Sunday 3 April 2016


the instruction of the project are: precise statement of the issue or issues you plan to investigate, including the range of outcomes advocated by different interested parties, the outcome position you will advocate and a sketch of how you plan to investigate the issue. That plan should indicate who the actors are that are trying to influence the outcome (and what outcome they each support) and what the broad ideas are on the structure of the analysis. For example, if the plan is to solve a game, try to sketch the structure of the game (the moves, who moves first, second, etc.; whether it is to be solved in one round of play -- a single stage game -- or in two or more) understanding that this may change markedly as you progress; or will this be solved as a social choice problem using, for instance, "win sets" or the median voter theorem or the mean voter theorem and so forth. Send the assignment as an email please

I have written it and got feedback on the document will attach can you with the feedback giving edit my paper with the correct amendments

thank you

i will try to find a paper that did good so that you get a clear example of what is asked

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