Wednesday 19 February 2014

Memorandum Career Portfolio

Memorandum Career Portfolio

When you complete this assignment, you will be able to complete Objectives outlined in the course textbook for Chapters 3 & 4.


Prepare a one-page memorandum on career outlook and opportunities for your chosen career field based on research from journals within your declared major or government handbooks that project the outlook of your career. Divide your report into the following sections: (1) the career you have chosen, with reasons; (2) the relative demand for that career over the next five to ten years; and (3) the pay scale and other benefits that are typical of that career. Include references, in-text citations, from at least two sources, using APA style.  Use one in-text table with findings in section two or three. Make sure to explain the findings depicted in the table.

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Course Textbook - Go to page A-11 –Figure A-4 - and review the Memorandum- model document. Important Reminder-Hint- Figure A-4- is for “applicable” purposes. This means use the model document as an example for formatting purposes. In reviewing, you should note, the content is not applicable. This means “you” will need to make “applicable” modifications given “your” assignment’s instructions and “your selected content coverage.” Some applicable modifications include but are not limited to the follow.

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Do not include the company (Davis Metal Builders) or any company header. Move and Align the Heading (TO, FROM, DATE, SUBJECT) up –this will give you extra space to complete the assignment. To: Dr. Nealy rather than information listed. Make sure to supply applicable- From, Date, and Subject. Do not key the word–Attachment or Reference – Just – Format/APA - the two references (journals within your declared major or government handbooks) used to support your findings.

Required - 1 page maximal, Use Times New Romans-Font size 12, applicable spacing (body), Apply the following - Margins -1 inch (Do not use the 2” setting from top).

Important Reminder - DO NOT cut/post the assignment to the Submission Board. DO NOT write a message in the Submission Board. DO NOT submit the assignment via Course Message. I will NOT accept the submission. Submit the assignment as an attached file in the –Named Assignment Dropbox.  Name the file- use your last and Memo. (Ex. NealyMemo).

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