Thursday 7 January 2016

Database Project

This is a 5 week long project that includes a microsoft access database. Week 1 of the project, also I started the project description I will up load. Would you be able to work with MS access to complete the rest of this project. Please let me know.

Project details:

Your first step is to select a database you will design and implement in this class. You will make weekly contributions to your overall Key Assignment. The database project idea should first be sent to your instructor for approval before this Phase 1 Individual Project is due. In this first week you will explore a structured design process when creating your database application. You will write a report describing the database design development life cycle and describe in details the steps needed to properly create the database you have selected for your Key Assignment. You will also provide an overall description of your database that you received approval from your instructor to do.

You also should take this opportunity to create the template for your entire Key Assignment project; create a Word document that you will add to for each remaining assignment. The document should follow this format:

Database design project document shell
Use Microsoft Word
Title page
Course number and name
Project name
Student name
Faculty name
Table of contents
Use auto-generated TOC
Separate page
Maximum of three levels deep (one level deep is okay too)
Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so it is up-to-date before submitting your project.
Section headings (create each heading on a new page with TBD as content except for sections listed under new content below)

Project outline
Description of the database design life cycle
The entity relationship diagram
The logical model and normalization
The Microsoft Access database
The Microsoft Access database application

Each week, you will add to this document and submit for grading. As a preview, each section will contain the following:

Description of the database design life cycle (Week 1 IP)

A description of the selected database project
A description of the DBDSL – 7 steps
A discussion about the three steps in database design

The entity relationship diagram (Week 2 IP)
An entity relationship diagram
The logical model and normalization (Week 3 IP)

Logical data model
Normalized to 3NF

The Microsoft Access database (Week 4 IP)

Your database created in Microsoft Access
SQL SELECT statements

The Microsoft Access database application (Week 5 IP)

Complete your Microsoft Access application
Menu, forms, and reports

New Content for This Week

Add the selected database project description under the section titled: Project Outline.

Add the discussion about the database design life cycle and steps involved in database development to the section titled: Description of the Database Design Lifecycle.

The deliverables for this task should include the following:

A listing and description of the 7 steps of the SDLC/DBDSL.
Describe the specific tasks that should be taken at each step in the database development for your selected database.
A description of the 3 steps in database creation (including conceptual, logical, and physical data modeling) as it relates to your selected database.

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