Tuesday 21 February 2017

Define the problem, issue, or situation

Needs to be 4 to 5 pages of content,
Case Study Assignment, of a historic or current issue.

1. Define the problem, issue, or situation

2. Who is your audience, your boss, CEO, supervisor, manager etc, and whom is impacted

3. The process

4. Discovery of the solution

5. The solution

6. Implementation of the solution

7. Results

The case study will focus on a historic or current issue in your discipline / public safety leadership. You will assess the issue and develop a plan for addressing it..

This could be, but does not have to be, an issue (operational, administrative, policy, training, standards, human resources, budget etc.) specific to your organization that is currently above your responsibility level.

Your paper should:

Identify the leadership challenges in the public safety environment the issue presents, including identifying and discussing the ethical issues the case highlights.
Discuss the leadership approaches, if any, that have been taken so far.

Include a SWOT analysis of the issue.
Discuss your analysis of the issue as a leader and present a leadership plan to address the issue.

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