Sunday, 6 November 2016

Why is it important to assess and qualify risk in general terms; for example, low, medium, or high?

1. Why is it important to assess and qualify risk in general terms; for example, low, medium, or high?
2. how you would quantify the terms low, medium, and high in your project.
3. Advantages to identify risks
4. How is qualitative risk assessment used to prioritize risks and aid in decision making related to allocating resources to manage risks?
5. How would you qualitatively assess risk in your project?
6. List and discuss primary sources of risks in projects.
7. Provide examples and explain when these risks are likely to occur.
8. How does project schedule evaluation and critical path methodology aid in identifying these risks?

Part II— to be available by Monday @11AM MST

Resources: Risk Management Plan Outline, text readings
Write a paper utilizing the scenario you selected last week. Each team member researches two tools or methods for qualitative risk analysis in the risk management industry. Each teammate relays the following in a synopsis of no more than 200 words:
Description of tool or method
One selected risk from your project
How chosen risk could be qualitatively analyzed using tool or method
Assessment of efficiencies or deficiencies
Evaluation of risk scope and severity using qualitative analysis methods
Analyze, qualitative risk analysis with research. The analysis must be no more than 250 words, in addition to individual content, including the following:
Summation of tools and methods with pros and cons of each, preferably with a tabular format and a supporting narrative
**** 120 words of research or news article of Walmart management risks in thei

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One of the distinguishing features in the earlier films is the presence of video cameras and their low-resolution images that contrast with film images that seem more stable and permanent

  The goal of the project is to have you research a movie of your choice (cannot be a film shown in class whic...