Tuesday 21 February 2017

What is the colorof phenolredatanacidpH?

Create a 2- to 3-page document in Microsoft Word for providing answers to questions in the following review sheets: Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format. Week 3 – Review Sheet Exercise4: Somemetabolicactivitiesofbacteria 1.Whatis thecolorof phenolredatanacidpH? 2.Whatis thefunctionofaDurhamtube? 3.Whyisiodineusedtodetectstarchhydrolysis? 4.Howisindoleproducedin SIMmedium?Howis itdetected? 5.Howis hydrogensulfidedemonstratedinthismedium? Exercise 5: Fungi, yeasts and molds 1.Whatis theadvantageof viewingmoldstructuresinatransparenttapepreparation? 2.Whatfunguscanbe identifiedreliablybyusingthegermtubetest? 3.Namethreestainsorreagentsthatmaybeusedtofacilitatethemicroscopicdetectionoffungiinclinical samples. 4.Whatis themainadvantageof usingtheslideculturetechniqueforidentifyingmolds? 5.Whatis anopportunisticpathogen?Namethreefungalspecimens.

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