Monday 28 March 2016

International Trade Law

International Trade Law

Order Description
Assignment topic : Bills of Lading Essay

The brief :

“With reference to the functions of the Bill of Lading, critically evaluate the extent to which the document fulfils the needs of the buyer and the seller in international sales transactions characterised by the passing of risk on loading and the payment for goods against documents.”

***Please note that :

- Should consider in the concept of critical analyse
- Refer to relevant case law in the answer.
- Word count of 2500 words, excluding footnotes, appendices and the bibliography
-Please use Oscola references
Useful books :

-Carr, International Trade Law (5th edition, London: Routledge-Cavendish 2014)

- Chuah, Law of International Trade: Cross-Border Commercial Transactions (5th edition, London: Sweet & Maxwell 2013) (e-book).

- McKendrick (ed), Goode on Commercial Law (4th edition, London: Penguin 2010)

- Murray (ed), Schmitthoff’s Export Trade: The Law and Practice of International Trade. The Law and Practice of International Trade (12th edition. London: Sweet & Maxwell 2012)

- Sealy & Hooley, Commercial Law: Text, Cases and Materials (4th edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2009)

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