Wednesday 19 February 2014

Statistics Psychology 25-26

art One:Module 4 past A and B


Green & Salkind: Lesson 26, Exercises 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8


The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer (a dash indicates that no tips are needed):

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1.      Instead of identifying these values on your output, as the text states, please write them into your Word file as written answers for #1 a, b, c, and d. T Test


SEM = SD/ root of N

= 9.77/ root of 20

= 9.77/4.47

2.19 (Same as above under Std. Error Mean


t = (mean of sample - mean of population)/SEM

= (86.65 - 88)/2.19

= -1.35/2.19


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4.      Remember to past graph into Word document. Follow directions in text for setting up graph.

5.      -------

6.      -------

7.      All homework “Results sections” should follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure).

Part Two:Module 3 part A and B


Green & Salkind: Lesson 25, Exercises 1-3


The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer (a dash indicates that no tips are needed):

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1.      Post hoc tests for the ANOVA should include LSD (for Fisher’s LSD) and Tukey’s. Be sure to check these boxes when you run analyses. For letters a-d, instead of identifying these values on your output, as the text states, please write them into your Word file as written answers for #1 a, b, c and d.  (2 pts for output, for a-d: 2, 2, 2, 2) T Test


SEM = SD/ root of N

= 9.77/ root of 20

= 9.77/4.47

2.19 (Same as above under Std. Error Mean


t = (mean of sample - mean of population)/SEM

= (86.65 - 88)/2.19

= -1.35/2.19

2.      ----------  (3)

3.      Remember to put your dependent variable in the “variable” box, and your independent, or grouping, variables in the “category axis” box.  (3)

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