Monday 18 January 2016

Women's & gender studies

Paper details:

2. Read the Introduction in Women Worldwide By Janet Lee & Susan M. Shaw
(pages 1 - 14).

3. Analyze Plate 34 (Debt) on pages 90 - 91 in the Penguin Atlas of Women in the World by Joni Seager. The Atlas provides a lot of information and statistics for various issues that affect the lives of women. You should find that the visual nature of the information helps you see regional and global patterns. In this case, you should be able to identify the relationship between colonialism, poverty, and economic globalization.

For this assignment you will need to pick one of these former British colonies - Bangladesh, Kenya or Malaysia - and do some research about how colonialism affected the status of women. Next, analyze current conditions for women in the country you chose. What has been the biggest impact of British rule on women?

Your answer should be approximately 200 words in length and edited for grammatical errors. If you use statistics or quotes, you must also use references.

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