Saturday 16 January 2016

Brand box project

Overview: “Branding of commodities”
This project focuses on the branding of agricultural products. The assignment consists of a written report of 2000 words (excluding cover page, any figures, tables, appendices, exhibits and reference list), and the design of a brand box. The report should be typed in single line spacing on one side only of single sheets of A4 using 12 pt size type with 2cm margins.
Traditionally, farm produce has been labelled as commodities. However, “Perfection Fresh” ( – a leading fresh produce marketer in Australia – focuses on differentiating its offers from other horticultural products. The company offers over 35 branded fruits and vegetables, which are sold through retailers like Woolworths and Coles as well as fast-food chains such as McDonalds. Perfection Fresh introduced specialty products (e.g. Brocollini, Purple Dutch Carrots, Broccoflower, and the donut-shaped Taste Buddies flat peaches) to the Australian market.
Specialty fresh-produce product category: Specialty items are now being offered in the fresh produce section of many supermarkets. They are relatively new and are sold in smaller volumes. Specialty produce is in sharp contrast to regular, staple items, which are usually sold in higher volumes and play a major role in the diet of consumers. Specialty produce is claimed to possess unique and novel characteristics and targets a niche segment (Family Economics and Nutrition Review 1997).
This project will assess students’ ability to research and develop a new “specialty” product for “Perfection Fresh” that maximises the company’s brand equity. Each team is required to purchase a post box from Australia Post (310 x 225 x 102mm), turn it into a “brand” and write a report.
Details: Brand report
“Perfection Fresh” operates in the horticultural sector in Australia, and is considering the launch of a new product in the Australian market.
The core emphasis of this assessment is to develop a brand marketing strategy (Chapters 4-7; Keller 2013) for “Perfection Fresh’s” new product (Chapter 12; Keller 2013).
While fruit and vegetables are considered an essential part of the diet in Western cultures, “Perfection Fresh” is now interested in marketing high-priced, specialty, branded fruits/vegetables.
Your team is to design the new products brand strategy. You will undertake secondary research, which includes a netnographic on 1) hybrid fruits/vegetables, 2) consumer perceptions of product category, 3) consumer perceptions regarding expected/required benefits of hybrid fruites, and 4) challenges of branding fruits/vegetables. This analysis is used to detect the basic mood, attitudes or emotions of current and potential consumers to existing products. Further you will develop and conduct primary research to test your proposed strategy.
The key component of your report is the development of a brand strategy for your new product, which should be based on your research findings.
Your report should have the following components:
1. Description of target market (~250 words)
2. Brand strategy development (this is the focus of your assignment) (~1100 words)
a. Description and justification of brand elements of the new hybrid fruit/vegetable. b. Description and justification of relating marketing mix elements.
4. Conclusion (~250 words)
5. References.
6. Appendices.

Appendix A: Secondary research

1. Undertake netnographies on 1) hybrid fruits/vegetables, 2) consumer perceptions of product category, 3) consumer perceptions regarding expected/required benefits of hybrid fruites, and 4) challenges of branding fruits/vegetables. (Attach netnography summaries and results in the appendix).
2. Provide analysis and findings
(A netnography is a written account resulting from fieldwork studying cultures and communities that emerge from on-line, computer mediated or internet-based communications. It observes general guidelines and traditions of ethnography).
Appendix B: Primary research
a. Conduct primary research (surveys or focus groups) to test your brand strategy on 20 consumers.
b. Provide analysis and findings
- you will have to choose a hybrid
fruit/vegetable, which hasn¹t been created it yet. It has to be realistic,
e.g. a mixture of raspberry and strawberry. There are plenty of hybrid
fruits that exist.

- just develop the concept. You can
also leave out the secondary associations, but complete all other
sections. Please follow the guideline and headings provided in the
learning guide; it also provides the relevant chapters, e.g. chapter 4
refers to brand elements. You don¹t have to include chapter 7, as it relates to secondary brand associations.
Marking criteria and standards

Range of sources used to develop report topic. Uses only prescribed textbook.
0-1 references. Uses a limited range of sources.
2-3 references. Uses a satisfactory range of sources.
4 references. Uses a comprehensive range of sources.
5-6 references. Uses an extensive range of sources.
= 7 references.
0-1 2 3 4 5
Description & application of research methods (secondary & primary), samples, and scales. No or very little use of secondary & primary research or incorrect procedures followed. Satisfactory use of secondary & primary research; some methods/sample description/anal ysis used may be incorrect. Good use of secondary & primary research, but methods/sample description/analysis may only be superficially employed. Sound use of secondary & primary research; sound application of research methods, sample description, and analysis. Excellent secondary & primary research; clear and consistent application of research methods, sample description, and analysis.
0-4 5 6-7 8 9-10
Critically analyse research findings using relevant theory and research. Does not use appropriate theory and/or research to analyse findings, or used theory/research inaccurately. Basic use of appropriate theory and/or research to analyse findings, and basic use of theory/research. Good application of relevant theory and/or research to analyse findings, and provides analysis using a good range of relevant theories/research. Sound application of relevant theory and/or research to analyse findings, and provides sound analysis using a wide range of relevant theories/research. Accurately applies a wide range of appropriate theories, and research to critically analyse findings.
0-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-15
Visual presentation of research results. No or limited presentation of results and/or fails to make adequate comparisons. Satisfactory visual presentation; but limited use of frequencies and/or percentages/clu sters. Good visual presentation of results, but may fail to make comparison of brands and main concepts. Sound visual presentation of results including comparison of brands and main concepts, and market segments. Exemplary visual presentation of results with clear comparison of brands, main concepts and market segments.
0-4 5 6-7 8 9-10
Discuss findings and draw conclusions, propose and justifies brand strategy. Does not present a consistent argument or draw an appropriate conclusion or propose a brand strategy justified by analysis, theory and/or research. Presents a basic argument, and basic brand strategy justified by limited analysis, theory and/or research. Presents a good argument and draws conclusions or solutions, and provides some analysis and justification for brand strategy. Presents a sound argument and draws conclusions or solutions, and provides sound and conclusive analysis and justification for brand strategy. Presents a consistent, effective brand strategy based on insightful/strategic conclusions, well supported by analysis, evidence, theory and research.

0-8 9-10 11-14 15-17 18-20
Use relevant sources and correct referencing Sources are not appropriately identified and acknowledged.
Text demonstrates little or no evidence of crediting. Sources are appropriately identified and acknowledged with some inaccuracies in referencing.
Text demonstrates evidence of crediting with some inaccuracies. Sources are generally identified and acknowledged with very minor inaccuracies in referencing.
Text generally shows evidence of referencing. Sources are accurately identified and acknowledged in the approved referencing style.
Text shows evidence of thorough editing.
The level of presentation shows a good understanding of professional standards of the discipline. Sources are well- chosen and are accurately identified and acknowledged in the approved referencing style.
Text shows evidence of thorough and comprehensive editing.
The level of presentation meets the professional standards of the discipline.
0-1 2 3 4 5
Use writing style appropriate to purpose, context and audience Use of language and format indicates minimal attention has been paid to the context, audience and purpose of the assigned writing task. Use of language and format indicates basic attention has been paid to the context, audience and purpose of the assigned writing task. Use of language and format indicates adequate consideration has been paid to the context, audience and purpose of the assigned writing task. Use of appropriate format and discipline- specific language indicates a sound understanding of the context, audience and purpose of the assigned task. Use of consistent and effective format and discipline-specific language indicates a comprehensive understanding of the context, audience and purpose of the assigned task.
0-1 2 3 4 5
Use layout and visual elements to present work professionally Layout is visually cluttered or visual elements hinder readability. Basic layout and visual elements provide basic level of readability and navigation. Good layout and visual elements contribute to ease of readability and navigation. Sound layout and visual elements contribute to very good ease of readability and navigation. Consistent and logical layout and visual elements assist in making document understandable at first reading.
0-4 5 6-7 8 9-10
Brand box:
Visual brand elements and brand concept/ information. No or poor integration of brand concept and visual brand elements. Satisfactory overall integration of brand concept and visual brand elements. Good integration of brand concept and visual brand elements with some minor inconsistencies. Sound and
clear integration of brand concept and visual brand elements with room for improvements. Exemplary overall integration of the brand graphics, colour, placement and visual brand elements.

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