Monday 30 January 2017

Discuss how you intend to use your skills and talents to serve the humanity

  • Write 500 or more words essay double spaced about this topic ((( Throughout history, people have used their skills and talents to make the the world a better place for humanity. Discuss how you intend to use your skills and talents to serve the humanity. [ may specify a grub of people, for example, children, persons with long term illnesses.]  )))

  • The essay should include introduction, body ( 3 paragraphs ), and conclusion.

  • The thesis statement should be clear and concise and inform the reader on the main subject matter of the essay.

  • The ideas and argument in the essay should be developed, logical, and supported by examples.



NOTE: Please check your spelling, grammar, and word choice and usage, asa well as consistency in sentence structure, punctuation, subject/verb agreement, and spacing.


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