Saturday 2 April 2016

Call and Qualification Analysis


Order Description
The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to analyze your call to and qualifications for pastoral ministry, as well as to provide insight where improvement should and can be made in your calling.

Section I: Call to Pastoral Ministry
In this section, recount your call to pastoral ministry in no more than 1 pages, employing the material from MacArthur Chapter 6 as a guide for your information. Include all aspects presented MacArthur Chapter 6.

Section II: Qualifications for Pastoral Ministry
In this section, using the specific qualifications from 1 Timothy 3:1–7 as sub-headings and the material from MacArthur Chapter 5, state your qualification(s) or lack thereof for each area with a brief explanation for your answer. Include all areas mentioned in 1 Timothy 3:1–7; do not skip a qualification simply because you disagree with it. This section must be completed in no more than 1 pages.

Section III: Conclusion
In this section, provide a conclusion to your assignment having completed Sections I and II. Note any change in your understanding of a call to, and qualification for pastoral ministry resulting from this assignment. Include observations and questions you intend to pursue as a result of this assignment. Your conclusion must be completed in no more than 1 page.

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