Saturday 2 April 2016

DQ's for 4,5, and 6

DQ's for 4,5, and 6

Order Description
What are IDEA’s requirements regarding parental involvement in the IEP process?
What factors must the IEP team take into consideration when determining what the least restrictive environment is for an individual student?
Read "Case No. 18 - State Responsibility to Ensure Compliance with the IDEA.” Would a state be responsible for providing special education services if a local school board, defaulted on its obligation?
Read “Case No. 19 - The Meaning of "Otherwise Qualified." One could argue that if parents were fully aware of the parameters of Section 504, then schools would have to operate differently. Would this be good?
Read "Case No. 20 - Defenses under Section 504." Was the decision decided within this case wise? Was it safe for the school community?

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