Saturday 16 January 2016

Concept Analysis

Description of the Assignment
This assignment presents a modified method for conducting a concept analysis of ONE concept found in a nursing theory. The source of the concept for this assignment must be a published nursing theory. The selected concept is identified and then the elements of the analysis process are applied in order to synthesize knowledge for application within the model and alternative cases. Non-nursing theories may NOT be used. The paper concludes with a synthesis of the student’s new knowledge about the concept. The scholarly literature is incorporated throughout the analysis.
Only the elements identified in this assignment should be used for this concept analysis.
Criteria for Content
1. Introduction
The introduction substantively presents all following 4 (four) elements:
• Identifies the role of concept analysis within theory development,
• Identifies the selected nursing concept,
• Identifies the nursing theory from which the selected concept was obtained, and
• Names the sections of the paper.

2. Definition/Explanation of the selected nursing concept
This section includes:
• Defines/explains the concept using scholarly literature (a dictionary maybe used for this section ONLY, and additional scholarly nursing references are required), and
• Information about the concept as discussed by the theorist from the selected nursing theory is substantively presented.

A substantive discussion of this section with support from scholarly nursing literature is required.

3. Concept comparison
This section includes a substantive description of the:
• The concept from the perspective of a non-nursing profession with scholarly support from the selected non-nursing profession.
• Explains the similarities for the selected concept between the nursing and selected non-nursing profession.
• Explains the differences for the selected concept between the nursing and selected non-nursing profession.

A substantive discussion of this section with support from scholarly nursing literature is required.
4. Literature review
This section requires:
• A substantive discussion of at least 6 (six) scholarly nursing literature sources on the selected concept.
• Themes, ideas, and/or facts about the concept found in the reviewed sources are presented in an organized fashion.

Support from scholarly nursing literature is required.
Please Note: Primary research articles about the selected nursing concept are the most useful resource for the literature review.
5. Defining attributes
For this section:
• A minimum of THREE (3) attributes are required.

A substantive discussion of this section with support from scholarly nursing literature is required.

Explanation: An attribute identifies characteristics of a concept. For this situation, the characteristics of the selected nursing concept are identified and discussed.

6. Antecedent and Consequence
This section requires the identification of:
• 1 antecedent of the selected nursing concept, and
• 1 consequence of the selected nursing concept.

A substantive discussion of the element with support from scholarly nursing literature is required.

Explanation: An antecedent is an identifiable occurrence that precedes an event. In this situation, an antecedent precedes a selected nursing concept.
A consequence follows or is the result of an event. In this situation a consequence follows or is the result of the selected nursing concept.

7. Empirical Referents
This section requires the identification of:
• 2 (two) empirical referents of the selected nursing concept.

A substantive discussion of the element with support from scholarly nursing literature is required.

Explanation: An empirical referent is an objective ways to measure or determine the presence of the selected nursing concept.
8. Model Cases
1 model case is created by the student and discussed substantively by demonstrating within the case each of the following areas:
• Definition,
• All identified attributes,
• Antecedent,
• Consequence, and
• Empirical referent or Measurement

Information from selected nursing theory is applied to the created model case.

A substantive discussion of the element with support from scholarly nursing literature is required.

Explanation: A model case is an example of the hypothetical individual who demonstrates all of the attributes, antecedents, consequences, and referents noted previously in this assignment.

9. Alternative Cases
This section requires:
• The identification of 2 (two) alternative cases correctly created and presented. The two required alternative cases are:
• Borderline (absence of one or two of previously identified attributes of the selected nursing concept.
• Contrary (demonstrates the complete opposite of selected nursing concept)

Applies information from selected nursing theory.
A substantive discussion of the element with support from scholarly nursing literature is required.
Explanation: Alternative cases represent the opposite of the model case. For this assignment, two alternative cases are required. These are:
• Borderline case which is a created case where one or two of the previously identified attributes are missing.
• Contrary case which is a created case that demonstrate the complete opposite of the selected nursing concept.

10. Conclusion
This section requires:
• Summarization of key information regarding:
o Selected nursing concept,
o Selected nursing theory, and
o Concept analysis findings.

• The concluding statements include self-reflection on the new knowledge gained about applying nursing theory to a professional issue or concern.

Possible Concepts: The following concepts are not required; students may select one of these concepts or find another concept. Each selected concept must be associated with a nursing theory; the use of non-nursing (borrowed) theories is NOT allowed. If you have any questions regarding your concept or the nursing theory, please consult with your faculty member for assistance.
• Behavioral system
• Boundary lines
• Caring
• Cleanliness of environment
• Empowerment
• Homeostasis
• Noise
• Open system
• Palliative care
• Patient Assessment
• Patient Centered Care
• Resources
• Self-care
• Self-care deficit • Activities of living
• Actual caring occasion
• Adaptation
• Comfort
• Compassion
• Engagement
• Leadership
• Meaningfulness
• Modeling
• Nursing intuition
• Pain
• Pattern
• Transaction

Scholary resources must be from 2010 to present

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