Sunday 3 April 2016

Disater Response


Please be sure to read and answer all questions and ensure all grading aspects are covered before submitting any files. Thank you.


For this project, you will develop a disaster response plan and the primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions as a Health Care Administrator or Long-term Care Administrator related to the disaster scenario you choose. You will create the plan in a Microsoft Word document and a PowerPoint Presentation to highlight the elements of the plan.

Project PartsGeneral DescriptionSubmissionProject Grade Weight
Part 1OutlineAPRIL 8th
Part 2Written ReportApril 15th
Part 3PowerPoint Presentation with NarrationApril 15th
Total  100%


Choose one (1) of the following two scenarios for your project:

  1. Transportation System Collision
    You are the Health Care Administrator of the large local hospital and also sit on the Emergency Preparedness council for the city. You recently moved into a new home near a major metropolitan airport. Twenty minutes ago, a large plane carrying more than 150 passengers and crew crashed into the downtown business district. You live in the community where the plane crashed and caught fire, but are not hurt. You know that the hospital will be experiencing high volumes of injured patients from minor injuries to critical injuries. As the HCA and board member on the Emergency Preparedness Council you have a seasoned Disaster Plan prepared and are ready to execute the plan.

  1. Natural Disaster (Sudden Onset): Tornado
    It is late Saturday afternoon in your County. Since noon, the sky has grown increasingly dark accompanied by a drop in temperature of about 10 degrees F. The barometer has also been dropping steadily, and the wind has increased to a consistent 18 knots from the northwest. A summer storm is clearly imminent.

    At 3:20 p.m., the National Weather Service issues a severe weather warning for the southern regions of the county. There is a possibility of a tornado, and citizens are warned to be vigilant. Weather alerts are repeated on area television and radio stations.

    At approximately 4:55 p.m., a news bulletin from the local radio station reports a funnel cloud is sighted south of town, but is not reported to have touched ground.

    At 5:10, another tornado has been sighted close to the ground, north of the county border.

    At 5:12 p.m., a tornado touches down one mile south and begins cutting a swath across the farmland and small communities in the county. Within two minutes, the tornado has traveled six miles along a destructive path. In the tornado's wake lies a quarter-mile wide path of devastation.

    Fourteen homes are demolished, including three farmhouses and numerous barns and outbuildings. On the edge of the suburban areas, twenty additional homes are destroyed along with several businesses, fast-food restaurants and a strip mall. The Long-Term Care Facility you run has one wing that is damaged and you are currently running on generator power. Twenty or more cars and trucks lie strewn like toys along the highway, and the heavy Saturday evening traffic has come to a chaotic stop.

    Seventeen people have been killed along the storm's path and another thirty-six have been seriously injured. Damage is extensive, and over twenty families have been left homeless. You are the Director and Lead Administrator at this Large Long-Term Care Facility. You were not hurt in the tornado disaster but need to execute the Disaster Plan for the Facility

Part 1: Outline

In Unit 2 you will complete an outline for your course project.

  • Create an outline of your paper based on facts to support one of the scenarios listed above.

  • Your outline must list one heading for section in the body of your paper.

  • You will need to identify at least two bullets to support each main idea for each heading, and develop at least one sub-bullet to support the main idea under that heading (which would be the supporting evidence).

  • There should be at least two levels of information in the body section of the outline.

Here is a link to Purdue's Online Writing Lab for an example of how to write an outline: Please be sure to include a Reference page with your outline.

Part 2: Written Report

In Unit 3 you will complete and submit a written report containing a disaster response plan.

This plan must address and the primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions as a Health Care Administrator or Long-term Care Administrator related to the disaster scenario you choose.

Use the outline you created in Unit 3 to develop your written Disaster Plan.

Your paper must be at least four – six (4-6) pages (excluding title page, references, and appendices). You must use a minimum of three resources for your paper, it is highly recommended that use the ECPI Online Library to conduct your research. Use APA style to format your paper and cite all sources. You are also required to address the following information in your report:

  • Notification

  • Warning

  • Control

  • Logistical Coordination

  • Evacuation

  • Rescue

  • Immediate Care

  • Supportive Care

  • Syndromic Surveillance

The following links have examples of two different disaster plans. These are ONLY a guide. You may add information, delete information, or create your own format. The goal of these links is to provide you with some starting points.

Part 3: PowerPoint Presentation

Your presentation should contain approximately 10 -12 slides. Include a slide that lists your references. Your presentation should contain bulleted points and should be visually pleasing. You must include detailed Speaker Notes in this presentation. The purpose of speaker notes is to elaborate on the information that is on each slide. Each slide should have to brief bullet point ideas and the speaker notes are what you would actually say to the group you are training.

Consider your audience and use clip-art, animation, templates and fonts that best communicates the information. Try to limit the amount of graphics in your presentation as your file is limited to 10 megabytes. Remember to minimize the words on each page. The goal is to create a roadmap of the information but not present word for word details on each slide.

When you have completed your PowerPoint file, zip your file to compress the file size. Once your file is zipped, it should be NO LARGER THAN 10 MB. If your zipped file is larger than this you will need to remove some of your images. You will NOT be able to upload a file larger than 10MB.

Hint: The Microsoft Office Information folder contains links to helpful documents and video demonstrations to help you add audio to your PowerPoint presentation, as well as other PowerPoint tasks.

Note: If you are using a graphic or picture that has copyrights, be sure to identify the URL and the photographer's name (if listed) and the source of the image directly under each image.

General Requirements

  1. Research articles and books on the Internet and via the ECPI Online Library. You must use credible sources. Wiki's and blog are unacceptable sources. Also be sure to stay away from, cha cha,, and other websites of the sort.

  2. No more than 15% of your report should be direct quotes.

  3. Use APA to cite your sources and format your report.

  4. Include a reference page in your written report and your PowerPoint Presentation.

  5. Use correct spelling and grammar. Hint: Use the spell check feature in Microsoft Word, as well as proof your paper and presentation before you submit them.

Course Project Grade Weights, Criteria and Rubric

Course Project Grade Weights

Part 1: Outline10%
Part 2: Report60%
Part 3: PowerPoint30%


Course Project Part 1: Outline Grading Criteria

You will be graded on writing (style, spelling, grammar, etc.) and appropriate use of APA.


 Course Project Part 2 Written Paper Grading Rubric


Possible Point

Points Received

Faculty Comments

Introductory paragraph details the disaster plan content and purpose to the reader.


Conclusions paragraph captures the essence of disaster planning and the role of the healthcare administrator.


All the general considerations in disaster response planning are evident: authority, communication, transportation, records.


The elements of the disaster response plan are addressed thoroughly:

  • Notification

  • Warning

  • Control

  • Logistical Coordination

  • Evacuation

  • Rescue

  • Immediate Care

  • Supportive Care

  • Syndromic Surveillance


Writing is clear and concise


Appropriate primary, secondary and tertiary intervention measures are identified.



  • There are no spelling or grammar errors.


APA format is maintained -

  • Citations and references are written appropriately.

  • At least 3 references are cited in the paper.

  • Less than 10% of the words are a direct quote. (Example, if you have 1000 words, only 100 words can be direct quotes.)


Total Points



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One of the distinguishing features in the earlier films is the presence of video cameras and their low-resolution images that contrast with film images that seem more stable and permanent

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