Monday 30 January 2017

Analyzing Research on the Benefits of Partnerships

As this week’s Learning Resources indicate, the benefits afforded by effective home, school, and community partnerships often are multifold. Schools, families, students, teachers, administrators, and the community-at-large all have the potential to reap significant rewards from the implementation of effective educational partnerships. But what kinds of partnerships are most successful in realizing this potential? Are there certain types of collaborations that tend to be less beneficial than others?


Research investigating the relative benefits of home, school, and community partnerships is abundant. Professionals can use these research findings to inform their own decision making when striving to forge educational partnerships. In this Discussion, you will build on your knowledge of the benefits of home, school, and community partnerships by examining research in the field. Consider the following:

  • Choose one specific benefit of home, school, and community partnerships that you learned about in this week’s resources. Using the Walden Library databases, the Internet, and/or other resources, find at least one scholarly article that presents confirming OR conflicting research relating to your chosen topic.

  • How would you describe the implications of these research findings for how home, school, and community partnerships are formed and executed in the future? For example:

    • If the partnership(s) described in the research was/were beneficial, do you think this success could be replicated in other settings? Does this success speak to a larger principle, or was the situation observed in this particular research study unique in some way?

    • If the partnership(s) described in the research did not bring the expected benefits, why do you think that is? Could improvements be made? Or do you think it was an anomaly? Why?


With these thoughts in mind, follow the instructions below to post your response to this Discussion topic.

By Wednesday:

Post the citation for and, if possible, a link to your research article, as well as a brief summary of its contents. Then explain if and how the research presented in this article confirmed or conflicted with the Learning Resources this week, and why you think that is. In addition, describe the implications of this research for how home, school, and community partnerships might be formed in the future in order to reap maximum benefits.

This assignment is due in 12 hours or less

APA format and all orginal work


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