Saturday 2 April 2016

Levels of Care

Topic: Levels of Care

Order Description
Individual Portion:

Each group member will prepare a Word document of 3–4 pages that details the interaction that the patient may have with each level of care (primary, secondary, and tertiary).

For each level, be sure to discuss the following components, at a minimum:

•Services provided for the level
•Medical professionals encountered on the level
•Special issues or challenges involved at this level of care from the following perspectives: ?A patient perspective
?A provider perspective
?An administrator’s perspective
?A third-party payer’s perspective

•Procedure to refer the patient to the next level of care

Be sure to make your answers specific to a patient that has a brain tumor as you trace his or her interaction with the health care industry through the 3 levels of care. In addition, do not forget to use citations and references throughout your paper.

Group Portion: (For my portion of the power point, I only need 5 slides)

Once the individual group members have completed their individual portions, the group should use the small group discussion board to share their findings. The group will then compose a PowerPoint presentation of 20–25 slides that shows the progression of the patient from his or her initial contact with the primary care physician, through the 3 levels of care. For each level, be sure to discuss the following components, at a minimum:
•Services provided for the level
•Medical professionals encountered on the level
•Special issues or challenges involved at this level of care from the following perspectives: ?A patient perspective
?A provider perspective
?An administrator’s perspective
?A third-party payer’s perspective

•Procedure to refer the patient to the next level of care

In addition, the group will construct a flowchart within the presentation to show the progression of care through each level.

When composing your presentation, please be sure to do so professionally (i.e., do not use an overabundance of transitions or effects, keep the slides short, and use speaker notes for the bulk of your information). Also, do not forget to include citations and references as necessary.

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