Monday 4 April 2016

ethical dimensions

Paper details:

we conclude the research project started in Lesson 10. In Lesson 10, you described the details surrounding a historical case of ethical significance. In this lesson, you are asked to analyze the same case you described last time, this time covering the ethical dimensions of the case from the perspective of the different ethical theories we’ve covered in class.

In a normal length post for Lesson 11, you should:

Briefly cover the important facts of the case you discussed in detail last time.

Discuss the ethical dimensions of the case

Identify specific ethical codes that were violated

Discuss who is to blame, why they are responsible, or how they should be held accountable for the failure

Analyze the case from the perspective the three ethical theories we've covered in class

Discuss what you would have done in a similar situation, or what we might do differently to prevent the failures your case identifies.

Submit an annotated bibliography listing all four sources as the first reply in your thread.

Failure to include your FULL bibliography (all 4 sources with annotations) as the FIRST REPLY to your thread in Lesson 11 will result in a 5 point penalty.

See Lesson 10 for Annotated Bibliography requirements.

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One of the distinguishing features in the earlier films is the presence of video cameras and their low-resolution images that contrast with film images that seem more stable and permanent

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