Saturday 16 January 2016

College of Engineering

GENG 200 Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Fall 2015
Computer Based Assignment #1
Given Wednesday 25-11-2015
Due Date Saturday 5-12-2015 by 23:59pm on BlackBoard
Exercise # 1:
Collect and Comment on the variability of three recent data sets describing similar processes (could
be prices of three items over the last month, demographic information related to 3 countries over
last year, etc.).
Exercise # 2:
Plot the probability mass function (PMF) and the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of 3 random
variables following (1) binomial distribution [p,n], (2) a geometric distribution [p], and (3) Poisson
distribution [ ]. You have to consider two sets of parameters per distribution which can be chosen
arbitrarily. The following steps can be followed:
Setp1: Establish two sets of parameters of the distribution: For Geometric and Poisson distributions
take two values of p (p1 and p2) and take two values of [ ], ( 1 and 2) respectively. For the
binomial you should take two values of p and two values of n, first keep p fixed and change n, in the
second keep n fixed and change p.
Step 2: Generate the random variables (at least 10 values) [column 1]
Step 3: Calculate the PMF [column 2] and CDF [column 3]
Step 4: Plot the PMF and CDF in different graphics (It is recommended to combine the graphics while
changing the parameters).
Comment on how the parameters values affect the distribution.
Note: this assignment can be saved using Microsoft Excel, in this case you should submit only your
excel file in blackboard (use one sheet per question, and one sheet as cover page). In case you used
other software (such as Matlab, Mathematica, etc.) you should submit a report in word plus the
source code of the used software. It is a personalized project, each student has to submit his own

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One of the distinguishing features in the earlier films is the presence of video cameras and their low-resolution images that contrast with film images that seem more stable and permanent

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