Tuesday 5 January 2016

Topic: Leaving the Hive

Order Description
After reading the case study, "Burt's Bees: Leaving the Hive," answer the following questions:

CEO John Replogle wants Burt's Bees to become the "Starbucks of personal care." What leadership traits did Replogle exhibit in pushing Burt's Bees toward this goal? List at least three changes Roplogle pushed Burt's Bees to make to begin attaining Starbucks kind of notoriety.

Please use your references from the same article.
Team Case Study
Instructions and Rubric
Team Case Study Grading Rubric
Maximum 100 points per team case study

Proposition Exemplary
90-100% Proficient
80-89% Incomplete

Answers to questions in team assignments and case studies
Propositions (answers to questions) are well thought-out, persuasive and clearly presented with thorough and accurate research and opinions

Propositions (answers to questions) are reasonably well thought out and presented with credible research and considered opinions
Propositions (answers to questions) are not well thought out, unpersuasive and unclearly presented with little or no research and unimaginative opinions

90-100% Proficient
80-89% Incomplete

Evidence in proposition of concepts, tools and processes presented by course

Propositions (answers to questions) contain evidence of application of course knowledge acquired to the time of project due date

Propositions (answers to questions) contain evidence of some course knowledge acquired to the time of project due date
Propositions (answers to questions) contain little or no evidence of course knowledge acquired to the time of project due date

Paper Writing Style, Format Exemplary
90-100% Proficient
80-89% Incomplete

Writing Mechanics
Paper conforms to APA style and format guidelines; contains no grammar, punctuation or spelling errors
Paper generally conforms to APA style and format guidelines; contains minimal (<10%) grammar, punctuation or spelling errors
Paper does not or weakly conforms to APA style and format guidelines; contains more than 10% grammar, punctuation or spelling errors

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One of the distinguishing features in the earlier films is the presence of video cameras and their low-resolution images that contrast with film images that seem more stable and permanent

  The goal of the project is to have you research a movie of your choice (cannot be a film shown in class whic...