- Describe ways that technology has impacted people's ability to self-regulate their behavior.
- Select one area of self-regulatory behavior and describe how that area is affected by technology.
- Use examples from media (news reports, commercials, television shows, movies) to illustrate the conflict between impulse and socially beneficial behavior.
- Explain how research findings support (or do not) the connection between technology and delay of gratification or self-regulation.
Sunday, 13 August 2017
Describe ways that technology has impacted people's ability to self-regulate their behavior.
Describe your experience regarding the performance discussion.
Communication Analysis Paper
Performance reviews can be a difficult experience for anyone to go through. In this assignment, you will recall a performance review or a performance-related discussion that you experienced at work. You will critically analyze that experience, focusing on the verbal communication, effective listening, and conflict resolution aspects of the experience.
For this assignment, you are to reflect on a time when you had a performance review or any sort of work-related performance discussion with your manager. Then, write a 5- to 6-page paper addressing the following items:
By Week 3, Day 7, prepare a 5- to 6-page paper. Your response should rely upon at least two sources from professional literature. This may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuatio
Performance reviews can be a difficult experience for anyone to go through. In this assignment, you will recall a performance review or a performance-related discussion that you experienced at work. You will critically analyze that experience, focusing on the verbal communication, effective listening, and conflict resolution aspects of the experience.
For this assignment, you are to reflect on a time when you had a performance review or any sort of work-related performance discussion with your manager. Then, write a 5- to 6-page paper addressing the following items:
- Describe your experience regarding the performance discussion.
- Explain proven and effective ways to listen appropriately, resolve conflict, and negotiate. Support your response with sources from professional literature. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). You may find that the Lynda.Com "Having Difficult Conversations" course will be especially helpful as you prepare this assignment. The "Having Difficult Conversations" course is available in the AUO library holdings. The direct link was included earlier in this module on the Relationship Development lecture page.
- Assess yourself on your effectiveness.
- Assess yourself on your effectiveness in listening, conflict resolution, and negotiation.
- Identify two to three areas of improvement in any category.
- Create a plan for developing yourself in those areas. The plan may include:
- Teaming with a classmate or mentor to help guide improvement
- Creating a focus for improvement and an attainable goal
- Identifying how the goal will be measured for success
- Assessing success and reevaluating the goal
By Week 3, Day 7, prepare a 5- to 6-page paper. Your response should rely upon at least two sources from professional literature. This may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuatio
Complete the On Your Own project (PC or Mac version) according to the project instructions and submit your assignment through the online course shell.
Week 6 On Your Own Homework 12-1
Worth 75 points
Note: Microsoft Office Suite 2013 (PC), 2011 (Mac), or more recent software is required to complete each homework assignment.
Note: Some On Your Own projects have been modified for students using Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac software. Students should select the appropriate version of the assignment based on the software they are using. Failure to do so may result in errors or difficulty when completing the project.
Note: Download the data files. These files are needed to complete the graded On Your Own homework problems.
Complete the weekly homework based on the following:
Worth 75 points
Note: Microsoft Office Suite 2013 (PC), 2011 (Mac), or more recent software is required to complete each homework assignment.
Note: Some On Your Own projects have been modified for students using Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac software. Students should select the appropriate version of the assignment based on the software they are using. Failure to do so may result in errors or difficulty when completing the project.
Note: Download the data files. These files are needed to complete the graded On Your Own homework problems.
Complete the weekly homework based on the following:
- Complete the On Your Own project (PC or Mac version) according to the project instructions and submit your assignment through the online course shell. Note: It is important to note that some On Your Own projects request a printed or self-submitted document. Students completing this course online or in a physical classroom must submit the assignment through the online course shell regardless of the instructions presented in each On Your Own exercise.
- Submit your assignment in the appropriate Microsoft Office application(s) using the filename “Last name_First initial_OYO#” in addition to the appropriate filename extension (e.g., .docx, .dotx, .htm, etc.). For example: If your name is Mary Smith, the file for the On Your Own project 12-1 should be saved as Smith_M_12-1.dotx.
- Include your name, course section, professor name, title of the assignment, and version of the assignment (PC or Mac).
- Provide general comments on the overall assignment experience in two to three (2-3) sentences. Submit the written portion in the text box located in the assignment submission link.
Role of government in health care?
Economic paper
please read Principles of Economics Chapter 22 (section: Asymmetric information).What do you think about the role of government in health care?
1. President Trump is replacing Obamacare, under which people had to pay a tax penalty if they don’t have health insurance. Though Obamacare, or a health care mandate (which means that everyone must purchase health insurance), will be repealed, I would like you to begin your paper with providing sound economic arguments for a health care mandate. Make sure to use these keywords: asymmetric information, adverse selection, and market failure. The United States spends far more on health care than any other country.(http://www.oecd.org/unitedstates/Briefing-Note-UNITED-STATES-2014.pdf) To see why, please watch “Why is healthcare so expensive? This Won't Hurt a Bit”. (https://wetheeconomy.com/films/this-wont-hurt-a-bit/) Do you think that Obamacare changes this?
Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Purpose of Assignment
Students should understand the mechanics in calculating a company's weighted average cost of capital using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and its use in making financial investments.
Assignment Steps
Resources: Tutorial help on Excel® and Word functions can be found on the Microsoft®Office website. There are also additional tutorials via the web that offer support for office products.
Scenario: You work for an investment banking firm and have been asked by management of Vestor Corporation (not real), a software development company, to calculate its weighted average cost of capital, to use in evaluating a new company investment. The firm is considering a new investment in a warehousing facility, which it believes will generate an internal rate of return of 11.5%. The market value of Vestor's capital structure is as follows:
To finance the investment, Vestor has issued 20 year bonds with a $1,000 par value, 6% coupon rate and at a market price of $950. Preferred stock paying a $2.50 annual dividend was sold for $25 per share. Common stock of Vestor is currently selling for $50 per share and has a Beta of 1.2. The firm's tax rate is 34%. The expected market return of the S&P 500 is 13% and the 10-Year Treasury note is currently yielding 3.5%.
Determine what discount rate (WACC) Vestor should use to evaluate the warehousing facility project.
Assess whether Vestor should make the warehouse investment.
Prepare your analysis in a minimum of 700 words in Microsoft® Word.
Use Microsoft® Word tables in the presentation if you choose.
Show all calculations and analysis in the presentation.
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Students should understand the mechanics in calculating a company's weighted average cost of capital using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and its use in making financial investments.
Assignment Steps
Resources: Tutorial help on Excel® and Word functions can be found on the Microsoft®Office website. There are also additional tutorials via the web that offer support for office products.
Scenario: You work for an investment banking firm and have been asked by management of Vestor Corporation (not real), a software development company, to calculate its weighted average cost of capital, to use in evaluating a new company investment. The firm is considering a new investment in a warehousing facility, which it believes will generate an internal rate of return of 11.5%. The market value of Vestor's capital structure is as follows:
To finance the investment, Vestor has issued 20 year bonds with a $1,000 par value, 6% coupon rate and at a market price of $950. Preferred stock paying a $2.50 annual dividend was sold for $25 per share. Common stock of Vestor is currently selling for $50 per share and has a Beta of 1.2. The firm's tax rate is 34%. The expected market return of the S&P 500 is 13% and the 10-Year Treasury note is currently yielding 3.5%.
Determine what discount rate (WACC) Vestor should use to evaluate the warehousing facility project.
Assess whether Vestor should make the warehouse investment.
Prepare your analysis in a minimum of 700 words in Microsoft® Word.
Use Microsoft® Word tables in the presentation if you choose.
Show all calculations and analysis in the presentation.
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
A large competitor has recently opened in your locality.
A large competitor has recently opened in your locality. How will this change your short term (3 month) and medium term (1 year) strategy for your decision making? Use the appropriate HOTS decision classifications to document your changes.
• Rates (and discounts)
• Revenue management, including distribution channel management
• F&B - choices of menu, supplier and prices
• Staff - staffing levels by department, managed monthly, plus pay levels
• Training - allocation of funding for training in all departments
• Advertising - involving traditional media, web reviews, social media and direct guest feedback
• Refurbishment - spring cleaning, redecorating and rebuilding
200709 Managing the Accommodation Experience
Spring 2017
• Environmental management system - investment in 'green technology' plus
environmental initiatives
• Guest comfort - in-room provision, concierge and room service
• Capital items - investments in new facilities
• Finance - loan and dividend management
The Individual Report is due on Thursday 31 August 2017 (Week 7) before 11:59pm through the Turnitin link on vUWS. Do not upload a cover sheet.
Length of this assignment is 1500 words ±10%.
1. Read the above and then identify areas that you will need to research Plan your
approach to the research necessary to address the above requirements.
2. Prepare
Design a conceptual framework/structure for the report and seek feedback from your
3. Write
This is a business report. When writing, think of yourself as an analyst rather than a reporter. Ensure the report is grammatically correct and suitable for publication in a corporate environment.
You may use credible references to identify and discuss your chosen strategies. Do not use blogs, or unverified sources. Harvard in-text referencing must be applied. A minimum of eight (8) references is required, four (4) from academic journals and four (4) from verifiable online sources. Blogs and other unverifiable internet sources do not count as references, and will incur a penalty if used.
4. Format
• Word Count: 1,500 words
• Style: Business Plan - grammatically correct
• Margins: Minimum 2.5cm, maximum 3cm all around
• Font: Arial
• Size: 14 point for headings (bolded) and 12 point for text
• Spacing:1.5 lines
• Justification: Fully justified
• Indentation: First line of paragraphs - line space between paragraphs
• Referencing: Harvard, no footnotes.
• Submit to: Turnitin folder 'Individual Report-
5. Structure
Coversheet must contain your name, student ID, hotel name and
and word count (5% penalty if word count is not shown on coversheet).
• overview of subject matter
• methods of analysis
• findings
• recommendations
TABLE OF CONTENTS (inc. Table of Charts, Graphs & Tables)
War LUC I ICQUI11,1./ ICIMIC VI ,viitcuta III VVVIU.
•••oc vodafone AU 4G 08:13 .1 73%1= 1'
5. Structure
Coversheet must contain your name, student ID, hotel name and
and word count (5% penalty if word count is not shown on coversheet).
• overview of subject matter
• methods of analysis
• findings
• recommendations
TABLE OF CONTENTS (inc. Table of Charts, Graphs & Tables)
Use the Headings/Table of Contents functions in Word.
• terms of reference
• outline of report's structure
200709 Managing the Accommodation Experience
Spring 2017
2.0 BODY (Do not title this section -body-)
• headings and sub-headings which reflect the contents of each section. Includes
the findings of the report and discussion of findings in light of theory
• state the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion and
• makes recommendations.
Marking criteria and standards
All students must ensure they read and understand the marking criteria for this assessment.
Short term Clear, Reasonable Short-term Insufficient detail
strategy (3 comprehensive and analysis of strategy not and analysis of
months) astute analysis of short-term always clear, short-term
20% short-term strategy. strategy but understanding of strategy.
could be more the strategy is
detailed and limited and/or
insightful. limited
Medium term Clear, Reasonable Medium-term Insufficient detail
strategy (1 comprehensive and analysis of strategy not and analysis of
year) astute analysis of medium- term always clear, medium-term
medium-term strategy but understanding of strategy.
20% strategy. could be more the strategy is
detailed and limited and/or
insightful. limited
Overall Creative or reflective Linkage Generally limited There is little or
strategy processing of between the linkage between no evidence of
theories/concepts; hotel's short- the hotel's short- linkage between
20% understanding of and medium- and medium-term the hotel's short-
how and why they term strategies strategies. Some and medium-term
are used; critical and is approached in misunderstanding strategies.
evaluative thinking. an appropriate or superficial
and thoughtful treatment noted. Misunderstanding
way. No major or superficial
misunderstandin treatment
g; logical evident.
between ideas;
no serious
Recommendati Demonstrates Indicates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a
ons concise proficient limited superficial
25% understanding of the understanding understanding of understanding of
hotels position. of the hotels the hotels the hotels
Excellent position Most position. Minimum position
recommendations recommendation number of Recommendation
are clear, achievable, s are clear, recommendations s are illogical and
and measureable achievable, and listed with few inconsistent, or
with the time frames. measureable objectives clear, not clear, specific
or achievable_
Divide and Conquer
Deakin College
SIT105 – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Assignment 1 Trimester 2 2017
This assignment is to be completed individually. It is worth 15% of overall marks. It is due on or before 11.30pm Friday August 11.
There are two main goals for the assignment. The first is to demonstrate your understanding of some of the terms used in “Critical Thinking”. The second goal is to undertake research with correct referencing.
• Carefully read all the questions
• Provide answers to all four questions in a word processed document. Use the marking criteria for each question as a guide.
• Submit your assignment in the assignment submission tool available in Moodle (Week 6). Late submissions will be penalised (see SIT105 Unit Outline for further details re late submission).
(Note: The assignment is marked out of 30 marks but is worth 15 marks i.e. 15%)
Question 1 [10 marks]
Choose any two of the following terms. For each of your chosen terms find three sources that provide information about the term and create ONE (single) definition from those sources. Also provide an example, preferably from IT systems development. Each definition with example should be no more than 200 words. (Note: Do not use Wikipedia, blogs or your prescribed text as your source).
• Divide and Conquer
• Hypothesis Testing
• Brainstorming
• Reduction
• Research
• Trial and Error
The Harvard style of referencing is to be used. For more information refer to Deakin guide to referencing at http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support/referencing
Marking Guide for Question 1
• Appropriate sources selected
• Sources correctly referenced and in Harvard style
• Paraphrasing done well
• Examples provide appropriate information for the chosen terms
Question 2 [10 Marks]
Read the adapted and heavily edited excerpt from the article below and identify all the statements, claims and arguments presented and provide an issue based on each identified claim.
You should answer this question using a table like the one shown below. Column 1 indicates whether you have identified a statement, claim, argument or issue. [Note: Only identify a statement as a statement if it is not a claim or argument].
Column 2 contains the text of that statement, claim or argument, and issue. Use the colour-coding as shown in the table and keep the order of the text in Column 2 the same as the actual text of the article.
Type Text
Claim She swiftly glued a canary yellow certificate on my windscreen
Issue Did she quickly glue the canary yellow certificate on my windscreen?
Statement How you going, mate?
Premise/Conclusion My car was on high-beam because there was something wrong with the dip-switch
by Margaret Rouse September 2005
Reliability is an attribute of any computer-related device that consistently performs according to its specifications. It has long been considered one of three related attributes that must be considered when making, buying, or using a computer product or component. Reliability, availability, and serviceability - RAS, for short - are considered to be important aspects to design into any system. In theory, a reliable product is totally free of technical errors; in practice, however, vendors frequently express a product's reliability quotient as a percentage. Evolutionary products are usually considered to become increasingly reliable, since it is assumed that bugs’ have been eliminated in earlier releases. For example, IBM's z/OS (an operating system for their S/390 server series), has a reputation for reliability because it evolved from a long line of earlier MVS and OS/390 operating system versions.
Marking Guide for Question 2
• All statements correctly identified
• All claims correctly identified
• All arguments correctly identified
• Premise and conclusion correctly identified for each argument
• All issues listed
Question 3 (6 Marks)
Draw a full truth table to determine the validity of the following argument and provide reasons why the argument is valid or invalid:
(R v S)? ~P
P ? ~R
S ? (~S ?P)
Marking Guide for Question 3
• All variables identified correctly and the number of rows determined correctly
• All columns identified and included in the table
• All premises listed correctly
• T/F values listed correctly for preliminary columns
• T/F values computed correctly applying the right rule to each cell
• Correct conclusion
Question 4 (4 Marks)
Draw a short truth table to determine the validity of the following argument and clearly explain the steps and provide reasons why the argument is valid or invalid:
(L ? ~S) v ~W
P v ~L
S ? (W ? P)
Marking Guide for Question 4
• Variables identified correctly
• Premises and conclusion listed correctly
• T/F values computed correctly applying the right rule to each cell
• Correct conclusion
SIT105 – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Assignment 1 Trimester 2 2017
This assignment is to be completed individually. It is worth 15% of overall marks. It is due on or before 11.30pm Friday August 11.
There are two main goals for the assignment. The first is to demonstrate your understanding of some of the terms used in “Critical Thinking”. The second goal is to undertake research with correct referencing.
• Carefully read all the questions
• Provide answers to all four questions in a word processed document. Use the marking criteria for each question as a guide.
• Submit your assignment in the assignment submission tool available in Moodle (Week 6). Late submissions will be penalised (see SIT105 Unit Outline for further details re late submission).
(Note: The assignment is marked out of 30 marks but is worth 15 marks i.e. 15%)
Question 1 [10 marks]
Choose any two of the following terms. For each of your chosen terms find three sources that provide information about the term and create ONE (single) definition from those sources. Also provide an example, preferably from IT systems development. Each definition with example should be no more than 200 words. (Note: Do not use Wikipedia, blogs or your prescribed text as your source).
• Divide and Conquer
• Hypothesis Testing
• Brainstorming
• Reduction
• Research
• Trial and Error
The Harvard style of referencing is to be used. For more information refer to Deakin guide to referencing at http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support/referencing
Marking Guide for Question 1
• Appropriate sources selected
• Sources correctly referenced and in Harvard style
• Paraphrasing done well
• Examples provide appropriate information for the chosen terms
Question 2 [10 Marks]
Read the adapted and heavily edited excerpt from the article below and identify all the statements, claims and arguments presented and provide an issue based on each identified claim.
You should answer this question using a table like the one shown below. Column 1 indicates whether you have identified a statement, claim, argument or issue. [Note: Only identify a statement as a statement if it is not a claim or argument].
Column 2 contains the text of that statement, claim or argument, and issue. Use the colour-coding as shown in the table and keep the order of the text in Column 2 the same as the actual text of the article.
Type Text
Claim She swiftly glued a canary yellow certificate on my windscreen
Issue Did she quickly glue the canary yellow certificate on my windscreen?
Statement How you going, mate?
Premise/Conclusion My car was on high-beam because there was something wrong with the dip-switch
by Margaret Rouse September 2005
Reliability is an attribute of any computer-related device that consistently performs according to its specifications. It has long been considered one of three related attributes that must be considered when making, buying, or using a computer product or component. Reliability, availability, and serviceability - RAS, for short - are considered to be important aspects to design into any system. In theory, a reliable product is totally free of technical errors; in practice, however, vendors frequently express a product's reliability quotient as a percentage. Evolutionary products are usually considered to become increasingly reliable, since it is assumed that bugs’ have been eliminated in earlier releases. For example, IBM's z/OS (an operating system for their S/390 server series), has a reputation for reliability because it evolved from a long line of earlier MVS and OS/390 operating system versions.
Marking Guide for Question 2
• All statements correctly identified
• All claims correctly identified
• All arguments correctly identified
• Premise and conclusion correctly identified for each argument
• All issues listed
Question 3 (6 Marks)
Draw a full truth table to determine the validity of the following argument and provide reasons why the argument is valid or invalid:
(R v S)? ~P
P ? ~R
S ? (~S ?P)
Marking Guide for Question 3
• All variables identified correctly and the number of rows determined correctly
• All columns identified and included in the table
• All premises listed correctly
• T/F values listed correctly for preliminary columns
• T/F values computed correctly applying the right rule to each cell
• Correct conclusion
Question 4 (4 Marks)
Draw a short truth table to determine the validity of the following argument and clearly explain the steps and provide reasons why the argument is valid or invalid:
(L ? ~S) v ~W
P v ~L
S ? (W ? P)
Marking Guide for Question 4
• Variables identified correctly
• Premises and conclusion listed correctly
• T/F values computed correctly applying the right rule to each cell
• Correct conclusion
Amelia felt disappointed in Greg
st laptop at all, and it was not the latest version.
Amelia felt disappointed in Greg, and sent an email to the store owner, that read:
I bought a laptop today which your sales person (Greg) said is high speed and one of the fastest and latest versions on the market. I have since learned that this is not true. I am very dissatisfied with Ted's Electronics for permitting their sales team to make such promises about their laptops and to sell a laptop under false pre-tenses.
I would appreciate your time to rectify this problem as soon as possible'
1.1 Identify your customers in the context of this organisation.
1.2 Identify three (3) possible needs of the customers who purchase product from Ted's Electronics
1.3 What do you think the issues are? (list two)
1.4 What would you say to Amelia to clarify your understanding of the issues?
1.5 What solutions could you provide to help reach an agreement with Amelia?
1.6 What alternative product could you offer to Amelia instead which would better meet their needs?
1.7 What would you say to Amelia to offer the new product instead? How would you help Amelia to
decide on the best product to suit her needs?
1.8 What would you say to Amelia to inform her of her rights as a consumer?
1.9 Imagine that Amelia was satisfied with the outcome and purchased the new laptop which better suited her needs. The next day, she returns the laptop to you and tells you that she would like a refund as the product is $200 cheaper at a competitor's store. Based on a product being cheaper elsewhere, do you have to refund the money for the purchase? What is the customer's responsibility?
1.10 How would you communicate and explain this to Amelia?
BSBCU5402 Address Customer Needs
Learner Assessment Pack
This Assessment Tool is to be used in conjunction with learning material provided by your trainer, resource book for this units and reference documents available on the online learning platform.
In order to ensure the assessments meet the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence the Technical College of Western Australia (TCWA) has validated the documentation provided to ensure it meets the requirements of the updated Training Package BSB - Business Services Training Package and the revised Units of Competency.
Instructions for Learners
The Assessment Instruments for this Unit of Competency include:
1. Precision Group Learner Manuals
2. Learner and Assessor Manuals
• Assessor Assessment Pack
• The Assessment Instructions for Assessors and Leaners
• The Assessment Tasks
• Theory Assessment Tool (If applicable)
• A Record of Assessment which includes:
Tasks Sign
Off Sheet
t Summary
• The Unit Mapping Matrix
• The Marking Guide
3. Learner Assessment Pack
The Assessment Instructions for Leaners
The Assessment Tasks
Theory Assessment Tool (If applicable)
Learner may also need to conduct external research.
Read the Instructions for each of.pctiori j section very
1.1 All work is to be submitted by the deadline. Any work submitted ate- 1-E zeafine will
only be accepted with permission from the Academic Coordinator_ rf = -- —eat the
deadline and do not obtain permission to submit your assessment late. e. —e7ked
as -Not Yet competent- and will need to re-submit with penalty.
1.2 Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in footer and label the
correctly. If answers are not properly identified, they will be marked as - a _
questions must be answered correctly in order to obtain a competence - -=
1.3 Plagiarism is illegal. If any candidate is caught cheating or he / she will be immediate.-. dismissed from the class and will have to follow internal grievance procedures for re-enrolling into the course.
(Refer to Plagiarism policy and procedure in student handbook)
(Refer to student handbook for information on Re-assessment or Re-enrolment.)
1,4 Please adhere to submission standards as outlined in the student manual for this unit.
1.5 You are to answer all the questions in your own words. This is an individual assessment tool. Please make sure that you reference the resources used to assist you.
1.6 If you do not understand the assessment, please request help from the trainer to interpret the assessment.
Task 2 — Role Play
Task 2 requires you to demonstrate your ability to assist to customer needs, satisfy the customer complex needs and wants and manage networks to ensure that customer needs are addressed.
This is a practical demonstration role play.
For this task, you are required to read the following Case Study and then complete the Tasks.
For this task, you are required to read the following case and then will do a role play scenario with the Assessor as Amelia. You can also request for support from your classmate to be Amelia. Your objectives are below.
Ted's Electronics
Ted's Electronics is a small business which is based right in the heart of Sydney. The store sells a range of electronic products, including top range computers and accessories, remote controls, telephones and a range of gadgets and electronic tools. Ted is the owner and manager of the store, and there are six sales staff who work there, and two admin staff. Ted also pays contractors to help with the service department to fix and set up equipment, and develop resolve and provide solutions to customer enquiries.
A customer, Amelia, purchases a laptop on sale from Greg, the team lead sales person. Before purchase, Greg claimed that the laptop was high speed and one of the fastest and latest versions on the market. Amelia was excited about the purchase as this is exactly what she needed for her design work. Amelia took the laptop home to her flat mate, who told her that it was not a fast laptop at all, and it was not the latest version.
Amelia felt disappointed in Greg, and sent an email to the store owner, that read:
I bought a laptop today which your sales person (Greg) said is high speed and one of the fastest and latest versions on the market. I have since learned that this is not true. I am very dissatisfied with Ted's Electronics for permitting their sales team to make such promises about their laptops and to sell a laptop under false pre-tenses.
I would appreciate your time to rectify this problem as soon as possible'
You are the store owner. You have called Amelia to come in to discuss the issue with you and have apologised over the phone with her. However, wanting to investigate further, she will be coming in to speak to you and Greg would be asked to sit in as well to clarify the situation.
As the store manager, you will now;
• Ensure that the customer needs are fully explored, understood and agreed upon.
• Explain and match the available services and products to customer needs.
• Communicate the rights and responsibilities of customers to Amelia.
• Provide alternatives and suggestions to Amelia.
• Assist Amelia in product options to satisfy Amelia's needs.
• Ensure that there is effective communication between you and Amelia.
• Request for referral from Amelia once you are certain of you can help Amelia needs.
• Probe from Amelia of the needs of her referrals based on the customer needs and availability of needs and services.
• You must maintain a record of customer's interaction with organisational requirements.
The activities and questions in this Theory Workbook require short answers either in point form or short paragraphs. Please use your own words to answer the questions and avoid directly copying your responses from your learning resources. You must attempt all activities.
You will need access to the following resources:
13513CUS402 Learning Guide
Website: Australian Competitor and Consumer Commission, 'consumers rights an
obligations', 2016, https://www.accc.gov.au/business/treating-customers-
1. What is the difference between an internal and external customer?
2. Please explain five factors which can influence the diverse needs of customers?
3. Explain what the meaning of informed consent is and provided an example?
4. Provide four examples of building good working relationships with external and internal customers?
5. Provide 5 five strategies that can be used with customers to create a -wow- factor and set them apart from others?
6. Describe four methods that can determine the needs and satisfaction of customers?
7. Explain the four steps that should be taken to respond to customer needs?
8. List three ways to respond appropriately to angry customers?
9. Please demonstrate the three main steps involved in successful networking?
10. Describe four networking strategies that you can be implemented to improve customer relations?
11. Explain two ways that can be used to maintain records of customer engagement and interactions?
12. Please explain the definition of consumer guarantees?
13. Explain who must comply with consumer guarantees?
14. Explain four consumer guarantees that business must apply to selling goods?
15. Explain and provide examples if a customer purchased a product and now wants a refund due to finding the same product cheaper elsewhere at a competitor. What is the remedy and is the customer entitled for a refund?
16. If the service fails the customers' needs due to a guarantee not being met, what is the right of the customer if it is a major problem?
Amelia felt disappointed in Greg, and sent an email to the store owner, that read:
I bought a laptop today which your sales person (Greg) said is high speed and one of the fastest and latest versions on the market. I have since learned that this is not true. I am very dissatisfied with Ted's Electronics for permitting their sales team to make such promises about their laptops and to sell a laptop under false pre-tenses.
I would appreciate your time to rectify this problem as soon as possible'
1.1 Identify your customers in the context of this organisation.
1.2 Identify three (3) possible needs of the customers who purchase product from Ted's Electronics
1.3 What do you think the issues are? (list two)
1.4 What would you say to Amelia to clarify your understanding of the issues?
1.5 What solutions could you provide to help reach an agreement with Amelia?
1.6 What alternative product could you offer to Amelia instead which would better meet their needs?
1.7 What would you say to Amelia to offer the new product instead? How would you help Amelia to
decide on the best product to suit her needs?
1.8 What would you say to Amelia to inform her of her rights as a consumer?
1.9 Imagine that Amelia was satisfied with the outcome and purchased the new laptop which better suited her needs. The next day, she returns the laptop to you and tells you that she would like a refund as the product is $200 cheaper at a competitor's store. Based on a product being cheaper elsewhere, do you have to refund the money for the purchase? What is the customer's responsibility?
1.10 How would you communicate and explain this to Amelia?
BSBCU5402 Address Customer Needs
Learner Assessment Pack
This Assessment Tool is to be used in conjunction with learning material provided by your trainer, resource book for this units and reference documents available on the online learning platform.
In order to ensure the assessments meet the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence the Technical College of Western Australia (TCWA) has validated the documentation provided to ensure it meets the requirements of the updated Training Package BSB - Business Services Training Package and the revised Units of Competency.
Instructions for Learners
The Assessment Instruments for this Unit of Competency include:
1. Precision Group Learner Manuals
2. Learner and Assessor Manuals
• Assessor Assessment Pack
• The Assessment Instructions for Assessors and Leaners
• The Assessment Tasks
• Theory Assessment Tool (If applicable)
• A Record of Assessment which includes:
Tasks Sign
Off Sheet
t Summary
• The Unit Mapping Matrix
• The Marking Guide
3. Learner Assessment Pack
The Assessment Instructions for Leaners
The Assessment Tasks
Theory Assessment Tool (If applicable)
Learner may also need to conduct external research.
Read the Instructions for each of.pctiori j section very
1.1 All work is to be submitted by the deadline. Any work submitted ate- 1-E zeafine will
only be accepted with permission from the Academic Coordinator_ rf = -- —eat the
deadline and do not obtain permission to submit your assessment late. e. —e7ked
as -Not Yet competent- and will need to re-submit with penalty.
1.2 Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in footer and label the
correctly. If answers are not properly identified, they will be marked as - a _
questions must be answered correctly in order to obtain a competence - -=
1.3 Plagiarism is illegal. If any candidate is caught cheating or he / she will be immediate.-. dismissed from the class and will have to follow internal grievance procedures for re-enrolling into the course.
(Refer to Plagiarism policy and procedure in student handbook)
(Refer to student handbook for information on Re-assessment or Re-enrolment.)
1,4 Please adhere to submission standards as outlined in the student manual for this unit.
1.5 You are to answer all the questions in your own words. This is an individual assessment tool. Please make sure that you reference the resources used to assist you.
1.6 If you do not understand the assessment, please request help from the trainer to interpret the assessment.
Task 2 — Role Play
Task 2 requires you to demonstrate your ability to assist to customer needs, satisfy the customer complex needs and wants and manage networks to ensure that customer needs are addressed.
This is a practical demonstration role play.
For this task, you are required to read the following Case Study and then complete the Tasks.
For this task, you are required to read the following case and then will do a role play scenario with the Assessor as Amelia. You can also request for support from your classmate to be Amelia. Your objectives are below.
Ted's Electronics
Ted's Electronics is a small business which is based right in the heart of Sydney. The store sells a range of electronic products, including top range computers and accessories, remote controls, telephones and a range of gadgets and electronic tools. Ted is the owner and manager of the store, and there are six sales staff who work there, and two admin staff. Ted also pays contractors to help with the service department to fix and set up equipment, and develop resolve and provide solutions to customer enquiries.
A customer, Amelia, purchases a laptop on sale from Greg, the team lead sales person. Before purchase, Greg claimed that the laptop was high speed and one of the fastest and latest versions on the market. Amelia was excited about the purchase as this is exactly what she needed for her design work. Amelia took the laptop home to her flat mate, who told her that it was not a fast laptop at all, and it was not the latest version.
Amelia felt disappointed in Greg, and sent an email to the store owner, that read:
I bought a laptop today which your sales person (Greg) said is high speed and one of the fastest and latest versions on the market. I have since learned that this is not true. I am very dissatisfied with Ted's Electronics for permitting their sales team to make such promises about their laptops and to sell a laptop under false pre-tenses.
I would appreciate your time to rectify this problem as soon as possible'
You are the store owner. You have called Amelia to come in to discuss the issue with you and have apologised over the phone with her. However, wanting to investigate further, she will be coming in to speak to you and Greg would be asked to sit in as well to clarify the situation.
As the store manager, you will now;
• Ensure that the customer needs are fully explored, understood and agreed upon.
• Explain and match the available services and products to customer needs.
• Communicate the rights and responsibilities of customers to Amelia.
• Provide alternatives and suggestions to Amelia.
• Assist Amelia in product options to satisfy Amelia's needs.
• Ensure that there is effective communication between you and Amelia.
• Request for referral from Amelia once you are certain of you can help Amelia needs.
• Probe from Amelia of the needs of her referrals based on the customer needs and availability of needs and services.
• You must maintain a record of customer's interaction with organisational requirements.
The activities and questions in this Theory Workbook require short answers either in point form or short paragraphs. Please use your own words to answer the questions and avoid directly copying your responses from your learning resources. You must attempt all activities.
You will need access to the following resources:
13513CUS402 Learning Guide
Website: Australian Competitor and Consumer Commission, 'consumers rights an
obligations', 2016, https://www.accc.gov.au/business/treating-customers-
1. What is the difference between an internal and external customer?
2. Please explain five factors which can influence the diverse needs of customers?
3. Explain what the meaning of informed consent is and provided an example?
4. Provide four examples of building good working relationships with external and internal customers?
5. Provide 5 five strategies that can be used with customers to create a -wow- factor and set them apart from others?
6. Describe four methods that can determine the needs and satisfaction of customers?
7. Explain the four steps that should be taken to respond to customer needs?
8. List three ways to respond appropriately to angry customers?
9. Please demonstrate the three main steps involved in successful networking?
10. Describe four networking strategies that you can be implemented to improve customer relations?
11. Explain two ways that can be used to maintain records of customer engagement and interactions?
12. Please explain the definition of consumer guarantees?
13. Explain who must comply with consumer guarantees?
14. Explain four consumer guarantees that business must apply to selling goods?
15. Explain and provide examples if a customer purchased a product and now wants a refund due to finding the same product cheaper elsewhere at a competitor. What is the remedy and is the customer entitled for a refund?
16. If the service fails the customers' needs due to a guarantee not being met, what is the right of the customer if it is a major problem?
Friday, 4 August 2017
Define "Realism" as a major art movement Define "Realism" as a major art movement during the nineteenth century. Google images of Courbet, such as “The Stone Breakers” and “Burial at Ornans.” Courbet used to brag that he was known as “the first socialist painter.” Explain how Courbet’s paintings reflect the philosophy of Realism as a response to the Industrial Revolution. word count 800 no refrences apart from stated
Define "Realism" as a major art movement
Define "Realism" as a major art movement during
the nineteenth century. Google images of Courbet, such as “The Stone
Breakers” and “Burial at Ornans.” Courbet used to brag that he was known
as “the first socialist painter.” Explain how Courbet’s paintings
reflect the philosophy of Realism as a response to the Industrial
word count 800
no refrences apart from stated
word count 800
no refrences apart from stated
Kim Woods100 kim woods Follow ALL directions report and powerpoint All Necessary Information Will Be Emailed Presentation of Strategy Audit Findings In this assignment, integrate all the pieces of work you have drafted and formally turn it into the capstone strategy audit. In previous assignments, you performed multiple, specified analyses of your company (or any company of your choosing). Those individual analyses provide the needed research to successfully complete the following LASA. Part I: Strategy Audit Report Using the tools and framework learned in class and throughout the program, prepare a 15-page strategy audit of your company with a companion presentation. The strategy audit is a comprehensive analysis of the company’s business strategy and operating performance, and culminates in a series of recommendations for improving your company’s performance based on the findings and conclusions of your analysis. A strategy audit involves assessing the actual direction of a business and comparing that course to the direction required to succeed in a changing environment. A company's actual direction is the sum of what it does and does not do, how well the organization is internally aligned to support the strategy, and how viable the strategy is when compared to the external market, competitors, and financial realities. These two categories, the internal assessment and the external or environmental assessment, make up the major elements of a strategy audit. In your strategy audit: Provide a high-level analysis of the company’s business strategy and operating performance. Be sure to complete the following: Analysis of the company value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage External environmental scan/five forces analysis Internal environmental scan/organizational assessment SWOT Analysis Balanced scorecard/strategy scorecard Recommend specific tactics for improving your company’s strategic alignment and operating performance. Recommendations can include but are not limited to tactics in marketing, branding, alliances, mergers/acquisitions, integration, product development, diversification or divestiture and globalization (if you recommend your company go global, you must include a supply chain analysis and an analysis of your firm’s global capabilities). Explain how the recommendations will help the company achieve its strategy and vision. You are to write this report as though you are a consultant to your company, and are addressing the executive officers of this company. You will collect and analyze a large amount of data in producing your report, but your final product will be condensed and focus on presenting your analysis findings and conclusions. Your report should consist of the following sections in the given order. Executive summary (1 page): A concise and insightful summary of the significant findings of your analysis and the recommendations you have for your executive team. Strategic issues and recommendations (5 pages): Identify 5–7 most important strategic issues facing your business unit. Strategic issues arise from a mismatch between internal capabilities and external trends such that important opportunities are not being pursued or significant external threats are not being addressed under the current strategy. The strategic issues list should integrate your SWOT analysis, your Five Forces analysis, and the organizational assessment and external environmental scan completed earlier during the course. These detailed analyses are the foundation for your final set of findings and recommendations presented to the executive team. In developing your recommendations for addressing each strategic issue, consider misalignments that might be apparent in different operating areas: Product portfolio: Are there changes to the target market segment, value proposition, or positioning of the product or service line needed? Structure: Are the organizational roles and responsibilities, decision-making authority, skill requirements, and work assignments properly configured and aligned to support the strategy? Organizational culture or behavior: Does the organizational culture inspire behaviors that support the strategy? Are the mission, vision, and values clearly articulated and aligned with the strategy? What new behaviors are needed? Value chain activities: Does the organization value chain fully align with the strategy? Are their activities that should be added, eliminated, or modified significantly? Performance measures: Do the organization’s performance measures focus on the key drivers of strategic success? Is there a strategy scorecard that ties the main elements of the strategy to specific operating capabilities, including goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) that give an indication of incremental or predictive progress toward reaching strategic goals? Your recommendations should fall into these general categories, but should be specific in terms of scope and expected impact. These sections have been completed earlier in the course, and should appear as appendices: SWOT analysis (2 pages—completed in Module 4): SWOT matrix illustrating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Balanced strategy scorecard (4 pages—completed in Module 4): Develop a Balanced Scorecard for your business unit that reflects the key drivers for your business strategy. Organizational assessment (3 pages—completed in Module 3) External environmental scan and five-forces analysis (3 pages—completed in Module 2) Market position analysis (3 pages—completed in Module 1) Use information from your previous assignments to support your conclusions and recommendations and conduct additional research when needed. Make sure you properly reference and cite so that the location of information is clear. Submit your 15-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Part II: Companion Presentation Finalize the companion with a 10-slide Power Point Presentation that summarizes the audit and recommendations in a compelling manner that persuades senior management to explore and possibly implement your recommendations. The elements of the presentation should include the following: Title Agenda Summary of audit Recommendations Key measurements Risks and benefits Call to action Next steps By Wednesday, August 9, 2017, deliver your report and PowerPoint presentation Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Kim Woods100
kim woods
Follow ALL directions
report and powerpoint
All Necessary Information Will Be Emailed
Presentation of Strategy Audit Findings
In this assignment, integrate all the pieces of work you have drafted and formally turn it into the capstone strategy audit.
In previous assignments, you performed multiple, specified analyses of your company (or any company of your choosing). Those individual analyses provide the needed research to successfully complete the following LASA.
Part I: Strategy Audit Report
Using the tools and framework learned in class and throughout the program, prepare a 15-page strategy audit of your company with a companion presentation. The strategy audit is a comprehensive analysis of the company’s business strategy and operating performance, and culminates in a series of recommendations for improving your company’s performance based on the findings and conclusions of your analysis.
A strategy audit involves assessing the actual direction of a business and comparing that course to the direction required to succeed in a changing environment. A company's actual direction is the sum of what it does and does not do, how well the organization is internally aligned to support the strategy, and how viable the strategy is when compared to the external market, competitors, and financial realities. These two categories, the internal assessment and the external or environmental assessment, make up the major elements of a strategy audit.
In your strategy audit:
Your report should consist of the following sections in the given order.
Submit your 15-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Part II: Companion Presentation
Finalize the companion with a 10-slide Power Point Presentation that summarizes the audit and recommendations in a compelling manner that persuades senior management to explore and possibly implement your recommendations. The elements of the presentation should include the following:
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Follow ALL directions
report and powerpoint
All Necessary Information Will Be Emailed
Presentation of Strategy Audit Findings
In this assignment, integrate all the pieces of work you have drafted and formally turn it into the capstone strategy audit.
In previous assignments, you performed multiple, specified analyses of your company (or any company of your choosing). Those individual analyses provide the needed research to successfully complete the following LASA.
Part I: Strategy Audit Report
Using the tools and framework learned in class and throughout the program, prepare a 15-page strategy audit of your company with a companion presentation. The strategy audit is a comprehensive analysis of the company’s business strategy and operating performance, and culminates in a series of recommendations for improving your company’s performance based on the findings and conclusions of your analysis.
A strategy audit involves assessing the actual direction of a business and comparing that course to the direction required to succeed in a changing environment. A company's actual direction is the sum of what it does and does not do, how well the organization is internally aligned to support the strategy, and how viable the strategy is when compared to the external market, competitors, and financial realities. These two categories, the internal assessment and the external or environmental assessment, make up the major elements of a strategy audit.
In your strategy audit:
- Provide a high-level analysis of the company’s business strategy and operating performance. Be sure to complete the following:
- Analysis of the company value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage
- External environmental scan/five forces analysis
- Internal environmental scan/organizational assessment
- SWOT Analysis
- Balanced scorecard/strategy scorecard
- Recommend specific tactics for improving your company’s strategic alignment and operating performance.
- Recommendations can include but are not limited to tactics in marketing, branding, alliances, mergers/acquisitions, integration, product development, diversification or divestiture and globalization (if you recommend your company go global, you must include a supply chain analysis and an analysis of your firm’s global capabilities).
- Explain how the recommendations will help the company achieve its strategy and vision.
Your report should consist of the following sections in the given order.
- Executive summary (1 page): A concise and insightful summary of the significant findings of your analysis and the recommendations you have for your executive team.
- Strategic issues and recommendations (5
pages): Identify 5–7 most important strategic issues facing your
business unit. Strategic issues arise from a mismatch between internal
capabilities and external trends such that important opportunities are
not being pursued or significant external threats are not being
addressed under the current strategy.The strategic issues list should
integrate your SWOT analysis, your Five Forces analysis, and the
organizational assessment and external environmental scan completed
earlier during the course. These detailed analyses are the foundation
for your final set of findings and recommendations presented to the
executive team.
In developing your recommendations for addressing each strategic issue, consider misalignments that might be apparent in different operating areas:
- Product portfolio: Are there changes to the target market segment, value proposition, or positioning of the product or service line needed?
- Structure: Are the organizational roles and responsibilities, decision-making authority, skill requirements, and work assignments properly configured and aligned to support the strategy?
- Organizational culture or behavior: Does the organizational culture inspire behaviors that support the strategy? Are the mission, vision, and values clearly articulated and aligned with the strategy? What new behaviors are needed?
- Value chain activities: Does the organization value chain fully align with the strategy? Are their activities that should be added, eliminated, or modified significantly?
- Performance measures: Do the organization’s performance measures focus on the key drivers of strategic success? Is there a strategy scorecard that ties the main elements of the strategy to specific operating capabilities, including goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) that give an indication of incremental or predictive progress toward reaching strategic goals?
These sections have been completed earlier in the course, and should appear as appendices: - SWOT analysis (2 pages—completed in Module 4): SWOT matrix illustrating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
- Balanced strategy scorecard (4 pages—completed in Module 4): Develop a Balanced Scorecard for your business unit that reflects the key drivers for your business strategy.
- Organizational assessment (3 pages—completed in Module 3)
- External environmental scan and five-forces analysis (3 pages—completed in Module 2)
- Market position analysis (3 pages—completed in Module 1)
Submit your 15-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Part II: Companion Presentation
Finalize the companion with a 10-slide Power Point Presentation that summarizes the audit and recommendations in a compelling manner that persuades senior management to explore and possibly implement your recommendations. The elements of the presentation should include the following:
- Title
- Agenda
- Summary of audit
- Recommendations
- Key measurements
- Risks and benefits
- Call to action
- Next steps
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
answer questions below (3paragraphs) On the Discussion Board, respond to the questions below and include an educated explanation for each: If most youth gangs are racially and ethnically homogeneous, should law enforcement use race and ethnic-specific strategies to fight gang formation and control gang crime? On the other hand, should law enforcement strategies be racially and ethnically neutral? What dilemmas are created for police departments that pursue each of these strategies? Is the likely result institutional or contextual discrimination? Which theory of crime do you believe best explains the prevalence of gang crime in the United States?
answer questions below (3paragraphs)
On the Discussion Board, respond to the questions below and include an educated explanation for each:
- If most youth gangs are racially and ethnically homogeneous, should law enforcement use race and ethnic-specific strategies to fight gang formation and control gang crime?
- On the other hand, should law enforcement strategies be racially and ethnically neutral?
- What dilemmas are created for police departments that pursue each of these strategies?
- Is the likely result institutional or contextual discrimination?
- Which theory of crime do you believe best explains the prevalence of gang crime in the United States?
Assignment week6 business law 1. Ch. 28 – Agency Law. Write a letter to employee Jeremiah Smith advising him of his duties as an agent of Rodda Paint Corp. based upon the chapter. Explain it to him in words he can understand – your own words. 2. Ch. 29 – Employment Law. Pick 5 protections for employees from this chapter – focus on those that you find most interesting or useful to you – and write at least 5 sentences (and no more than ½ a page single spaced) about why you chose them. 3. Ch. 38 – Antitrust. Imagine yourself as a business owner. Identify 5 ways in which Antitrust law will impact your business plan (describe things you can or cannot do because of the antitrust laws described in the chapter.) 4. Chapter 43. Real Property and Landlord-Tenant Law. Tell me 5 things that you did not know about the chapter. 5.Find a case online that illustrates a point in one of the 4 chapters (Agency, Employment, Antitrust, Real Property and Landlord Tenant Law), preferably one that interests you. Describe it here. Review others' posts for learning purposes - comment if moved to do so.
week6 business law
1. Ch. 28 – Agency Law. Write a letter to employee Jeremiah Smith advising him of his duties as an agent of Rodda Paint Corp. based upon the chapter. Explain it to him in words he can understand – your own words.
2. Ch. 29 – Employment Law. Pick 5 protections for employees from this chapter – focus on those that you find most interesting or useful to you – and write at least 5 sentences (and no more than ½ a page single spaced) about why you chose them.
3. Ch. 38 – Antitrust. Imagine yourself as a business owner. Identify 5 ways in which Antitrust law will impact your business plan (describe things you can or cannot do because of the antitrust laws described in the chapter.)
4. Chapter 43. Real Property and Landlord-Tenant Law. Tell me 5 things that you did not know about the chapter.
5.Find a case online that illustrates a point in one of the 4 chapters (Agency, Employment, Antitrust, Real Property and Landlord Tenant Law), preferably one that interests you. Describe it here. Review others' posts for learning purposes - comment if moved to do so.
1. Ch. 28 – Agency Law. Write a letter to employee Jeremiah Smith advising him of his duties as an agent of Rodda Paint Corp. based upon the chapter. Explain it to him in words he can understand – your own words.
2. Ch. 29 – Employment Law. Pick 5 protections for employees from this chapter – focus on those that you find most interesting or useful to you – and write at least 5 sentences (and no more than ½ a page single spaced) about why you chose them.
3. Ch. 38 – Antitrust. Imagine yourself as a business owner. Identify 5 ways in which Antitrust law will impact your business plan (describe things you can or cannot do because of the antitrust laws described in the chapter.)
4. Chapter 43. Real Property and Landlord-Tenant Law. Tell me 5 things that you did not know about the chapter.
5.Find a case online that illustrates a point in one of the 4 chapters (Agency, Employment, Antitrust, Real Property and Landlord Tenant Law), preferably one that interests you. Describe it here. Review others' posts for learning purposes - comment if moved to do so.
3 different papers due tomorrow First Paper ~~Note~~ The following companies cannot be used on this particular paper Wal-Mart Starbucks Exxon Mobil Coca-Cola Pepsi Best Buy Apple Samsung Amazon Assignment 2: External and Internal EnvironmentsDue Week 4 and worth 350 points Choose an industry you have not yet written about in this course, and one publicly traded corporation within that industry. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml), in the University's online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions. Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:
3 different papers due tomorrow
First Paper ~~Note~~ The following companies cannot be used on this particular paperWal-Mart
Exxon Mobil
Best Buy
Assignment 2: External and Internal EnvironmentsDue Week 4 and worth 350 points
Choose an industry you have not yet written about in this course, and one publicly traded corporation within that industry. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml), in the University's online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.
Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:
- Choose the two (2) segments of the general environment that would rank highest in their influence on the corporation you chose. Assess how these segments affect the corporation you chose and the industry in which it operates.
- Considering the five (5) forces of competition, choose the two (2) that you estimate are the most significant for the corporation you chose. Evaluate how well the company has addressed these two (2) forces in the recent past.
- With the same two (2) forces in mind, predict what the company might do to improve its ability to address these forces in the near future.
- Assess the external threats affecting this corporation and the opportunities available to the corporation. Give your opinions on how the corporation should deal with the most serious threat and the greatest opportunity. Justify your answer.
- Give your opinion on the corporation's greatest strengths and most significant weaknesses. Choose the strategy or tactic the corporation should select to take maximum advantage of its strengths, and the strategy or tactic the corporation should select to fix its most significant weakness. Justify your choices.
- Determine the company’s resources, capabilities, and core competencies.
- Analyze the company’s value chain to determine where they can create value using the resources, capabilities, and core competencies discussed above.
- Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
- Identify how the six segments of the general environment affect an industry and its firms.
- Identify the five forces of competition.
- Analyze the external environment for opportunities and threats that impact the firm.
- Analyze the internal environment of a company for strengths and weaknesses that impact the firm’s competitiveness.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in business administration.
Thursday, 3 August 2017
Scenario Assignments In further preparation for your audit of the company your team selected, you decided to gather your team and discuss Audit Evidence and Documentation Standards for this audit. Your preparation included a review of evidence and documentation literature (Ch. 7). To properly prepare the staff that will be working with you, you decide to create a Cheat Sheet on Evidence and Documentation to be used in your presentation.
Scenario Assignments
In further preparation for your audit of the
company your team selected, you decided to gather your team and discuss
Audit Evidence and Documentation Standards for this audit. Your
preparation included a review of evidence and documentation literature
(Ch. 7). To properly prepare the staff that will be working with you,
you decide to create a Cheat Sheet on Evidence and Documentation to be
used in your presentation.
Prepare a "Cheat Sheet" that briefly describes Audit Evidence and Documentation Standards, which includes the following topics. Each topic should be 90 to 175 words:
Prepare a "Cheat Sheet" that briefly describes Audit Evidence and Documentation Standards, which includes the following topics. Each topic should be 90 to 175 words:
- Relevance, Reliability and Sufficiency of Evidence.
Discussion Board Inquiry During a period of inflation (increasing costs of goods), which inventory cost flow method would provide the highest ending inventory balance? How would this affect the net income of the company? Explain why it would, or would not, be ethical to select the cost flow method that reports the highest net income?
Discussion Board Inquiry
During a period of inflation (increasing costs of
goods), which inventory cost flow method would provide the highest
ending inventory balance? How would this affect the net income of the
company? Explain why it would, or would not, be ethical to select the
cost flow method that reports the highest net income?
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