Saturday 16 January 2016

Microbiology discussions


Post by Tre'Linda Little
3 days ago
Re: Ebola Discussion Forum

Ebola, also known as Ebola hemorrhagic, fever is an infectious and a very lethal disease. Many people infected with Ebola has severe bleeding, organ death, and can most definitely cause death. Symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, severe headaches, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, vomiting, and abdominal pain are also included when diagnosing a patient whose infected with Ebola.

This topic is a hard discussion within itself. However, when I heard about the doctors contracting Ebola and then returning back to U.S had me a tab bit confused. I didn't accept that too well, because at that time I lived in Athens, Ga and thought about patients contracting the disease and their families spreading it throughout Atlanta and possibly Athens. I thought about newborn babies and ICU babies because their immune systems aren't strong enough to fight against Ebola. I strongly disagreed and felt like the doctors should have stayed in Africa. However, I felt as if I was acting harsh and selfish, because if it was one of my family members contracting the disease I would want them to seek immediate treatment. I was still nerve wrecked about the situation, because I was really concern with my well-being, as well as, my sister's family that lived in Athens at that time too. I had mixed emotions about this epidemic. I was afraid to even go around people and I hated going to the doctor with sick people because I was afraid I would catch the disease. I felt as if people shouldn't travel, because they were putting themselves at risk and if contracting the disease, they would people more people back home at risk. I think many people didn't take the Ebola serious and put many people at harm. It was a serious and most definitely dangerous.

As my fellow classmate stated, patients with stronger immune systems and a higher chance of survival should receive treatments. I honestly think patients that already have extreme health issues would not survive.


Cowan, M. K. (2014) (4th Ed.). Microbiology: A Systems Approach, McGraw Hill

Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease). (2015, July 22). Retrieved 11 January 2015 from,

Post by Louwell Dettrey
2 days ago
Re: Ebola Discussion Forum

Ebola as a whole is a touchy virus to even deal with, the signs and symptoms are common with other viruses but the course of action to overcome such a virus is another story. The beginning phases of this disease would possibly lead to being diagnosed as the flue, but not limited to these signs and symptoms.

The two American doctors that were infected with this virus were brought back to the states, Georgia to be exact to get treated. But the debate of this case was that others being infected while the transportation was happening, but if the doctors were quarantined properly (in which this case, they were) then the rest of the population would literally have nothing to worry about. But worrying as an average Joe, I would be worried, but also being educated with the education that I have it would not have worried me as much because I know how far science has come. With the government bringing back these doctors, it put the majority of the American people on the edge because of the fact that they are bringing two AMERICAN doctors into the states to get treated and on top of all that, there is not a cure or course of treatment for this particular virus. All in all, the doctors were able to recover because of the medical advances that Emory University had, and all in well now.


Post by Brittni Bower
23 hours ago
Re: Ebola Discussion Forum

Ebola is a severe disease that can be very fatal in humans. It is transmitted to humans by wild animals through infected wild animals. It is transmitted from human to human by direct contact with blood, secretions, and bodily fluids of an infected person. Humans can also contract the virus through surfaces and materials like clothes and bed linens of an infeted person. This virus can enter the human body through open areas on the skin or mucous membranes. If ever exposed to the virus and you develop symptoms, you will need to seek immediate treatment.

The two American doctors whom contracted the Ebola virus in Africa in 2014 were brought back to the U.S. and treated in Atlanta, Ga. I believe the U.S. is right where they needed to be to be treated properly. They came, got treated, and the virus did not spread. It's all trial and error when taking a chance at treating a disease anywhere. Ebola is Ebola and it's dangerous. Same scenario as if someone contracts AIDS out of the country and is brought back to the U.S. to be treated. Because just like the AIDS virus, the Ebola virus can not be transmitted through air, food, or water. So yes, I believe they should have been brought back here to America where we are definitely better equipped and knowledgeable in advanced technology.

As far as who should get treatment for the virus, I believe everyone should be treated if it is single cases. If an epidemic were to break out, I would want to treat the patients whom were the healthiest and had the strongest immune systems. I would also treat all children 12 and under immediately. I have a soft spot in my heart for all pediatrics whether able to be saved or not and that would be my decision.

References: Cowan, M. K. (2014) (4th Ed.). Microbiology: A Systems Approach, McGraw Hill

Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease). (2015, July 22). Retrieved January 12, 2016 from,
Post by Scarlett Parrish
21 hours ago
Re: Ebola Discussion Forum
The Ebola virus is a member of the filovirus family. This virus is very fatal and has a death rate of up to 90%. The Ebola virus was first identified in 1976. Current evidence suggests that fruit bats may be a host but the origin of the virus is unknown at this time. Humans become infected with Ebola by contact with an infected animal or with contact from bodily fluids from an infected human. A majority of the cases are caused by human to human transmission. This happens when blood or other body secretions of an infected person enter a healthy person's body through mucous membranes or broken skin. Some symptoms of this virus include: fever, weakness, muscle pain and headache. As the disease progresses, vomiting and diarrhea occurs along with rash, impaired kidney and liver function. External and internal bleeding can occur in some people. The incubation period is from 2 to 21 days. Laboratory testing is the only way to confirm this disease. Treatments include: fluid placement therapy, kidney dialysis, blood transfusions, and plasma replacement therapy.

Surely there were people in fear when the two Americans came back here to receive treatment from the Ebola virus. They were quarantined at Emory Hospital in Atlanta in "The Emory Unit". The Emory Unit was created in conjunction with the CDC. It was designed to optimize care for people with infectious diseases while protecting healthcare workers. There were proper measures put in place to make sure that everyone stayed safe. The people infected (that were brought here) deserved to be treated for the disease with highest priority in my opinion. I feel that everyone should be able to receive treatment if it is available.


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