Tuesday 5 January 2016

Topic: Economics

Order Description
the request is below: 1.Introduction - 50/100 words 2.A brief overview of poker machine gambling rates and costs in Australia – 200-250 words (diagram requested) 3.A description of the relevant economic theory that underlies polices to decrease poker machine gambling rates - 200-250 words (diagram requested) 4.A critical analysis informed by economic theory/models and supported by sources as to whether the government intervention might or might not work and whether alternative approaches might be more effective - 500/600 words 5.Conclusion – 50/100 words and the topic is about gambling. three files will be there, read carefully. if there is any problems, please let me know! thank!
Submission date: Sunday 10 January 2016

Research essay task
A wide variety of gambling takes place in Australia with the most popular form being on poker machines (formally known as electronic gaming machines, EGMs). The government has long been concerned about the number of people using the machines, the amount of losses incurred, how quickly the losses can be incurred because of the way the machines are configured, the way clubs and casinos have been set up to encourage players to stay longer, the lack of understanding of the probabilities of losing and the significant costs to the economy associated with this gambling.

Many initiatives have been taken over the years including removing ATMs from the playing area, required the time to be displayed on the screens, limiting the number of machines per venue. However, whatever the successes of these initiatives, the poker machine gambling is still seen to be a real problem. The latest initiative is a plan for mandatory limits to use, ie the gamblers will have to set a limit on the amount they are willing to lose and will not be able to continue to play, once that limit has been reached, for a period of time.

Your task in the essay is to examine the poker machine gambling rates in Australia and the economic costs of these to Australia; explain the economic theory relating to the need to decrease the rates and how this could be done; and to analyse issues affecting the likely success of the proposed new policy.
Suggested structure

1. A brief overview of poker machine gambling rates and costs in Australia.

This requires identifying the rates as compared with previous years or with other countries or in regions where the rates are significantly higher than the national averages.

It also requires identifying the economic/social costs involved.

This section will include figures representing the data that are incorporated into the discussion.

2. A description of the relevant economic theory that underlies policy to decrease poker machine gambling rates.

specifically why the market fails to ensure an efficient level of poker machine gambling without government intervention, ie negative externality; and in line with the theory, why the policy change is expected to decrease poker machine gambling rates.

This section will include a diagram illustrating the theory, incorporated into the discussion.
3. A critical analysis as to the likelihood of the government’s latest initiative being successful.

ie discuss the reasons why the initiative might or might not work;
eg the likely impact of the new scheme; its limitations; the extent to which the policy will overcome other issues that affect poker machine gambling eg asymmetric information, issues of equity, rent-seeking

+ consider alternative policies that may be more effective/appropriate

This section will include arguments, supported by sources/evidence of appropriate academic literature, for and against the proposed policy.
Instructions for research essay

Informed critical content

You are required to include a range of relevant scholarly sources that supports the flow and critical content of the discussion. All sources cited must be referenced using APA. For further information refer to Cite|Write http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/
If in doubt about how to reference a source please seek help from the subject librarian.

Maximum word length

Your research essay is a MAXIMUM LENGTH of 1250 words (excluding your reference list – but inclusive of in-text citations). A suggested word count breakdown is presented below.

1. Introduction - 50/100 words
2. A brief overview of poker machine gambling rates and costs in Australia – 200-250 words (diagram)
3. A description of the relevant economic theory that underlies polices to decrease poker machine gambling rates - 200-250 words (diagram)
4. A critical analysis informed by economic theory/models and supported by sources as to whether the government intervention might or might not work and whether alternative approaches might be more effective - 500/600 words
5. Conclusion – 50/100 words
This is only a suggestion, but note the CRA marking sheet for the essay: the critical analysis section has a 40% weighting and needs considerable content.

See Blackboard, Assessment, Assessment Item Two for background information, information on how to conduct the research for the essay, how to write it, suggested sources, CRA sheet and a checklist.

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