Saturday 2 April 2016

The role of a Teaching Assistant (TA) in a Special Educational Needs (SEN) compared to the role of a TA in a mainstream school and the impact of this on the wider learning community and the child.

Topic: The role of a Teaching Assistant (TA) in a Special Educational Needs (SEN) compared to the role of a TA in a mainstream school and the impact of this on the wider learning community and the child.

Order Description
This is a Level 7 4000 word essay with a 10% lee way (so can be 3600-4400) for the Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) for Primary School. The learning outcomes for this essay are:
• Synthesize and apply a critical understanding of theories of inclusive teaching and learning.
• Identify and critically analyse the influences on the school as a learning community.
This essay will identify the principal factors influencing the learning in a school setting. The essay will problematise the setting, analysing in an academically informed framework the nuances of the learning community in and outside the classroom: identifying factors which facilitate and impinge on successful learning.
• Clear demonstration of Learning Outcomes 1 and 2
• Critical rationale for your chosen area of focus
• Strong level of academic support from a range of sources of wider reading.
• Links between theory and practice
• Standard of critical analysis in keeping with HE level 7 expectations.
-This assignment requires you to consider the learning community so you will have to be clear about what this is and how it impacts on the child. A clear understanding of inclusive practice (linked to theory) will also be required.
- Consider the works of Blatchford. There are some useful articles/books on the impact of the TA.
I have attached the Module Handbook and my proposal sheet.

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