Tuesday 5 April 2016

Interpreting Poetry

Poems about Fathers
Compare and contrast 2-3 of the poems from the “poems about fathers” chapter in our textbook (My Papa’s Waltz by Theodore Roethke, Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden, and My Father, In Heaven, Is Reading Out Loud by Li-Young Lee) and discuss the emotions towards fathers in the poems. How do the poems create their emotional effect on the reader? Your essay should have a thesis statement that offers your idea about how these poems help readers arrive at an understanding of fatherhood.

Paper Specifications:
• 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced
• Clear thesis statement and developed paragraphs that connect back to the thesis
• Demonstration of analysis that relies on textual evidence
• Demonstration of careful attention to formal aspects of the poem (rhyme, sound, word choice, symbolism, connotation)
• Clear organization of ideas and body paragraphs that contain topic sentences
• Follows MLA standards
• Due dates: Consult your course schedule

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