Wednesday 19 February 2014

Compensation Strategy

Recommended Readings

  1. Read the following journal articles for further insight into this week’s topics:

    • Weinberger, T.E.  (1995, April).  Determining the relative importance of compensable factors. Compensation & Benefits Management, 11(2), 17.  Retrieved from the Proquest database.

    • Richards, D.A.  (2006, May).  High-involvement firms: Compensation strategies and underlying values. Compensation and Benefits Review, 38(3), 36-49,4-5.  Retrieved from the Proquest database.

  2. You will find a list of websites that you may find useful under Course Materials in your online classroom.


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To participate in the following discussions, go to this week's Discussion link in the left navigation.

  1. Compensation Strategy

    Discuss the general goals of an organization's compensation system, including how a compensation strategy works to support the organization's business strategy.


  1. Compensation Practices

    Discuss the various factors that influence a company’s competitive strategies and compensation practices.  Assess how a company can mitigate these factors using effective compensation practices

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