Wednesday 19 February 2014

Brief Analysis

The brief should be typed, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1” margins on all sides. You may use bullet points (but you must fully explain each point that is bulleted). The more information you have, and the more accurate it is, the better this tool will be for your use on the final. The brief should be at least 3 to 4 page minimum and have reference page. Please use double space. Briefs should have the following categories in the following format (that is, type out the headings for each section): Problem scope (a brief statement on the nature of the issue/problem) Goals Benefits & Services Eligibility Rules Service Delivery Systems Financing (Be specific! Please don’t just state “tax” or “the federal government.” Write which government entity finances it and how/where it gets these funds.) The SNAP analysis by the Urban Institute is a sample of a policy analysis. It has much more information than we need (particularly on the program scope) but should help guide you and inform you as to what an analysis looks like. Your income policy has to be an income policy, that is, a policy that provides cash or the equivalent. We’ll talk about this in class, but please don’t just go by the chapter as she incorporates food and other policies in the chapter on income. The brief should be in your own words. You may some use quotes, if cited properly. Cite all of your sources


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