Monday 2 January 2017

What percentage of the high temperatures are within the interval  – S to  + S?



Search the Internet for U.S. climate data.


Choose the city in which you live.


Click on the tab that reads “Daily.”


  1. Prepare a spreadsheet with three columns:  Date, High Temperature, and Low Temperature.  List the past 60 days for which data is available.


  1. Prepare a histogram for the data on high temperatures and comment on the shape of the distribution as observed from these graphs.


  1. Calculate  and S.


  1. What percentage of the high temperatures are within the interval   – S to  + S?


  1. What percentage of the high temperatures are within the interval   – 2S to  + 2S?


  1. How do these percentages compare to the corresponding percentages for a normal distribution (68.26% and 95.44%, respectively)?


  1. Repeat Parts 2 to 6 for the minimum temperatures on your spreadsheet.


  1. Would you conclude that the two distributions are normally distributed?  Why or why not?

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