Sunday 3 April 2016

A)Follow the instructions given in the lecture to do the following from Part 2 of the Conveyor Belt Project in Appendix 2 of the text book:

  • -Enter the first task as "Conveyor Belt Project" and then, enter all the project tasks given in Table A2.10. Indent all project tasks except the first task "Conveyor Belt Project”.

  • -Set the project start date as given.

  • -Set the holidays as given.

  • -Enter the activity time estimates.

After doing the above, use the File Save/Print PDF and submit here.


Follow the instructions given in the Overview to complete Part 2 of the Conveyor Belt Project in Appendix 2 of the text book:

  • -Open the Conveyor Belt Project file from the last module.

  • -Enter the predecessors using the steps given under Data Entry in the overview.

  • -Save a pdf of the data entry screen.

  • -Save a pdf of the project schedule table.

  • -Save a pdf of the network diagram.

  • -Save a pdf of the Gantt chart.

  • Answer all the questions given in Part 2.

Submit your answers along with the pdf of data entry screen, project schedule table, network diagram, and the Gantt chart by the end of the module.

Download Attachment:
Big Kola Company.pdf

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One of the distinguishing features in the earlier films is the presence of video cameras and their low-resolution images that contrast with film images that seem more stable and permanent

  The goal of the project is to have you research a movie of your choice (cannot be a film shown in class whic...