Monday 28 March 2016

: Evaluating website .edu

Topic: Evaluating website .edu
Order Description
My assignment is to evaluate website. I was assigned .edu I need 2 pages excluding title page and reference. APA style please!!

Hi class, for this assignment I want you to evaluateone website with the domain you were assigned(announcements)which is mine is .edu. I have added some videos/PowerPoint (slides 3,5, and 6 links) on some ways to evaluate a website but you are not required to follow these guidelines as there are others you can use. So choose a website and include this in your reference as well as the reference you are using to evaluate the site. This paper istwo pages excluding the title and reference page. So there should be a minimum oftwo references as above. The site you choose may beone that is not credible but state why using the criteria you have chosen. The basicone is the ABCDs on how to evaluate but again you can choose others. Please submit by end of day 3/27/16. The order is 816-24-236

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