Saturday 16 January 2016

Fundamentals Of Corporate Finance Standard

Book: Fundamentals Of Corporate Finance Standard Edition ISBN:9780078034633

Research Paper:

After you have completed the readings for chapter 3 in this module and reviewed chapter 2 from the previous module, you should be ready for this assignment. Begin by choosing a topic area in ratio analysis that appeals to your desired learning objectives or career goals.

Potential Topics:

Select one of the financial statements and relate it to at least two sources to your discussion of these statements.
Choose one of the ratios presented in the readings and apply research material to the discussion of that ratio.
Discuss the DuPont ratio
Discuss the topic of Benchmarking

To receive full credit, for Research Paper:

This research paper should be 3- 5 pages in length and it should analyze an aspect of ratio analysis from the readings and your research. You are to use standard APA formatting as required by Excelsior College. Be sure to apply the proper terms and concepts from your readings as you are writing this paper.

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