Monday 28 March 2016


Topic: N/A

Order Description
Application Questions:
Using Allport’s trait theory approach, describe Mary’s personality by answering the following questions. Answer thoroughly and completely, using full sentences and citing to sources to support any contentions and analyses.
1.Allport suggested seven criteria that demonstrate that a person is psychologically healthy (mature). What are they? Find examples of them in the case.

2.What are the differences between cardinal, central, and secondary traits? What are some of Mary’s central traits?

3.What is functional autonomy? Find at least one example of preservative functional autonomy in the case.

4.What is proprium according to Allport? What is Mary’s proprium?

5.What is propriate striving? Find at least one example of it in the case.

Theory Comparison Questions:
Answer thoroughly and completely, using full sentences and citing sources to support any contentions and analyses.

1.Compare Allport’s criteria for mental health to each of the following theorists and theories:

a.Freud’s Psychodynamic Theory of Personality

b.Rogers’s Person-Centered Theory of Personality

c.Cattell’s Factor-Analytic Trait Theory of Personality

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