Friday, 10 November 2017

The occurrence of the disorder (Occurrence = Patterns and frequency).

HLT51612 Diploma in Nursing
HLTAP501C Analyse health information
Body System Disorder 40%
Student will be required to research a disease / disorder relating to a body system that has been discussed within this unit.
Student will need to set out the assignment as follows:
• Introduction to the disease
• Set the body of the assignment under each heading of the ‘key areas to be covered’ as set out below.
• Name and student ID displayed on the footer of each page.
The specific date of your assignment will be confirmed by your teacher.
Key areas to be covered:
1. The occurrence of the disorder (Occurrence = Patterns and frequency).
2. The aetiology of the disorder (Aetiology = All the factors involved in causing the disease).
3. The clinical presentation of individuals with the disorder = manifestation (signs and symptoms of the disease).
4. The nursing interventions utilised to manage and/or alleviate the disorder (use nursing diagnoses to guide your interventions and the rationale for these interventions.
5. The medical, allied health management including health education.
6. Relevant health and community services/agencies available to support individuals and/or their families with this particular disorder.
You may like to collect relevant brochures, pamphlets and other primary health material relevant to this disorder and submit them into your Portfolio Presentation.
Word Count: approx. 500 words
Referencing: Harvard Referencing System
Due date: 27/1/15
HLT51612 Diploma in Nursing
HLTAP501C Analyse health information
STUDENT NAME: _____________________ DATE: __________________
STUDENT GROUP: ____________________ ID NO: ___________________
Assessment Criteria
Allocated marks Mark achieved
1. Introduction / definition 2
2. Occurrence of the disorder 2
3. The aetiology of the disorder
4. Clinical presentation
5 Therapeutic and nursing interventions
6 Medical allied health and nursing interventions
7. Relevant health and community services 3
Presentation (spelling and grammar)
40 Marks
Assessor’s Signature: .....................................… Date: …………………………

Discrete Element analysis of fibre-reinforced sand

Project title: Discrete Element analysis of fibre-reinforced sand

Short discrete fibres are increasingly prevalent as classical tension resisting elements in geotechnical engineering practice, particularly for improving the mechanical behaviour of weak soils. The technique of soil reinforcement using randomly distributed fibres has been extensively studied in recent years. The fibre-reinforced soil behaves as a composite with a relatively coherent matrix. Fibre reinforcement leads to an increase in the soil strength by interlocking soil particles, improving strain resistance and by preventing from formation of continuous planes of weakness at failure. A body of experimental data exists on the shear strength of fibre-reinforced clay soils examining the stress-strain relationships under monotonic loading. Several investigations have also been targeted towards understanding the mechanical behaviour of fibre-reinforced clay soils using triaxial compression tests, unconfined compression strength tests, ring and direct shear tests and 1D-consolidation tests. A few studies have also been undertaken to evaluate cyclic loading scenarios. In this, a discrete element model will be developed using YADE ( platform (freeware DEM package) to model the effect of fibres to improve the shear behaviour of clay soils. Therefore, within this model, particle shape, compaction of particles, fibre chains will be modelled using YADE platform in a particulate media using small spheres. The results of the modelling will be validated against available experimental results. The verified model will suggest and estimate the shear strength of fibre-reinforced clay with different fibre contents.
the modelling has to be done using Yade platform which will be based upon python programming language.
Linux Os has been installed on my laptop and i need to use that for 3d postprocessing.
the coding i need are:
Sample preparation in yade by compaction and gravity descend
Modelling the cohesive forces between the molecules
Modelling the fibres
random distribution of fibres
Modelling the fibre reinforced clay for direct shear test

Monday, 6 November 2017

PA profession and PCOM

Noting the missions and objectives of the PA profession and PCOM, please describe your personal characteristics that demonstrate your interest in the field. Include an example of the event in which your actions directly influenced the life of another person and relate this to your goal of becoming a Physician Assistant.
Additional Info:
Mission:To educate highly qualified physician assistants, focusing on preparing them to become competent, compassionate, and comprehensive health care providers for clinical practice in the broad range of practice settings in both primary and specialty care fields that reflect the changing health care environment.
Educational Philosophy: The educational philosophy of the PCOM Physician Assistant Program is that our graduates will be leaders in the health care community, striving for excellence in all academic and professional endeavors while helping to provide health care for those in need.

health technology assessment

The aim of this assessment is to construct a simple decision tree diagram to assess the cost-effectiveness of a new cervical screening test when compared to the current screening test. The assessment task requires you to complete a series of structured stages, and then to write a brief health technology assessment report with the specified headings summarizing the project, methods and outcomes. All stages contribute to the assessment.
Please note that you DO NOT REQUIRE dedicated economic modelling software to complete this task. All of the calculations can be undertaken easily with a calculator or in Excel.
Your completed assessment should be submitted through TURNITIN – via UTS Online. Select Assessment from the menu
Label your attachment with your name and student number as follows:
23787_Assessment_3_First name_Last name_Student Number
Your completed assessment task should have
1. An executive summary that represents a brief health technology assessment report based on your answers: summarizing the project, methods and outcomes. This part should be no more than 500 words. (10 marks)
The required headings for the executive summary are:
• Objectives
• Methods
• Data
• Results
• Key areas of uncertainty
• Discussion
• Recommendation
2. An attachment that shows your answers to Parts One to Six of the task, including calculations where required. (Contribution to overall marks are shown for each part) (50 marks in total)
Part One: Calculating the accuracy of the two test alternatives (10 marks)
Screening tests for cervical cancer aim to identify pre-cancerous changes in the cervix that could develop into cervical cancer. If the pre-cancerous tissues is identified early and removed, then cervical cancer can be prevented for developing.
The Comparator – In the conventional Pap smear, the doctor collecting the cells smears them on a microscope slide and applies a fixative. This slide is then sent to a laboratory for evaluation. Studies of the accuracy of conventional (current) Pap smear tests report:
• Sensitivity 72%
• Specificity 94%
The New Test – The new test works in exactly the same way as the current test, however the manufacturer believes that the sensitivity of the new test is better. Below are the results of a cohort study that tested the new cervical screening test. Note that all women were 30 years of age when tested.
New Test Disease Status Total
Cervical cancer (+ve) Cervical cancer (-ve)
Test (Positive) 44 36
Test (Negative) 6 564
A) For the new cervical screening test define the following, and include the number of individuals in each group.
• True positive
• False positive
• True negative
• False negative
B) Calculate the sensitivity and specificity for the new test.
C) Compared with the current test, the new test was evaluated using a different cohort of women and in a different laboratory. Does this influence the sensitivity and specificity of the new test?
Part Two: Construct a decision tree (10 marks)
Your task is to assess the cost-effectiveness of screening women when they reach the age of 30. We also assume that everyone who is invited to participate in screening program receives a cervical screening test (i.e. the uptake rate of the test is 100%).
Draw a decision tree to determine whether the new cervical screening test is more cost-effective than the current test. To do this you need to create a decision node with the option to accept the new test or the current test. For each test, the terminal nodes should reflect the possible outcomes of the test result (e.g. True positive etc…)
Part Three: Estimating the benefit of testing (5 marks)
To populate the decision tree we need to estimate the benefits and costs of each test option. The benefits of screening are measured in terms of quality adjusted life years (QALYs) gained (i.e. quality-of-life multiplied by the number of years in that health state).
• Utility score – A time-trade off study conducted on the same cohort of women that received the new test demonstrated that;
o The average utility in the non-cancer group (test negative) was 0.92.
o The average utility in the non-cancer group (test positive) was 0.91 (slight reduction in utility due to further investigations and concern of possible cancer)
o The average utility in the cancer group (not detected by the test) was 0.45 (This reduced utility is due to the side-effects of treatment and the impact of the disease).
o The average utility in the cancer group (detected by the test and treated early) is 0.87 (there is a slight reduction in quality of life due to early treatment.
• Survival – Long-term registry data were used to estimate the additional survival (note that this is the additional survival beyond 30 years of age, which is the age when a person would be screened in this model)
o The average survival of a 30 year old woman with cervical cancer (not detected early) is an additional 5 years.
o The average survival of a 30 year old woman with cervical cancer that is detected early and treated (i.e. detected with a positive test results) is an additional 40 years.
o For all other 30 year old women (no cancer) the average survival is an additional 40 years.
A) Calculate the average additional QALYs gained for individuals with the following possible test outcomes:
• True positive
• False positive
• True negative
• False negative
B) In this model, all outcomes (costs and benefits) are undiscounted. Why do we discount future costs and benefits? Why might discounting costs and benefits at the same rate penalize preventative health programs?
Part Four: Estimating Costs (5 marks)
The tables below were taken from a longitudinal cohort study of women that participated in the current screening program. The unit costs are provided in Table 1. Table 2, contains an inventory of all the resources used, on average, by an individual depending upon their test result.
• For example, an individual identified as being ‘true positive’ (using the current test) would require the following resources – 1xcurrent test, 2 x GP visits, 1 x further examination – early treatment. Therefore their treatment would cost – 1x$50 + (2x$35) + 1 x $2000 = $2,120
Combine the information from Tables 1 and 2 to generate the total cost of each screening outcome. Do this for both the current test and the new test scenarios.
Table 1: Unit costs
Description Cost
Current test $50
New Test $300
GP appointment $35
Further examination – No treatment $500
Further examination – Early treatment $2000
Delayed treatment $50,000
Table 2: Resources use for each possible alternative
Current test New Test GP visit Further exam – no treat Further exam – early treat Delayed treatment
Current test True Positive 1 2 1
False positive 1 2 1
True negative 1 1
False negative 1 1 1
New Test True Positive 1 2 1
False positive 1 2 1
True negative 1 1
False negative 1 1 1
NOTE: All costs calculated should be presented to two decimal places.
Part Five: Cost-utility analysis (10 marks)
You should now have the following information:
• Accuracy of the current and new cervical screening tests
• A decision tree that reflects the possible outcomes of both tests
• An estimate of the QALYs gains for each alternative
• An estimate of the resource use (cost) of each alternative
The final information that you need to complete to complete the analysis is the prevalence of cervical cancer in this population. In this example we are screening women 30 years of age; the prevalence of cervical cancer in this cohort is 1 in 1000 or (0.001)
A) Complete Table 3: Model Parameters using the information Part One-Part Four.
Parameter description Current Test New Test
Prevalence of cervical cancer 0.001 0.001
Sensitivity of test 0.72
Specificity of test 0.94
Cost – True Positive
Cost – False Positive
Cost – True Negative
Cost – False negative
QALYs – True Positive
QALYs – False Positive
QALYs – True Negative
QALYs – False negative
B) You now need to combine this information into your decision tree to determine the cost-effectiveness of the new test relative to the current test. Provide your answer as an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) (i.e. cost/QALY gained). Also, provide the diagram of your decision tree at this stage.
• Hint: Remember that you need to calculate the expected value (costs and QALYs) of each alternative before you can estimate the cost-effectiveness. It is easier to calculate the expected value if you start at the end of the tree, rather than the beginning (i.e. you need to roll-back the decision tree – see lecture notes for example)
C) If the decision maker has set an explicit threshold of $50,000 / QALY gained, would you say the new test is cost-effective? Explain your answer.
Part 6: Sensitivity Analysis (10 marks)
The decision maker would like you to determine the cost-effectiveness of the new test in a population of women with a family history of cervical cancer. In this high-risk cohort of women, the prevalence of cervical cancer is 1 in 100 (0.01).
A) Calculate the ICER of the new test relative to the current test in this high-risk population of women.
B) Why do you think the cost-effectiveness of the new test is sensitivity to prevalent risk of cervical cancer in the population?
C) In the original model (prevalence = 0.001), we assumed a 20 min GP appointment costs $35. However, an audit of General Practices conducting the new test shows that 60% of GPs charge patients a double appointment (2x20mins). How does this change you ICER? Explain your answer.
D) What would be the ICER for the new test in the high-risk cohort (prevalence of cervical cancer is 0.01), if 60% of GPs charge patients a double appointment (2x20mins).
E) What type of sensitivity analysis was carried out in sub-question (D)? What is the advantage of this over what was conducted in sub-question (C)?

Collaboration between Australian Universities and Banking Industries for ensuring better future prospects for Australian Student.

Research Plan
This assignment requires you to devise and write a research plan for an empirical study of your own. Include the following elements:
  1. Title page
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction
  4. including statement of the problem
  5. purpose and research questions (and/or hypotheses if quantitative)
iii.           limitations of the study
  1. Brief Review of the Literature
  2. Methods
  3. Study Design
  4. Sampling / Participants
iii.           Research Instruments / Procedures
  1. Establishing the rigour of the study (e.g., validity, reliability, member checking)
  2. Data Analysis – how will you analyze the data?
  3. Ethical Considerations
  4. Underlying Philosophical Assumptions
  5. Strengths and Limitations of the Study
  6. Timeline and Budget
  7. References

Clinical Governance

You are required to choose a nursing issue that is related to one of the key safety and quality in health care areas from the list below* and then research the issue.
You need to locate THREE (3) primary and/or secondary peer reviewed articles/studies related to the issue you have chosen and summarise, analyse and critique the literature related to this issue.
1) Quantitative study
2) Qualitative study
3) Secondary resource (literature review, systematic review)
In order to pass this assignment, you must successfully address each of the criteria outlined in the Assignment 2 marking rubric.
Click on the topics below for more information about each category
Clinical Communications
Falls Prevention
Healthcare Associated Infection
Medication Safety (students are not permitted to focus on medications for their assignment).
Mental Health
Patient Identification
SUMMARY TABLE MEDICATION ERRORS Author/s, (year) Country Aims Sample/setting Design/methods Main findings Strengths and limitations of the study I Coombes et al 200s Australia Assessment of nurses’ awareness of identi$,ing medication etrors, to enable prevention of medication errors by implementing prevention strategies. 591 recently employed Registered Nurses (RN’s) in a simulated setting, within a teaching hospiøl. Quantitative: Prospective study during 2003 -2004, observing RN’s administering medication during scenario setting. Outcome measured knowledge: detection and action; detection, no action; no knowledge. Approximately l/3 detected errors and acted appropriately. ll-30% aware of error did not act. 2-7 %o unaw are of errors, reporting lack of knowledge. Skengths: clinical and statistical significance; anonymous self repofing reduced bias; multiple observers’ minimised bias; generalisable to wider nursing population due to RN’s diverse experience and training. Limitations: credibility limited by simulation setting; no ethical approval. 2 Smith & Lesar 20tt NewYork To increase knowledge of characteristics associated with analgesic medication errors to enable prevention strategies. 714,290 analgesic orders audited in a 631 bedtertiarycare hospiøl for inpatients. Quantiøtive study during 2003 – 2007. Pharmacists audited data from medication charts using global classification for medication erors. lz errors miscalculation; l/3 errors ignored patient information; % nadequate medication knowledge. Paediatric errors doubled adult errors. Strengths: highlighted frequency and common elements, also the need for comparable studies. Limitations: Single hospital may not be generalisable to wider nursing population; computerised prescribing unavailable; staff cducation variable; data on pharmacist intervention prior to adminiskation not included; no ethics approval. J O’Shea et al (200e) Australia Assess the impact ofeducating nurses regarding omission medication errors Audits for omission n a 174 bed hospital: pre-education 20,154 records for 99 patients; posteducation 24,337 lor 109 patients Quantitative: Prospective study. Baseline data gathered one month prior to education.3 month intervention, followed by one month audit. Nursing education reduced omission medication errors ftom 4.2%o to 2.9o/o Strengths: clinical and statistical significance; generalisable to wider nursing population. Limitations : medication administered with unendorsed documentation not studied; no ethics approval; outdated reference (199 6).

Heterogeneous Slurry Flow

Industrial Fluid Mc Assignment 2017(4) Semester 2, 2017
Industrial Fluid Mechanics
Heterogeneous Slurry Flow
Iron ore has to be transported to the next process section located 3 km away from the crushing site. The initial output of crushing unit is a mixture of sand and ore which is later classified in an upward flowing classification column. The solid content (i.e. underflow of classifier column) is considered as Product-A and is to be transported in slurry form. The slurry consists of pulverised solid content having 46% mass concentration with water as the carrier fluid, flowing through a 300 NB pipeline. Solid content has undergone laser analysis for evaluation of particle size distribution, with the results presented in Figure 1.
45 40 3350 25
t 20
100-200 200-303 300-400 400,500 500-600
Particle diameter range (pm)
Figure.l. Particle size distribution, Product-A
The client requires a solid delivery rate of not less than 10,000 tonnes per day.
As the design engineer you are required to evaluate and design a suitable slurry pipeline. You will need to complete the following tasks:
• Plot CD versus particle Reynolds number,
• Determine the maximum allowable sand particle diameter for all sand to be removed in the classifier overflow,
• Plot pressure drop versus flow rate of slurry
• Specify a suitable flow rate and justify your selection.
Industrial Fluid Mechanics (MCEN400I) Semester 2.2017
The client is also requires an alternative design scenario to be evaluated. In this cave, the ore Product-A is subjected to an additional crushing process such that the particle diameters in each size range are halved (i.e. 100-200 pm – 50-100 pm, remaining at 13% of the sample) obtaining Product-B. This crushing process demands 0.52 kWh/tonne of iron ore. Considering energy demand for the crushing process and the hydraulic power required to transport the slurry, answer the following design questions:
• Which product (Product A or Product 8) gives more efficient transport for the same flow rate as previously calculated.
• If flow rate reduction is permitted, does the preferred product change?
The pump station utilised for this slurry pipeline has a hydraulic efficiency of 78% (suggested for water) and an electrical efficiency of 85%.
• Determine the required electrical power to pump the slurry for each of the scenarios above and discuss preference of Product A or B based on their electrical demand.
Material and Fluid Properties:
Water density: p..1000 kg/m
Water viscosity p..0.001 Pas
Iron Ore Density: p..3830 kg/m
Sand Density: p.2700 kg/m
• Drag coefficient and settling velocity is calculated using the Archimedes approach Ar number)
Archimedes Number Coefficients a
Ran ;e
Ar 24 576 -1
24 Ar 2100 208 -0.45
2100 Ar 1.04×106 21.5 -0.193
Ar 1.04406 15 -0.0251
• Pressure drop is to be calculated using the Durand-Wasp method,
• The minimum permitted flow rate is at least 10% higher than the deposition velocity
• The solid mass flow rate should not be less than the minimum solid delivery rate, in any design scenario
• There is an example MATLAB script on Blackboard illustrating the process for determining the pressure drop using the Durand-Wasp method for multiple particle fractions. This will assist all the calculations, but you will need to modify it to suit the assignment.
Industrial Fluid Mechanics (MCEN400I) Semester 2.2017
This assignment is worth 25% of the total mark for this unit. The assignment should be presented in a report format and should contain the following elements (at a minimum):
• Title Page
• Design Criteria
• Theory (Only an overview is required, not derivations or detailed examples)
• Results (Include graphs of head loss curves for the investigated scenarios)
• Discussion
• Recommendations and Conclusions
• References
• Appendices
(Sample calculations, data and any other material which is not a necessary part of the main text, but still of relevance to the report. You must include sufficient details of your calculations to allow your results to be reproduced)
Due Date:
The assignment is due on Tuesday 7th November 2017, at 3 pm.
Note that you must submit one hardcopy to the assignments office and one electronic copy through Blackboard Tumitin.
As per the unit outline late submissions will not be accepted and may result in a fail grade for the unit.

One of the distinguishing features in the earlier films is the presence of video cameras and their low-resolution images that contrast with film images that seem more stable and permanent

  The goal of the project is to have you research a movie of your choice (cannot be a film shown in class whic...