Wednesday 19 February 2014

Culture and IHRM"

·Culture and IHRM"  Please respond to the following:

Use the Internet to research the culture of at least one (1) developed

country in which an office or subsidiary of a U.S.-based global

organization or MNE exists. Go to for a list

of global organizations.

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·From the Activity, discuss the cultural environment of one country in

which a U.S.-based MNE exists. Compose two cultural differences

between the U.S. and that country, and suggest how different cultures

affect the activities and programs of a centralized IHRM. Provide

specific examples to support your response.

"Managing Employees in an MNE"  Please respond to the following:

·Recommend a best practice an HR manager of an MNE can use to manage

the human capital needs of a highly diverse workforce made up of

individuals with different cultural backgrounds, speaking different

languages and having different educational experiences. Provide

specific examples to support your response.

"Performance Planning"  Please respond to the following:



·A local retail store hires sales associates to sell laptop computers.

Create two specific outcomes and behaviors that you would use to

measure employees’ performance as well as the standards for each

measure. Be sure to explain why you chose those outcomes and

behaviors. In addition, propose one standard stretch goal for the

sales associates and recommend how you would tie that stretch goal

into their compensation. Provide specific examples to support your


"e-Compensation"  Please respond to the following:



·Gueutal & Stone (2005) state that an organization’s communication

practices can have a profound effect on how employees respond to an

organization’s compensation practices and whether the organization

gets what it wants. Assess the pros and cons of your organization’s

communication approach in regard to compensation practices. Offer a

different strategy that would provide more value to your organization

as well as its employees. Provide specific examples to support your


Budgeting Time" Please respond to the following:

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·Justify the time it takes to put together a budget for a human

resource project.

·Support your justification by creating a hypothetical example of a

human resource project. Relate specific elements of your example to

support your justification.


"Valuing Risk Management" Please respond to the following:



·Rank risk management in importance among the previous planning

elements of budgeting, resourcing, scheduling, WBS and scope

planning. Justify the ranking.

·Create a scenario where the value of risk management would be

minimal. Explain why.

Supply Chain Fundamentals" Please respond to the following:



·Evaluate how supply chain management affects the process of project


·Your current company has decided to enhance their IT department.

Compare and contrast the reasons to hire new employees versus

outsourcing the additional work.

Case Study: Affinity and Relationship Diagrams for Project Kick-off" Please

respond to the following:



·Give your opinion of the affinity diagram used in the case titled

“Affinity and Relationship Diagrams for Project Kick-off”. Then,

suggest an alternate method for a kickoff meeting. Rate the two

methods (your suggested method and the affinity diagram) by

comparison and decide which you would prefer and why.(See attached

file: affinity.pdf)


·More Management Techniques" Please respond to the following:


Watch the video titled “Management Techniques from The One Minute

Manager” (6 min 28 s), found on NBC Learn. Type the title into the search

field, then click the thumbnail video that appears. Be prepared to discuss.

(Embedded image moved to file: pic29733.jpg)


Title: Management Techniques from "The One Minute Manager"

Date: Sep 6, 1982

Duration: 00:06:35

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·From the video, give your opinion on the three approaches discussed

in the video (goal setting, praise, and reprimand). Assess how these

are or are not applicable to a team setting, and whether this is

still pertinent in today’s workforce given that the video is nearly

three decades old.

·Speculate the possible outcomes of reprimanding an employee.

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One of the distinguishing features in the earlier films is the presence of video cameras and their low-resolution images that contrast with film images that seem more stable and permanent

  The goal of the project is to have you research a movie of your choice (cannot be a film shown in class whic...