Saturday 9 January 2016

The Tissue Types of the Human Body

The human body is a complex structure. Yet, despite its complexity, it consists of only four tissue types; epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous tissues. Each has their own unique characteristics and function. During this week’s Discussion, you will focus on the epithelial and muscle tissues.

Respond to the two topics below for this unit’s Discussion. Then, throughout the week, review your classmates’ posts and comment as appropriate on at least two other posts per the Discussion Guidelines below:

1) Epithelial tissue is one of the four tissue types of the human body.

a) Describe the various functions of epithelial tissue. In your post, describe the multiple morphologies (shapes) and structures of epithelial tissue. Provide an example of an organ in the human body that has epithelial tissue.

b) What is the cause of acne vulgaris? If your teenage son had a case of acne vulgaris, what treatments would you recommend?

2) There are three types of muscle tissues; skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.

a) What are the functions of each of these muscle types?

b) What are the similarities and differences between the structure and function of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle?

c) Provide examples of organs that contain smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, and cardiac muscle.

d) A 65-year-old man went to the local emergency room complaining of tightness in his chest, shortness of breath and heartburn. He is diagnosed with a myocardial infarction.
- What are the causes of a myocardial infarction?
- How does it affect heart tissue?
- Does the affected heart tissue recover? What is the long-term consequence?
- What life style changes do you recommend to avoid a myocardial infarction?

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