Order Description
My choice of human right is: Freedom of Religion
*Make sure to mention the specific treaty bodies that support this right*
My choice of contemporary issues will be about secularism and limitations of freedom of religion. I will be comparing Canada's and France's (Laicite) approach to secularism or ability to freely express your religion in society and government. As to limitation of freedom of religion, I will be discussing the merit or flaw in the notion that denial of services to LGBT individuals (Ex: Cake Shop in Colorado or Kim Davis ) is truly covered by freedom of religion laws.
Please answer the following questions below:
Choose one human right from a core international treaty. In a text of approximately 6 pages (more or less 2100 words, 1.5 spacing), answer these questions on your chosen right in a detailed and thoroughly researched analysis:
1. What is your chosen right? Name at least three international instruments that protect your right. Identify which articles within these instruments apply to your chosen right. Why did you choose this right? Describe the content of this right. Which type of rights does it belong to? (4 pts)
2. What are the obligations created by this right and who or what is the holder of these obligations? Answer these questions according to one instrument protecting your right. (3 pts)
3. What are the international supervisory mechanisms of your chosen right? How do these mechanisms work? (3 pts)
4. Find the general comment, a concluding observation and a state report related to your chosen issue. Copy and paste the links in your paper. (1 pts)
5. Name two situations or issues in contemporary society related to your right. Give examples of multiple positions on these issues. Give your own opinion on the issues. (4 pts)
We strongly suggest you read and use the general comments regarding your right, if applicable. Add a bibliography at the end of your text (not included in the 5 pages) which includes at least 6 different sources. Two of these 6 sources must be periodical articles. A periodical article is from an academic journal, it is not a column in a magazine or a newspaper. Don't forget to properly reference your sources. Use the method of your choice, as long as it includes all the pertinent information and is coherent throughout your paper.
Grading Scheme
Here are the elements that will be taken into account when grading the final assignment:
• Content (make sure to read the questions carefully and to answer all of them) (2 pt)
• Research (quality and relevance of the sources, quality of the analysis and the synthesis) (3 pts)
• Quality of the writing (grammar, clarity, precision, concision, structure of the text) (2 pts)
• Originality of subject and treatment (1 pt)
• Bibliography and proper referencing: a minimum of 5 sources including 2 periodical articles. (2 pts)
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Topic: Sin Products: On Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, and Fast Food
Order Description
work on the following: -Grammar Usage -Organizing the sections to make it research paper oriented. (Provide Headings and Sub-headings) -Improve word choice and writing style -In text citations (APA) -Flow of my reasoning and concepts (provide suggestions when you can) Below are the grading criteria from the instructor: The following criteria will be followed in grading papers: Strong papers will demonstrate superior: (l) precision in addressing the assignment, (2) writing style & usage, (3) organization, (4) understanding and application of theories of ethical reasoning, (5) research and application of primary scholarly sources and sound journalism, (6) citation of reference sources, and (7) use of the APA reference style. **Please Highlight and comment on the changes you make*** **Do not change the layout of the paper. The final paper may not exceed 2 pages***
work on the following: -Grammar Usage -Organizing the sections to make it research paper oriented. (Provide Headings and Sub-headings) -Improve word choice and writing style -In text citations (APA) -Flow of my reasoning and concepts (provide suggestions when you can) Below are the grading criteria from the instructor: The following criteria will be followed in grading papers: Strong papers will demonstrate superior: (l) precision in addressing the assignment, (2) writing style & usage, (3) organization, (4) understanding and application of theories of ethical reasoning, (5) research and application of primary scholarly sources and sound journalism, (6) citation of reference sources, and (7) use of the APA reference style. **Please Highlight and comment on the changes you make*** **Do not change the layout of the paper. The final paper may not exceed 2 pages***
medical marijuana
What do the medical & psychological research articles say about. What do the medical & psychological research articles say about the effectiveness of medical marijuana in treating some conditions? Report on the main “pro” & “con” arguments regarding legalization of medical marijuana that are based on solid research. How has legalization of recreational marijuana worked out in Colorado? If you favor legalization of medical marijuana, what do you feel the restrictions should be, if any? If you oppose legalization of medical marijuana, what should be the penalties given to patients who use it anyway? the effectiveness of medical marijuana in treating some conditions? Report on the main “pro” & “con” arguments regarding legalization of medical marijuana that are based on solid research. How has legalization of recreational marijuana worked out in Colorado? If you favor legalization of medical marijuana, what do you feel the restrictions should be, if any? If you oppose legalization of medical marijuana, what should be the penalties given to patients who use it anyway?
Impact of Engineering Design Term Paper Assignment
Note that this is an individual (not a team) assignment. Show how you and your group understand the impact of your engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. You must address all of these four areas. “Global” may for example involve things like international markets for your project or device and those that may be similar to yours; “economic” considerations are obvious for marketable products, but considerations for yours may be unique; “environmental” could relate to disposal or reuse of products or those designed with that in mind; and “societal” issues may relate especially to the cost effectiveness related to health/safety or medical use, even home use at a reasonable cost. This (corrected) assignment may appear as part of your final report.
Incorporate (at least) Four Areas/Subheadings
? Global Impact
? Economic Impact
? Environmental Impact
? Societal Impact
Other Information and Requirements
1. Originality and creative thinking are encouraged and will be rewarded.
2. See grading rubric in pilot.
3. Submit via MS Word document. No PDF files.
4. Use 12 point, Times New Roman font. Double-spaced with normal margins.
5. Design and include appropriate cover page with all relevant information.
6. Include a reference page including at least four properly formatted references.
7. Cite references in the body of your paper. Minimize quotations.
8. 750-1000 words of writing/text. Cover page, reference page, headings/subheadings and
any numbering will not be included in the word count.
Note that this is an individual (not a team) assignment. Show how you and your group understand the impact of your engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. You must address all of these four areas. “Global” may for example involve things like international markets for your project or device and those that may be similar to yours; “economic” considerations are obvious for marketable products, but considerations for yours may be unique; “environmental” could relate to disposal or reuse of products or those designed with that in mind; and “societal” issues may relate especially to the cost effectiveness related to health/safety or medical use, even home use at a reasonable cost. This (corrected) assignment may appear as part of your final report.
Incorporate (at least) Four Areas/Subheadings
? Global Impact
? Economic Impact
? Environmental Impact
? Societal Impact
Other Information and Requirements
1. Originality and creative thinking are encouraged and will be rewarded.
2. See grading rubric in pilot.
3. Submit via MS Word document. No PDF files.
4. Use 12 point, Times New Roman font. Double-spaced with normal margins.
5. Design and include appropriate cover page with all relevant information.
6. Include a reference page including at least four properly formatted references.
7. Cite references in the body of your paper. Minimize quotations.
8. 750-1000 words of writing/text. Cover page, reference page, headings/subheadings and
any numbering will not be included in the word count.
Topic: manager expiation in relation to airbnb
Order Description
The key to a good Single Research Project is clear structure and organisation. The following are only guidelines as to the most appropriate way of presenting your SRP. The marks allocated to each section can be found in Assessment Criteria (Appendix D).
Title page
The title page must contain the title of your project, your name, the full title of the degree programme for which the project is being presented, the month and year of submission, the name of your supervisor and the word count. The following declaration must be inserted at the bottom on the page and signed:
This Single Research Project is an original and authentic piece of work produced in fulfilment of my degree regulations. I have fully acknowledged and referenced all secondary sources. I have read and understood the Academic Regulations and I am fully aware of any breach of them.
The abstract is a summary of the Single Research Project and should be no more than 200 words in length. It should include an outline of the topic, the themes emerging from the academic literature review, key issues emerging from the analysis and discussion and the conclusions. It is not an introduction but should provide a succinct view of what the study reveals rather that what it intends to find. Note that the abstract is not included in the word count.
The introduction provides the relevant background and context for the study, in other words it ‘sets the scene’. You should start by outlining in two or three paragraphs the broad topic area and write a little about the aspect of it that interests you. You should state your motivation for doing the research – why it is worth doing and you should also state the purpose and aims of the study - what you are planning to do and how you intend to do it. Most importantly, you must also clearly state either your research question or your research hypothesis. The research question is the question that your research will answer, while the research hypothesis is the proposition that you aim to test.
Academic literature review
In this section, you need to review the academic literature relevant to the broad topic area. The review should highlight the relevant theories and concepts used in the current and previous research and assess the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of these studies. The weaknesses and limitations are particularly important as this provides justification for your own research.
You need to review the academic literature critically rather than simply describe who said what. Quotations may be useful here but keep these to a minimum and only include them when you have a clear rationale for doing so. The examiners are more interested in your arguments than in your ability to copy down what others have written.
Analysis and discussion
Here you must present the material you have collected in a logical sequence and analyse it in depth. You should identify core issues stemming from the analysis and discuss the key arguments arising, relating them all to the academic literature you have already reviewed. Where applicable, you may wish to comment on any practical and policy implications. If you wish to include any photos or diagrams, tables or graphs, they should be embedded near the text that makes reference to them, NOT put into the Appendix.
The principle aim of the conclusion is to draw all the threads of your study together. It should be based on what has been written earlier and nothing new should be introduced at this stage. You should summarize the arguments and issues emerging from your analysis and discussion, highlight the wider implications of your study, and relate your work back to the question you were trying to answer or the hypothesis that you were testing, indicating the extent to which you have been successful. Finally, if appropriate, you can make suggestions for future research.
A reference list is not a bibliography and should only include full references to sources cited within the text of the project. It should consist of one alphabetical list and should not be divided books, journals and websites. See Appendix F for referencing guidelines.
Appendices should only be used in exceptional circumstances in a Single Research Project. It might very occasionally be necessary to provide additional information but full documents or whole web sites must not be placed here. Where possible you should either summarise the material in words or put in a reference to where the reader can find the information. Your supervisor will advise you if is appropriate to use an appendix in your case.
The key to a good Single Research Project is clear structure and organisation. The following are only guidelines as to the most appropriate way of presenting your SRP. The marks allocated to each section can be found in Assessment Criteria (Appendix D).
Title page
The title page must contain the title of your project, your name, the full title of the degree programme for which the project is being presented, the month and year of submission, the name of your supervisor and the word count. The following declaration must be inserted at the bottom on the page and signed:
This Single Research Project is an original and authentic piece of work produced in fulfilment of my degree regulations. I have fully acknowledged and referenced all secondary sources. I have read and understood the Academic Regulations and I am fully aware of any breach of them.
The abstract is a summary of the Single Research Project and should be no more than 200 words in length. It should include an outline of the topic, the themes emerging from the academic literature review, key issues emerging from the analysis and discussion and the conclusions. It is not an introduction but should provide a succinct view of what the study reveals rather that what it intends to find. Note that the abstract is not included in the word count.
The introduction provides the relevant background and context for the study, in other words it ‘sets the scene’. You should start by outlining in two or three paragraphs the broad topic area and write a little about the aspect of it that interests you. You should state your motivation for doing the research – why it is worth doing and you should also state the purpose and aims of the study - what you are planning to do and how you intend to do it. Most importantly, you must also clearly state either your research question or your research hypothesis. The research question is the question that your research will answer, while the research hypothesis is the proposition that you aim to test.
Academic literature review
In this section, you need to review the academic literature relevant to the broad topic area. The review should highlight the relevant theories and concepts used in the current and previous research and assess the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of these studies. The weaknesses and limitations are particularly important as this provides justification for your own research.
You need to review the academic literature critically rather than simply describe who said what. Quotations may be useful here but keep these to a minimum and only include them when you have a clear rationale for doing so. The examiners are more interested in your arguments than in your ability to copy down what others have written.
Analysis and discussion
Here you must present the material you have collected in a logical sequence and analyse it in depth. You should identify core issues stemming from the analysis and discuss the key arguments arising, relating them all to the academic literature you have already reviewed. Where applicable, you may wish to comment on any practical and policy implications. If you wish to include any photos or diagrams, tables or graphs, they should be embedded near the text that makes reference to them, NOT put into the Appendix.
The principle aim of the conclusion is to draw all the threads of your study together. It should be based on what has been written earlier and nothing new should be introduced at this stage. You should summarize the arguments and issues emerging from your analysis and discussion, highlight the wider implications of your study, and relate your work back to the question you were trying to answer or the hypothesis that you were testing, indicating the extent to which you have been successful. Finally, if appropriate, you can make suggestions for future research.
A reference list is not a bibliography and should only include full references to sources cited within the text of the project. It should consist of one alphabetical list and should not be divided books, journals and websites. See Appendix F for referencing guidelines.
Appendices should only be used in exceptional circumstances in a Single Research Project. It might very occasionally be necessary to provide additional information but full documents or whole web sites must not be placed here. Where possible you should either summarise the material in words or put in a reference to where the reader can find the information. Your supervisor will advise you if is appropriate to use an appendix in your case.
Topic: Jazz in New Orleans 1895-1930
Order Description
History of Jazz. what instruments are used playing Jazz. Big events of Jazz that happened during that period. Famous Jazz musicians and their best pieces. How did their music make you feel? How did people dance to Jazz music? what is the musical texture of most famous Jazz pieces? What was the role of Jazz music in the every day life in New Orleans?
History of Jazz. what instruments are used playing Jazz. Big events of Jazz that happened during that period. Famous Jazz musicians and their best pieces. How did their music make you feel? How did people dance to Jazz music? what is the musical texture of most famous Jazz pieces? What was the role of Jazz music in the every day life in New Orleans?
Topic: Differences in biographies and autobiographies
Order Description
To this point we have read three traditional biographies, "Reagan: The Life" by H.W. Brands, "George Kennan: An American Life" by John Gaddis, and "Man of Destiny: FDR and the making of the American Century" by Alonzo Hamby. However in this section, we look at a related albeit different genre: autobiography. In your essay, find two-three significant differences and on-two important similarities in Sonia Sotomayor's "My Beloved World" with other biographies that you've read in this class. Please exclude the introduction and conclusion paragraphs.
To this point we have read three traditional biographies, "Reagan: The Life" by H.W. Brands, "George Kennan: An American Life" by John Gaddis, and "Man of Destiny: FDR and the making of the American Century" by Alonzo Hamby. However in this section, we look at a related albeit different genre: autobiography. In your essay, find two-three significant differences and on-two important similarities in Sonia Sotomayor's "My Beloved World" with other biographies that you've read in this class. Please exclude the introduction and conclusion paragraphs.
Annotated Bibliography Assignment -- Due by Thursday, April 14th
From Purdue’s OWL -- “An annotated bibliography is an account of research that has been done on a topic. As with any bibliography, it is an alphabetical list of research sources such as books, articles, websites, and documents. In addition to bibliographic information, it gives a concise summary of each source, including some assessment of its value or relevance.”
There are two main sections to EACH annotated bibliography:
1) The bibliographic information (the reference) single space
2) The explanatory paragraphs (the annotation), which provide the following elements:
a. a summary of the main arguments or ideas presented by the author
The purpose of this assignment is for you to locate, in scholarly journals (preferably via LSU’s indexes and databases) the conversation on a particular element of any short story, novel, or poem we have read in class. Choose the best FIVE scholarly articles on your chosen topic. Choose a story that we studied in this class that you enjoyed, or an aspect of a story you questioned. I shared with you a scholarly article I found on the significance of the Irish literature Grant studied while in college, and how he only understood those lessons much later as he’s involved with Jefferson. Understanding critical arguments is a very important part of literary scholarship. I sincerely hope you research a topic that truly interests you. Some of my favorite work in both my undergrad and graduate courses was researching critical perspectives.
For this assignment, please include a heading as listed on your syllabus (left hand corner. Include your name, due date, class, assignment). Then center your topic as your title (Color Red in Beloved).
From Purdue’s OWL -- “An annotated bibliography is an account of research that has been done on a topic. As with any bibliography, it is an alphabetical list of research sources such as books, articles, websites, and documents. In addition to bibliographic information, it gives a concise summary of each source, including some assessment of its value or relevance.”
There are two main sections to EACH annotated bibliography:
1) The bibliographic information (the reference) single space
2) The explanatory paragraphs (the annotation), which provide the following elements:
a. a summary of the main arguments or ideas presented by the author
The purpose of this assignment is for you to locate, in scholarly journals (preferably via LSU’s indexes and databases) the conversation on a particular element of any short story, novel, or poem we have read in class. Choose the best FIVE scholarly articles on your chosen topic. Choose a story that we studied in this class that you enjoyed, or an aspect of a story you questioned. I shared with you a scholarly article I found on the significance of the Irish literature Grant studied while in college, and how he only understood those lessons much later as he’s involved with Jefferson. Understanding critical arguments is a very important part of literary scholarship. I sincerely hope you research a topic that truly interests you. Some of my favorite work in both my undergrad and graduate courses was researching critical perspectives.
For this assignment, please include a heading as listed on your syllabus (left hand corner. Include your name, due date, class, assignment). Then center your topic as your title (Color Red in Beloved).
Business Studies
"Crucial Confrontations, Tools for Resolving Broken Promises, Violated Expectations and Bad Behavior" by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, ISBN #0071457232
Discussing the lessons learned from these books and how they may be applied to experiences in their internships, team projects and other aspects of their personal or academic lives
Discussing the lessons learned from these books and how they may be applied to experiences in their internships, team projects and other aspects of their personal or academic lives
1. Watch the documentary "Wal-Mart: The High Price of Low Price"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXmnBbUjsPs
2. Read critical essays on reading
- http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/20/opinion/timothy-egan-walmart-starbucks-and-the-fight-against-inequality.html?_r=0
3. Respond to one of the following questions in a five paragraph argument essay response.
-If Wal-Mart is aware that its employees are talking about union activities, what procedures does the corporate Wal-Mart take to act upon this knowledge? Should Wal-Mart employees unionize? Explain.
-How does Wal-Mart management feel about women & minorities? Give several examples from the documentary. What should be done about this?
-What do Wal-Mart employees do about health insurance? What do you think Wal-Mart should do about covering their employees health insurance more fairly? Explain.
- What impact has Wal-Mart had on the desolation of downtown shopping in America? Is this just an example of fair capitalism? Explain.
- In Charlotte, NC, the Wal-Mart was taken to court over environmental issues. What happened at the store? Why do you think Wal-Mart tried to ignore the problem? What should be done about Wal-Mart’s violations?
- Describe the working conditions for Wal-Mart employees in China, giving at least three examples. If you could recommend an improvement in China, what would you tell the corporate leaders at Wal-Mart?
- What is your reaction to the statistics regarding salaries and personal donations to charities of the Walton and Wal-Mart family? Should the Walton’s be required to spend money to improve their employee’s living standards?
2. Read critical essays on reading
- http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/20/opinion/timothy-egan-walmart-starbucks-and-the-fight-against-inequality.html?_r=0
3. Respond to one of the following questions in a five paragraph argument essay response.
-If Wal-Mart is aware that its employees are talking about union activities, what procedures does the corporate Wal-Mart take to act upon this knowledge? Should Wal-Mart employees unionize? Explain.
-How does Wal-Mart management feel about women & minorities? Give several examples from the documentary. What should be done about this?
-What do Wal-Mart employees do about health insurance? What do you think Wal-Mart should do about covering their employees health insurance more fairly? Explain.
- What impact has Wal-Mart had on the desolation of downtown shopping in America? Is this just an example of fair capitalism? Explain.
- In Charlotte, NC, the Wal-Mart was taken to court over environmental issues. What happened at the store? Why do you think Wal-Mart tried to ignore the problem? What should be done about Wal-Mart’s violations?
- Describe the working conditions for Wal-Mart employees in China, giving at least three examples. If you could recommend an improvement in China, what would you tell the corporate leaders at Wal-Mart?
- What is your reaction to the statistics regarding salaries and personal donations to charities of the Walton and Wal-Mart family? Should the Walton’s be required to spend money to improve their employee’s living standards?
Topic: Women in Somalia
Order Description
Title of Paper: Women in Somalia
use reliable internet sources and databases from bergen.edu/library (login ID: cha PW: 0701534)
Research paper should address following question: how are the lives of poor women in Somalia influenced by conditions and cultural traditions?
Also need to include which actions are taking place to change the living conditions for Somali women. (use unwomen.org for 1 source)
some specific indicators: income; education; employment opportunities; food security and malnutrition; health care; environmental issues; communications and technology; sanitation and clean water; transportation; security and political stability; traditional cultural beliefs
On the first page, please include this heading:
Eunice Cha
Professor Bordogna
WRT201 - English Composition II
18 April 2016
Title of Paper: Women in Somalia
use reliable internet sources and databases from bergen.edu/library (login ID: cha PW: 0701534)
Research paper should address following question: how are the lives of poor women in Somalia influenced by conditions and cultural traditions?
Also need to include which actions are taking place to change the living conditions for Somali women. (use unwomen.org for 1 source)
some specific indicators: income; education; employment opportunities; food security and malnutrition; health care; environmental issues; communications and technology; sanitation and clean water; transportation; security and political stability; traditional cultural beliefs
On the first page, please include this heading:
Eunice Cha
Professor Bordogna
WRT201 - English Composition II
18 April 2016
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Essay Topic 1 Instructions
1. Review the Chapter 4 readings on Rational Choice theories and crime control strategies based on Rational Choice.
2. Locate a news article discussing a violent crime, and the criminal(s) who perpetrated that violent crime. Be sure the article (or articles) that you locate on this crime are detailed enough for you to write a thorough 5-paragraph essay addressing the requirements outlined below.
3. Write a 5-paragraph essay addressing the following elements in the order specified below:
1. A cover page in APA format (note that an abstract is not required for papers in this class)
2. An introduction paragraph in which you provide an overview of Rational Choice theory and its importance to the criminal justice system (such as how many criminal justice policies are based on rational choice).
3. Paragraph 2: A paragraph in which you summarize the crime from your selected news event, discussing the role of the criminal(s) involved in the crime.
4. Paragraph 3: Consider if the criminal(s) in your selected crime were rational. Did the offender(s) make a choice to be criminal or were there other contributing elements to their criminality? Discuss these elements in this paragraph.
5. Paragraph 4: Consider whether the offender(s) in your selected crime could have avoided criminal behaviors, or was the choice out of their control due to other factors? If it was out of their control, discuss what the other factors could have been (family, peers, biological/psychological traits, etc.). If it was in their control, why was it in their control?
6. Paragraph 5: Consider the crime control strategies and public policy implications based on Rational Choice theory that are discussed in your textbook. Choose ONE SPECIFIC crime control strategy or public policy implication related to Rational Choice theory that are discussed in your text and apply it to your selected crime/criminal(s). Was this policy/crime control strategy used in your crime? If so, how? If not, how could it have been applied to address, prevent, deter, and/or control the crime in question?
7. Be sure to include in-text citations and references (in an APA reference page) for your book, your news article, and any other sources used in APA format.
Essay Topic 2 Instructions
1. Review the Chapter 5 readings on Biological and Psychological Trait theories.
2. Read the following article discussing Antisocial Personality Disorder: http://psychcentral.com/disorders/antisocial-personality-disorder-symptoms/. Note that your textbook discusses how psychopathy and sociopathy are considered antiquated terms that have been replaced in scientific circles with the study of antisocial personality disorder.
3. Locate a news article, movie, or book discussing a famous criminal that was detected, apprehended, and punished by the criminal justice system, and apply what you read in the above article on antisocial personality disorder to that criminal. Be sure that the research you do on your criminal uncovers enough detail about that criminal's life and crimes to write a thorough 5-paragraph essay.
4. Write a 5-paragraph essay addressing the following requirements in the order specified below:
1. A cover page in APA format (note that no abstracts are required for papers in this class)
2. An introduction paragraph in which you provide an overview of psychological trait theory, as well as the replacement of the terms psychopath and sociopath with antisocial personality disorder.
3. Paragraph 2: Provide an overview of the crimes the criminal you identified committed. Cite the sources you use in researching your selected criminal.
4. Paragraphs 3 and 4: Apply the concepts of antisocial personality disorder and the discussion of psychological traits in your textbook to the criminal you identified. Discuss how the antisocial personality disorder concepts discussed in the above article are illustrated in the life and crimes of your selected criminal. Use your textbook and the above article to provide evidence for your discussion.
5. Paragraph 5: Consider the policy implications of psychological trait theory as discussed in Chapter 5 of your textbook, then consider the punishment of the criminal you selected. Was the punishment the criminal received appropriate? What Psychological Trait theory policy implications discussed in your text are relevant to your selected criminal? Identify at least ONE policy and apply it to your criminal case.
6. Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference page in APA format.
Essay Topic 3 Instructions
1. Review the developmental theories in the Unit 4 readings Chapter 8 & 9 and lessons.
2. Using print sources or the Internet, find a recent (no older than 5 years) article in a local or national newspaper featuring a crime committed by a young offender. Be sure to locate a news article with enough detail for you to work with as you complete the following tasks.
3. Write a 5-paragraph essay that includes the following elements in the order specified below:
1. An APA Cover Page (note that an abstract is not required for papers in this class)
2. An introduction paragraph in which you introduce your crime and provide an overview of the useful of Developmental Theories in explaining criminal behavior.
3. Three paragraphs in which you address the following questions:
1. Consider the crime in your news article. What reasons would a life course theorist give about why this juvenile committed this crime?
2. What might you expect from someone who has started a criminal career so early in life?
3. Given the information in the news article, what would be necessary for this person to age out of offending in the future?
4. A conclusion paragraph in which you consider the crime and juvenile offender from your article. Of all of the theories you have learned about in this course, which do you think applies in this situation? Be specific in stating your reasons for applying your selected theory to this situation, using facts and concepts relevant to that theory as outlined in your textbook. Note that you should NOT choose a broad school of theories (such as Social Structure, Social Process, Critical Criminology, or Developmental) but should clearly identify and apply a SPECIFIC theory within one of these schools (rational choice, social disorganization, strain, social learning, trajectory, neurophysiological (from bio social/biological trait, etc.).
5. A reference page in APA format. Note that you should have corresponding in-text citations in your paper to link your reference page to the information in your paper.
Book used Criminology, Author: Siegel, Larry Copyright 2016 Publisher- Cengage Learning
2. Locate a news article discussing a violent crime, and the criminal(s) who perpetrated that violent crime. Be sure the article (or articles) that you locate on this crime are detailed enough for you to write a thorough 5-paragraph essay addressing the requirements outlined below.
3. Write a 5-paragraph essay addressing the following elements in the order specified below:
1. A cover page in APA format (note that an abstract is not required for papers in this class)
2. An introduction paragraph in which you provide an overview of Rational Choice theory and its importance to the criminal justice system (such as how many criminal justice policies are based on rational choice).
3. Paragraph 2: A paragraph in which you summarize the crime from your selected news event, discussing the role of the criminal(s) involved in the crime.
4. Paragraph 3: Consider if the criminal(s) in your selected crime were rational. Did the offender(s) make a choice to be criminal or were there other contributing elements to their criminality? Discuss these elements in this paragraph.
5. Paragraph 4: Consider whether the offender(s) in your selected crime could have avoided criminal behaviors, or was the choice out of their control due to other factors? If it was out of their control, discuss what the other factors could have been (family, peers, biological/psychological traits, etc.). If it was in their control, why was it in their control?
6. Paragraph 5: Consider the crime control strategies and public policy implications based on Rational Choice theory that are discussed in your textbook. Choose ONE SPECIFIC crime control strategy or public policy implication related to Rational Choice theory that are discussed in your text and apply it to your selected crime/criminal(s). Was this policy/crime control strategy used in your crime? If so, how? If not, how could it have been applied to address, prevent, deter, and/or control the crime in question?
7. Be sure to include in-text citations and references (in an APA reference page) for your book, your news article, and any other sources used in APA format.
Essay Topic 2 Instructions
1. Review the Chapter 5 readings on Biological and Psychological Trait theories.
2. Read the following article discussing Antisocial Personality Disorder: http://psychcentral.com/disorders/antisocial-personality-disorder-symptoms/. Note that your textbook discusses how psychopathy and sociopathy are considered antiquated terms that have been replaced in scientific circles with the study of antisocial personality disorder.
3. Locate a news article, movie, or book discussing a famous criminal that was detected, apprehended, and punished by the criminal justice system, and apply what you read in the above article on antisocial personality disorder to that criminal. Be sure that the research you do on your criminal uncovers enough detail about that criminal's life and crimes to write a thorough 5-paragraph essay.
4. Write a 5-paragraph essay addressing the following requirements in the order specified below:
1. A cover page in APA format (note that no abstracts are required for papers in this class)
2. An introduction paragraph in which you provide an overview of psychological trait theory, as well as the replacement of the terms psychopath and sociopath with antisocial personality disorder.
3. Paragraph 2: Provide an overview of the crimes the criminal you identified committed. Cite the sources you use in researching your selected criminal.
4. Paragraphs 3 and 4: Apply the concepts of antisocial personality disorder and the discussion of psychological traits in your textbook to the criminal you identified. Discuss how the antisocial personality disorder concepts discussed in the above article are illustrated in the life and crimes of your selected criminal. Use your textbook and the above article to provide evidence for your discussion.
5. Paragraph 5: Consider the policy implications of psychological trait theory as discussed in Chapter 5 of your textbook, then consider the punishment of the criminal you selected. Was the punishment the criminal received appropriate? What Psychological Trait theory policy implications discussed in your text are relevant to your selected criminal? Identify at least ONE policy and apply it to your criminal case.
6. Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference page in APA format.
Essay Topic 3 Instructions
1. Review the developmental theories in the Unit 4 readings Chapter 8 & 9 and lessons.
2. Using print sources or the Internet, find a recent (no older than 5 years) article in a local or national newspaper featuring a crime committed by a young offender. Be sure to locate a news article with enough detail for you to work with as you complete the following tasks.
3. Write a 5-paragraph essay that includes the following elements in the order specified below:
1. An APA Cover Page (note that an abstract is not required for papers in this class)
2. An introduction paragraph in which you introduce your crime and provide an overview of the useful of Developmental Theories in explaining criminal behavior.
3. Three paragraphs in which you address the following questions:
1. Consider the crime in your news article. What reasons would a life course theorist give about why this juvenile committed this crime?
2. What might you expect from someone who has started a criminal career so early in life?
3. Given the information in the news article, what would be necessary for this person to age out of offending in the future?
4. A conclusion paragraph in which you consider the crime and juvenile offender from your article. Of all of the theories you have learned about in this course, which do you think applies in this situation? Be specific in stating your reasons for applying your selected theory to this situation, using facts and concepts relevant to that theory as outlined in your textbook. Note that you should NOT choose a broad school of theories (such as Social Structure, Social Process, Critical Criminology, or Developmental) but should clearly identify and apply a SPECIFIC theory within one of these schools (rational choice, social disorganization, strain, social learning, trajectory, neurophysiological (from bio social/biological trait, etc.).
5. A reference page in APA format. Note that you should have corresponding in-text citations in your paper to link your reference page to the information in your paper.
Book used Criminology, Author: Siegel, Larry Copyright 2016 Publisher- Cengage Learning
Topic: Multidisplinary team rounding
Order Description
The purpose of this assignment is for the student to learn to assimilate, analyze, critique, and summarize an original research article. Student is to select a report of a single, original study that has been published within the last five years from the CCN Library.
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to meet the following course outcomes:
CO1: Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO #7)
CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs #4 and 8)
CO4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-based practice. (POs #4 and 8)
CO5: Recognize the role of research findings in evidence-based practice. (POs #7 and 8)
The assignment is worth a total of 225 points.
You are to submit your paper to the Week 6 Research Article Review Dropbox by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.
Through this assignment, the student will:
1. Conduct a systematic search of relevant databases to find research-based evidence related to a nursing problem (CO 1); Student is to use the CCN library for search.
2. Critique a peer-reviewed study, indicating the research question, sample, design of study, data collection method, findings, and limitations of each (CO 2, CO 4,)
3. Summarize the research article and evaluate the significance to nursing. (CO 3).
4. Please remember this assignment can be sent to Turnitin Week One draft box for review. If you wait until late Sunday night to submit, you may not receive your feedback in time if you need to make changes. Final submission must be in the Week 6 Assignment Dropbox and student will not receive Turnitin results. Please read the announcement on the Turnitin information.
5. Article must be from CCN Library and student is required to document working permalink to article.
Conduct a PICO(T) search on the nursing problem that you identified in Week 2, Discussion questions. Select one most recent peer-reviewed study that describes original research in a single study.
Analyze the article and provide the following information in brief format: research question the study; type of sample and number of participants; research design of the study, findings of the study; and limitations of the study. Summarize the importance to nursing.
The estimated length of this paper is four (4) pages, excluding the title page and References page. Summarize the results of the study as outlined below:
1. Write a brief introduction to your paper, however do not label it as an “Introduction” in accordance with the rules of APA scholarly writing.
2. State the research question for this study in a paragraph.
3. Describe the research design of this study.
4. Explain how the sample was selected and include the number of participants. Make a judgment as to whether the sample size was adequate, and defend your answer why or why not.
5. Describe the data collection method(s) including who collected data, what tools were used, and other pertinent information.
6. Identify the limitations of the study, and describe how the limitations could be overcome in subsequent studies.
7. Describe the findings reported in the study. What is the answer to the research question based on these findings? If the study fails to answer the research question, what do you believe is the reason?
8. Summarize the article. Based on these findings, is the evidence that you found on your topic strong enough to suggest a change in practice, or an idea for practice? Please provide the rationale for your answer.
9. List your references, formatted in APA style, On the References page. Guidelines and a sample paper on APA may be found under Course Home in the Course Resources link. Follow the guidelines for writing professional papers using APA formatting as described in the 6th edition of the manual.
Category Points % Description
Research Question 25 11% In a short paragraph, state the research question of this study.
Design of Study 25 11% Describe the research design used in the study
Sample/Population of the study 25 11% Comment on how the sample was selected and on the number of participants. Is the number adequate? Why or why not?
Data Collection Methods 25 11% Describe the data collection procedure.
Limitations 25 11% Describe the limitations found in the study.
Findings 25 11% Based on this study, what are the findings? What is the answer to the research question? Does the study fail to answer the question, and if so, why?
Summary of Article
(See rubric for categories and breakdown of points.) 25 11% Summary of all aspects of the study is clear and comprehensive. Rationale for decisions related to use of study findings is clear.
Selection of Article 25 11% Selects appropriate, single study from professional, peer-reviewed literature from the CCN Library and provides working permalink to article.
Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling/ APA Formatting 25 12% No more than 0–3 errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
APA formatting is correct with 0–3 errors.
Total 225 100% A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Assignment Criteria A
Outstanding or highest level of performance B
Very good or high level of performance C
Competent or satisfactory level of performance F
Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance Pts.
Research question
(25 points) Fully describes the research question.
(23-25 points) Partially describes the research question
(21-22 points) Minimally describes the research question.
(19-20 points) Does not describe the research question.
(0-18 points) /25
Design of the study.
(25 points) Fully describes the design of the study
(23-25 points) Partially describes the design of the study
(21-22 points) Minimally describes the design of the study
(19-20 points) Does not describe the design of the study
(0-18 points) /25
Sample/ population of the study
(25 points) Fully describes the sample used in the study.
(23-25 points) Partially describes the sample used in the study.
(21-22 points) Minimally describes the sample used in the study.
(19-20 points) Does not describe the sample used in the study.
(0-18 points) /25
Data collection methods
(25 points) Fully describes the data collection method used in the study.
(23-25 points) Partially describes the data collection method used in the study.
(21-22 points) Minimally describes the data collection method used in the study.
(19-20 points) Does not describe the data collection method used in the study.
(0-18 points) /25
(25 points) Fully describes the limitations found in the study.
(23-25 points) Partially describe the limitations found in the study.
(21-22 points) Minimally describe the limitations found in the study.
(19-20 points) Does not describe the limitations found in the study.
(0-18 points) /25
(25 points) Fully describes the findings of the study.
(23-25 points) Partially describes the findings of the study.
(21-22points) Minimally describes the findings of the study.
(19-20 points) Does not describe the findings of the study.
(0-18 points) /25
(25 points) Summarizes study and states rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted
(23-25 points) Partially summarizes study and states rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.
(21-22 points) Minimally summarizes study and states rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.
(19-20 points) Does not summarize study and does not give rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.
(0-18 points) /25
Article selection
(25 points) Closely related to research question, peer-reviewed. Single primary research study that produces a high level of evidence, for example, (randomized controlled trial, clinical trial or cohort trial) reported in the article. Uploads working permalink to CCN Library Article.
(23-25 points) Mostly related to research question and peer-reviewed
OR case study reported in the article.
Uploads working permalink to CCN Library Article.
(21-22 points) Somewhat related to research question and is a nursing source but not peer-reviewed OR opinion or editorial reported in the article.
Uploads working permalink to CCN Library Article.
(19-20 points) Not related to research question
OR questionable source, but not peer-reviewed OR not an article but is instead a website or other publication. OR
Does not upload working permalink to CCN Library Article.
(0-18 points) /25
Grammar, punctuation, and spelling/ APA formatting
(25 points) No more than 0–3 errors in grammar, punctuation, APA, and spelling.
23-25 points) No more than4–6 errors in grammar, punctuation, APA, and spelling
(21-22 points) No more than 7-9 errors in grammar, punctuation, APA, and spelling
(19-20 points)
More than10 errors
(0-18 points) /25
Total Points = 225 __ / 225 points
Hello Writer,
I provided an article that I found from my school database, so If you can use it that will be great. Its the attached file!
The assignment was to also find an article that related to my research question that I formulated in a previous week, I thought the article I found was close enough to my research question:
My research question:
“In acute care settings, does hand-off communication rounding’s that includes multidisciplinary team compared with standard hand-off communication rounding improve patient outcomes and decease patient hospital stays?”
The purpose of this assignment is for the student to learn to assimilate, analyze, critique, and summarize an original research article. Student is to select a report of a single, original study that has been published within the last five years from the CCN Library.
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to meet the following course outcomes:
CO1: Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO #7)
CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs #4 and 8)
CO4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-based practice. (POs #4 and 8)
CO5: Recognize the role of research findings in evidence-based practice. (POs #7 and 8)
The assignment is worth a total of 225 points.
You are to submit your paper to the Week 6 Research Article Review Dropbox by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.
Through this assignment, the student will:
1. Conduct a systematic search of relevant databases to find research-based evidence related to a nursing problem (CO 1); Student is to use the CCN library for search.
2. Critique a peer-reviewed study, indicating the research question, sample, design of study, data collection method, findings, and limitations of each (CO 2, CO 4,)
3. Summarize the research article and evaluate the significance to nursing. (CO 3).
4. Please remember this assignment can be sent to Turnitin Week One draft box for review. If you wait until late Sunday night to submit, you may not receive your feedback in time if you need to make changes. Final submission must be in the Week 6 Assignment Dropbox and student will not receive Turnitin results. Please read the announcement on the Turnitin information.
5. Article must be from CCN Library and student is required to document working permalink to article.
Conduct a PICO(T) search on the nursing problem that you identified in Week 2, Discussion questions. Select one most recent peer-reviewed study that describes original research in a single study.
Analyze the article and provide the following information in brief format: research question the study; type of sample and number of participants; research design of the study, findings of the study; and limitations of the study. Summarize the importance to nursing.
The estimated length of this paper is four (4) pages, excluding the title page and References page. Summarize the results of the study as outlined below:
1. Write a brief introduction to your paper, however do not label it as an “Introduction” in accordance with the rules of APA scholarly writing.
2. State the research question for this study in a paragraph.
3. Describe the research design of this study.
4. Explain how the sample was selected and include the number of participants. Make a judgment as to whether the sample size was adequate, and defend your answer why or why not.
5. Describe the data collection method(s) including who collected data, what tools were used, and other pertinent information.
6. Identify the limitations of the study, and describe how the limitations could be overcome in subsequent studies.
7. Describe the findings reported in the study. What is the answer to the research question based on these findings? If the study fails to answer the research question, what do you believe is the reason?
8. Summarize the article. Based on these findings, is the evidence that you found on your topic strong enough to suggest a change in practice, or an idea for practice? Please provide the rationale for your answer.
9. List your references, formatted in APA style, On the References page. Guidelines and a sample paper on APA may be found under Course Home in the Course Resources link. Follow the guidelines for writing professional papers using APA formatting as described in the 6th edition of the manual.
Category Points % Description
Research Question 25 11% In a short paragraph, state the research question of this study.
Design of Study 25 11% Describe the research design used in the study
Sample/Population of the study 25 11% Comment on how the sample was selected and on the number of participants. Is the number adequate? Why or why not?
Data Collection Methods 25 11% Describe the data collection procedure.
Limitations 25 11% Describe the limitations found in the study.
Findings 25 11% Based on this study, what are the findings? What is the answer to the research question? Does the study fail to answer the question, and if so, why?
Summary of Article
(See rubric for categories and breakdown of points.) 25 11% Summary of all aspects of the study is clear and comprehensive. Rationale for decisions related to use of study findings is clear.
Selection of Article 25 11% Selects appropriate, single study from professional, peer-reviewed literature from the CCN Library and provides working permalink to article.
Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling/ APA Formatting 25 12% No more than 0–3 errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
APA formatting is correct with 0–3 errors.
Total 225 100% A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Assignment Criteria A
Outstanding or highest level of performance B
Very good or high level of performance C
Competent or satisfactory level of performance F
Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance Pts.
Research question
(25 points) Fully describes the research question.
(23-25 points) Partially describes the research question
(21-22 points) Minimally describes the research question.
(19-20 points) Does not describe the research question.
(0-18 points) /25
Design of the study.
(25 points) Fully describes the design of the study
(23-25 points) Partially describes the design of the study
(21-22 points) Minimally describes the design of the study
(19-20 points) Does not describe the design of the study
(0-18 points) /25
Sample/ population of the study
(25 points) Fully describes the sample used in the study.
(23-25 points) Partially describes the sample used in the study.
(21-22 points) Minimally describes the sample used in the study.
(19-20 points) Does not describe the sample used in the study.
(0-18 points) /25
Data collection methods
(25 points) Fully describes the data collection method used in the study.
(23-25 points) Partially describes the data collection method used in the study.
(21-22 points) Minimally describes the data collection method used in the study.
(19-20 points) Does not describe the data collection method used in the study.
(0-18 points) /25
(25 points) Fully describes the limitations found in the study.
(23-25 points) Partially describe the limitations found in the study.
(21-22 points) Minimally describe the limitations found in the study.
(19-20 points) Does not describe the limitations found in the study.
(0-18 points) /25
(25 points) Fully describes the findings of the study.
(23-25 points) Partially describes the findings of the study.
(21-22points) Minimally describes the findings of the study.
(19-20 points) Does not describe the findings of the study.
(0-18 points) /25
(25 points) Summarizes study and states rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted
(23-25 points) Partially summarizes study and states rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.
(21-22 points) Minimally summarizes study and states rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.
(19-20 points) Does not summarize study and does not give rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.
(0-18 points) /25
Article selection
(25 points) Closely related to research question, peer-reviewed. Single primary research study that produces a high level of evidence, for example, (randomized controlled trial, clinical trial or cohort trial) reported in the article. Uploads working permalink to CCN Library Article.
(23-25 points) Mostly related to research question and peer-reviewed
OR case study reported in the article.
Uploads working permalink to CCN Library Article.
(21-22 points) Somewhat related to research question and is a nursing source but not peer-reviewed OR opinion or editorial reported in the article.
Uploads working permalink to CCN Library Article.
(19-20 points) Not related to research question
OR questionable source, but not peer-reviewed OR not an article but is instead a website or other publication. OR
Does not upload working permalink to CCN Library Article.
(0-18 points) /25
Grammar, punctuation, and spelling/ APA formatting
(25 points) No more than 0–3 errors in grammar, punctuation, APA, and spelling.
23-25 points) No more than4–6 errors in grammar, punctuation, APA, and spelling
(21-22 points) No more than 7-9 errors in grammar, punctuation, APA, and spelling
(19-20 points)
More than10 errors
(0-18 points) /25
Total Points = 225 __ / 225 points
Hello Writer,
I provided an article that I found from my school database, so If you can use it that will be great. Its the attached file!
The assignment was to also find an article that related to my research question that I formulated in a previous week, I thought the article I found was close enough to my research question:
My research question:
“In acute care settings, does hand-off communication rounding’s that includes multidisciplinary team compared with standard hand-off communication rounding improve patient outcomes and decease patient hospital stays?”
Topic: culture
Order Description
Based on the reading "The Man at the River" by DAVE EGGERS. Describes how does culture plays a role in the story? and compare the American culture with the other culture in the text. Use thesis and solid organization. These were the instructions. Thanks.
Based on the reading "The Man at the River" by DAVE EGGERS. Describes how does culture plays a role in the story? and compare the American culture with the other culture in the text. Use thesis and solid organization. These were the instructions. Thanks.
Topic: Health Information Technology Critique- Scholarly
Order Description
Must include the answers to the following:
Identify two (2) variables needed to promote the accuracy of pulse oximetry results in the newborn. Discuss why these variables are important to address.
•Identify two (2) benefits and two (2) limitations to performing a pulse oximetry on all newborns.
•Select one (1) of the six QSEN competencies and discuss how this competency can be used to make pulse oximetry screening in the newborn a reality to improve patient outcomes.
Must include the answers to the following:
Identify two (2) variables needed to promote the accuracy of pulse oximetry results in the newborn. Discuss why these variables are important to address.
•Identify two (2) benefits and two (2) limitations to performing a pulse oximetry on all newborns.
•Select one (1) of the six QSEN competencies and discuss how this competency can be used to make pulse oximetry screening in the newborn a reality to improve patient outcomes.
Topic: Faith and Globalization Mid-Term Exam
Order Description
follow the instructions on the uploaded files. Also below I have provided some chapters where you can refer to and use them as sources.
1.The Construction of Religion as an Anthropological Category - Week 1
2. An anthropological Excursion (page 30-48). - Week 1
3.Religion and Globalization Chapter 1. - Week 1
4. Just a Piece of Cloth? The European
Debate on "the Islamic Headscarf" as a Case Study and Paradigm for an Emergent Intercultural Ethics Jan M. Jams - week 3
5.Is our God listening ? Exclusivism Inclusivism Pluralism - week 3
6.Muslim Transnationalism - brotherhood, networks, diasporas - Week 3
7. Pentecostalism A major Narrative of Modernity - Week 3
8. The many faces of Judaism: Sacred and Secular - week 4
9. Organized Hinduism: From Vedic Truth to Hindu Nation - week 4
10. Globalization and the Common Good - week 5
11. The two theories of modernity Tyler - week 5
follow the instructions on the uploaded files. Also below I have provided some chapters where you can refer to and use them as sources.
1.The Construction of Religion as an Anthropological Category - Week 1
2. An anthropological Excursion (page 30-48). - Week 1
3.Religion and Globalization Chapter 1. - Week 1
4. Just a Piece of Cloth? The European
Debate on "the Islamic Headscarf" as a Case Study and Paradigm for an Emergent Intercultural Ethics Jan M. Jams - week 3
5.Is our God listening ? Exclusivism Inclusivism Pluralism - week 3
6.Muslim Transnationalism - brotherhood, networks, diasporas - Week 3
7. Pentecostalism A major Narrative of Modernity - Week 3
8. The many faces of Judaism: Sacred and Secular - week 4
9. Organized Hinduism: From Vedic Truth to Hindu Nation - week 4
10. Globalization and the Common Good - week 5
11. The two theories of modernity Tyler - week 5
Topic: Rhetorical Analysis
Order Description
This assignment asks you to watch, analyze, and evaluate one of the following speeches.
The Rhetorical Analysis should take the form of a formal essay—that is, it should have a thesis statement, properly constructed paragraphs and a conclusion.
Essentially, a Rhetorical Analysis amounts to an evaluation of the effectiveness of a given speech that is justified with reference to specific aspects of the speech. You should begin by asking yourself what the speech was trying to do, and to what extent it succeeded? You should then choose and discuss elements of the speech that support your evaluation. You will not be able to discuss every aspect of the speech in 1500 words, so you will need to focus on those elements that are most significant for the speech and your own evaluation. In essence, your discussion will need to be selective.
Be sure to use appropriate course terminology and discuss meaningful aspects of the speech.
Note: Although the title of this assignment shares a word with “Rhetorical Devices,” a rhetorical analysis does not ask you to focus specifically or exclusively on the use of rhetorical devices in a speech. Do not make the mistake of simply listing and discussing the devices in the speech. Instead, write a global analysis of the speech that addresses the use of rhetorical devices only if and when it is necessary to support your larger argument.
The evaluation of this assignment will be based on:
1. The correctness, clarity and style of the writing.
2. Your identification of significant elements of the speech, and your general ability to engage meaningfully with the speech.
3. The extent to which your evaluation is supported by a perceptive and persuasive discussion of the elements of the speech you have chosen to focus on.
Speeches you can use for this assignment : (Choose just one)
Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Address
Hillary Clinton’s 1995 Speech on Women’s Rights
Stephen Harper's Victory Speech from the 2011 Election
Emma Watson's 2014 Speech at the UN
Malala Yousafzai's Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech
Justin Trudeau's “Canadian Liberty and the Politics of Fear”
Note: If you are not familiar with the context of the speech you have chosen, you may need to do a little research.
This assignment asks you to watch, analyze, and evaluate one of the following speeches.
The Rhetorical Analysis should take the form of a formal essay—that is, it should have a thesis statement, properly constructed paragraphs and a conclusion.
Essentially, a Rhetorical Analysis amounts to an evaluation of the effectiveness of a given speech that is justified with reference to specific aspects of the speech. You should begin by asking yourself what the speech was trying to do, and to what extent it succeeded? You should then choose and discuss elements of the speech that support your evaluation. You will not be able to discuss every aspect of the speech in 1500 words, so you will need to focus on those elements that are most significant for the speech and your own evaluation. In essence, your discussion will need to be selective.
Be sure to use appropriate course terminology and discuss meaningful aspects of the speech.
Note: Although the title of this assignment shares a word with “Rhetorical Devices,” a rhetorical analysis does not ask you to focus specifically or exclusively on the use of rhetorical devices in a speech. Do not make the mistake of simply listing and discussing the devices in the speech. Instead, write a global analysis of the speech that addresses the use of rhetorical devices only if and when it is necessary to support your larger argument.
The evaluation of this assignment will be based on:
1. The correctness, clarity and style of the writing.
2. Your identification of significant elements of the speech, and your general ability to engage meaningfully with the speech.
3. The extent to which your evaluation is supported by a perceptive and persuasive discussion of the elements of the speech you have chosen to focus on.
Speeches you can use for this assignment : (Choose just one)
Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Address
Hillary Clinton’s 1995 Speech on Women’s Rights
Stephen Harper's Victory Speech from the 2011 Election
Emma Watson's 2014 Speech at the UN
Malala Yousafzai's Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech
Justin Trudeau's “Canadian Liberty and the Politics of Fear”
Note: If you are not familiar with the context of the speech you have chosen, you may need to do a little research.
Valuation Coursework
a) Identify one retail building in Birmingham which has a floor area between 200 sq m.- 5,000 sq m. This building should currently be occupied by a single occupier or currently vacant. For the purpose of this coursework the actual lease is irrelevant and you are to assume that the whole property is let toa single company.
b) Describe the property including stating the floor area of the premises, the ITZA if applicable and commenting on the location, description and amenities of the building.
c) Identify comparable evidence from on line databases, agents, professional press and/or other sources and calculate an Estimated Rental Value for the building and a suitable All Risks Market Yield. Clearly show and explain how you have arrived at your ERV and ARY.
d) Hypothetical Scenario 1–Assume that the property has just been let at your estimated rental valueto a tenant with a reasonable covenant strength. Prepare a freehold valuation of the property for the purposes ofloan securityfor a bank proving a reasoned valuation and outline the type of information you should include in the valuation report.
d) Hypothetical Scenario 2 - Assume that your retail building was let to a tenant with a reasonable covenant strength 8 years ago on a 10 year FRI lease at a rent which is now 110% of the ERV.I.e you are assuming that the lease expires in 2 years and that the property is currently over-rented.
i. Calculate the Market Value of the freehold interest for loan security purposes.
ii. Assumethat you act for the landlord and that the tenant has requested a new lease for 10 years at the market rent and with a rent free period.Prepare a Discounted Cash Flow to show the NPV of the current income and outgoings and the NPV of the proposed lease. The proposed lease should incorporate a rent free period which produces a higher NPV than the existing lease. Assume a discount rate of 9%.
Please clearly explain the steps you have taken in each case.You can make any assumptions which you deem are appropriate but you must clearly state all assumptions which you make.
You must therefore produce:-
1 A description of the property considering its characteristics
2 A reasoned valuation of the Estimated Rental Value and All Risks Yield
3 A reasoned valuation for a security valuationand include the information which would be needed in a valuation report.
4 A reasoned valuation on the freehold Market Value assuming the passing rent is 110% of the ERV (assume the ERV as in 2 above)
5 A reasoned Discounted Cash Flow calculating the NPV of the cash flow for the existing lease and the proposed lease
Assessment Criteria
1. Completion of the valuationsand the appraisal and understanding of the bases of valuation
2. Use, demonstration and understanding of the appropriate rents and yields
3. Illustration of and understanding of traditional and DCF valuation techniques
4. Clarity of thought, layout and logical progression with mathematical accuracy.
For clarification – the property can be either an office or a retail unit (e.g. shop). It must be the whole building
If it is multi- let you can assume it is single let
To calculate the ERV you need 4-6 comparables of similar types of building – the best will be similar buildings let recently in the same location – you may need to look slightly further afield to identify comparables. The comparable rents can be floors in buildings. You need to search EGi and Focus to find the comparables.
You will need 3 or 4 comparables for the All Risks yield – if you cannot find yield evidence near to your subject property then widen the search parameters.
You need to consider how each comparable needs to be adjusted to arrive at your ERV and ARY.
You need to look at the Red Book to help you with the contents of the valuation report
You need to prepare 2 spreadsheets for the DCF. The first is the current scenario and the second the proposed scenario. On popular demand I have posted annotated template for the DCFs under Study material. You can use these templates but remove the notes
Start with the current scenario tab and calculate the NPV based on the current lease information – i.e. with 2 years to expiry. Allow of a void before the property is relet.
The proposed scenario should be a letting for 10 years with the rent increasing by inflation after 5 years.
Hope these notes help you complete the coursework
b) Describe the property including stating the floor area of the premises, the ITZA if applicable and commenting on the location, description and amenities of the building.
c) Identify comparable evidence from on line databases, agents, professional press and/or other sources and calculate an Estimated Rental Value for the building and a suitable All Risks Market Yield. Clearly show and explain how you have arrived at your ERV and ARY.
d) Hypothetical Scenario 1–Assume that the property has just been let at your estimated rental valueto a tenant with a reasonable covenant strength. Prepare a freehold valuation of the property for the purposes ofloan securityfor a bank proving a reasoned valuation and outline the type of information you should include in the valuation report.
d) Hypothetical Scenario 2 - Assume that your retail building was let to a tenant with a reasonable covenant strength 8 years ago on a 10 year FRI lease at a rent which is now 110% of the ERV.I.e you are assuming that the lease expires in 2 years and that the property is currently over-rented.
i. Calculate the Market Value of the freehold interest for loan security purposes.
ii. Assumethat you act for the landlord and that the tenant has requested a new lease for 10 years at the market rent and with a rent free period.Prepare a Discounted Cash Flow to show the NPV of the current income and outgoings and the NPV of the proposed lease. The proposed lease should incorporate a rent free period which produces a higher NPV than the existing lease. Assume a discount rate of 9%.
Please clearly explain the steps you have taken in each case.You can make any assumptions which you deem are appropriate but you must clearly state all assumptions which you make.
You must therefore produce:-
1 A description of the property considering its characteristics
2 A reasoned valuation of the Estimated Rental Value and All Risks Yield
3 A reasoned valuation for a security valuationand include the information which would be needed in a valuation report.
4 A reasoned valuation on the freehold Market Value assuming the passing rent is 110% of the ERV (assume the ERV as in 2 above)
5 A reasoned Discounted Cash Flow calculating the NPV of the cash flow for the existing lease and the proposed lease
Assessment Criteria
1. Completion of the valuationsand the appraisal and understanding of the bases of valuation
2. Use, demonstration and understanding of the appropriate rents and yields
3. Illustration of and understanding of traditional and DCF valuation techniques
4. Clarity of thought, layout and logical progression with mathematical accuracy.
For clarification – the property can be either an office or a retail unit (e.g. shop). It must be the whole building
If it is multi- let you can assume it is single let
To calculate the ERV you need 4-6 comparables of similar types of building – the best will be similar buildings let recently in the same location – you may need to look slightly further afield to identify comparables. The comparable rents can be floors in buildings. You need to search EGi and Focus to find the comparables.
You will need 3 or 4 comparables for the All Risks yield – if you cannot find yield evidence near to your subject property then widen the search parameters.
You need to consider how each comparable needs to be adjusted to arrive at your ERV and ARY.
You need to look at the Red Book to help you with the contents of the valuation report
You need to prepare 2 spreadsheets for the DCF. The first is the current scenario and the second the proposed scenario. On popular demand I have posted annotated template for the DCFs under Study material. You can use these templates but remove the notes
Start with the current scenario tab and calculate the NPV based on the current lease information – i.e. with 2 years to expiry. Allow of a void before the property is relet.
The proposed scenario should be a letting for 10 years with the rent increasing by inflation after 5 years.
Hope these notes help you complete the coursework
develop a workshop / nursing
focusing on the soft skills used for managing people. the soft approaches implies the human side of HRM.
Human Capital Theory states that organizations derive economic value from employees' skills, competences, knowledge and experience (Truss C .... 2012).
choose 3 soft skills for managing HR effectively/efficiently and develop for the managers of your organisation.
1. write an introduction by introducing a theme. justify yuor choice.
2. choose your 3 topics and justify why have chosen these topices for SHRM
3. align your choice with vision, mission and strategic plan
4.write 3 or 4 learning objectives for each of each of the topics. (bloom taxonomy should be used for level 5 high level for verbs)
5. choose guest speakers for your topics. justify why?
6. draw up: a tamplet for the following:
programme, evaluation form, invitations(specify number), suggest a budget, venue and date, others
7. conclude
8. not to exceed 2000 wards excluding table, graphs
Human Capital Theory states that organizations derive economic value from employees' skills, competences, knowledge and experience (Truss C .... 2012).
choose 3 soft skills for managing HR effectively/efficiently and develop for the managers of your organisation.
1. write an introduction by introducing a theme. justify yuor choice.
2. choose your 3 topics and justify why have chosen these topices for SHRM
3. align your choice with vision, mission and strategic plan
4.write 3 or 4 learning objectives for each of each of the topics. (bloom taxonomy should be used for level 5 high level for verbs)
5. choose guest speakers for your topics. justify why?
6. draw up: a tamplet for the following:
programme, evaluation form, invitations(specify number), suggest a budget, venue and date, others
7. conclude
8. not to exceed 2000 wards excluding table, graphs
Interpreting Poetry
Poems about Fathers
Compare and contrast 2-3 of the poems from the “poems about fathers” chapter in our textbook (My Papa’s Waltz by Theodore Roethke, Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden, and My Father, In Heaven, Is Reading Out Loud by Li-Young Lee) and discuss the emotions towards fathers in the poems. How do the poems create their emotional effect on the reader? Your essay should have a thesis statement that offers your idea about how these poems help readers arrive at an understanding of fatherhood.
Paper Specifications:
• 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced
• Clear thesis statement and developed paragraphs that connect back to the thesis
• Demonstration of analysis that relies on textual evidence
• Demonstration of careful attention to formal aspects of the poem (rhyme, sound, word choice, symbolism, connotation)
• Clear organization of ideas and body paragraphs that contain topic sentences
• Follows MLA standards
• Due dates: Consult your course schedule
Compare and contrast 2-3 of the poems from the “poems about fathers” chapter in our textbook (My Papa’s Waltz by Theodore Roethke, Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden, and My Father, In Heaven, Is Reading Out Loud by Li-Young Lee) and discuss the emotions towards fathers in the poems. How do the poems create their emotional effect on the reader? Your essay should have a thesis statement that offers your idea about how these poems help readers arrive at an understanding of fatherhood.
Paper Specifications:
• 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced
• Clear thesis statement and developed paragraphs that connect back to the thesis
• Demonstration of analysis that relies on textual evidence
• Demonstration of careful attention to formal aspects of the poem (rhyme, sound, word choice, symbolism, connotation)
• Clear organization of ideas and body paragraphs that contain topic sentences
• Follows MLA standards
• Due dates: Consult your course schedule
What is the latest research on the existence of Dark Matter? Does the latest research support, refute, or modify the supposed existence of Dark Matter?
-Answer the Question: What is the latest research on the existence of dark matter? Does the latest research support, refute, or modify the supposed existence of Dark Matter?
-Use SCENTIFIC PAPER STYLE SOURCING, including endnotes and in text citations
-Use SCIENTIFIC PAPER FORMAT (Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion)
-Use correct facts/data
-Needs to be 3 pages, double spaced, with a 12 pt font
-You can add pictures if you want :)
-Use SCENTIFIC PAPER STYLE SOURCING, including endnotes and in text citations
-Use SCIENTIFIC PAPER FORMAT (Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion)
-Use correct facts/data
-Needs to be 3 pages, double spaced, with a 12 pt font
-You can add pictures if you want :)
Package Marking RFID
Read this article explaining RFID technology at http://www.rfidjournal.com/articles/view?1339
And watch this video explaining the impact of RFID on the supply chain at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdM2GozfQzY
Discuss the current and potential uses for RFID in package tracking.
And watch this video explaining the impact of RFID on the supply chain at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdM2GozfQzY
Discuss the current and potential uses for RFID in package tracking.
Topic: Bedo Case Study
Paper details:
With the provided data about the "Bedo Family," create a comprehensive financial plan that addresses their ability or inability to achieve the financial goals they have shared, including funding 100% of their daughter's college at education 13 years from now, retiring early at age 62, etc. and advise them on what strategies they should change, keep the same, etc.
With the provided data about the "Bedo Family," create a comprehensive financial plan that addresses their ability or inability to achieve the financial goals they have shared, including funding 100% of their daughter's college at education 13 years from now, retiring early at age 62, etc. and advise them on what strategies they should change, keep the same, etc.
Topic: Edgar Allan Poe
Paper details:
• To place an author’s work in their relevant social, historical and cultural context.
• To trace the development of the author’s style or “-ism” from its roots to its legacy. To study, in great detail, the trajectory of the author’s work
• To do a “close reading” of his or her literary works; to focus intently on the details, symbolism, allusions, and any significant and consistent figurative language.
Use the short stories, "The Masque of the Red Death", "The Pit and the Pendulum", "The Tell-Tale Heart", "The Cask of Amontillado", and "The Black Cat".
The only thesis thus far is "Using the short stories..., Poe constantly reminds us of our mortality and tries to give us insight on the inner-workings of the subconscious when exposed to terror." This can stay the same, be revised, or changed completely if necessary.
• To place an author’s work in their relevant social, historical and cultural context.
• To trace the development of the author’s style or “-ism” from its roots to its legacy. To study, in great detail, the trajectory of the author’s work
• To do a “close reading” of his or her literary works; to focus intently on the details, symbolism, allusions, and any significant and consistent figurative language.
Use the short stories, "The Masque of the Red Death", "The Pit and the Pendulum", "The Tell-Tale Heart", "The Cask of Amontillado", and "The Black Cat".
The only thesis thus far is "Using the short stories..., Poe constantly reminds us of our mortality and tries to give us insight on the inner-workings of the subconscious when exposed to terror." This can stay the same, be revised, or changed completely if necessary.
Topic: Asthma
Order Description
Asthma is a chronic lung disease caused by inflammation of the lower airways and episodes of airflow obstruction. Asthma episodes or attacks can vary from mild to life-threatening. In 2007, about 7% percent of the U.S. population was diagnosed with asthma and there have been a growing number of new cases since that time. There are several known risk factors identified as triggers of asthma symptoms and episodes, including inhalation of allergens or pollutants, infection, cold air, vigorous exercise, and emotional upsets. There is also growing evidence relating body-mass index to asthma in both children and adults. Design a study to investigate whether there is such an association.
Choose a study design and justify the reasons you chose the design over others.
Select a statistical measure you would use to describe the association (if there is one) between body mass index and asthma.
In addition, address:
1.Subject selection
2.Issues relating to the measurement of both the exposure and the outcome
3.Potential biases that the study might be prone to, and how they might be handled
4.Possible confounding factors and effect modifiers and how to overcome their effect
Present the information in a 750-1000-word report, using section headings where each requirement is described and justified under each of the following headings: Study Design, Statistical Measures, Subject Selection, and Measurement Issues.
Asthma is a chronic lung disease caused by inflammation of the lower airways and episodes of airflow obstruction. Asthma episodes or attacks can vary from mild to life-threatening. In 2007, about 7% percent of the U.S. population was diagnosed with asthma and there have been a growing number of new cases since that time. There are several known risk factors identified as triggers of asthma symptoms and episodes, including inhalation of allergens or pollutants, infection, cold air, vigorous exercise, and emotional upsets. There is also growing evidence relating body-mass index to asthma in both children and adults. Design a study to investigate whether there is such an association.
Choose a study design and justify the reasons you chose the design over others.
Select a statistical measure you would use to describe the association (if there is one) between body mass index and asthma.
In addition, address:
1.Subject selection
2.Issues relating to the measurement of both the exposure and the outcome
3.Potential biases that the study might be prone to, and how they might be handled
4.Possible confounding factors and effect modifiers and how to overcome their effect
Present the information in a 750-1000-word report, using section headings where each requirement is described and justified under each of the following headings: Study Design, Statistical Measures, Subject Selection, and Measurement Issues.
Topic: Qualitative Methodologies
Order Description
There are many approaches to qualitative research and no fully agreed upon " list" of methodologies. Merriam (2002) describes a number of methodologies, and Chapter 3 of Hennink, (2011) describes some additional methodologies. Chwalisz, Shah, and Hand (2008) describe qualitative methodologies from the perspective of an even different list. As one can see, there is no definitive list of qualitative methodologies.
One of the best ways to learn about a variety of qualitative research methodology is to read reports of research around a topic you are interested in. A search for qualitative research of a particular topic area may reveal a variety of qualitative research in that area.
For this paper, find two dissertation that use a qualitative research methodology to answer a research question that is in the same topic area as your topic of interest. Briefly describe the research methodologies utilized in each of the dissertations you selected. You may refer to the week's reading to help you explain. Compare and contrast the two qualitative methods used: What is the same and what is different and why? Post should be at least 300 words.
The books are:
Hennink, M., Hutter, I., & Bailey, A. (2011). Qualitative research methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Chapter 3: The Design Cycle.
Foss, S. K., & Waters, W. (2007). Destination dissertation: A traveler's guide to a done dissertation. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Chapter 4: Developing Your ltinerary: The Preproposal.
There are many approaches to qualitative research and no fully agreed upon " list" of methodologies. Merriam (2002) describes a number of methodologies, and Chapter 3 of Hennink, (2011) describes some additional methodologies. Chwalisz, Shah, and Hand (2008) describe qualitative methodologies from the perspective of an even different list. As one can see, there is no definitive list of qualitative methodologies.
One of the best ways to learn about a variety of qualitative research methodology is to read reports of research around a topic you are interested in. A search for qualitative research of a particular topic area may reveal a variety of qualitative research in that area.
For this paper, find two dissertation that use a qualitative research methodology to answer a research question that is in the same topic area as your topic of interest. Briefly describe the research methodologies utilized in each of the dissertations you selected. You may refer to the week's reading to help you explain. Compare and contrast the two qualitative methods used: What is the same and what is different and why? Post should be at least 300 words.
The books are:
Hennink, M., Hutter, I., & Bailey, A. (2011). Qualitative research methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Chapter 3: The Design Cycle.
Foss, S. K., & Waters, W. (2007). Destination dissertation: A traveler's guide to a done dissertation. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Chapter 4: Developing Your ltinerary: The Preproposal.
Topic: Pub Health Admin and Leadership Assignment week 6
Order Description
Writing Effective Job Descriptions
Human beings undergo a natural life cycle from birth to death, passing through several stages along the way. Organizations might view human resource activities as a similar cycle from the initial hiring to the eventual termination of employment for various reasons such as promotion or transfer. Public health administrators are often involved in this human resources cycle, from workforce planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, on-boarding, training and development, and coaching and performance appraisal. One of the most critical tasks in this cycle is recruiting and selecting individuals for public health positions who have the right skills and qualities for the position. In addition, it is important that these skills and qualities remain current as the organization and requirements change.
Although each organization and position will have unique requirements, public health administrators can become familiar with best practices in human resources. In the Learning Resources, The Public Health Foundation (n.d.-a) provides insights on public health job descriptions based on Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals, for example. Such best practices will help public health leaders create job descriptions aimed at attracting the most potentially successful candidates for the positions. Human resources professionals may revise job descriptions for existing staff to keep the organization current, as well.
For this week’s Assignment, review the Learning Resources, including the media titled Recruitment, Selection, and Retention. Consider what the individuals considered challenges in hiring and which best practices they follow in creating job descriptions. Then, read the following scenario. Browse through the various pages of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website, and read carefully through the section titled “Discrimination by Type.” Research online sources for typical salary ranges and similar job descriptions in the Midwest United States.
Imagine you are the Human Resources Director at Lake Troubled Shallows Health Department, from the Final Project scenario. A key employee, a community outreach coordinator, has left the position. The organization needs a new community outreach coordinator. You have been tasked with implementing best practices not only to fill the position but also to reevaluate and improve on the job description.
The Assignment (2–3 pages):
Section I
Create a new job description for a position in public health following best human resource management practices. The job description should include the following:
Essential job duties
Essential qualifications
An average salary range for this position
Recruitment and hiring strategies for this position
Related employment laws (e.g., civil rights, age discrimination)
Section II: Summary
Describe how the job description (including duties and qualifications) might be different today from those needed in the recent past (e.g., 5 years ago) and why. Describe which best practices in human resources management you followed when creating this job description and explain why you considered them to be best practices.
Submit your Assignment by Day 7.
Writing Effective Job Descriptions
Human beings undergo a natural life cycle from birth to death, passing through several stages along the way. Organizations might view human resource activities as a similar cycle from the initial hiring to the eventual termination of employment for various reasons such as promotion or transfer. Public health administrators are often involved in this human resources cycle, from workforce planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, on-boarding, training and development, and coaching and performance appraisal. One of the most critical tasks in this cycle is recruiting and selecting individuals for public health positions who have the right skills and qualities for the position. In addition, it is important that these skills and qualities remain current as the organization and requirements change.
Although each organization and position will have unique requirements, public health administrators can become familiar with best practices in human resources. In the Learning Resources, The Public Health Foundation (n.d.-a) provides insights on public health job descriptions based on Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals, for example. Such best practices will help public health leaders create job descriptions aimed at attracting the most potentially successful candidates for the positions. Human resources professionals may revise job descriptions for existing staff to keep the organization current, as well.
For this week’s Assignment, review the Learning Resources, including the media titled Recruitment, Selection, and Retention. Consider what the individuals considered challenges in hiring and which best practices they follow in creating job descriptions. Then, read the following scenario. Browse through the various pages of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website, and read carefully through the section titled “Discrimination by Type.” Research online sources for typical salary ranges and similar job descriptions in the Midwest United States.
Imagine you are the Human Resources Director at Lake Troubled Shallows Health Department, from the Final Project scenario. A key employee, a community outreach coordinator, has left the position. The organization needs a new community outreach coordinator. You have been tasked with implementing best practices not only to fill the position but also to reevaluate and improve on the job description.
The Assignment (2–3 pages):
Section I
Create a new job description for a position in public health following best human resource management practices. The job description should include the following:
Essential job duties
Essential qualifications
An average salary range for this position
Recruitment and hiring strategies for this position
Related employment laws (e.g., civil rights, age discrimination)
Section II: Summary
Describe how the job description (including duties and qualifications) might be different today from those needed in the recent past (e.g., 5 years ago) and why. Describe which best practices in human resources management you followed when creating this job description and explain why you considered them to be best practices.
Submit your Assignment by Day 7.
Topic: Formal Investigative Report - Death resulting from haemorrhage due to incised wound
Order Description
Clinical Governance is the term used to describe a systematic approach to maintaining and improving
the quality of patient care within a health system. It is about the ability to produce effective change so that high quality care is achieved. It requires clinicians and administrators to take joint responsibility
for making sure this occurs.
All critical incidents result from a series of underlying/predisposing factors resulting usually from human error, and deficiencies in systems and processes or procedures. When a series of factors line up in a certain way, an adverse event results. If the sequence of events is correctly analysed, the investigator can identify its origin and key points in the sequence, this allows the investigator to design mitigation strategies that can effectively stop that same sequence from recurring.
The task in this assignment is to:
Write a 'Formal Investigative Report' about the death resulting from haemorrhage due to incised wound as reported by the South Australian Coroner.
Please use the below as a guide of what you need to include in this report, the marking criteria will also help guide you.
Introduction/Background to the Incident: A short introduction including what the report is about followed by a brief background to the critical incident.
Data: Critically examine the case to identify and explore all the predisposing factors that lead to the outcome, these factors are the 'root causes'. This information needs to be supported by a flow chart with annotations to present the complex details of the incident in an easy to view format.
Analysis: Analysis of the information presented in the 'data' section can be referred to as a 'root cause analysis' (RCA). The predisposing factors are explored in regards to why they existed and how they
lead to the incident. Any relationships between the factors is also explained. Use a 'patient safety model' diagram to demonstrate the factors that were the root causes that lead to the incident and to
identify factors that if mitigated would have prevented the incident from occurring.
NB: Root causes always form one or more chains of events. If a RCA is conducted correctly it will lead you back to the origin of this chain of events. If you can eliminate one or more of the root causes or break the chain of events you can prevent the same type of adverse event from recurring.
A patient safety model is a conceptual construct that guides the investigator in the process of analysis.
Discussion: In this section of the report current evidence-based peer reviewed literature is explored in relation to the incident and the root causes of the incident to develop a deeper understanding of the
why the incident occurred, what should have happened and how it could be prevented in the future.The National Practice Standards for the Mental Health Workforce 2013 should be discussed in relation to professional best practice with two (2) relevant practice standards being explored further. The literature discussed needs to be of a high quality and be current.
Recommendations: Evidence-based recommendations are made, which if implemented correctly would prevent the same incident from occurring again. Literature which supports the
recommendations needs to be presented, otherwise the report will have little credibility. Any recommendations must address the identified pre-disposing factors, in particular the 'root causes' and explain how the recommendations will mitigate these factors using a clear and logical approach.
A health professional is expected to be able to reflect on and analyse their clinical practice and to be
aware of the systems in which they function. It is important to be aware of and involved in quality improvement processes. This assessment task will allow the student to explore these quality assurance
processes and to gain an understanding of the importance of their role as a health professional in regards to patient safety
This assignment must be presented as a 'Formal Investigative Report' and should consist of the following sections:
Title Page
Table of contents
Introduction/Background to the Incident.
Data: with a flowchart diagram
Analysis: with a patient safety model diagram
Clinical Governance is the term used to describe a systematic approach to maintaining and improving
the quality of patient care within a health system. It is about the ability to produce effective change so that high quality care is achieved. It requires clinicians and administrators to take joint responsibility
for making sure this occurs.
All critical incidents result from a series of underlying/predisposing factors resulting usually from human error, and deficiencies in systems and processes or procedures. When a series of factors line up in a certain way, an adverse event results. If the sequence of events is correctly analysed, the investigator can identify its origin and key points in the sequence, this allows the investigator to design mitigation strategies that can effectively stop that same sequence from recurring.
The task in this assignment is to:
Write a 'Formal Investigative Report' about the death resulting from haemorrhage due to incised wound as reported by the South Australian Coroner.
Please use the below as a guide of what you need to include in this report, the marking criteria will also help guide you.
Introduction/Background to the Incident: A short introduction including what the report is about followed by a brief background to the critical incident.
Data: Critically examine the case to identify and explore all the predisposing factors that lead to the outcome, these factors are the 'root causes'. This information needs to be supported by a flow chart with annotations to present the complex details of the incident in an easy to view format.
Analysis: Analysis of the information presented in the 'data' section can be referred to as a 'root cause analysis' (RCA). The predisposing factors are explored in regards to why they existed and how they
lead to the incident. Any relationships between the factors is also explained. Use a 'patient safety model' diagram to demonstrate the factors that were the root causes that lead to the incident and to
identify factors that if mitigated would have prevented the incident from occurring.
NB: Root causes always form one or more chains of events. If a RCA is conducted correctly it will lead you back to the origin of this chain of events. If you can eliminate one or more of the root causes or break the chain of events you can prevent the same type of adverse event from recurring.
A patient safety model is a conceptual construct that guides the investigator in the process of analysis.
Discussion: In this section of the report current evidence-based peer reviewed literature is explored in relation to the incident and the root causes of the incident to develop a deeper understanding of the
why the incident occurred, what should have happened and how it could be prevented in the future.The National Practice Standards for the Mental Health Workforce 2013 should be discussed in relation to professional best practice with two (2) relevant practice standards being explored further. The literature discussed needs to be of a high quality and be current.
Recommendations: Evidence-based recommendations are made, which if implemented correctly would prevent the same incident from occurring again. Literature which supports the
recommendations needs to be presented, otherwise the report will have little credibility. Any recommendations must address the identified pre-disposing factors, in particular the 'root causes' and explain how the recommendations will mitigate these factors using a clear and logical approach.
A health professional is expected to be able to reflect on and analyse their clinical practice and to be
aware of the systems in which they function. It is important to be aware of and involved in quality improvement processes. This assessment task will allow the student to explore these quality assurance
processes and to gain an understanding of the importance of their role as a health professional in regards to patient safety
This assignment must be presented as a 'Formal Investigative Report' and should consist of the following sections:
Title Page
Table of contents
Introduction/Background to the Incident.
Data: with a flowchart diagram
Analysis: with a patient safety model diagram
Topic: Business Law
Order Description
Short Essay Element 1: PLAN
Word count: 150-200 Words (no leeway)
Element 2: Word Count: 1300 words excluding citations, quotations, footnotes and bibliography (10% leeway).
Essay Question:
How does the parliament regulate the conduct of society, particularly with reference to business transactions and interactions? Discuss the extent to which the morals and values of a society influence and underpin the content of these legal rules.
Short Essay Element 1: PLAN
Word count: 150-200 Words (no leeway)
Element 2: Word Count: 1300 words excluding citations, quotations, footnotes and bibliography (10% leeway).
Essay Question:
How does the parliament regulate the conduct of society, particularly with reference to business transactions and interactions? Discuss the extent to which the morals and values of a society influence and underpin the content of these legal rules.
Topic: (Operations Management and Service Excellence) A written report based the operation of a small independent Café or Coffee shop
Order Description
Strictly follow the general guidelines. the report should be based on a local independent caffe in london, it shouldnot be the big established caffe like costa, Starbucks etc. it need photos of the caffe and other requirement as per the general guideline and the marking skim. i will forward a sample copy of a Undergraduate work but the one you are doing is for masters level you can follow the style figures needed as in the sample piece. plagiarism should not be more than 10%.
1. General Assessment Guidance
• Your summative assessment for Operations Management and Service Excellence (NEW) is a Coursework submission.
• You are required to submit your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
• For coursework, the submission word limit is 3,500 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 3500 words but not more. Numerical tables, diagrams, bibliography, appendices, annex and headings are NOT included within word count calculations. You must specify total word count on the front page of your report.
• For coursework, please use font size 12 for body text and the typeface (font) should be Arial or Times New Roman with minimum 1.5 spacing.
• For headers and titles, please use font size 14. Your submission must have standard margins and page numbers.
• Please use English (UK) as your language in the submission.
• Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student identification number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
• A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment and you are required to achieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
• You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.
You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the VLE. You can use the
• University has a strict policy regarding plagiarism and in proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GAR and MOPP which are available on VLE in the Academic registry section.
2.Assessment brief: Operations Management and Service Excellence (2016)
Course Work: April 2016
1. The course work is in 1 part:
A written report based the operation of a small independent Café or Coffee shop
2. Assessment
This is a realistic exercise and your tutors are expecting to take away some real ideas and suggestions from your reports.
The task: You must visit the organisation of your choice as part of this course work; however it is important to remember that you are representing BPP University, so please ensure that you are professional and considerate to the business and its needs.
Whilst visiting the operation it will aid your report if you collect some quantifiable data. This may include: seating capacity (seating plan), number of customers served, time to serve each customer.
Please read this carefully and then prepare a report to address the following questions:
1. Provide an introduction and overview of your chosen organisation Café/Coffee Shop (10 marks)
2. Analyse how operations management processes support the Café/Coffee shop (20 marks)
3. Critically discuss how the 5 Performance Objectives apply to the Café/Coffee shop and what improvements could be made. (20 marks)
4. Critically discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee shop (15 marks)
5. Compare and contrast the quality processes of your chosen Café/Coffee shop with that of another high street Café/Coffee shop (25 marks)
6. Presentation and references (10 marks)
3. Guidance
Please see the marking guide.
• Introduction and overview – this needs to include information on:
o Location of business/type of customers
o Capacity – how many customers were served during your visit, was this acceptable
o Layout (perhaps a photograph)
o Services offered – this can include all products offered
• Operations management processes – students to identify the types of operations processes used, this may include waste management or quality control.
• Define the meaning of the 5 performance objectives in the context of your chosen operation. How are they performing against the 5 performance objectives? For example: speed – how quickly are the customers being served (is it competitive)? Some competitor analysis will assist in defining the objectives. What improvements would you make to the operation to improve its competitiveness?
• Supply chains – what are they and how are the used? Students to also consider in-sourcing and outsourcing.
Coursework - Question Breakdown of marks – 100% Approach guidance
1. Provide an introduction and overview of your chosen operation . Overview of Business
10 marks Students will provide an introduction and overview to the business of their choice
2. Investigate how operations management processes support the Café/Coffee shop Students to identify the different operations processes and why they are important to the business. For example, Quality Control and managing wastes.
Total 20 marks For an excellent mark students will collect evidence to support their arguments. Academic sources will be referred to within the report, for example the core text.
3. Critically discuss how the 5 Performance Objectives apply to the Café/Coffee shop and what improvements could be made
Define the meaning of the 5 performance objects for the operation, using references. Apply the 5 Performance objectives to the operation with justification (10 marks)
Discuss the improvements to be made to the business. (10 marks)
Total 20 marks For an excellent mark students will use models and theories and apply these to the performance objectives.
There will be a critical discussion of the performance objectives which demonstrates how these apply to the operation. These will be supported by academic sources.
4. Critically discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee shop
Define supply chains and supply networks (5 marks)
Discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee Shop – how is it managed? Do they have multiple suppliers or single? (10 marks)
Total 15 marks For an excellent mark students will provide an in-depth analysis of the supply chain process. Students will provide a detailed analysis of the supply chain and may include; insourcing and outsourcing and selecting supply chains.
5 Compare and contrast the quality processes of your chosen Café/Coffee shop with that of another high street Café/Coffee shop (25 marks) Define what quality is and the types of quality processes. (10 marks)
Compare and contrast with another high street Café/Coffee shop. (15 marks)
Total 25 marks For an excellent answer students will define what quality processes are and provide examples using evidence from the literature to support this.
Students will then compare and contrast the different quality processes with those of another Café/Coffee shop.
6. Presentation and references
Award 10 marks for the presentation and accurate referencing of the report.
Total 10 marks The language used should be appropriate to the academic context and business communication but should avoid colloquialisms, informal terms and jargon.
sample piece of work for further guideline is attached with the order figures are compulsary.
Strictly follow the general guidelines. the report should be based on a local independent caffe in london, it shouldnot be the big established caffe like costa, Starbucks etc. it need photos of the caffe and other requirement as per the general guideline and the marking skim. i will forward a sample copy of a Undergraduate work but the one you are doing is for masters level you can follow the style figures needed as in the sample piece. plagiarism should not be more than 10%.
1. General Assessment Guidance
• Your summative assessment for Operations Management and Service Excellence (NEW) is a Coursework submission.
• You are required to submit your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
• For coursework, the submission word limit is 3,500 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 3500 words but not more. Numerical tables, diagrams, bibliography, appendices, annex and headings are NOT included within word count calculations. You must specify total word count on the front page of your report.
• For coursework, please use font size 12 for body text and the typeface (font) should be Arial or Times New Roman with minimum 1.5 spacing.
• For headers and titles, please use font size 14. Your submission must have standard margins and page numbers.
• Please use English (UK) as your language in the submission.
• Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student identification number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
• A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment and you are required to achieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
• You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.
You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the VLE. You can use the
• University has a strict policy regarding plagiarism and in proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GAR and MOPP which are available on VLE in the Academic registry section.
2.Assessment brief: Operations Management and Service Excellence (2016)
Course Work: April 2016
1. The course work is in 1 part:
A written report based the operation of a small independent Café or Coffee shop
2. Assessment
This is a realistic exercise and your tutors are expecting to take away some real ideas and suggestions from your reports.
The task: You must visit the organisation of your choice as part of this course work; however it is important to remember that you are representing BPP University, so please ensure that you are professional and considerate to the business and its needs.
Whilst visiting the operation it will aid your report if you collect some quantifiable data. This may include: seating capacity (seating plan), number of customers served, time to serve each customer.
Please read this carefully and then prepare a report to address the following questions:
1. Provide an introduction and overview of your chosen organisation Café/Coffee Shop (10 marks)
2. Analyse how operations management processes support the Café/Coffee shop (20 marks)
3. Critically discuss how the 5 Performance Objectives apply to the Café/Coffee shop and what improvements could be made. (20 marks)
4. Critically discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee shop (15 marks)
5. Compare and contrast the quality processes of your chosen Café/Coffee shop with that of another high street Café/Coffee shop (25 marks)
6. Presentation and references (10 marks)
3. Guidance
Please see the marking guide.
• Introduction and overview – this needs to include information on:
o Location of business/type of customers
o Capacity – how many customers were served during your visit, was this acceptable
o Layout (perhaps a photograph)
o Services offered – this can include all products offered
• Operations management processes – students to identify the types of operations processes used, this may include waste management or quality control.
• Define the meaning of the 5 performance objectives in the context of your chosen operation. How are they performing against the 5 performance objectives? For example: speed – how quickly are the customers being served (is it competitive)? Some competitor analysis will assist in defining the objectives. What improvements would you make to the operation to improve its competitiveness?
• Supply chains – what are they and how are the used? Students to also consider in-sourcing and outsourcing.
Coursework - Question Breakdown of marks – 100% Approach guidance
1. Provide an introduction and overview of your chosen operation . Overview of Business
10 marks Students will provide an introduction and overview to the business of their choice
2. Investigate how operations management processes support the Café/Coffee shop Students to identify the different operations processes and why they are important to the business. For example, Quality Control and managing wastes.
Total 20 marks For an excellent mark students will collect evidence to support their arguments. Academic sources will be referred to within the report, for example the core text.
3. Critically discuss how the 5 Performance Objectives apply to the Café/Coffee shop and what improvements could be made
Define the meaning of the 5 performance objects for the operation, using references. Apply the 5 Performance objectives to the operation with justification (10 marks)
Discuss the improvements to be made to the business. (10 marks)
Total 20 marks For an excellent mark students will use models and theories and apply these to the performance objectives.
There will be a critical discussion of the performance objectives which demonstrates how these apply to the operation. These will be supported by academic sources.
4. Critically discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee shop
Define supply chains and supply networks (5 marks)
Discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee Shop – how is it managed? Do they have multiple suppliers or single? (10 marks)
Total 15 marks For an excellent mark students will provide an in-depth analysis of the supply chain process. Students will provide a detailed analysis of the supply chain and may include; insourcing and outsourcing and selecting supply chains.
5 Compare and contrast the quality processes of your chosen Café/Coffee shop with that of another high street Café/Coffee shop (25 marks) Define what quality is and the types of quality processes. (10 marks)
Compare and contrast with another high street Café/Coffee shop. (15 marks)
Total 25 marks For an excellent answer students will define what quality processes are and provide examples using evidence from the literature to support this.
Students will then compare and contrast the different quality processes with those of another Café/Coffee shop.
6. Presentation and references
Award 10 marks for the presentation and accurate referencing of the report.
Total 10 marks The language used should be appropriate to the academic context and business communication but should avoid colloquialisms, informal terms and jargon.
sample piece of work for further guideline is attached with the order figures are compulsary.
Topic: “8 week postpartum exam before I go back to work”
Order Description
write a 3- report on the case you presented in the W7 Assignment 3 (pasted bellow) . When constructing your report, use the same format (link for the format) https://threadcontent.next.ecollege.com/pub/content/9be5cb01-eab2-4260-8963-237dd5272622/SU_NSG6330_W7_A3_Format.pdf
Assignment 4 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Submitted a 3- report on the case presented in W7 Assignment 3.
Completed the initial assessment.
Provided an appropriate and complete list of differential diagnoses.
Supported final diagnosis with testing, test results, and other findings (and ruled out other possible diagnoses).
Described a plan that appropriately addresses all actual diagnoses.
Provided an evaluation and reflection on the implementation and results.
Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary and cited all sources using APA style.
Name: D.D.
Date: 03/28/2016
Time: 1130
Age: 25 years
Sex: female
“8 week postpartum exam before I go back to work”
Pt delivered a healthy baby girl 8 weeks ago. Vaginal delivery with no tears. She was induced. Labor was 7 hours. This is her second pregnancy, second delivery. She received an epidural for delivery. She is currently breastfeeding without complications. She was prescribed birth control pills at discharge and desires tubal ligation for permanent sterility.
Medications: not currently taking medications. Has prescription for:
Iron- for anemia
Mini-pill- for birth control
Tylenol- as needed for pain
Ativan- for anxiety
PMH: Pt has history of depression and anxiety. Pt was sexually assaulted during training away from her husband. Pt has some question of the paternity of her new child. Husband is unaware of assault or paternity questions. Pt was referred to Sexual Assault/Victim’s advocate program. She reported assault over a month after event, no physical evidence could be obtained. Pt was referred to Behavioral Health for counseling and support. Pt does not reference assault or paternity questions when husband present. Is very quiet when husband is in the room. He answers more questions for her. Pregnancy was full term without complications.
Allergies: NKA
Medication Intolerances: N/A
Chronic Illnesses/Major traumas- sexual assault 2014
Hospitalizations/Surgeries- two childbirths, vaginal deliveries
Family History
Pt knows some relatives have had breast cancer, but does not know age. Husband states it is a paternal aunt and grandmother had cancer. Pt does not know heart history of family.
Social History
Active duty soldier, married with two children. 12+ year education. Denies smoking, drinking, or drug use.
Pt has lost 30 lbs since delivery. Pt gained 20 lbs during pregnancy, has dropped additional 10 lbs. Pt doesn’t have an appetite. Eats once a day and snacks or has smoothies. Trouble sleeping, often tired.
Denies urgency, frequency burning, change in color of urine.
Not sexually active yet postpartum, no STDS
Fe: last pap 2014, no breast complaints, vaginal discharge- spotting still from delivery, 2 pregnancies, 2 deliveries
Sciatic nerve pain, IT band syndrome L leg, bone trauma to L leg
Depression, anxiety, sleeping difficulties, denies suicidal ideation/attempts
Weight 172 lbs BMI 29.52
Temp 97.7
BP 110/70
Height 64 inches
Pulse 84
Resp 18
General Appearance
Healthy appearing adult female in no acute distress. Alert and oriented; answers questions appropriately. Slightly somber affect at first, quiet, and withdrawn. Nursing infant daughter. Looks to husband frequently during questions
Skin is brown, warm, dry, clean and intact. No rashes or lesions noted.
Head is normocephalic, atraumatic and without lesions; hair evenly distributed. Eyes: PERRLA. Ears: Canals patent.Nose: Nasal mucosa pink. No septal deviation. Neck: Supple. Full ROM. Oral mucosa pink and moist. Teeth are in good repair.
S1, S2 with regular rate and rhythm. No extra sounds, clicks, rubs or murmurs. Capillary refill 2 seconds. Pulses 3+ throughout. No edema.
Symmetric chest wall. Respirations regular and easy; lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally.
Abdomen flat; BS active in all 4 quadrants. Abdomen soft, non-tender.
Breast is free from masses or tenderness, no abnormal discharge. Lactating. No signs of engorgement. R breast has small lumps, milk ducts full. L breast soft and no lumps, infant nursed from that breast during visit. Nipples are intact, no cracking, bleeding, or signs of infection.
Bladder is non-distended; no CVA tenderness. External genitalia reveals coarse pubic hair in normal distribution; skin color is consistent with general pigmentation. No vulvar lesions noted. On bimanual exam, cervix is firm. No CMT. Uterus is antevert and positioned behind a slightly distended bladder; no fullness, masses, or tenderness. No adnexal masses or tenderness. Ovaries are non-palpable.
Full ROM seen in all 4 extremities as patient moved about the exam room. Pt c/o chronic left leg pain. No palpable deformities, cap refill brisk, and pedal pulse strong in LLE.
Speech clear. Good tone. Posture erect. Balance stable; gait normal.
Alert and oriented. Dressed in clean jeans and a tank top. Does not maintains eye contact. Speech is soft, though clear and of normal rate and cadence; answers questions appropriately. Defers to her husband to answer most questions. Admits to being depressed and anxious. Has lost 30 lbs because she has no appetite. She is afraid to take her anti-anxiety medication because she is breastfeeding and doesn’t want to hurt the baby.
Lab Tests
Special Tests
1. Postpartum depression
2. Depression related to trauma
3. Anxiety related to sexual assault
Referred patient to continue with Behavioral Health for counseling and treatment of depression and anxiety. Also referred patient to orthopedics for chronic left leg pain to resume care since she has delivered her child.
Prescribed Zoloft, which is safe to take while breastfeeding and encouraged patient to take it daily at time to assist her with insomnia, as well as depression and anxiety
Follow up with patient in two weeks to see if Zoloft is reaching the desired effects and to ensure symptoms are not worsening, or that suicidal or homicidal ideations are not beginning.
Goolsby, J., & Grubbs, L. (2014) Advanced assessment: Interpreting findings and formulating differential diagnoses, 3rd edition,
3rd Edition. F.A. Davis Company. VitalBook file.
write a 3- report on the case you presented in the W7 Assignment 3 (pasted bellow) . When constructing your report, use the same format (link for the format) https://threadcontent.next.ecollege.com/pub/content/9be5cb01-eab2-4260-8963-237dd5272622/SU_NSG6330_W7_A3_Format.pdf
Assignment 4 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Submitted a 3- report on the case presented in W7 Assignment 3.
Completed the initial assessment.
Provided an appropriate and complete list of differential diagnoses.
Supported final diagnosis with testing, test results, and other findings (and ruled out other possible diagnoses).
Described a plan that appropriately addresses all actual diagnoses.
Provided an evaluation and reflection on the implementation and results.
Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary and cited all sources using APA style.
Name: D.D.
Date: 03/28/2016
Time: 1130
Age: 25 years
Sex: female
“8 week postpartum exam before I go back to work”
Pt delivered a healthy baby girl 8 weeks ago. Vaginal delivery with no tears. She was induced. Labor was 7 hours. This is her second pregnancy, second delivery. She received an epidural for delivery. She is currently breastfeeding without complications. She was prescribed birth control pills at discharge and desires tubal ligation for permanent sterility.
Medications: not currently taking medications. Has prescription for:
Iron- for anemia
Mini-pill- for birth control
Tylenol- as needed for pain
Ativan- for anxiety
PMH: Pt has history of depression and anxiety. Pt was sexually assaulted during training away from her husband. Pt has some question of the paternity of her new child. Husband is unaware of assault or paternity questions. Pt was referred to Sexual Assault/Victim’s advocate program. She reported assault over a month after event, no physical evidence could be obtained. Pt was referred to Behavioral Health for counseling and support. Pt does not reference assault or paternity questions when husband present. Is very quiet when husband is in the room. He answers more questions for her. Pregnancy was full term without complications.
Allergies: NKA
Medication Intolerances: N/A
Chronic Illnesses/Major traumas- sexual assault 2014
Hospitalizations/Surgeries- two childbirths, vaginal deliveries
Family History
Pt knows some relatives have had breast cancer, but does not know age. Husband states it is a paternal aunt and grandmother had cancer. Pt does not know heart history of family.
Social History
Active duty soldier, married with two children. 12+ year education. Denies smoking, drinking, or drug use.
Pt has lost 30 lbs since delivery. Pt gained 20 lbs during pregnancy, has dropped additional 10 lbs. Pt doesn’t have an appetite. Eats once a day and snacks or has smoothies. Trouble sleeping, often tired.
Denies urgency, frequency burning, change in color of urine.
Not sexually active yet postpartum, no STDS
Fe: last pap 2014, no breast complaints, vaginal discharge- spotting still from delivery, 2 pregnancies, 2 deliveries
Sciatic nerve pain, IT band syndrome L leg, bone trauma to L leg
Depression, anxiety, sleeping difficulties, denies suicidal ideation/attempts
Weight 172 lbs BMI 29.52
Temp 97.7
BP 110/70
Height 64 inches
Pulse 84
Resp 18
General Appearance
Healthy appearing adult female in no acute distress. Alert and oriented; answers questions appropriately. Slightly somber affect at first, quiet, and withdrawn. Nursing infant daughter. Looks to husband frequently during questions
Skin is brown, warm, dry, clean and intact. No rashes or lesions noted.
Head is normocephalic, atraumatic and without lesions; hair evenly distributed. Eyes: PERRLA. Ears: Canals patent.Nose: Nasal mucosa pink. No septal deviation. Neck: Supple. Full ROM. Oral mucosa pink and moist. Teeth are in good repair.
S1, S2 with regular rate and rhythm. No extra sounds, clicks, rubs or murmurs. Capillary refill 2 seconds. Pulses 3+ throughout. No edema.
Symmetric chest wall. Respirations regular and easy; lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally.
Abdomen flat; BS active in all 4 quadrants. Abdomen soft, non-tender.
Breast is free from masses or tenderness, no abnormal discharge. Lactating. No signs of engorgement. R breast has small lumps, milk ducts full. L breast soft and no lumps, infant nursed from that breast during visit. Nipples are intact, no cracking, bleeding, or signs of infection.
Bladder is non-distended; no CVA tenderness. External genitalia reveals coarse pubic hair in normal distribution; skin color is consistent with general pigmentation. No vulvar lesions noted. On bimanual exam, cervix is firm. No CMT. Uterus is antevert and positioned behind a slightly distended bladder; no fullness, masses, or tenderness. No adnexal masses or tenderness. Ovaries are non-palpable.
Full ROM seen in all 4 extremities as patient moved about the exam room. Pt c/o chronic left leg pain. No palpable deformities, cap refill brisk, and pedal pulse strong in LLE.
Speech clear. Good tone. Posture erect. Balance stable; gait normal.
Alert and oriented. Dressed in clean jeans and a tank top. Does not maintains eye contact. Speech is soft, though clear and of normal rate and cadence; answers questions appropriately. Defers to her husband to answer most questions. Admits to being depressed and anxious. Has lost 30 lbs because she has no appetite. She is afraid to take her anti-anxiety medication because she is breastfeeding and doesn’t want to hurt the baby.
Lab Tests
Special Tests
1. Postpartum depression
2. Depression related to trauma
3. Anxiety related to sexual assault
Referred patient to continue with Behavioral Health for counseling and treatment of depression and anxiety. Also referred patient to orthopedics for chronic left leg pain to resume care since she has delivered her child.
Prescribed Zoloft, which is safe to take while breastfeeding and encouraged patient to take it daily at time to assist her with insomnia, as well as depression and anxiety
Follow up with patient in two weeks to see if Zoloft is reaching the desired effects and to ensure symptoms are not worsening, or that suicidal or homicidal ideations are not beginning.
Goolsby, J., & Grubbs, L. (2014) Advanced assessment: Interpreting findings and formulating differential diagnoses, 3rd edition,
3rd Edition. F.A. Davis Company. VitalBook file.
Response to Classmates Post (Angela)
Respond and agree and provide additional details about the following classmates post:
According to Eugene Bardach smart practices are those opportunities that “have the latent potential to generate something of public value relatively cheaply”. It certainly makes sense to see and take advantage of solutions that have been tried in other agencies or jurisdictions and implement them instead of re-creating the wheel sort of speaking. This gives you the opportunity to utilize a tried and true mechanism as opposed to implementing a practice that may be subject to pitfalls. A practice is a tangible and visible behavior and the that is documented and commonly utilized. Typically agencies adopt practices and implement policies and procedures that staff are required to follow in their day to day activities.
My topic is childhood obesity and the primary focus of my research has been on preventing obesity by focusing on childhood habits and patterns from as early as toddler through preschool. In today’s world most households are comprised of a two income household and children are either left to be raised many hours in daycare settings which may vary from structured, licensed day care facilities to home based programs which may or may not be licensed and structured. From some of the research I have done, including First Lady, Michele Obama and her efforts with the “Let’s Move” program I have come across some amazing information that documents that toddlers, as young as two years old, are developing unhealthy habits because care givers are not educated enough on eating a healthy diet and getting enough physical activity. This is especially true in the private, in-home day cares that are unlicensed and not structured. It is imperative that we disseminate the information out through educational seminars and materials that can be made available to local communities.
Combining comprehensive strategies with a common sense theme like slogans as simple as “Let’s Move” to catch the attention of care givers and parents is the first step in the right directions. Then we need to get information out to communities that fosters an environment that supports healthy food choices and encourages physical activity for children in our day cares and schools. President Barack Obama launched an initiative to create a task force on childhood obesity that would conduct a review of every single program and policy relating to child nutrition and physical activity and develop a national plan to maximize federal resources and set concrete benchmarks toward the First Lady’s national goal. Some of the recommendations the task force set forth focus on the following five pillars:
1. Creating a health start for children from the beginning of life
2. Empowering parents and caregivers with information to promote knowledge and education on nutrition and the benefits of physical activity
3. Providing health food in schools
4. Improving access to healthy, affordable foods
5. Programs that promote physical activity.
One smart practice that Eugene Bardach mentioned in the text was to implement features that directly embody the basic mechanism. The basic mechanism is a means of directly accomplishing useful work in a cost effective manner. The basic mechanism of my topic is to educate and provide knowledge to those who have a direct impact on children in the community and to affect a change. These individuals are the parents and care givers of the children. If we target the parents, care givers and day cares through community wide education seminars, fliers, posters and open forum discussions and get their attention we can deliver an extremely important message about why it is imperative to eat healthy and get enough physical activity from an early age so that our children never have to contend with being overweight. By avoiding the problem we will improve the health and well being of the children in our communities. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is important to get the message out that everyone plays a role in reducing childhood obesity and that your involvement is key to ensuring a healthy future for our children. Make people accountable for their actions and they will take a more active role in becoming involved.
On the Let’s Move website there is a link that community leaders can click on to check out the programs in their area that have been made available through The Let’s Move Initiative. Fact sheets are available for down loading as well as other educational material that can be shared with community groups, daycare employees, parents and teacher organizations for literally only the cost of printing the material for the community. This information can be utilized and shared to help educate parents and care givers and promote the initiatives of leading a healthy life style. According to the site, one in five children is overweight or obese by the time they reach the age of 6 years old. It is estimated that "about 12 million babies and young children in childcare nationwide, child care providers have the power to instill healthy choice that could prevent obesity from the start" and avoid potential life threatening problems down the road.
Therefore one smart practice I would recommend with reference to childhood obesity is for local day cares to have staff visit the “Let’s Move” site, click on the child care section and download and print the educational material that is available to share with their workers, parents and care givers of these toddlers and young children. They can also create discussion groups where all can come together and discuss the educational material that is available. Perhaps even play groups and meet up groups can form with the parents of the children in day care can meet up at a local park encourage their children to run and play, get fresh air and the parents can also be outside and enjoy outdoor activity with their peers and children all for relatively no cost. This would be an excellent smart practice based upon the basic mechanism of downloading educational information and sharing it with their community.
According to Eugene Bardach smart practices are those opportunities that “have the latent potential to generate something of public value relatively cheaply”. It certainly makes sense to see and take advantage of solutions that have been tried in other agencies or jurisdictions and implement them instead of re-creating the wheel sort of speaking. This gives you the opportunity to utilize a tried and true mechanism as opposed to implementing a practice that may be subject to pitfalls. A practice is a tangible and visible behavior and the that is documented and commonly utilized. Typically agencies adopt practices and implement policies and procedures that staff are required to follow in their day to day activities.
My topic is childhood obesity and the primary focus of my research has been on preventing obesity by focusing on childhood habits and patterns from as early as toddler through preschool. In today’s world most households are comprised of a two income household and children are either left to be raised many hours in daycare settings which may vary from structured, licensed day care facilities to home based programs which may or may not be licensed and structured. From some of the research I have done, including First Lady, Michele Obama and her efforts with the “Let’s Move” program I have come across some amazing information that documents that toddlers, as young as two years old, are developing unhealthy habits because care givers are not educated enough on eating a healthy diet and getting enough physical activity. This is especially true in the private, in-home day cares that are unlicensed and not structured. It is imperative that we disseminate the information out through educational seminars and materials that can be made available to local communities.
Combining comprehensive strategies with a common sense theme like slogans as simple as “Let’s Move” to catch the attention of care givers and parents is the first step in the right directions. Then we need to get information out to communities that fosters an environment that supports healthy food choices and encourages physical activity for children in our day cares and schools. President Barack Obama launched an initiative to create a task force on childhood obesity that would conduct a review of every single program and policy relating to child nutrition and physical activity and develop a national plan to maximize federal resources and set concrete benchmarks toward the First Lady’s national goal. Some of the recommendations the task force set forth focus on the following five pillars:
1. Creating a health start for children from the beginning of life
2. Empowering parents and caregivers with information to promote knowledge and education on nutrition and the benefits of physical activity
3. Providing health food in schools
4. Improving access to healthy, affordable foods
5. Programs that promote physical activity.
One smart practice that Eugene Bardach mentioned in the text was to implement features that directly embody the basic mechanism. The basic mechanism is a means of directly accomplishing useful work in a cost effective manner. The basic mechanism of my topic is to educate and provide knowledge to those who have a direct impact on children in the community and to affect a change. These individuals are the parents and care givers of the children. If we target the parents, care givers and day cares through community wide education seminars, fliers, posters and open forum discussions and get their attention we can deliver an extremely important message about why it is imperative to eat healthy and get enough physical activity from an early age so that our children never have to contend with being overweight. By avoiding the problem we will improve the health and well being of the children in our communities. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is important to get the message out that everyone plays a role in reducing childhood obesity and that your involvement is key to ensuring a healthy future for our children. Make people accountable for their actions and they will take a more active role in becoming involved.
On the Let’s Move website there is a link that community leaders can click on to check out the programs in their area that have been made available through The Let’s Move Initiative. Fact sheets are available for down loading as well as other educational material that can be shared with community groups, daycare employees, parents and teacher organizations for literally only the cost of printing the material for the community. This information can be utilized and shared to help educate parents and care givers and promote the initiatives of leading a healthy life style. According to the site, one in five children is overweight or obese by the time they reach the age of 6 years old. It is estimated that "about 12 million babies and young children in childcare nationwide, child care providers have the power to instill healthy choice that could prevent obesity from the start" and avoid potential life threatening problems down the road.
Therefore one smart practice I would recommend with reference to childhood obesity is for local day cares to have staff visit the “Let’s Move” site, click on the child care section and download and print the educational material that is available to share with their workers, parents and care givers of these toddlers and young children. They can also create discussion groups where all can come together and discuss the educational material that is available. Perhaps even play groups and meet up groups can form with the parents of the children in day care can meet up at a local park encourage their children to run and play, get fresh air and the parents can also be outside and enjoy outdoor activity with their peers and children all for relatively no cost. This would be an excellent smart practice based upon the basic mechanism of downloading educational information and sharing it with their community.
Weekly Journal
"Stanley Rosen, ed. (2000). The Philosopher’s Handbook: Essential Readings From Plato to Kant. Random House. ", and two articles at the Additional materials. "Grant, “What is Philosophy?”" and "Hollinger, “Postmodernity and the Moral Life”". So there are ten pages of summaries, one page for each chapter and article. Please read the instruction.
What Is a Job Analysis and How Does It Affect Human Resources Management?
Think about a job or position you have held. Over time, did you think of ways you could do it better? Did you analyze the tasks you were doing and conclude they should be done by someone else or vice versa? If so, you were doing an informal analysis of your job. A job analysis is the systematic process of collecting information about all of the parameters of a job—its basic responsibilities, the behaviors, skills, and the physical and mental requirements of the people who do it.
A job analysis should also outline the tools needed to do the job, the environment and times at which it needs to be done, with whom it needs to be done, and the outcome or performance level it should produce.Footnote Normally, a manager or an HR manager such as a job analyst is responsible for collecting the information for a job analysis. These people rely on the cooperation of employees and their supervisors to gather the information needed for the analysis of jobs.
Carefully reviewing the Chapter 4 discussion on Job Analysis and using the information given there to complete the project will be critical. Use the "Critical Incident Approach" and the "Competency-Based Approach" to Job Analysis.(these can be found online)
Please avoid asking personal questions that might be viewed as inappropriate by the job holder. Make sure that your job description is derived from the answers to your questions given by the job holder. The complete answers given by the jobholder and any other supporting relevant information should be in the appendix.
Here is how you should approach the writing, organizing, and structuring of your Job Analysis Assignment.
Having a cover page is important with any assignment. The cover page should have your complete name, and title of the assignment. The cover page should contain information regarding which section of the HR class you are in and the time it meets. The date that you are turning in the assignment should be on the cover page. You should have a brief abstract on the cover page as well. Have a Table of Contents in the next page.
Your Job Analysis assignment should have five sections as given below and these should be clearly marked using subtitles. In addition, in some of the sections, you will need to have subsections. I give you the structure below that you should use.
Section 1 is your Executive Summary. This should be about two double spaced pages (20%).
In the Executive Summary, you should do the following: Describe and summarize this field project in your own words. How did you go about this project? Which organization did you contact and what does this company do? Which position (give the title) in this company did you select for your job analysis? Is this an exempt or a non-exempt position?
How did you go about collecting data for the job analysis? (Specify the method or combination of methods used such as interviews, observation, questionnaires, etc.). Which individual or individuals did you collect the data from (through interviews and observations - give positions, names, and dates). Were you able to verify the validity of the data collected through other sources (such as the supervisor of the person you interviewed)? Based on your Job Description and Job Specification, what are your observations regarding the adequacy of the current selection procedures and the performance standards for this job? What are your recommendations to improve these?
Section 2: Preparation for the Job Analysis. Answer each question. Two double spaced pages (20%).
1. How did you prepare to conduct the job analysis?
2. Why did you select the method or methods that you did?
3. Reference the questions that you prepared in advance of the interview of the job holder and give the answers that you received from the jobholder (put these in the appendix only)
4. How did you derive these questions?
5. Did you arrange to observe the job holders or spend some time with them at work?
6. How did you plan to verify the information collected?
Section 3: Conducting the Job Analysis (Answer each question). Two double spaced pages (20%).
1. Where did you interview the job holder or job holders?
2. How long did the interview or interviews last? `
3. Were you able to ask all your questions and get adequate information?
4. Were you able to observe the job holder at work?
5. Were you able to verify the information by speaking to the supervisor or other qualified experts?
6. Was there anything you could have done to further enhance the data collection?
Section 4 : Job Description and Job Specification (Make sure that this fits and is consistent with the answers you received in the appendix). You should use the format in Chapter 4 but can enhance it or modify it if you want to be more descriptive). Two to three double spaced pages (30%).
Section 5: Conclusion: Describe what you learned in doing this project. One double spaced page (10%).
A job analysis should also outline the tools needed to do the job, the environment and times at which it needs to be done, with whom it needs to be done, and the outcome or performance level it should produce.Footnote Normally, a manager or an HR manager such as a job analyst is responsible for collecting the information for a job analysis. These people rely on the cooperation of employees and their supervisors to gather the information needed for the analysis of jobs.
Carefully reviewing the Chapter 4 discussion on Job Analysis and using the information given there to complete the project will be critical. Use the "Critical Incident Approach" and the "Competency-Based Approach" to Job Analysis.(these can be found online)
Please avoid asking personal questions that might be viewed as inappropriate by the job holder. Make sure that your job description is derived from the answers to your questions given by the job holder. The complete answers given by the jobholder and any other supporting relevant information should be in the appendix.
Here is how you should approach the writing, organizing, and structuring of your Job Analysis Assignment.
Having a cover page is important with any assignment. The cover page should have your complete name, and title of the assignment. The cover page should contain information regarding which section of the HR class you are in and the time it meets. The date that you are turning in the assignment should be on the cover page. You should have a brief abstract on the cover page as well. Have a Table of Contents in the next page.
Your Job Analysis assignment should have five sections as given below and these should be clearly marked using subtitles. In addition, in some of the sections, you will need to have subsections. I give you the structure below that you should use.
Section 1 is your Executive Summary. This should be about two double spaced pages (20%).
In the Executive Summary, you should do the following: Describe and summarize this field project in your own words. How did you go about this project? Which organization did you contact and what does this company do? Which position (give the title) in this company did you select for your job analysis? Is this an exempt or a non-exempt position?
How did you go about collecting data for the job analysis? (Specify the method or combination of methods used such as interviews, observation, questionnaires, etc.). Which individual or individuals did you collect the data from (through interviews and observations - give positions, names, and dates). Were you able to verify the validity of the data collected through other sources (such as the supervisor of the person you interviewed)? Based on your Job Description and Job Specification, what are your observations regarding the adequacy of the current selection procedures and the performance standards for this job? What are your recommendations to improve these?
Section 2: Preparation for the Job Analysis. Answer each question. Two double spaced pages (20%).
1. How did you prepare to conduct the job analysis?
2. Why did you select the method or methods that you did?
3. Reference the questions that you prepared in advance of the interview of the job holder and give the answers that you received from the jobholder (put these in the appendix only)
4. How did you derive these questions?
5. Did you arrange to observe the job holders or spend some time with them at work?
6. How did you plan to verify the information collected?
Section 3: Conducting the Job Analysis (Answer each question). Two double spaced pages (20%).
1. Where did you interview the job holder or job holders?
2. How long did the interview or interviews last? `
3. Were you able to ask all your questions and get adequate information?
4. Were you able to observe the job holder at work?
5. Were you able to verify the information by speaking to the supervisor or other qualified experts?
6. Was there anything you could have done to further enhance the data collection?
Section 4 : Job Description and Job Specification (Make sure that this fits and is consistent with the answers you received in the appendix). You should use the format in Chapter 4 but can enhance it or modify it if you want to be more descriptive). Two to three double spaced pages (30%).
Section 5: Conclusion: Describe what you learned in doing this project. One double spaced page (10%).
Write a paragraph for each of the following topics, about what can be discussed if you were to write a whole essay on them.
1) Propaganda( endless topics from romans to isis)
2) Cocaine/ Crack and race
3) GMO debates
The paragraphs should show a lot of show depth of thought, and pose question to difficult answers.
2) Cocaine/ Crack and race
3) GMO debates
The paragraphs should show a lot of show depth of thought, and pose question to difficult answers.
Reading Comprehension Questions (3 texts)
3 texts : Gilman,“The Yellow Wallpaper,"
and "Why I wrote The Yellow Wallpaper"
and S. Weir Mitchell, “The Evolution of the Rest Treatment”
In designing your answers, your goal is to answer each question directly and to provide supporting quotation for all your ideas. After each quotation, provide in parentheses the appropriate page or paragraph number
1. Describe the narrator of “The Yellow Wallpaper” with two adjectives. Which of the narrator’s specific actions or thoughts prove your ideas?
2. The narrator remarks of her husband, “[H]e hates to have me write a single word” (paragraph 36). Explain why John does not want his wife to write.
3. Paragraphs 121 through 127 describe “the woman in the wallpaper.” What do they tell us about the narrator?
4. In “Why I Wrote ‘The Yellow Wallpaper,’” Gilman comments that work saved her from madness (paragraph 6). Carefully read her explanation of this idea, and explain in your own words why Gilman considered her work her salvation.
5. In “The Evolution of the Rest Treatment” Mitchell describes the case of “Mrs. G.” Why does he consider this case significant? In what ways does “Mrs. G” resemble the narrator of “The Yellow Wallpaper”? In what ways does she resemble Gilman as she describes herself in “Why I Wrote ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ ”?
and "Why I wrote The Yellow Wallpaper"
and S. Weir Mitchell, “The Evolution of the Rest Treatment”
In designing your answers, your goal is to answer each question directly and to provide supporting quotation for all your ideas. After each quotation, provide in parentheses the appropriate page or paragraph number
1. Describe the narrator of “The Yellow Wallpaper” with two adjectives. Which of the narrator’s specific actions or thoughts prove your ideas?
2. The narrator remarks of her husband, “[H]e hates to have me write a single word” (paragraph 36). Explain why John does not want his wife to write.
3. Paragraphs 121 through 127 describe “the woman in the wallpaper.” What do they tell us about the narrator?
4. In “Why I Wrote ‘The Yellow Wallpaper,’” Gilman comments that work saved her from madness (paragraph 6). Carefully read her explanation of this idea, and explain in your own words why Gilman considered her work her salvation.
5. In “The Evolution of the Rest Treatment” Mitchell describes the case of “Mrs. G.” Why does he consider this case significant? In what ways does “Mrs. G” resemble the narrator of “The Yellow Wallpaper”? In what ways does she resemble Gilman as she describes herself in “Why I Wrote ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ ”?
answer each question in one page
1. Recognition of the need for and ability to engage in lifelong learning - specifically focus on how well prepared you feel you are to engage lifelong learning after you finish your degree.
2. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global economic environmental and societal context.
2. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global economic environmental and societal context.
welcome to braggsville
welcome to braggsville by T. Gernimo Johnson have an introductions, plot, setting and confusion of what happened at the end of the book.
welcome to braggsville by T. Gernimo Johnson have an introductions, plot, setting and confusion of what happened at the end of the book.
Topic: policy development and implementation
Order Description
Write a 800 to 1,000-word executive summary in which you include the following:
Identify components of policy development and implementation.
Determine the influences on criminal justice policy development and policy-making.
Include research, factual information, and public opinion information that supports your points.
Note. This is an executive summary. It is meant to provide the main points and the most relevant information needed to answer the prompts. Be concise in your analysis and findings.
Write a 800 to 1,000-word executive summary in which you include the following:
Identify components of policy development and implementation.
Determine the influences on criminal justice policy development and policy-making.
Include research, factual information, and public opinion information that supports your points.
Note. This is an executive summary. It is meant to provide the main points and the most relevant information needed to answer the prompts. Be concise in your analysis and findings.
Women's Suffrage Discussion
1. List one change to women's lives presented by Professor Foner
2. List the "geographic region" of focus of Professor Kuhlman's and Professor Woodworth-Ney's discussions of women's suffrage
3. List two other [non-suffrage] issues of concern for women presented by either Professor Kuhlman or Professor Woodworth-Ney
2. List the "geographic region" of focus of Professor Kuhlman's and Professor Woodworth-Ney's discussions of women's suffrage
3. List two other [non-suffrage] issues of concern for women presented by either Professor Kuhlman or Professor Woodworth-Ney
History of California Correctional System
Topic : What Was California Correctional System Like Before Today?
Can you try to get some sources from books?
Can you try to get some sources from books?
Topic: developing retail packaging for a new product
Order Description
Instructions: Assume you are given the task of developing retail packaging for a new product. The product and package will be produced in a small town in China and then shipped and sold in the United States.
The product will be small runs at first and the package will be a folding carton with a three color print. What print methods might you consider for the first smaller runs? Would you change to a different method if the product does well and goes into larger production runs? Justify your reasoning and considerations.
Your assignement will be in APA format and must include a properly formatted reference list. You paper must be 1000-1200 words, excluding title page and reference page.
Instructions: Assume you are given the task of developing retail packaging for a new product. The product and package will be produced in a small town in China and then shipped and sold in the United States.
The product will be small runs at first and the package will be a folding carton with a three color print. What print methods might you consider for the first smaller runs? Would you change to a different method if the product does well and goes into larger production runs? Justify your reasoning and considerations.
Your assignement will be in APA format and must include a properly formatted reference list. You paper must be 1000-1200 words, excluding title page and reference page.
Topic: Develop a plan for the assessment of hybrid learning
Order Description
Design project
Develop a plan for the assessment of hybrid learning in terms of Student perceptions
- A written project summary. At least 6 pages without cover page and reference lists
The written summary of the project needs to include:
- An Introduction, which summarizes why you chose your project focus, what methods were utilized, what you accomplished, etc.
- Reference how the project relates to literature, theories, models etc.
What is the key processes/ and models used
-How has this project influenced my own learning and professional development?
- Summarize the scope of the project and discoveries and final outcomes.
- Conclusion and recommendations resulting from your project
- Recommendations for further research and practice
-Reference list
I attached some references list
1- Hollowell, D., Middaugh, M. & Sibolski, E. (2010). Integrating Higher Education Planning and Assessment: A practical guide. Ann Arbor, MI. (Chapters 1,2,6).
2- Ohia, U. (2011). A Model for Effectively Assessing Student Learning Outcomes. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 4(3), pp. 25-32.
3- Sayers, N. (2010). A guide to scenario planning in higher education. Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.
4- Ellis, S.E. (2010). Introduction to strategic planning in student affairs: A model for process and elements of a plan. New Directions for Student Services, 132, 5-16.
5- Dodd, A.H. (2004). Accreditation as a catalyst for institutional effectiveness. New Directions for Institutional Research #123, 13-25. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
6- Occasional paper #4. National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. Retrieved from learningoutcomesassessment.org
7- Banta, T. &Blaich, C. (2011). Closing the assessment loop. CHANGE, January/February 2011, pp. 22-27.
8- Review the Middle States document: Assessing Student Learning and Institutional Effectiveness
Design project
Develop a plan for the assessment of hybrid learning in terms of Student perceptions
- A written project summary. At least 6 pages without cover page and reference lists
The written summary of the project needs to include:
- An Introduction, which summarizes why you chose your project focus, what methods were utilized, what you accomplished, etc.
- Reference how the project relates to literature, theories, models etc.
What is the key processes/ and models used
-How has this project influenced my own learning and professional development?
- Summarize the scope of the project and discoveries and final outcomes.
- Conclusion and recommendations resulting from your project
- Recommendations for further research and practice
-Reference list
I attached some references list
1- Hollowell, D., Middaugh, M. & Sibolski, E. (2010). Integrating Higher Education Planning and Assessment: A practical guide. Ann Arbor, MI. (Chapters 1,2,6).
2- Ohia, U. (2011). A Model for Effectively Assessing Student Learning Outcomes. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 4(3), pp. 25-32.
3- Sayers, N. (2010). A guide to scenario planning in higher education. Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.
4- Ellis, S.E. (2010). Introduction to strategic planning in student affairs: A model for process and elements of a plan. New Directions for Student Services, 132, 5-16.
5- Dodd, A.H. (2004). Accreditation as a catalyst for institutional effectiveness. New Directions for Institutional Research #123, 13-25. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
6- Occasional paper #4. National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. Retrieved from learningoutcomesassessment.org
7- Banta, T. &Blaich, C. (2011). Closing the assessment loop. CHANGE, January/February 2011, pp. 22-27.
8- Review the Middle States document: Assessing Student Learning and Institutional Effectiveness
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