Monday 28 March 2016

choice to summarise "the century of self" video

choice to summarise "the century of self" video

On March 23rd, submit 2 half-page summaries, one for The Corporation and the other for a documentary of your choice. Please email the summaries to my TA and me as an attached Word document. Use Cambria,12-point font, double-spaced lines, and 1 inch margins. (Fail in this and forfeit 5 points.)

List of Documentaries and useful website
The Take
This Revolution will Not be Televised
A Century of Self BBC
Inside Job
The Corporation
Rebels at the Pipeline

Huffington Post Sustainability section
Triple Pundit
Aspen Institute

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One of the distinguishing features in the earlier films is the presence of video cameras and their low-resolution images that contrast with film images that seem more stable and permanent

  The goal of the project is to have you research a movie of your choice (cannot be a film shown in class whic...