Tuesday 5 January 2016

cost-based pricing and two other pricing strategies in a competitive environment

Order Description

The Task
In an essay of no more than 1500 words, discuss cost-based pricing and two other pricing strategies in a competitive environment, briefly critically analysing each in the context of Johnson’s quote.

Learning Objectives
This task will help you to:
• Structure an academic argument
• Understand different approaches to pricing
• Collect, evaluate and use information from published sources to support an argument
• Develop your written voice as an academic
• Use appropriate referencing

• The chapter on “Individual Decision-Making” in Volume One and the chapters on “Pricing Strategies; Understanding and Capturing Customer Value” and “Demand and the Consumer” which you will find in Volume Two of the textbook
• Information in the Study Hub Online on essay writing and referencing
• Supporting information in the Weekly Learning Block
We will be checking similarity on this assessment.

What are we looking for?

To pass this assessment you MUST:
• Submit an essay that considers cost-based pricing and at least two other approaches to pricing
• Provide references for your sources

To achieve a higher grade in this assessment you SHOULD:
• Make a submission that clearly demonstrates understanding of cost-based pricing and at least two other approaches to setting prices
• Include some critical analysis of each approach in the context of Johnson’s quote

To achieve a grade at the highest level you COULD:
• Provide accurate and complete referencing using the Harvard system
• Include evidence of wider reading
• Use the work of credible and recognised authors to examine the arguments for each pricing approach
• Draw in real-world examples (referenced where appropriate) to illustrate your arguments

Sachakamol P, and Chih-Hung L (2015) ‘Enhancing Value-added Processes for Packaging Related Printing Industries in Thailand’, Management, Knowledge and Learning Joint International Conference 2015, Italy 2015, TIIM. Accessed 7 December 2015 at http://www.toknowpress.net/ISBN/978-961-6914-13-0/papers/ML15-059.pdf

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