extends beyond a work place setting and influences family relationships). -In patriarchal families, males are generally employed outside the home and the female/mother is delegated the job of controlling the children. Daughters are typically controlled more than sons in patriarchal families. -Patriarchy has survived and been maintained through the development of industrial capitalist societies. ? fosters gendered patterns of delinquency ? boys are more likely than girls to be delinquent. -The emergence of women in the labor force changed the previously well-defined gender schemas. ? As women become more involved in the labor force, daughters will be treated more equally to sons. As daughters are treated more equally to sons, gendered patterns in delinquency will decrease. -Current examinations of Hagan’s (1988) power-control theory have incorporated fear of victimization and rates of victimization into the power-control theory.
-Young men are more likely to be victimized than young women, although the social expectations are the opposite of this reality. -Young women are less likely than men to be victimized, but they are more likely to be fearful of victimization. -Young men are less fearful of victimization than women. -Fear of victimization and perceptions of victimization also influences family dynamics related to power and control. -Fear of victimization also influences likelihood of risk taking behavior.
Advanced Health & Physical Assessment
Advanced Health & Physical Assessment
Order Description
Assignment 2: Discussion Questions
Response the following two question.
To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Discussion Question 1
Evidence-based practice will be the cornerstone of your advanced practice career. Choose a health disease process that is common in the adult population and post your choice to the discussion question area with the title “Health Disease Choice.” If a health disease is posted, pick another one so that there will be a discussion on a variety of health disease processes.
Once you have decided on your topic, research two evidence-based articles. Cite your references in APA format. Do not look for less common and seldom-seen diseases; instead, look for the typical problems that you anticipate seeing in your practice as an advanced practice nurse. On the basis of the literature search and adult disease process, also discuss what parts of the complete health history would be essential in understanding a patient’s current health state and work-up completed to date.
Discussion Question 2
Differential diagnoses must be considered before choosing a final diagnosis. What criteria must be met before a final diagnosis can be made? Give an example of three differential diagnoses for a patient who complains of a sore throat. Support your differential diagnoses with a brief statement of reason. You do not have to have a final diagnosis for this patient; just work up the differential diagnoses. This is a common complaint for many patients.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Quality of Initial Posting. 10
Participation in Discussion. 5
Writing Mechanics (Spelling, Grammar, APA) and Information Literacy. 5
Total: 20
Family Practice Guidelines
Third Edition
Jili C. Cash
Cheryl A. Glass
Advanced Assessment . Interpreting Finding and Formulating differential diagnosis
Mary Jo Goolsby
Laurie Crubbs
Guide to Physical Assessment Exmination and History Taking
Eleventh Edition
Lynn S. Bickley
Order Description
Assignment 2: Discussion Questions
Response the following two question.
To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Discussion Question 1
Evidence-based practice will be the cornerstone of your advanced practice career. Choose a health disease process that is common in the adult population and post your choice to the discussion question area with the title “Health Disease Choice.” If a health disease is posted, pick another one so that there will be a discussion on a variety of health disease processes.
Once you have decided on your topic, research two evidence-based articles. Cite your references in APA format. Do not look for less common and seldom-seen diseases; instead, look for the typical problems that you anticipate seeing in your practice as an advanced practice nurse. On the basis of the literature search and adult disease process, also discuss what parts of the complete health history would be essential in understanding a patient’s current health state and work-up completed to date.
Discussion Question 2
Differential diagnoses must be considered before choosing a final diagnosis. What criteria must be met before a final diagnosis can be made? Give an example of three differential diagnoses for a patient who complains of a sore throat. Support your differential diagnoses with a brief statement of reason. You do not have to have a final diagnosis for this patient; just work up the differential diagnoses. This is a common complaint for many patients.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Quality of Initial Posting. 10
Participation in Discussion. 5
Writing Mechanics (Spelling, Grammar, APA) and Information Literacy. 5
Total: 20
Family Practice Guidelines
Third Edition
Jili C. Cash
Cheryl A. Glass
Advanced Assessment . Interpreting Finding and Formulating differential diagnosis
Mary Jo Goolsby
Laurie Crubbs
Guide to Physical Assessment Exmination and History Taking
Eleventh Edition
Lynn S. Bickley
Is rapid technological change responsible for the existence of post-bureaucratic organisations?
Is rapid technological change responsible for the existence of post-bureaucratic organisations?
Order Description
- state the definition of post bureaucratic organization
- provide and argument to argue in the essay in the introduction
- support each argument by quotes and theories
- each argument in a separate paragraph with evidence
Order Description
- state the definition of post bureaucratic organization
- provide and argument to argue in the essay in the introduction
- support each argument by quotes and theories
- each argument in a separate paragraph with evidence
Disaster Management
Disaster Management
Order Description
need someone who"s qualified in critical analyses of disaster management. the analyses should be in scope of health management. once you take the task i will upload the file.
Order Description
need someone who"s qualified in critical analyses of disaster management. the analyses should be in scope of health management. once you take the task i will upload the file.
reflection activities
reflection activities
Order Description
THE QUESTION IS: reflective writing: Reflect on one particular issue for yourself as a student
Order Description
THE QUESTION IS: reflective writing: Reflect on one particular issue for yourself as a student
Order Description
Module 2: Managing Groups and Teams
Week 1: Fairness in the Workplace
Week 1: Fairness in the Workplace Actions for 'Week 1: Fairness in the Workplace
Human perception, attitudes, and motivation are of keen importance in managing others. One important Organizational Behavior issue spanning these dimensions is the concept of "perceived fairness" in the workplace.
Fairness is such a common phenomenon in organizations that most leaders/managers typically give it little thought. If an employee says the vacation/leave, or other policy, isn't fair, he or she might get some attention. Unfortunately, some leaders/managers fail to realize that unfairness may cause overall performance to suffer and can even have severe economic consequences. Just because you are not paying attention doesn't mean that unfairness isn't making a big difference to your organization's product/ performance quality, mission readiness or completion, customer service, and/or the bottom line.
•For 20 years Charlie, a baggage handler, was an asset to his airline. Callous rule changes and harsh supervisory treatment, however, led him to covertly retaliate. For months, he carefully "evened the score" by tearing off a few baggage tags each shift. Each missing tag caused the airline both service headaches and lost dollars (at the time, $55 per bag on average).
•Reflect on the military supervisor who appeared to have chosen "Attila the Hun" as a role model. Upset with what they perceived as a never-ending stream of oppressive behavior, two technicians took a number of particularly expensive silver-lined spare radar batteries and buried them in the boonies. They almost immediately rotated stateside, leaving "Attila the supervisor" to account for (and partially pay for) these items upon his later rotation date.
While such examples may seem a little extreme, more subtle responses may abound; please consider the questions below and engage in a discussion with your classmates.
Have you seen or reliably heard of such behavior? If so, please cite an example. And what kind of costs/losses (financial and otherwise) might be associated with your example?
Order Description
Module 2: Managing Groups and Teams
Week 1: Fairness in the Workplace
Week 1: Fairness in the Workplace Actions for 'Week 1: Fairness in the Workplace
Human perception, attitudes, and motivation are of keen importance in managing others. One important Organizational Behavior issue spanning these dimensions is the concept of "perceived fairness" in the workplace.
Fairness is such a common phenomenon in organizations that most leaders/managers typically give it little thought. If an employee says the vacation/leave, or other policy, isn't fair, he or she might get some attention. Unfortunately, some leaders/managers fail to realize that unfairness may cause overall performance to suffer and can even have severe economic consequences. Just because you are not paying attention doesn't mean that unfairness isn't making a big difference to your organization's product/ performance quality, mission readiness or completion, customer service, and/or the bottom line.
•For 20 years Charlie, a baggage handler, was an asset to his airline. Callous rule changes and harsh supervisory treatment, however, led him to covertly retaliate. For months, he carefully "evened the score" by tearing off a few baggage tags each shift. Each missing tag caused the airline both service headaches and lost dollars (at the time, $55 per bag on average).
•Reflect on the military supervisor who appeared to have chosen "Attila the Hun" as a role model. Upset with what they perceived as a never-ending stream of oppressive behavior, two technicians took a number of particularly expensive silver-lined spare radar batteries and buried them in the boonies. They almost immediately rotated stateside, leaving "Attila the supervisor" to account for (and partially pay for) these items upon his later rotation date.
While such examples may seem a little extreme, more subtle responses may abound; please consider the questions below and engage in a discussion with your classmates.
Have you seen or reliably heard of such behavior? If so, please cite an example. And what kind of costs/losses (financial and otherwise) might be associated with your example?
Order Description
Over the past several modules of study, we have discussed the practice of both nursing past and nursing future. Within module eleven, historical practices of nursing were reviewed, and you were asked to identify contributions of past nurses who greatly impacted our profession. Within module twelve, the future of nursing practice was presented and the impact of future nursing practice upon the education necessary to prepare future nurses was reviewed. Within modules nine and twelve, the future of nursing education was discussed. Now that you have been provided with a plethora of information about nursing practice and education (both past and future), I want you to take a few minutes and THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX. It is now your turn to create YOUR IDEAL future for nursing.
Describe what this will look like: policy, roles (practice), education, structure, anything and everything you desire. Write your thoughts and ideas for the future of nursing here. GO CRAZY!
Order Description
Over the past several modules of study, we have discussed the practice of both nursing past and nursing future. Within module eleven, historical practices of nursing were reviewed, and you were asked to identify contributions of past nurses who greatly impacted our profession. Within module twelve, the future of nursing practice was presented and the impact of future nursing practice upon the education necessary to prepare future nurses was reviewed. Within modules nine and twelve, the future of nursing education was discussed. Now that you have been provided with a plethora of information about nursing practice and education (both past and future), I want you to take a few minutes and THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX. It is now your turn to create YOUR IDEAL future for nursing.
Describe what this will look like: policy, roles (practice), education, structure, anything and everything you desire. Write your thoughts and ideas for the future of nursing here. GO CRAZY!
Assignment 8.1: Read, Analyze, and Respond
Assignment 8.1: Read, Analyze, and Respond
Description The required readings for this module are in Conformity and Conflict: James Spradley and David W. McCurdy, Conformity and Conflict "Ecology and Substinence," 69-72 Richard Borshay Lee, Conformity and Conflict, "The Hunters: Scarce Resources in the Kalahari," 73-86 Richard Nelson, Conformity and Conflict, "Eskimo Science," 87-92 Jared Diamond, Conformity and Conflict, "Domestication and the Evolution of Disease," 93-104 Richard K. Reed, Conformity and Conflict, "Forest Development the Indian Way," 105-114 (optional) In this article that originally appeared in Audubon Magazine, Richard Nelson argues against the principles of a theory called unilineal evolution. Unilineal evolution was used by anthropologists in the 1800s to explain how societies can be divided into stages of cultural development, such as savagery, barbarism, civilization. In this view, civilized humans experienced a "refinement" of thought (Conformity and Conflict p. 87) where one could expect hunter-gatherers to have less developed thinking than civilized humans. By looking at Native American Eskimo groups, such as the Inupiaq and Koyukon, and describing the mental processes needed to survive, Nelson challenges the theory of unilineal evolution. Jared Diamond’s piece, "Domestication and the Evolution of Disease," examines how humans and human culture provide a "ready new eco niche for animal-based microbes" (93). Diamond also looks at the role of disease in the history and development of human civilization. We read Diamond’s chapter in Module 3. It's interesting how we again dive into questions of human evolution and adaptation as we view it through a new lens: considering the role of the environment and ecological factors in societies and cultures worldwide. There is a lot to read and digest in this module, and you may consider "Forest Development the Indian Way," by Richard Reed, to be optional for this module. You will be graded on the quality of your analysis and ability to communicate your ideas to the class.
Description The required readings for this module are in Conformity and Conflict: James Spradley and David W. McCurdy, Conformity and Conflict "Ecology and Substinence," 69-72 Richard Borshay Lee, Conformity and Conflict, "The Hunters: Scarce Resources in the Kalahari," 73-86 Richard Nelson, Conformity and Conflict, "Eskimo Science," 87-92 Jared Diamond, Conformity and Conflict, "Domestication and the Evolution of Disease," 93-104 Richard K. Reed, Conformity and Conflict, "Forest Development the Indian Way," 105-114 (optional) In this article that originally appeared in Audubon Magazine, Richard Nelson argues against the principles of a theory called unilineal evolution. Unilineal evolution was used by anthropologists in the 1800s to explain how societies can be divided into stages of cultural development, such as savagery, barbarism, civilization. In this view, civilized humans experienced a "refinement" of thought (Conformity and Conflict p. 87) where one could expect hunter-gatherers to have less developed thinking than civilized humans. By looking at Native American Eskimo groups, such as the Inupiaq and Koyukon, and describing the mental processes needed to survive, Nelson challenges the theory of unilineal evolution. Jared Diamond’s piece, "Domestication and the Evolution of Disease," examines how humans and human culture provide a "ready new eco niche for animal-based microbes" (93). Diamond also looks at the role of disease in the history and development of human civilization. We read Diamond’s chapter in Module 3. It's interesting how we again dive into questions of human evolution and adaptation as we view it through a new lens: considering the role of the environment and ecological factors in societies and cultures worldwide. There is a lot to read and digest in this module, and you may consider "Forest Development the Indian Way," by Richard Reed, to be optional for this module. You will be graded on the quality of your analysis and ability to communicate your ideas to the class.
Order Description
Look for a court case related to native Americans tribes that had been in the U,S court has to be a controversial case and you have to come up with 4 questions related to the case concerning who has the right the U,S court or the native’s
Plz its important to write it as a speech cuz ill be presenting the case to the class followed with the question
The case name must be written give summery detail of the case (not an old case )
Order Description
Look for a court case related to native Americans tribes that had been in the U,S court has to be a controversial case and you have to come up with 4 questions related to the case concerning who has the right the U,S court or the native’s
Plz its important to write it as a speech cuz ill be presenting the case to the class followed with the question
The case name must be written give summery detail of the case (not an old case )
Develop and write a research proposal.
Develop and write a research proposal.
Order Description
The research proposal should be related to the health field.
NB; 1) Do not use online (google) books that only have citation, no open access and are not peer reviewed, as it's hard for me to locate/open them. I need journal articles.
2) Do not use articles below 2010. Only use 2010-2016
3) This is an example from my lecturer of how to write a research proposal. Jirojwong, S., Johnson, M. & Welch, A. (2014). Research in methods in nursing & midwifery: Pathways to evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.Chapter Three- Introducing the Research Process, pp. 34-64.
Order Description
The research proposal should be related to the health field.
NB; 1) Do not use online (google) books that only have citation, no open access and are not peer reviewed, as it's hard for me to locate/open them. I need journal articles.
2) Do not use articles below 2010. Only use 2010-2016
3) This is an example from my lecturer of how to write a research proposal. Jirojwong, S., Johnson, M. & Welch, A. (2014). Research in methods in nursing & midwifery: Pathways to evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.Chapter Three- Introducing the Research Process, pp. 34-64.
Comparative analysis of two retail (consumer electronics, i.e. JB Hi-Fi vs. Kogan) organisations
Comparative analysis of two retail (consumer electronics, i.e. JB Hi-Fi vs. Kogan) organisations
Order Description
Word Limit: Up to 2,000 words maximum (excluding Appendices and References)
Key Requirements:
Select two retail organisations in the consumer electronics industry of Australia. Compare the marketing channels of these two organisations and address the following:
-? A comparative analysis of the major participants in the marketing channels of the two organisations outlining the intermediaries from suppliers to end users (include locating a wholesaler if possible).
-? The impact of the economic, competitive, sociocultural, technological and legal environments that channel managers of these two organisations need to consider. (Obviously majority of these could be similar for both organisations, as they are in the same industry).
-? A comparative analysis of the main strengths and weaknesses of the channel strategy and design of the two selected retail organisations.
- The conclusion will consist of advice/recommendations for a (fictitious) new entrant to the consumer electronics retail industry, which is clearly based on the above analysis and findings.
Report structure:
- Introduction
- Background: include brief description of the major participants in the marketing channels of the two retail organisations (i.e. JB Hi-Fi vs. Kogan).
- External environment impacting the channels of the two organisations (PESTLE analysis)
- Strengths and weaknesses of the channels of the two firms.
- Discussion and Recommendations
- Conclusion
- List of references
- Appendices (if any)
Order Description
Word Limit: Up to 2,000 words maximum (excluding Appendices and References)
Key Requirements:
Select two retail organisations in the consumer electronics industry of Australia. Compare the marketing channels of these two organisations and address the following:
-? A comparative analysis of the major participants in the marketing channels of the two organisations outlining the intermediaries from suppliers to end users (include locating a wholesaler if possible).
-? The impact of the economic, competitive, sociocultural, technological and legal environments that channel managers of these two organisations need to consider. (Obviously majority of these could be similar for both organisations, as they are in the same industry).
-? A comparative analysis of the main strengths and weaknesses of the channel strategy and design of the two selected retail organisations.
- The conclusion will consist of advice/recommendations for a (fictitious) new entrant to the consumer electronics retail industry, which is clearly based on the above analysis and findings.
Report structure:
- Introduction
- Background: include brief description of the major participants in the marketing channels of the two retail organisations (i.e. JB Hi-Fi vs. Kogan).
- External environment impacting the channels of the two organisations (PESTLE analysis)
- Strengths and weaknesses of the channels of the two firms.
- Discussion and Recommendations
- Conclusion
- List of references
- Appendices (if any)
Reflective writing
Reflective writing -Reflect on how you would compare and contrast your own definitions of health and illness with the definitions of health and illness you would provide for a group of low socio-economic status people living with a chronic illness and or
Order Description
This assessment is not essay, this is reflective writing. I will uploaded topics and instruction, please you must clear follow all steps. I will be upload additional material, which you need use for assessment. One of source must be from John Germov book. Finally , I will upload reflective writing examples and marking criteria.
Order Description
This assessment is not essay, this is reflective writing. I will uploaded topics and instruction, please you must clear follow all steps. I will be upload additional material, which you need use for assessment. One of source must be from John Germov book. Finally , I will upload reflective writing examples and marking criteria.
Recruiting and Staff Plan
Recruiting and Staff Plan
Recruiting and Staff Plan
Assess the opening case study from Chapter 6: "Amazon is Hiring...Big Time!” In a three- to five-page paper (not including the title and references pages), create a recruiting and staffing strategy for Amazon, and select one position from the given list to write a recruiting and staffing plan; consider how many of these positions Amazon needs to fill. You must select from the following full-time positions: Warehouse Supervisor, Delivery Representative, and Customer Service Manager.)
Your paper must include the following:
a.Write an introduction including the selected position, a preview of your paper, and a succinct thesis statement.
b.Discuss the legal landscape, including special legal considerations that the company should be aware of.
c.Create a recruiting plan for the position selected that includes the following:
?Explain what recruiting is and why it is important.
?Explain the tools that will be utilized to find candidates for filling the selected position, and state why each tool was selected.
d.Create a selection plan for the position that includes the following:
?Explain what staffing is and why it is important.
?State what assessments will be used and why.
?Discuss the types of interviewing techniques that will be used and why.
?List five job-specific interview questions for the position candidates.
e.Write a conclusion paragraph that reaffirms your thesis statement.
Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. It must include citations and references for the text and at least three scholarly sources, one of which must be from the Ashford University Library.
Required Text
Youssef-Morgan, C. M., & Stark. E. (2014). Strategic human resource management: Concepts, controversies, and evidence-based applications. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. •This text is a Constellation™ course digital materials (CDM) title.
Bagley, P., Dalton, D., & Ortegren, M. (2013). Targeted recruiting and retention. The CPA Journal, 83(5), 63-65. Retrieved from the ProQuest database. Hammonds, K. H. (n.d.). Why we hate HR. Fast Company. Retrieved from
Killingsworth, J., & Grosskopf, K. R. (2013). syNErgy: A case study in workforce curriculum development. Adult Learning, 24(3), 95-103. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.
Lipman, V. (2013, September). Surprising, disturbing facts from the mother of all employee engagement surveys. Forbes. Retrieved from
Meister, J. (2013, July). Lessons for human resource departments, from the Huffington Post. Forbes. Retrieved from
Christensen, M. (Producer). (n.d.). The Amazon trail [Video file]. Retrieved from Swank, A. (2004, July 31). Table of Information [Video file]. Retrieved from
Case studies of age discrimination in job ads. (2012). Retrieved from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (
What is your learning style? [Quiz]. (2013). Retrieved from
What's your learning style? [Quiz], (2011). Retrieved from
Recruiting and Staff Plan
Assess the opening case study from Chapter 6: "Amazon is Hiring...Big Time!” In a three- to five-page paper (not including the title and references pages), create a recruiting and staffing strategy for Amazon, and select one position from the given list to write a recruiting and staffing plan; consider how many of these positions Amazon needs to fill. You must select from the following full-time positions: Warehouse Supervisor, Delivery Representative, and Customer Service Manager.)
Your paper must include the following:
a.Write an introduction including the selected position, a preview of your paper, and a succinct thesis statement.
b.Discuss the legal landscape, including special legal considerations that the company should be aware of.
c.Create a recruiting plan for the position selected that includes the following:
?Explain what recruiting is and why it is important.
?Explain the tools that will be utilized to find candidates for filling the selected position, and state why each tool was selected.
d.Create a selection plan for the position that includes the following:
?Explain what staffing is and why it is important.
?State what assessments will be used and why.
?Discuss the types of interviewing techniques that will be used and why.
?List five job-specific interview questions for the position candidates.
e.Write a conclusion paragraph that reaffirms your thesis statement.
Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. It must include citations and references for the text and at least three scholarly sources, one of which must be from the Ashford University Library.
Required Text
Youssef-Morgan, C. M., & Stark. E. (2014). Strategic human resource management: Concepts, controversies, and evidence-based applications. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. •This text is a Constellation™ course digital materials (CDM) title.
Bagley, P., Dalton, D., & Ortegren, M. (2013). Targeted recruiting and retention. The CPA Journal, 83(5), 63-65. Retrieved from the ProQuest database. Hammonds, K. H. (n.d.). Why we hate HR. Fast Company. Retrieved from
Killingsworth, J., & Grosskopf, K. R. (2013). syNErgy: A case study in workforce curriculum development. Adult Learning, 24(3), 95-103. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.
Lipman, V. (2013, September). Surprising, disturbing facts from the mother of all employee engagement surveys. Forbes. Retrieved from
Meister, J. (2013, July). Lessons for human resource departments, from the Huffington Post. Forbes. Retrieved from
Christensen, M. (Producer). (n.d.). The Amazon trail [Video file]. Retrieved from Swank, A. (2004, July 31). Table of Information [Video file]. Retrieved from
Case studies of age discrimination in job ads. (2012). Retrieved from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (
What is your learning style? [Quiz]. (2013). Retrieved from
What's your learning style? [Quiz], (2011). Retrieved from
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