Sunday 10 January 2016

PSYC 5513 – Marriage and Family Systems and Treatment

Introduction: The Weekly Assignments are designed to have you use theoretical thinking – a key to being an effective therapist. You will analyze different cases from a variety of theoretical orientations to acquire the needed skills in clinical treatment planning. These weekly assignments are similar to your final project. The feedback and understanding you acquire can assist you in successfully performing your final project in which you will demonstrate sound theoretical thinking.

Directions: Each week you will be given a unique case study appropriate for being analyzed by the assigned theoretical orientation. Analyze the case and compose your responses by going through the steps in the supplied template. Post the completed template to the dropbox in D2L.

Week 2
Student Name:
Points Possible: 44 Points Earned: Percentage:
Category Directions The Theoretical Approaches Used for the Analysis
The Theories: Analyze the following case and perform the remaining steps for the assigned theory.
Theoretical Approach: Structural

or Narrative Therapy
Category Activity Guidelines Activity
The Case Study Use this Case Study for performing the analyses. Structural Family Therapy: The Davis Family
1. Marilyn Davis, age 52, is the mother of three children: Judith, age 17; Michael, age 15; and Jenny, age 7.
2. Her husband George is 56 and is presently unemployed. He has been without work for the last 8 months and appears depressed and apathetic stating that he has been sleeping more than usual.
3. Marilyn and George complain of not getting along and feel discouraged with their inability to parent the children effectively. Marilyn and George seem to have different parenting styles and the children take advantage of this. In Marilyn’s eyes, George is too authoritarian and rigid with the kinds. On the other hand, Marilyn is overly permissive in George’s eyes. When the children misbehave, which has happened a lot lately; Marilyn and George tend to end up in a personal fight about how to handle the situation.
4. Marilyn is concerned about George’s unemployment and feels he is not too invested in finding a new job. The family has already started to experience financial problems and they both know that the savings are not going to last forever.
5. Judith (age 17) has been skipping school lately and her grades have dropped dramatically. She has a new boyfriend and according to her parents is hanging out with the wrong crowd. Her parents suspect that she may be experimenting with drugs. Judith is upset with her parents for not accepting her friends and complains that they are too conservative and judgmental. Both Marilyn and George seem to agree that Judith is very smart and fear she may be giving up on her studies because her friends are not interested in school. Marilyn also complains that she and Judith are not close any more.
6. Michael (age 15) has been having problems in school also and the teacher is worried that he may have a learning disability. Michael has problems concentrating on one task and seems distracted most of the time. The teacher has also noticed that Michael is spending less time with friends. He spends time alone and does not look happy. At this point, the teacher has recommended that Michael be tested for special services and has suggested that he see the school counselor. Michael is very close to his mother and is more distant with his father. Michael seems to be Marilyn’s confidant. The school counselor has recommended family counseling.
7. Jenny (age 7) seems to be very shy and struggles to verbalize her feelings. She is normally the “left out” child in the family because the parents are focusing more on Judith and Michael. She likes reading and often withdraws to her room rather than playing with other children in the neighborhood. When Marilyn and George fight, Jenny gets upset and swiftly disappears into her room. Jenny is probably the closest to dad and seems preoccupied with the fact the he is not working now.
Program Outcome 1: Professional Knowledge: Students will create the capacity for thorough and integrated professional level of knowledge for the discipline of counseling and psychology
Student Outcome: Students will create the capacity to comprehend psychological concepts and compose principles to utilize and explain essential course content material and employ in professional applications.

Part 1: Theory Summary
Explain the theory, not as a series of ideas, but as a dynamic integration of the ideas of the theory in a coherent and integrated summary.

Present the summary of the theory by completing the following two steps.

Theory Summary:
Step 1: Concepts of the Theory: Review the Key Terms for the given theory. This can be found in any provided handout information and the two textbooks. The Guise book is a good source for a detailed and concise explanation of the theories.

Step 2: Summarize the Theory: Write your summary of the theory that integrates how the Key Terms related to each other within the theory. [State the Name of the Theory]
Theory Summary:
Rubric: Theory Summary

Factor: 1 4 Points – Exemplary
Exemplary presentation of the theory points and principles in a cohesive pattern clearly describing the theoretical perspective, applying the theory accurately, and providing strong examples of all concepts suggested 3 Points – Proficient
Described some of the theory points and principles in a comprehensible pattern describing the theoretical perspective, missed some key concepts or demonstrated minor errors in applying concepts to the case.
2 Points – Developing / Needs Improvement
Description revealed several instances when concepts were inaccurately applied, failure to identify key concepts in the application of the theory. 1 Point – Not Developing – Inadequate
Description did not apply theory to case. Did not demonstrate understanding of concepts applied to the case
Program Outcome 2: Disciplined Thinking: Students will create a capacity for disciplined thinking capacities and models for theoretical and practical thinking to include decision making, skillful case analysis using the methods and tools of the discipline.
Student Outcome: Students will demonstrate the capacity to perform the processes analysis, evaluation, diagnosis, planning, and professional recording processes

Case Conceptualization, Analysis, and Synopsis
The purpose of the Case Conceptualization and Analysis is to practically apply theoretical thinking in explaining interactions, relationships, symptomology, emotions and behavior.

1. Answer the questions to prepare you for your analysis.

2. For each specific point of the case, give an appropriate and concise explanation of the point according to the theory.

3. Write a synthesis of your analysis by explaining how the relevant elements of the case study are explained according to the theory.

4. Using the following three questions as a guide, form one or two substantial paragraphs explaining your analysis.

1) What is going on regarding the interactions, relationship, emotions, behavior, and any symptomology of psychopathology?

2) Based on your analysis, how do you explain the interactions, relationship, emotions, and behavior related to clarifying the problem?

3) How is the theory applied in explaining the dynamics of your analysis?
Case Conceptualization Synopsis: [State the Name of Case]

1) As a structural family therapist, ow could you help this family “reframe” the presenting problem? What problems do you think a therapist would have in joining with this family?
2) Identify any boundary issues and coalitions between the family members. How do you think these should be addressed? For example, should Michael’s relationship with his mother be altered?
3) What power issues exist in this family? Is it equally shared? Has the father’s loss of employment changed this balance?
4) How tempted are you to intervene with each child individually? How do you think a structural family therapist would try to deal with the problems of the two teenagers and Jenny?

Analysis of the Davis Family - Structural:
Rubric: Case Conceptualization, Analysis, and Synopsis

Factor: 5 4 Points – Exemplary
Thorough analysis of each point element of the case and synthesizes the analysis into a coherent case explanation justifying the primary factors needing to be addressed in treatment. 3 Points – Proficient
Basic analysis of each element of the case: The synthesis of the case gives a basic explanation without fully applying all of the principles of the theory identifying all the relevant factors needing to be addressed in treatment. 2 Points – Developing / Needs Improvement
Very little application of the basic principles of the theory showing poor integration of the analysis in which the analysis showed only an overview of the case without a complete analysis. 1 Point – Not Developing – Inadequate
Only a very broad explanation of the case with little or incorrect use of the theoretical principles
Program Outcome 2 - Disciplined Thinking: Sub-Outcome: Effective Communication: Students will create the capacity for expressing excellence in thinking through quality written and oral communication in a supportive and non-judgmental manner
Student Outcome: Students will demonstrate the capacity to effectively perform formal writing, apply correct APA style, utilizing correct grammar and writing style in order to communicate effectively and ethically with diverse audiences using a variety of media.
Writing and Presentation Your writing should stand alone, while clearly exploiting the features taught in class: implicit or explicit thesis, relevant evidence, deliberate order and careful selection of words.
The final paper should be presented in this template demonstrating correct writing and ensuring all of the assigned theories have been used in analyzing the case. The following are the criteria being used in your evaluation; you will not be writing anything into the following table cells; rather, you are to review and edit your writing to ensure it meets these criteria.
The purpose of the presentation of your paper is to reveal and demonstrate the effectiveness of your thinking so that others can recognize you as a skillfully trained and competent individual – a professional in presenting your ideas. Purpose: Overall, essays may show an unusual or inventive approach in response to the prompt or may express keen application of instruction and understanding of content.

Upon the final completion of your project, review and make sure you have analyzed the case by every assigned theory. Length is not a consideration but concise and thorough writing is important.

A Principle: Cerebro-Syntactical Correspondence; i.e., writing is thinking! Sloppy thinking leads to sloppy language, and vice versa. The analysis requires coherent thinking in which you clearly state your ideas demonstrating good grammar, punctuation, and the correct understanding of the theory and case study. Very importantly, read your paper aloud (to yourself or another person) ensuring you say every word. This will help you hear that it reads correctly (words are in correct verb tense; the sentences make sense and flow together, etc.). This process is a very powerful method for correcting your paper. You may need to read it aloud several times to ensure it is fully coherent.
Convention Adherence of Convention attends with exceptional proficiency to appropriate usage, grammar, attribution (giving credit where due), documentation (providing correct and complete information regarding the sources of information and ideas; identifying the sources of ideas, words, and data obtained from another person to such a degree of specificity and accuracy that an observe knows clearly what ideas, words, data, and products to attribute to sources other than the authoring student), format, and other conventions of educated discourse; the work is essentially error-free.
Organization / Structure Demonstrate coherence, intelligibility, conciseness, orderliness, soundness of logical relationships, persuasiveness, completeness, appropriate method and form of presentation. Your writing should consciously take into account audience and purpose, while considering the context for the message. Review and ensure that your ideas are well organized and logical, written in correct complete sentences, and properly constructed as paragraphs.
Substance / Support The paper shows factual accuracy, appropriate and adequate evidence and pertinent research. Analysis is original, and the evidence and logic clearly move the argument forward effectively. An important part of doing an analysis is that you present concrete evidence from the correct presentation of the theory’s concepts and principles to the elements of the case conceptualization.
Style / Coherency Style demonstrates fluency of language, precision of vocabulary, effectiveness of sentence structure, use of active verbs and imaginative use of language. Tone is appropriate for the intended audience. The composition need not be perfect in syntax or spelling, but should show deliberate control of language and delivers prose that achieves the desired effect.

Your use of language needs to reflect your capacity to write your thinking demonstrating collegiate / graduate level diction being effectively used throughout the project paper. This means you effectively and creatively use sentence patterns in presenting your ideas.
Objectivity (Formal Writing in third person) Describe the theories accurately and refrain from presenting your point of view about the theory during the “Summary of the Theory” part of the presentation. You want the tone of your essay to objectively and fairly present the theoretical point of view without a biased judgment. The “Case Conceptualization and Analysis” should show this same level of objectivity. The “Evaluation” of the theory should show that you’ve fairly judged the theory based on evidence – the strengths and limitations of being able to explain the case and not whether you personally like the theory or not.
APA Format This paper does not require you to use the APA format; you are to use this template for writing and presenting your paper. However, any references presented must follow APA format.
Rubric: Writing and Presentation

Factor: 1 4 Points – Exemplary
Writing reflected proper APA formatting, purpose, structure, support, coherency, objectivity and correct style/grammar.
3 Points – Proficient
Writing reflected proper APA formatting, purpose, structure, support, coherency, objectivity and correct style/grammar with minimal errors. 2 Points – Developing / Needs Improvement
Writing reflected multiple errors in proper APA formatting, purpose, structure, support, coherency, objectivity and correct style/grammar with minimal errors and impacted the ability to understand the content of the paper. 1 Point – Not Developing – Inadequate
Proper APA formatting, purpose, structure, support, coherency, objectivity and correct style/grammar was not utilized with extensive errors and significantly impacted the ability to understand the content of the paper.
Program Outcome 3: Practical Application:
Students will demonstrate the capacity to comprehensively explain practical cases through assessment, analysis, and planned intervention related to psychopathology, treatment design, and treatment intervention

Students will demonstrate the capacity to design comprehensive treatments utilizing counseling theories, research regarding underlying patterns of psychopathology, and therapeutic interventions
Part 4: Treatment Plan

Based on the specified theory, formulate a treatment plan for two changes you determine are most important for the client.
(1) Describe the specific problem you are addressing from the case
(2) Describe one long-term goal relevant to the problem
(3) Describe two short-term objectives that lead to achieving the long-term goal
(4) Describe two specific interventions based upon the theory you are using in the analysis. Treatment Plan – First Issue:
(1) Problem
(2) Long-term Goal:
(3) Short-Term Objectives
a. Objective 1:
b. Objective 2:
(4) Interventions:
a. Intervention 1:
b. Intervention 2:

Treatment Plan – Second Issue:
(1) Problem
(2) Long-term Goal:
(3) Short-Term Objectives
a. Objective 1:
b. Objective 2:
(4) Interventions:
a. Intervention 1:
b. Intervention 2:
Rubric: Treatment Plan

Factor: 1 4 Points – Exemplary
Created a complete and accurate treatment plan for the case from a selected theory justifying why it would be the best fit for addressing the client issues. 3 Points – Proficient
Created a basic treatment plan that was accurate but not thorough in describing the plan elements..
2 Points – Developing / Needs Improvement
Treatment plan was not showing clear connection of objectives to the goal or the goal to the description of the problem. 1 Point – Not Developing – Inadequate
Treatment plan did not show a clear or correct identified problem and how it connects to the theoretical model.
Program Outcome 4: Research & Assessment:
Research: Students will create the capacity for demonstrating the ability to access, evaluate, appropriately apply research, and design research in a way to develop professional expertise.
Assessment: Students will create the capacity for demonstrating the systematic evaluation of client’s using mental status evaluation, psychological and family assessment instruments, and clinical interviewing.
Student Outcome 1: Students will demonstrate the capacity to comprehend research studies, reports, and articles
Student Outcome 2: Students will demonstrate the capacity to evaluate the proper design, statistical methods, analysis, and conclusions of research articles
Student Outcome 3: Students will demonstrate the capacity to properly apply research in case analysis, treatment design, and therapeutic interventions.
Student Outcome 4: Students will demonstrate the capacity to design research from conceptualizing a researchable need to hypothesizing ideas into proposing an appropriate research study utilizing proper research design
Student Outcome 5: Students will demonstrate the capacity to perform structured and unstructured individual assessment and apply it to performing individual evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment design.
Part 5: Evaluation of Strengths and Limitations

The purpose of this part is to develop your critical sense of these theories. Effective theoretical thinking requires that you recognize the any theory will have strengths and limits so you can appropriately integrate these theories into clinical practice, knowing when to use them and when not to use them. Evaluation: Strengths and Limitations: Accurately provide a detailed description of the strengths and limits of the theory in being able to explain the case study.

Step 1: Review your Case Conceptualization and identify which parts you were easily able to explain by the theory (Strengths) and which parts you struggled to explain because the theory seemed limited or inadequate to presenting principles and concepts to explain it (Limits).

Step 2: Write a summary of the strengths and limits of the theory. This typically will be presented in two substantive paragraphs: One paragraph for strengths and another paragraph for limitations. Strengths:

Rubric: Evaluation of Strengths and Limitations

Factor: 1 4 Points – Exemplary
Presented a strongly supported rationale for the selected theory to be applied in addressing the client needs within the case.
3 Points – Proficient
Presented a rationale with some support for why the theory was selected to be used in addressing client needs within the case. 2 Points – Developing / Needs Improvement
Presented rationale was lacking support for why the theory was selected to be used in addressing client needs within the case. 1 Point – Not Developing – Inadequate
Lacked or poorly presented a rationale that did not support why the theory was selected to be used in addressing client needs within the case.
Program Outcome 5 – Professional Disposition: Students will create the capacity for internalizing the values, ethical principles, personal and professional capacities, and positive mental health abilities to be a positive leadership presence in the profession.
Student Outcome 1: Students will demonstrate the capacity to incorporate the elements of personal transformation by acquiring emotional intelligence, resilience, and eliminating limiting beliefs
Student Outcome 2: Students will demonstrate the capacity to explain, assess and demonstrate ethical conduct in professional settings in the application of counseling according to professional and licensing standards
Part 5: Personal Reflection

Thoughtfully and thoroughly write a personal reflection to the theory by answering each of the following questions within the space to the right.
1. What are your thoughts about how well the values of this theory correspond with your own values?
2. What value or appropriateness does the theory have for you when you begin doing therapy?
3. What would you like to modify in the theory and why?
4. How do you think you can personally apply the ideas of this theory to yourself – what would be your plan?
5. What are 3 useful learnings can you get from this theory?
6. What are your personal thoughts about you being able to perform marital and family counseling within this theoretical perspective? Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Question 6:
Rubric: Personal Reflection

Factor: 1 4 Points – Exemplary
Presented a thorough discussion on the congruence between personal values and those assumed within the theory. 3 Points – Proficient
Presented a basic set of reflections on the congruence between personal values and those assumed within the theory 2 Points – Developing / Needs Improvement
Reflections did not develop their discussion by identifying their own values and the values within the theory 1 Point – Not Developing – Inadequate
No reflections offered or did not pertain to their own values or those of the theory
Program Outcome 6: Spirituality / Diversity: Students will create the capacity for demonstrating the qualities of a virtuous and godly presence in the world through responsiveness to diversity, multiculturalism, and a Biblical perspective within a Wesleyan-Arminian framework
Student Outcome 1: Students will demonstrate the capacity to identify and design treatment for spiritual issues within psychological problems and psychological problems derived from spiritual ideas.
Student Outcome 2: Students will demonstrate the capacity to compare and contrast psychological theories and principles with spiritual criteria.
Student Outcome 3: Students will demonstrate the capacity to compare and contrast individuals regarding cultural and social differences, explain the significance of these differences in performing proper case analysis, and adapt treatment accordingly
Part 6: Evaluation of Diversity and Spirituality

Assess and write a summary of how well the theory addresses and accommodates diversity issues and spiritual needs. Issues and strengths in addressing Diversity Concerns:

Issues and strengths in meeting Spiritual Needs:
Rubric: Evaluation of Diversity and Spirituality

Factor: 1 4 Points – Exemplary
Correctly and thoroughly justified the strengths and limitations of the assigned theory describing the role of the therapist in addressing diversity and spirituality issues in establishing a therapeutic alliance. 3 Points – Proficient
Presented basic insights into the strengths and limitations of the assigned theory with some insights about diversity and spirituality being addressed in the role of the therapist according to the theory 2 Points – Developing / Needs Improvement
Presented limited insights in addressing diversity and spirituality in the role of the therapist according to the theory with only broad indications of the strengths and limitations of the theory. 1 Point – Not Developing – Inadequate
Presented no or poor insight in addressing diversity and spirituality in the role of the therapist according to the theory with inaccurate or a broad indications of the strengths and limitations of the theory.

Weekly Assignment Rating and Factors
Rubric Category Rating Factor Total Points Possible
Theory Summary 4 1 4
Case Conceptualization, Analysis, and Synopsis 4 5 20
Writing & Presentation 4 1 4
Treatment Plan 4 1 4
Evaluation of Strengths and Weaknesses 4 1 4
Personal Reflection 4 1 4
Evaluation of Diversity and Spirituality 4 1 4
44 Points per Week
44 x 8=352 total points

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