Tuesday 21 February 2017

Dante Alighieri, from The Divine Comedy

Dante Alighieri, from The Divine Comedy, “Inferno,” Cantos I-V. 1-2 Why does Dante describe Hell as a city and give it clearly defined geographic features? Dante, “Inferno, “Cantos XVII-XIX, Canto XXVI, and Dante, “Inferno,” Cantos XXXI-XXXIV; 2-1 How does Canto XIX address 14th-century political concerns over state vs. church government in Florence ? Answer

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One of the distinguishing features in the earlier films is the presence of video cameras and their low-resolution images that contrast with film images that seem more stable and permanent

  The goal of the project is to have you research a movie of your choice (cannot be a film shown in class whic...