Saturday 22 July 2017

keplers The planets of the Solar System can be divided into two major classes, terrestrial and Jovian planets, but each planet has their own interesting characteristics. With the Stellarium planetarium software, you can get a close up view of the planets and see their features for yourself. Background Question – Describe three characteristics of a planet that you think you could measure from visual observations. Object: Explain the purpose of this laboratory assignment in your own words. What do you think you will accomplish or learn from this exercise? Hypothesis: Write a simple hypothesis connected to planetary features that you will be able to test using the Stellarium software (for example, Jovian planets have faster rotation period than terrestrial planets) Procedure: 1) Open the Stellarium software. Open the location window (F6) and change the planet to the Sun. This will change our observing location to the center of our Solar System. 2) Open the Sky and Viewing options window (F4). Under the “Sky” tab, uncheck the Atmosphere, Stars, and Dynamic eye adaption. Check “Show planet markers” and “Show planet orbits”. 3) Select the Landscape tab and uncheck “Show ground”. 4) Open the Search window (F3) and enter in Mercury. The view should shift such that the Mercury is in the center of the screen. As long as Mercury is actively select, it will remain in your field of view as you advance time. 5) In the table below, make note of the visible features of Mercury. This can include over color, surface features such as craters or ice caps, presence of an atmosphere and cloud structure, and any visible moons orbiting the planet. You can also advance time and try to observe in the planet has a faster or slow rotation.


The planets of the Solar System can be divided into two major classes, terrestrial and Jovian planets, but each planet has their own interesting characteristics. With the Stellarium planetarium software, you can get a close up view of the planets and see their features for yourself.
Background Question – Describe three characteristics of a planet that you think you could measure from visual observations.
Object: Explain the purpose of this laboratory assignment in your own words. What do you think you will accomplish or learn from this exercise?
Hypothesis: Write a simple hypothesis connected to planetary features that you will be able to test using the Stellarium software (for example, Jovian planets have faster rotation period than terrestrial planets)
1)      Open the Stellarium software. Open the location window (F6) and change the planet to the Sun. This will change our observing location to the center of our Solar System.
2)      Open the Sky and Viewing options window (F4). Under the “Sky” tab, uncheck the Atmosphere, Stars, and Dynamic eye adaption. Check “Show planet markers” and “Show planet orbits”.
3)      Select the Landscape tab and uncheck “Show ground”.
4)      Open the Search window (F3) and enter in Mercury. The view should shift such that the Mercury is in the center of the screen. As long as Mercury is actively select, it will remain in your field of view as you advance time.
5)      In the table below, make note of the visible features of Mercury. This can include over color, surface features such as craters or ice caps, presence of an atmosphere and cloud structure, and any visible moons orbiting the planet. You can also advance time and try to observe in the planet has a faster or slow rotation.


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